Fallout Equestria: A Message From The Future

by Shady Mist

Chapter: 32 Chambers

When Twilight woke up, she noticed she wasn't in the same place she last was. "Hah, where am I now?" Twilight asked looking around. "What's this? she said looking at a strange rusty machine with three numbers. Pressing the button it started to do something before parts broke off. Twilight sighed.

Continuing to look around the small room she noticed three glyphs. Twilight translated them as Greeting, Box, and Air. She couldn't do anything with the Greeting Glyph, but when she touched the Box Glyph it opened and revealed a stone plate with another glyph on it that read Autumn. Twilight them tried the Air Glyph, and in doing so opened a passage. Entering it she found a Jadeite before going down.

Exiting she began again to try and find a way out and prevent the future. "Why do I have this feeling that I should have listened to Spike." she thought. "No! I can't think like that, this is going to work, it has to if I can get out of here."

On the corner of a wall there was a big stone pony head with a slot in the wall next to it. On the other side She found what looked like some kind of handle. There was something on the wall that the handle was leaning against. Squinting her eyes Twilight noticed something off. Using her levitation magic that seemed to be the only magic she can do here, she grabbed another plate from the wall, this one with the symbol of Winter. "Winter, so I'm guessing there are probably two more of these."

Twilight not knowing what to do next tried potting the handle in the slot on the wall. It worked and on the other side of the room the floor opened. Twilight went down and grabbed a wooden stick that was just leaning against the wall.

Going the next room she grabbed a wooden bowl that was on the wall. There also seemed to something sticking up inside the wall. Twilight tried pressings it down but didn't seem to do anything. "Maybe if I put the bowl on it." It didn't work.

On the other side of the room Twilight found more glyphs that read "Air, wind and fire dig through the sand." she read before entering the next room.

Each room was mostly the same. Twilight pressed the square o the wall and it turned to reveal a glyph that read Wind. Twilight went back to that other room to reread what the order was. "Air, wind and fire." she read before going back and passing the square again that turned to reveal a different glyph that read Fire. She pressed it again that now read Sand. Twilight tried again and it spun to now read Air. "Finally." she said before going in the other two rooms to repeat the prosses with Wind and Fire.

In the second room there was another Jadeite and in the third room there was another Box Glyph. Twilight pressed it and it opened like the other one, only this one had a round stone. Twilight headed back and saw that a new floor opened.

Going down the ladder, Twilight found another Jadeite, and on the wall was a outline that looked kinda like the wooden stick she found and a hole under it that seemed to be able to fit it. Twilight took the stick and stuck it in the hole. After doing that it revealed a Topaz.

When Twilight reached the bottom there were more of those spears from the other location. Twilight looked down past the spears, there wasn't a floor. "Well, I can't go that way anyway sense I can't fly." she said before walking the opposite direction.

She found another Jadeite. "How many of these are there?" she said before she noticed a rope above her. Twilight tried to pull it down but it wouldn't budge. Continuing to walk there was a stone statue on the wall with three glyph under it, a Water Glyph a Drink Glyph and one that read ( Refutation - Denial - Rejection ).

Continuing, on the wall was a pony face and a wheel with more spears blocking the way. "More spears." Twilight groaned. Calming down examined the wheel. "Okay, now what does this do?" She asked spinning it. After turning it sand spilled out of the pony's mouth. Thinking Twilight held the bowl under it and filled it with sand.

Returning upstairs she and tried using the bowl again now that it was heavier. Twilight was feeling optimistic. She placed the bowl but it didn't work. It wasn't heavy enough. "Grrr." She growled. Heading back down to refill the sand Twilght suddenly shopped at the statues with the three glyphs. Twilight facehoofed. "I'm and Idiot." She said.

Refilling the bowl she poured it in the cup that the statue had. She heard and saw that there is now a rope she can climb.