//------------------------------// // Internship part 1 // Story: The Chef's apprentice // by vincent789 //------------------------------// Twilight arrives at the auditorium and takes a good look around. She sees that the Dj set had been moved to the side of the podium instead of on it. She also noticed that the tables and chairs had been moved to the wall and that on every table some kind of drink or snack was placed. Half of the student appear to be dancing while the others appear to be standing around talking with each other. Twilight however sees that her entire class was standing around morning and asking her to cook what she made in the championship, with her constantly refusing. Twilight herself decided to go and sit somewhere, just to look at her friends and fellow classmates. It was then that Morning was finally freed from her group and decided to approach Twilight. "Hey. What do you think of this party?" Morning asks. "Well, it's kinda big." Twilight responds. "Yeah. When they heard that you will be leaving us early. They decided to want to be in on it." Morning explained. "Although we now have more food and drinks then we could ever finish." Twilight laughs "Yeah. No kidding about that." she said smiling. Morning sighs, "I will miss you, you know." she said disappointed. "Perhaps I will meet you again, once I am professional." Twilight suggests. "Perhaps. That being said. What is your end goal?" Morning asks. "I would like to have a multicultural restaurant in Canterlot with me as master chef." Twilight explains. "That is a nice goal. I can't wait." Morning said. "Me too." Twilight responds. "I guess, this is it." Morning said. "Yeah." Twilight turns to face her. She then shook her hoof. "To a good future!" Morning shouts loudly with a glass of strawberry juice. "TO A GOOD FUTURE!!!" Everyone in the auditorium shouted back. Twilight nods, "I would love to stay. But I am expected at 6 O'clock tomorrow." she said. "I see." Morning said. "I will see you guys in Lunarium!" Twilight shouted to her classmates, they nod in turn. Twilight then proceeded to walk to the door and head home. --------------------------------------------------------- Once home, Twilight ate dinner and went to bed early. The following very early in the morning, ---------------------------------------------------------- It's 4 O'clock in the morning. Twilight's clock went off and she herself woke up. She then proceeded to take a shower and head downstairs to eat breakfast. Twilight then headed for the kitchen and grabbed her personal box that contains her knife set and equipment. Moving back to the living room she grabs a piece of paper containing the address before heading to the front door. She quietly opened it, stepping through the door frame, and ending up outside. She then closed the door behind her before making her way to the commercial district. As soon as she arrives at the commercial district, she looks at a local map. It says that the restaurant is near the castle and practically next to the magic station. She then moves her way to the location of interest. After wandering a good 10 minutes searching for the restaurant, she atleast made it to the castle. Twilight then decided to approach the nearest guard for advise. "Sir? Can ask you something?" Twilight asks the guard. The guard looks down to see Twilight and smiles "Of course. How may I help you?" he asks. "I am searching for restaurant Snow Drop. Do you know where it is?" Twilight asks. "Of course. If you follow the street opposite to the castle heading east. Keep going until you see the magic station. it should be from the south from it." The guard explains. "Thank you." Twilight replies as she walks that direction. A few minutes of walking east later, and she sees the magic station. She immediately looks to her right and sees the surprisingly small restaurant in the corner. Twilight then decided to approach it and sees a staff entrance. Entering the staff entrance she gets stopped by a guard. "Why are you entering the staff entrance?" The intimidating guard asks. "Um. I am the new intern. Twilight Sparkle is the name." Twilight responds. He raised his eyebrow. "I see. You are quite early then. The boss isn't even in yet." he said. "Well, I wanted to be early. Since this is my first day, I firstly needed to find the restaurant." Twilight explains. He nods his head, "That makes sense. Okay Twilight, come with me. I will show you the dress rooms." He explains before moving alongside Twilight to go inside. "Before we go in. Can I ask you something?" Twilight requests. "Sure go ahead." the guard replies. "Well is this it? I heard that the Snow Drop restaurant was bigger..." Twilight asks openly. The guard sighs, "It used to. Back in Luna's golden days. Nowadays we are a small six star restaurant." he explains. "I see. Sorry for the depressing question." Twilight said worried. "It's fine. Back then it didn't look this beautiful. Now we have a beautiful garden that grows their own tomatoes and such." The guard proudly displays. He point at the vegetation growing on the side of the building. And the small vegetable garden. "Small, but important, eh?" Twilight responds. "Exactly. The outside attracts tourists. The inside attracts both royalty and nobility." The guard said. "Let me get you some nice clothing to stand in." He says pointing at the dress room. "Okay." Twilight responds with. "What is your location?" The guard asks. "Kitchen." Twilight states. "I see. Be careful! The kitchen doesn't tolerate mistakes. Unless they are honest ones." The guard warns. "Honest ones?" Twilight asks. "Yes. Where you always blame yourself and not others for the mistake." He explains. Twilight nods as she put the clothing on. And proceeds into the kitchen to take a look around. Once inside, she was immediately taken aback. The kitchen was nothing like you see in normal six star restaurants. Nothing was made out of stainless steel, rather most were just good old granite on wood. Some cabinets were entirely wooden. With the exception for the fridge and stove. They were made of stainless steel. The flooring was stone tiles and the walls of paint. The ceiling was also made of paint. The kitchen looks homely and cozy. There is even a fireplace. "So how is the kitchen?" The guard asks. "Different. Very different." Twilight states with disbelieve in her voice. "Yeah. That it is. But this small room is indeed the kitchen." The guard confirms once again. "How many are in the kitchen at all times?" Twilight asks. "Well three. The head chef, The Sous chef, The prep chef. And sometimes 2 additional interns." He explains. "Hmm. That is reasonable." Twilight sighs in relief. "It is?" The guard asks surprised. "Well if the original three are masters. Then yes. That is reasonable." Twilight confirms once again. "I see." The head chef said. He simply walked in on their conversation. Twilight almost jumped. She then attempted to regain her composure but simply taking a seat. "You are Twilight?" He head chef asks. "Yes." Twilight responds. "Very good. How much field experience do you have?" The head chef asks. "About 3 weeks. I helped in the castle catering, I assisted Royal Chef's restaurant for a week. I practically handle my classroom's lunch for about an half a year." Twilight explains. "Oh. That is not bad." The sous chef said as she walks in on the conversation. "Yeah. We have had worse." The prep chef says. "How about some introductions?" Twilight asks. "Sure. My name is Star Chef, I am Royal's younger brother." The head chef said. "My name is Bella Lulamoon, Prep chef at your service." Bella said. "I'm Anna Star, First place in the International Champions league for Rank F." The Sous chef said. 'Lulamoon?!' Twilight thought surprised, "Nice to meet you. I am Twilight Sparkle." Twilight introduced. "Nice to meet you." the trio replied. "What did you mean with you had worse?" Twilight asks. "Ugh. Well you see, in the past I had to babysit Prince Blueblood for an intern. He wasn't bad, but..." Bella said groaning. "Let's just say. He was terrible at cleaning up." Anna added. Twilight giggled, "I see. He seems too blue to accept cleaning." Twilight play on worded. "Yup!" Star said, trying his best to ignore Twilight's bad pun. "Anyways, this time around we only have a single intern." Bella explains. "So what is your specialty?" Star asked. Twilight mood immediately went down at that question. "I don't have one yet." she replied gloomly. "It will come. By the way my name is Gros Shy." The guard stated. "Nice to meet you too." Twilight said. "Okay, First Twilight please go clean your hooves and put this net over your hair. The others know what to do." Star said as he switched gears. Twilight then proceeded to clean their hooves thoroughly and placed all her hair inside the net and on top of her head. "Good. Let me explain how we work. The prep chef chops everything and prepares soups and sandwiches. The sous chef checks everything and is charge of preparing the hot ingredients. My job is to check and plate, including the occasional check up on the guests. Your job for your first day will be to make sweets. Some guest specifically asks for sweets, we let those be made by the interns. As we don't usually make sweets for that reason they don't need to be of high quality. But the better they are, the higher chance we get better tips. So do your best!" Star instructs. "Okay. Is there anything specific you want me to make?" Twilight asks. "Yes. Please make things that can be place on a single plate. So muffins and the like. Not entire cakes. Unless you can make very high quality, luxurious cakes. Like an Opera." Star instructs further. "Understood." Twilight said. "Now the challenge you are faced with. Is the lack of space. Use as little space as possible and if need be improvise. My guests like creative sweets. Good luck!" Star said as he got to work. 'Oh no. I am immediately pushed to be creative. Okay, maybe I should make some petit fours, but with chocolate cake instead.' Twilight thought. Twilight begins by grabbing a mixing bowl and placing that on the break table. Adding and mixing when it's needed, she decided to make simple sponge flat cake. Pouring the mixture in a baking sheet and putting it in an oven. And setting a timer on 35 minutes. The oven was set on 180 degrees celsius*. Meanwhile she grabbed Nutella and peanut butter, both are in pot form. And waited on the cake. While she waited the first guests entered. It was royalty. It's Celestia and Trixie. They both order a salad and a sweet. "Twilight, how long until you are done with the first sweet?" Star shouts. Twilight looks at her tools and the clock. "Give me 10 minutes!" She returned. Star was satisfied with that response. And moved on to the salad. Twilight noticed who the guest was and saw at the corner of her eye, that star was adding mozzarella to her salad. "I know those two. Don't add mozzarella to the salad for the blue pony! She is allergic." Twilight shouted which was met with a "Shit!" in return. Twilight noticed him throwing the salad in the trash before carefully making one with cheddar instead. "Ting!" Twilight's clock went off. Twilight then quick cooled it in the fridge. She waited 3 minutes before moving it out of the fridge and she cut it into tiny cubes. It was three times layered. two layers of chocolate and one with peanut. six layers of cake. She then put it on a black plate put some powder sugar over it. "Done!" Twilight said as she complete two sets. "What is it?" Star asked. "A peanut and chocolate petit four. With powdered sugar. On a black square tiny plate." Twilight replied immediately. "Looks good." Anna said. "It also smells decent." Bella said. "Very good. Please wait for their response. After that, please prepare some more. Before switching gears. Make something else after cleaning up." Star instructs. "Ding!" Star presses the bell and explains to the waiters what the sweet is. The waiter nods and serves it. A few moment later. Star listens to their responds. "It's seems it's liked. Good job." Star was about to move on when the waiter came back once again. Star listens to the waiter and smiles. "It was loved. We got a large tip. It seems the blue one was impressed with the presentation." Star corrected. Twilight smiles at Star while continuing her work on the petit fours. 'Wow. See Twilight you can do it when you try.' Twilight thought to herself. Star looked at Twilight's direction to see her beaming at the results. He raised his eyebrow, but said nothing. After a few minutes of finishing up her work on the petit four. Twilight continued to primarily clean her stuff up. Before starting her next project. Looking around she searched for idea's, or recipes even. Finding none, Twilight decides to ask for advice. "Star?" she asks. "Yes?" Star replied, while working on what appears to be toast with melted brie. "How should I go about making new things? Do you have any recipes and such?" Twilight asks. "Hah!" Bella interrupted, "I am sorry about that." Star said looking annoyed at Bella. "But, we work with a no recipe basis. That means, we can't make things that we don't just make on the spot." He explained. "Oh." Twilight said with a hint of uncertainty in her voice. "But! We can give you a hint about how to get new ideas and such." Anna interrupted and offered. Twilight nodded and Anna quickly finishes off what she was doing. "There is a reason why this place is homely. Look around. Gather inspiration from around you. And make what comes to your mind." Anna hinted. "I see, thank you." Twilight replied with a small smile. Anna nodded back and went back to work. 'Oh dear. This is harder than I thought. Perhaps the tranquility of the garden could create some inspiration.' Twilight thought as she moved into the garden. Twilight took a good look around. The garden housed a bonsai tree and some bushes. It had a small pond with some fish in it. The vegetation on the side of the building was flowing from the ground. She also noted a bunch for random flowers on the side of the cobblestone path. Besides the staff entrance was a small bench made in a victorian style. After sniffing a rose, Twilight got a sudden idea. 'Red velvet cookies with white chocolate and a nutmeg spice blend!' Twilight internally shouted. Heading back inside, Twilight grabbed every single oven sheet with baking paper. She then grabbed a bowl and mixed unsalted butter, light brown sugar and white granulated sugar together. She decided to beat it together until it became creamy. She then added vanilla extract, some red food colouring and a egg together. After beating together into a whole once again. She added the last ingredients together, these being some flour, a hoofful of cocoa powder, a small bag of baking powder, a teaspoon of soda and finally some salt. After the ingredients were mixed into what appears to be cookie dough. Twilight added the important white chocolate chips and distributed to the best of her ability. Finally to give it some flair and a personal touch, she mixed nutmeg, cinnamon and powdered sugar together. Adding it to the cookie dough. Twilight then started to size and portion the cookie dough into balls and put it onto the baking paper. Quickly realizing that she made way too much. While she intended to make it for 10 baking sheets, she accidently was not even close to being finished with her cookie dough at the 9th sheet. In fact her mixing bowl was still practically filled with it. 'Oops I made too much. I guess I will fill as many sheets as I can then.' Twilight thought. After a few minutes of making balls and pushing them into a cookie shape. Twilight successfully filled 26 baking sheets of unbaked cookies. Meanwhile Star, Bella and Anna quickly realized that Twilight was using all of the baking sheets. As they turn to face her, they noticed the practical mountain of sheets filled with unbaked cookies. Noticing that was being watched. Twilight quickly put the all of the sheets into the oven. Well, the ones that fitted anyways. She could only fit three at the time. Luckily it only took 12 minutes between them. It took her total of 1 hour and 44 minutes to complete her mountain of cookies. Putting an additional 2 hours to cool it off. Twilight completed her task in roughly 3 hours and 44 minutes. She made a total of 208 cookies. Which was an enormous amount. Not to mention that these cookies were the size of an adult hoof. Making them quite heavy. In the meantime everyone else in the kitchen were unable to use the oven. Forcing them to improvise. Bella even used the fireplace as a temporary oven. "Well that was interesting." Star commented. The entire kitchen was in chaos while he just stood and watched Twilight clear her stuff up. "You could say that again." Anna said mostly confused. "To think that I would have to use the fireplace in summertime." Bella said smiling in disbelieve. "Sorry." Twilight simply stated. "It's alright. I have a feeling that you will be just fine right here." Star responded. "Yeah. Although I can see it." Bella said as she looks at the carnage that she caused. The kitchen was looking in a state of an earthquake. Pans and knives were in places there were not supposed to be. Half the kitchen was white from flour that Anna accidently dropped. It was absolute chaos. Twilight looks at the kitchen in a mixture of laughter and shock. And Star? He just stood there, dumbstruck.