Failure, Eternally Retold, Part One: The Human Element

by Kiernan

Chapter the Fifth: Advent of Kindness

After a long, bumpy train ride, Nikolas had his cage unloaded from the train and was paraded through what he assumed was Ponyville. Having his first real glimpse of his surroundings through the bars, he was able to discern that he was in a world were ponies seemed to be the dominant species, and Summer Bloom was actually one of the more normal-looking ones. He would have to come to terms with the fact that unicorns and pegasi were very real things in this world. He certainly felt like a caged animal, as ponies would look on his enclosure with awe, fright and joy, gossiping and giggling to each other at the sight of the new thing that had come to their town.

The trek through town didn't last for very long, and soon they were in a more rural area. The houses and the pony populace became less dense as the roads became less paved. Soon it was just dirt paths and gardeners. They came to a stop in front of a dull yellow cottage, with a bright green roof that looked like it was made from actual foliage, as if the whole place was supported by a large tree. Leaving Nik in his cage, Summer Bloom walked up to the cottage and knocked on the door. A bright yellow pegasus with a pink mane opened the door. Nik couldn't hear what they were talking about, but with all of the gesturing, he could only assume they were talking about him.

Summer Bloom returned as the pegasus closed the door. "You're going to be living here for a few days, human. Fluttershy is a good pony. I want you to be on your best behaviour under her care. Do we understand each other?"

"I understand you," nodded Nik. He doubted she understood him, as he had told her his name multiple times, but she still insisted on referring to him by his species.

"Good." Summer wheeled the cage over the small bridge and into the large yard behind the cottage. The pegasus was already there, a clipboard at the ready. With the promise that she would be back in a week to check in, Summer left, disappearing behind the cottage.

The pegasus approached the cage. "Summer tells me you can talk. Is that true, human?"

"My name is Nikolas. And yes, I can talk."

"Well, in that case," She pushed her hoof gently toward the cage. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Nikolas. My name is Fluttershy."

Nik smiled. This was the largest decency he'd been afforded since his arrival in this world. Rolling onto his hands and knees, he took her hoof in his hand, giving it a small shake. "The pleasure is all mine, miss Fluttershy."

Fluttershy smiled briefly, then it quickly turned into a small frown. "I'm sorry to leave you alone so soon after we've met, but I'm afraid I have to step out for a moment. I'll not be gone long, I just need to go visit the library for a moment. I want to know if there's more information about humans I should know before starting in on your care. Are you going to be okay waiting here until I return?"

Nik nodded. "I'll be fine. I just spent the entire train ride here talking to suitcases in a baggage car. At least the rabbits and squirrels move on their own, so it'll at least be less boring."

Fluttershy smiled. "Good. I'll be right back, don't worry."

Nikolas settled in for a long wait, expecting her to to be gone for at least an hour. She was back in ten minutes, with another mare in tow. Nik scowled, not being on the best of terms with purple-maned unicorns, but smoothed his face out. If ponies were anything like humans, you couldn't accurately judge who they were based on appearance.

"Nikolas, this is my friend, Twilight Sparkle. Twilight, this is Nikolas. He'll be staying with me for the next week."

Twilight looked curiously at Nikolas. "And you say he... she... it talks?"

"He," responded Nikolas. "I am a male of my species. And yes, I talk."

"Fascinating," responded Twilight. "Is that... Are you wearing clothing?"

"I am."


"Where I come from, it's common decency. If you walk around nude in my hometown, you will be tackled by armed officers, and thrown into a prison cell. Sadly, it's bigger than the one I'm in now."

"So, what do you think, Twilight?" asked Fluttershy.

"Well, I don't recall reading anything about humans before, but I'll check again. I'll also have Spike check in with the Canterlot Royal Library to see if they have any materials on humans."

"Thanks, Twilight." The two shared a hug, and Twilight strolled off, presumably to look for research materials. Fluttershy turned back to Nikolas. "So, I'm guessing you haven't eaten since breakfast?"

"I have not."

"What do you humans like to eat? Are you herbivorous? I was told you didn't eat meat."

"Actually, humans do eat meat. However, the meat I was given was raw. It's unsafe for us to consume raw meat, in most cases. There are a few exceptions, but for the most part, we have to cook it first. We're omnivores."

"But you can eat vegetables, right?"

"We can. In fact, there are some humans who eat exclusively vegetables."

"Are you one of them?"

Nik shook his head. "Not at all. I keep my diet balanced. I'm mostly healthy. I'm a taxpaying twenty-six year old man with a job and rented apartment, I eat whatever I choose." He looked away. "Though now I'm just a twenty-six year old male. No job, no apartment and my food is given to me by whoever feels like feeding me at the time."

Fluttershy cocked her head to the side. "What do you mean, mostly healthy?"

"My blood pressure. It's higher than it should be, though not quite to any level of dangerous. If it were, I'd be a great candidate for medication, as I already follow most of the regular guidelines."

Fluttershy grabbed her clipboard and wrote that down with the pencil between her teeth. "I'll take care not to add any excess salt. Is there anything you'd like me to make for you?"

Nik thought for a moment. "I don't suppose you'd be willing to let me out of this cage? I may not look it, but before I came to this place, I was a line cook at a hotel. I'd be happy to assist you in the kitchen, if you'd allow me."

Fluttershy thought about it for a moment. "I'm told you injured two animal control officers. How true is that?"

Nik rubbed his neck. "They wrapped steel cables around my throat, miss Fluttershy. I didn't want to be strangled to death." He placed his right hand over his heart, pressing his chest forward uncomfortably so that she could see. "I swear to you, on my honor and on my life, that as long as no intentional harm shall befall me from your hooves, no intentional harm shall come to you from my hands. You have treated me with the utmost respect; it would be the poorest of forms were I not to reciprocate accordingly."

Fluttershy nodded, making her way to the back of the cage. "Consider this your trial run. If you hold to your word, Perhaps I'll let you out more often, but for now, you're on a short leash, Nikolas."

The door swung open and Nik crawled out, his joints popping as he stood up and stretched out. Now that they were on equal ground, they could both see just how big he was in comparison to her. Just as Fluttershy was having second thoughts, Nik smiled down at her. "Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me. Shall we go inside? I'd like to see your kitchen."