//------------------------------// // The Element of Sorcery, Part VI - A Decisive Match // Story: The Elements of Virtue // by Rakoon1 //------------------------------// Back at the Dark Side, at the top of Grand Macaw’s tree, was a big stadium, where the spectators were divided according to which side they belonged to. Taking a place of honor at the stadium was a stand standing tall with a pedestal. The Grand Macaw was flying around, while taking the acclamations of the spirits gathered there. He said, while going to the tall stand and landing on the pedestal: “Who's ready for some ultimate buckball?” The spirits cheered even louder and the Grand Macaw continued: “On this side, we have Team Star.” Star and his team descended to the field, getting headbands on their heads and front hooves (front paws in Crosswart and Jackie’s case). “And on this side, Team Scorpio.” Scorpio and his team also descended. Besides Vuli, there was three other spirits. One was the smallest and bipedal, looking like a blue furred monkey, with feathers adorning his head, green eyes and wearing a clothing collarette, a kilt-like cloth, bracelets and anklets. The second one had a pony-like form, being big and buff with a light brown skin with darker markings on his face, a crown with leaves, earings and a piece of brown cloth around his torso, with a special jewel on the collarette. The third one (and only female) was the one that looked more like a pony, possessing a lilac skin with darker markings on the face, indigo eyes and a silky mane with many shades of purples. She was wearing a golden tiara adorned with sapphires with purple feathers on the front, a golden choker with a jewel as a pendant, golden bracelet with sapphyres and a purple dress with feathers on the waist. Star didn’t know why, but out all Scorpio’s teammates, she was the one that scared him the most. “Oh great…” Crosswart said. “Vuli went to call his dear siblings.” “You didn’t tell me we would play against the Shades of the Night” Jackie said. “Who are the Shades of the Night?” Star asked. “They are between the darkest of spirits” Hepheus told. “Their only objective is to create havoc everywhere. You already know Vumi. The short one is Yolo, the buff one is Hetz and the female one is Cahu. They used to be five, but their other brother betrayed them and took their powers, while letting them imprison here in the Spirit World.” “And he’s going to pay for what he did to us” Vuli said, in response to that, with his face turning orange. “Oh, just the thought of him makes me mad!” “And the only thing we need to do is the beat these guys in a match of buckball” Yolo said. “This is going to be so much fun… and easy. I mean, look at them: two miserable spirit guides and three helpless ponies? This is going to be a piece of cake. Don’t you thing, Hetz?” “Agreed” he replied in a grumpy way. “Oh, I hate that little guy!” Clover exclaimed. “The feeling is mutual” Crosswart agreed. “What if we started this match?” Cahu asked in a soft and calm voice. “The sooner we end this, the sooner we can get out of the Spirit World.” “Yeah, let’s do this!” Scorpio asked, turning then to Grand Macaw. “Throw the ball, GM.” “Hey, that is my nickname for him!” Vuli told him with his orange face. “You will be playing this match to see who will return to the Pony World” the Grand Macaw declared. “The winner will reach the highest of heights. And the loser will be sent to the lowest realm.” The Grand Macaw said that last part in such way that caused Star and his friends to gasp. Star then told them: "Okay, no pressure, but the future of the Pony World is in our hooves.” “No, it’s not” Jackie said. “I and Crosswart don’t have hooves.” “I think now is not the time for jokes, Jackie” Crosswart said. “Oh, I almost forgot the rules” the Grand Macaw said. “There aren't any.” He cackled and then declared: “Play ball.” The Grand Macaw kicked the ball to the field, with Star and Scorpio both jumping to get it. The game started and, despite the teams appearing to be perfectly match, the truth was Scorpio’s team were playing dirty, using excessive force and low tricks. Because of that, Hertz was able to score one points, while Yolo scored another. Fortunately, Star and Hepheus were able to recover a little bit, by scoring one point each. At that moment, Star was with the ball and kicking it around the field, but then Cahu just appeared on his way, causing him to dodge, but, as soon as he did that, Vuli charged on him, throwing him against the ground and taking the ball. “Sorry about that” he said. “Actually, no, I’m not!” And he laughed, while his faced turned yellow of joy. But Clover took it back, saying: “Thank you for that.” He then passed it to Jackie who started to run towards one of the hoops. “It’s time to even the score” she said. But suddently, Yolo appeared and made her trip. “Only in your dreams, bunny” he replied, turning to one hoop and seeing Scorpio. He kicked the ball towards him. Crosswart started to run towards it, jumping to get it and pass it to one of his teammates, but when he was about to do it, Hetz grabbed his tail and pulled him down, allowing Scorpio to hit the ball with his foreleg and make it passed through the hoop, scoring. “Ah-ah, three to two!” he exclaimed. “Hey!” Crosswart shouted to Hetz. “Tail is off-limits!” But Hetz just gave him an evil grim and moved away. Star and the others approached him and the former asked: “Are you okay, Crosswart?” “Yes, I am” he replied. Star observed and saw Scorpio and the Shades of the Night receiving the applause of the spirits that were watching the game, especially from the dark spirits. That really annoyed Star who said: “We can’t let them score again.” The match was resumed with the Grand Macaw throwing the ball again to the center of the field. Yolo jumped to one of Hetz’s hooves who then threw him to the ball. Jackie did the same, jumping to Crosswart’s paws who then threw her as well. Fortunately, Jackie was the first to get to the ball, using her feet to push away Yolo and then kicking the ball with the other feet towards Clover, who got an impulse from Star to get to it. Despite Clover was able to receive it with the chest, he wasn’t able to hold on to it, as Vuli gave him a shovel, kicking then the ball towards Cahu. Jackie tried to take it back, but Hetz pushed her out of the way, allowing Cahu to receive the ball and then threw it to the other side of the field. Hepheus took that opportunity to get, but when he was about to get to, he saw something in the crowd that made him lose focus, allowing Scorpio to hit him hard and take the ball, kicking to the hoop and making it pass through it. Hepheus would fall hard on the ground, if it wasn’t for Crosswart who was able to grab him. “All right!” Scorpio shouted. “Four to two.” “Yes!” Yolo exclaimed. “Just one more and it’s out of the Spirit World.” “Oh, I can’t wait to finally have some real fun!” Vuli shouted, happily, with his yellow face, returning it soon to normal. “I wonder what I’ll do first…” Star’s team gathered itself around Hepheus, as he was put down by Crosswart, and the young alicorn told to the Grand Macaw: “I think we need a time-out.” “Time-out?” he asked. “Is that even a thing? All right, sure, talk among yourselves…” Turning to Hepheus, Star asked him: “Hepheus, what happened there? You could have gotten the ball.” “Sorry, I just…” Hepheus said, trying to find a way to express himself. “I thought I saw… my spirit guide in the audience. I just… froze because of that.” Star made a compassionated smile and then said, while putting a hoof on his shoulder: “I understand what you’re feeling. Believe me when I say that. When Moonlight turned evil, I couldn’t help but hasting to try everything to do whatever it would took to bring her back. However, I have to confess that, despite that, I had some fear about being reunited with her. I fear that, seeing her like a dark siren would make me have doubts about what I was feeling… and I was right. But I overcome that by gaining the strength I needed to do the task I needed to do: save her. Just clear your mind and focus on the task ahead, on the game, so that we can save the Pony World.” Hearing Star saying those words made Hepheus gain the confidence he needed. He smiled and then started to get up, saying: “Now I see how you were able to convince your grandfather. You really are very persuasive. Now… let’s win this game.” “That’s what I wanted to hear” Star said. “Okay, enough time-out” the Grand Macaw said, starting to get bored and taking flight to address to the audience. “The party spirits want to see who will reach the highest of heights and who will be sent to the lowest realm.” That statement caused the audience to cheer again. “He really loves saying that” Jackie commented. The game continued. As it advanced towards the end, Star and his team started to recover. When Vuli had the ball, Hepheus came and took it from him, while causing the shade to trip and fall. It was then that his face became blue and he started crying while saying: “Ouch! That hurt!” The face changed again, becoming orange and he said, angrily: “You’ll pay for that!” Hepheus advanced with the ball and then kicked in direction of Crosswart and Jackie. It was then that the former gave a jump, making a roll, and then he became smaller, enough to be hold by a pony. As he descended, Jackie used her feet to impulsive him towards the ball and, with a strong kick, he threw it towards the hoop, making it pass through it. As he went to land, he returned to his normal size and said: “And it’s four to three.” “Great!” Star said. “We only need one more to tie.” The game resumed and ball was with Scorpio. He was able to dodge Hepheus, but then Clover came and took the ball from him, passing it then to Star who was able to score. “Yes!” he shouted. “It’s all tied up.” “Okay, guys, time's running out” the Grand Macaw said to the players. “Who will be clever enough to win their way to the highest of heights?” “We get it already” Clover said. “Highest heights… Lowest realm…” “Could you stop repeating it over and over again?” Jackie asked. “It doesn't even make sense” Star said. “Why would he call this place the lowest realm when he loves it so much?” Hepheus also wondered the same thing. But when he saw the Grand Macaw laughing at the top of his pedestal, and remembering what Crosswart had said before, he realized exactly what he meant with all that. The game resume and Star went to get the ball. With Hetz giving him a pull, Scorpio went to get the ball, with Star having help from Crosswart. But when they went to get it, Scorpio just grabbed the ball and pushed Star away, while using his wings to remain in the air. Crosswart caught Star and then told Scorpio: “Hey, you can't grab the ball or flying! That's cheating!” “No rules, remember?” Scorpio asked. “That’s right” Cahu said. “No rules.” Vuli appeared next to her, with Cahu nodding to him, and he, taking Yolo, throw him against Clover that went to get the ball from Scorpio, hitting him and with the small shade showing him to the ground. Jackie then was able to dodge the Shades of the Night and started heading towards Scorpio, who was heading towards a hoop, ready to stop him. Seeing that, and with the time seconds away from running out, he knew what he needed to do. He run as fast as he could to reach Jackie and, as she jumped to block Scorpio, Hepheus did the same thing and, when she was almost blocking the mutated changeling, Hepheus grabbed one of her feet and pulled her down. This allowed Scorpio to score. With that, the changeling started to cheer himself, with the shades appearing to be very glad as well. Fireworks started to crack, as the audience went crazy. “What?!” Jackie asked. “No!” “Game over” the Grand Macaw said. “Scorpio and his team win.” “Why'd you do that?!” Jackie asked, as Star and the others approached. “I had the block. Don’t tell me you’re still evil.” “I did that because of what Crosswart said before: the Grand Macaw doesn't always say what he means” Hepheus replied, with their bands disappearing. That caused his teammates to make confused looks. But they couldn’t say anything else, as the Grand Macaw flew down and landed on a floating stone and said: “Well, as I said before, the winner will reach the highest of heights. So, congratulations, Scorpio… you get to party with me in the Spirit World forever!” Scorpio’s face just passed from happy and proud to completely shocked. “What?!” he shouted. “You're welcome” the Grand Macaw replied to him, turning then to Star. “And you, Star, and your friends are free to return to the lowest realm: the Pony World. Ugh, so boring.” As he said that, both Star and Hepheus could feel the effects of the venon given to them by Scorpio just losing their effect, much to their happiness. “So that's why you lost on purpose” Star realized. “You realized the Grand Macaw loves this place way too much to consider it the lowest realm.” “I wouldn’t have been able to do it without Crosswart” Hepheus replied. “Always a pleasure to give an advice… even if not meaning to do it” he replied, turning then to the Grand Macaw. “If you want, Your Grandness, I can supervise Star’s return to the Pony World. As well as Hepheus’” “Sure, whatever” he replied. “Have fun in Yawnsville. Vuli, fetch Scorpio, will you? He's the guest of honor.” “You got it, GM” he replied. Before Scorpio could even consider to run away, he was grabbed by Vuli who started to follow the Grand Macaw to his stand. “No… I won!” he exclaimed. “I deserve to go! I have to get back! My queen needs me!” “Oh, my heart just breaks just thinking of your distress!” Vuli said, changing to his sad blue face, only to return to his normal one. “But I just don’t care.” “Now, Scorpio, when I say Grand, you say...” When they were far enough, Yolo said, while jumping to Hetz’s shoulder. “Okay, this was tremendous disappointment.” “Yep” Hetz replied with a grunt, moving away. But Cahu didn’t follow them, keeping her attention on Star. “Okay, it’s time for us to go home” he said. “Before you can go, young prince, may I make a request to you?” Cahu asked, while approaching. “Stay away, shade” Crosswart replied threateningly, while being protective of Star. “But I just want to give him a simple message to deliver in my behalf” she said, without even dropping her calm and soft-spoken demeanor. “It’s okay, Crosswart” Star said. “What message is that?” “Just a simple salutation to my dear brother that is in your World” Cahu said. “I just want him to know we’ve not forgotten about him… and that we hope to be reunited again.” “And why would you ask me that?” Star asked. “Why, because I believe you two are very much acquainted” Cahu replied. “After all, how can you not know a spirit that enjoys chaos more than anything and trick others to get what he wants?” As soon as she said that, Star realized almost immediately who she was talking about. “Discord?” he asked. “Discord is your brother?” “Discord… so that’s his name, now” Cahu said, with her smile becoming slightly more evident. “Interesting…” Jackie placed her paws in front of Star’s mouth and said: “Okay, we better get going before you end up making another reveal to the wrong spirit.” “Yeah, I agree with Jackie” Crosswart said, while reaching Hepheus and Clover. “Let’s go.” And, just like that, they teleported. Cahu stayed a moment where she was, still smiling, and then said: “I hope to see you soon, Prince Star Knight… as well as your world and Discord.” The quintet reappeared in the Nocturnal Desert and Clover said: “Okay, you could teleport us around this all time? I mean, I get it you can go in and out of your tree, but why didn’t you do that on other places from the start?” “Well, teleporting into the Dark Side can be really tricky for a light spirit” Crosswart replied. “Too much darkness. And also it gave me more time to be meet Star a little better.” “It was an honor to meet you too, Crosswart” Star said. “I really hope we get to meet again.” “Me too, buddy” he replied, while tapping Star’s head. “Oh, Star, once you have saved your mother, can you tell her about me?” Jackie asked. “Of course” he answered. “How could I not do that?” “Yeah!” she exclaimed. “You’re the best, Star.” Star turned to Clover and asked him: “What about you, Clover? Are you going to search for a portal to return to the Pony World?” “Maybe, or maybe not…” he replied. “Maybe I can stay for a while. I always wanted to meet the Spirit World. Who knows, maybe I can stay permanently.” “Well, whatever you decided, I’ll be happy for you” Star said. “And I bet Dusk will too.” “Just send him my regards to our great captain… and to Chaos, by the way. I miss him very much.” “I’ll do just that.” Turning then to Hepheus, Star asked: “Ready to come back home?” “Go ahead” Hepheus said. “I… need to do something first.” Knowing what he was talking about, Star smiled and nodded. Proceeding to close his head, Star started to reconnect with his body. Focusing only on that, it didn’t take long for him to start sensing the sweet scent of Canterlot Castle’s gardens and the breeze caressing his mane. He opened his eyes and saw he was back to his body and to the Pony World. “Welcome back” Kurama said to him, in his plane. “How was your trip.” “It was… memorable” Star replied. “Thanks for watching over.” “That’s basically the only thing I can do in this cage” Kurama replied. Outside, Star stretched his legs, feeling them a little numb. Seeing Timber by his side, Star couldn’t help but petting him. “It’s good to see you again, buddy.” “Star…” a voice called, with it belonging to Princess Celestia, who approached. “Princess Celestia” Star said, getting up. “I can see that you’re back and, hopefully, with good news” she said. “You can say that.” “But, what about Hepheus? Hasn’t he come back, yet?” “Let’s just say he’s… making amends” Star replied. In the Nocturnal Desert, Hepheus, now wandering it, tried to gain the courage he needed to do what he needed to do. When he finally got it, he just called: “Sourwood!” He waited for a few moments and then he could feel his presence. Turning around, he came face to face with his spirit guide, that seemed like a dragon, but with no members, moving himself in the way, possessing the body of an eel that was black on the upper-half and puce on the lower-half, with cardinal red hair running through his back and at the end of the tail, having also a beard with the same color. His eyebrows were orange and very long, ending with tuffs that had red and yellow, making them look like fire. His eyes were yellow-red. “Hi…” Hepheus said to him. “I… How have you been? It has been a long time.” But Sourwood remained silent, remaining just starring at him. Hepheus was not liking that. It was always uncomfortable when Sourwood made silences like those. Taking a deep breath, he started saying: “Look, I’m sorry for… everything. You were right all along. I should have listened to you. Because I didn’t, I… I did terrible things… and when I tried to make them right, I ended becoming the Lord of Chaos’ slave and he forced me to… I started a war, I took a lot of lives… And all because I didn’t listen to you. But… I’m better now. I went back to be… my old self. The Hepheus that you know. But… I was afraid of facing you. I was afraid of looking to your look of disapproval… Afraid that you would still hate me. And I just couldn’t stand seeing the one being that had always been by myself ever since my parents died hating me. So… now, I stand before you… ready to face whatever you may have for me.” There was another moment of silence, but then Sourwood approached him, with Hepheus lowing his head. But then the spirit guide’s tail placed itself under Hepheus’ chin in order to raise his head and have both their eyes staring at each other and he replied: “I missed you too, Hepheus.” Those words caused Hepheus to smile, while tears filled his eyes with great happiness.