//------------------------------// // The Faithful Student // Story: Red Strings, White Chains // by Undome Tinwe //------------------------------// The stars were beautiful tonight, Twilight thought as she downed her glass of cider. Luna had outdone herself, and she could have lost herself in the tapestry above her for hours on end. Anything to ignore the sounds of the party still going on inside of Carousel Boutique. "Hello, my faithful student." Twilight sighed. Guess it didn't matter if she excused herself. She turned to face the mare who had ruled Equestria by herself for a thousand years. "You haven't called me that in a long time, Celestia," she said, hating how cool and detached she sounded to this mare that she loved so much. "Not since my coronation all those years ago." "You haven't been my student for a very long time," Celestia replied, her voice ever serene. "But, something tells me that you aren't seeing me as your fellow co-ruler right now, are you?" The princess always did have a way of seeing through her. Twilight wondered when she would eventually gain that ability for herself. "You're Princess Celestia," she said simply. "I don't think I can ever forget that." Celestia sighed. "I know. I'm aware that I spent many years as your teacher, and it'll take more than you referring to me without my title in private to change that." "I'm sorry." The words were hollow, but they were all Twilight could offer. "I shouldn't have pulled you away from your own engagement party." She barely suppressed a wince at those words. "Congratulations, by the way. I said that before, but I'm really happy for both of you." "Of that, I have no doubts." There was a rustle of leaves as Celestia settled down next to her. She smiled at her, with that knowing smile she used so often as a teacher. "But there's more to it, isn't there? That's why you excused yourself just now." "It's silly." Another cheer sounded off from the Boutique. "Really, you don't have to have to be here. I'm fine." "Twilight, your feelings are valid, and I'd rather help a friend in need than party knowing that some I care for is hurting." Celestia paused. "You do know that I'm quite good at reading ponies, yes? And that you are somewhat of an open book?" "Funny, Rarity says the same thing." Twilight tried to laugh, but it came out sounding weak and fake even to herself. "You're both very perceptive ponies." "That we are," Celestia replied. "Which is why both of us have noticed the way you always dance around the topic of our relationship." She frowned. "Is it really so hard to believe that I could fall in love some day?" "It's not that." This time, Twilight's chuckle was a little more genuine, if dark. "You— Princess Celestia, you were my teacher for over a decade. I looked up to you, worshipped you, during that time. And even if I have a healthier attitude towards you now, you can't deny that you aren't just another pony. You were the sole ruler of Equestria for a thousand years. In a symbolic way, you are Equestria." Her shoulders sagged. "And Rarity... isn't." At that, Celestia raised an eyebrow. "Are you implying that you don't think Rarity is good enough for me?" Despite her attempt to keep her tone friendly, Twilight felt an undercurrent of danger in her voice, and knew she had to pick her words carefully. "No, I think she is," she replied, and that was the truth. "That's the problem." "I don't think I follow, my former student." Celestia smirked. "You've always had a quicker mind than I." "Rarity is an amazing mare," Twilight said, trying to put her concerns into words. "She's refined and graceful and understands how to manoeuvre around the aristocracy and politicians to get what she wants. Her understanding of the workings of Canterlot is better than mine. And she's a pony who rightfully earned the Element of Generosity." "I have noticed all these things," Celestia replied dryly. "I did fall in love with her for a reason." "Right." Twilight stared up into Celestia's eyes as she spoke. "And now, the most generous mare in Equestria, the one who would give up anything for those she cares for, is going to be marrying Equestria herself." Celestia's eyes widened for just a moment before she composed herself. "Rarity and I are not the only ones who are perceptive," she muttered. "I didn't think anyone else besides us two would connect the dots." "You've sacrificed everything for your ponies," Twilight said. "And I know Rarity would do the same in a heartbeat. That's why I'm worried." For a moment, Celestia didn't say anything. Then, she smiled warmly. "You care very much for both of us, don't you, Twilight?" "I do," Twilight replied. "Both of you are so important to me, and I know you're really good for each other, but part of me can't help but imagine worst-case scenarios." A sheepish grin played on her lips. "You know how I can get." "I may have had some experience," Celestia teased. "I cannot promise you that all will be well, Twilight. But, to be honest, our marriage hardly changes the risks. After all, how many times have the six of you risked your very lives for us? As much as you praise Rarity's selflessness, I know that you would not hesitate to give all that you can for Equestria. That's what makes you a good princess." A blush warmed Twilight's cheeks at the praise. "I guess I never even considered how dangerous it was to be a Bearer. Still, that's a different kind of risk, isn't it?" "I suppose, but Rarity is a smart mare, and she understands that the best way for her to serve Equestria is to live a happy, fulfilling life, so that she can continue to do what she does best for a very long time." There was a scream coming from the boutique, followed by laughter. "And she has the five of you to ensure that neither of us burn each other out, no?" "I hope so." The words slipped out before Twilight could stop them. Celestia raised an eyebrow. "Change is a natural part of life, Twilight. And while it's also natural to fear it, we must not let our fears control us." "I know that." Twilight glanced back at the boutique. "But theory is hard to put into practice sometimes." She reached out to nuzzle Celestia. "I'll try my best to get over it, though. For all of our sakes." "There is no doubt in my mind that you will prevail." Celestia returned the nuzzle, and Twilight took a few moments to be a student comforted by her teacher once again. "Now, shall we get back to the festivities?" "Yes." Twilight was ready to face the future now. No matter what it might hold. As they made their way back to the boutique, Celesta asked, "So, how long do you think it will take until you become comfortable with the idea of your former mentor being physically intimate with one of your friends?" Twilight nearly tripped over her hooves, stumbling forwards as she turned to glare at her friend. "Princess!" she choked out, her cheeks burning. Celestia chuckled. "Ah, perhaps another day, then."