//------------------------------// // Internship part 2 // Story: The Chef's apprentice // by vincent789 //------------------------------// Twilight looked at Star. She was unsure if she should say anything. Instead it would appear that Star regained his composure. He looked at Anna and barked some orders about the flour. Meanwhile he praised Bella for her ingenuity. Which ended with him looking at Twilight. "Twilight, sigh." Star said, he was looking hopeful for an answer, "Why did you make this much?" he asked. "About that, sometimes I lose a bit of control and proceed to make too much in the process. I am sorry. I still need to work on the measuring part of cooking." Twilight explained. Internally she was frustrated at her bad practice. Star was looking at her cookies. He then took one and took a bite. And as if he could see her frustration he said, "Atleast these aren't bad cookies. We can use them. However this means that I need to create something new for you to do." "Yeah." Twilight simply stated. "Hey, looking at the bright side. Thanks to you, I now know that I can make this cheese dish on a fireplace, instead of a stove." Bella said happily. Twilight smiled, "I guess so." she replied. Star looked at the kitchen. He then turns to Twilight, "Tell you what. Since all these pans are on the wrong spot anyways. Let me show you the kitchen interior better." He said. Twilight nod. Which in turn caused Star to move slowly and explain the exact locations of every pan, knife and accessory in the kitchen. He then explained that those chairs are for breaks and normally the fireplace is used in the winter. Twilight cataloged each and every bit of information into her brain. Which looks like a kitchen map. Twilight also cataloged the location of every ingredient in the kitchen with the tour. "And that is the loadout of the kitchen. Any questions?" Star asked. "Yes. What are those for?" Twilight asks as she point to a pile of white pans. These pans were next to a bag of wax candles. "Those?" Star looks at where Twilight was pointing. "Ah those! Those are for cheese fondues." He explained. "Cheese fondue?" Twilight asks confused. "Yes. You don't know what cheese fondue is?" Star asks surprised. "Exactly. What is cheese fondue?" Twilight asks innocently. Anna and Bella looks surprised at her. This was common knowledge yet she was oblivious. "What are they teaching you at school?! This is common knowledge!" Bella practically shouted. "As in commonwealth?" Twilight asks. "Yes!" Anna replied quickly. "But my school was for nobles. We don't learn everything. Mostly about Theory and basic knife work. With the occasional recipe here and there." Twilight replied. Bella and Anna were about to speak when a single hoof raised by Star silenced them. "Cheese fondue is melted cheese put in a fondue pan. They put a wax candle below it to keep the same temperature. The guests then proceed to eat it with a diverse set of fresh ingredients. Like bread and fruits. Griffons and dragons usually eat it with dried meats and fish." Star calmly explains. "So that pan is a fondue pan?" Twilight asks. "Yes." Star explained. "I see. I am sorry about my lack of knowledge." Twilight said disappointed. "It's fine. You are still an apprentice. If you don't know, then our job is to explain it to you. Unlike those two." Star said annoyed towards Anna and Bella. They simply hang their heads down in shame. "We are sorry." Bella said for the two of them. "Apology accepted! Now back to me search for a job for you-" He started when he looked at the clock. "Oh my. Your time is up. It's been 6 hours." Star said surprised. Twilight jumped at the reveal and looked at the clock. It was indeed, the end of her workday. Twilight walked towards the dressing room when she was stopped by Star. "One more thing. I had you planned tomorrow, but I can't teach you then. I mean you could come, but I might not be able to offer you much, regarding work and such." Star explained. "What if I assisted Bella? She could always use an additional vegetable cutter, no?" Twilight offered. "That would be great!" Bella responded in the distant. "Are you sure? It is tedious work you know." Star asked. "I will become better at using the knife that way." Twilight offered. "Very well. I guess I will see you tomorrow." Star said. "See you guys tomorrow! Bye!" Twilight shouted back as she enters the dressing room. She quickly changes her clothing and walks through the staff exit, outside. When Twilight left the staff entrance she took another look around. Just as the guard told her, the area was filled with tourists. They were taking pictures of the building's exterior. Looking past the tourists, she also saw Trixie and an undercover Celestia walking around. They appear to be smiling and having fun. Twilight smiled at the sight as she decided it would be best to walk a different direction. That way she wouldn't get in the way of them. Although it would be a long way around, she felt that would be best. Then she remembered. She still wanted to check the magic station for information regarding Trixie's parents. Which caused her to inadvertently remember how she found Trixie. Shaking her head she walked determined towards the building. The closer Twilight got the bigger it became. The magic station or how the locals called, the police headquarters, was truly massive. She saw atleast a hundred Pegasus cops flying about. Some earth ponies in riot gear were training with their shields. Although at closer inspection it looked more like playing than training. Some tourists were throwing hard balls at their shields, which was closely watched by a police lieutenant. Ignoring the others. Twilight entered the building. And despite the busy exterior, inside it was silent. The only sound Twilight heard was the occasional typing on a keyboard and a phone going off which was coming from the reception. Gulping, Twilight approached the desk. "Excuse me," she said. The receptionist looked over the desk and saw Twilight, "How can I help you?" she asked, her face lit up at Twilight as children usually never approach her. "I need some help. You see I am looking for my friend's parents. As they abandoned her a while back." Twilight calmly asks. "Oh!" the receptionist was surprised at the serious nature of the request, "In what state was she abandoned." she asks while she grabbed a form from behind her desk. "Well, she was abandoned as a filly. Both penniless and homeless. She appeared abused and starved when I found her. Of course I help her and stuff. She now has a job and a house. She also has a proper teacher." Twilight explained. The receptionist wrote it all down. However her eyebrows rose a few times from Twilight's lack of childlike words. "Luckily she is doing better now. But I promised that I would help her find her parents." Twilight explained. "I see. How much do you know about the parents?" the receptionist asks. "Well, actually quite a bit. First thing first, It appears as if the mafia is after them. I know this because their debt and unexplained source of money seemed fishy. They most likely live in Manehattan and they have chain business in donut shops. And their surname is Lulamoon." Twilight sums up. "That is a lot of information." The police lieutenant said. He sneaking up on Twilight. Twilight literally jumped at his sudden presence. The receptionist looked up at the officer. She slowly nod as she moved the form to the officer. He looks at the paper, and nodded. "How about we talk in my office." the police lieutenant suggests "Okay." Twilight said as they move several floors up using an elevator. When they arrived at the 25th floor, Twilight and the officer entered office 03. "Okay. So, she was abandoned by her parents." He began. "That is correct." Twilight simply answered. "Okay. And what is her full name?" he asks. "Her full name is Trixie Lulamoon." she replied. "Oh? The princesses little pet?" he asks as his eyes widen. Twilight responded towards the officer with him floating in the air. "You were saying?" Twilight asks innocently. "I meant student." He quickly said. As he was placed back in his chair. Twilight nodded this time. "I also heard the phrase Mafia. Correct?" he asks as if nothing happened. Twilight nodded, although she felt that this was more of an interrogation, then a conversation. "I see. If she knew this. Then how did she escape?" he asks. "She doesn't. I found this on my own investigation." Twilight said. He raised his eyebrow, "Is that so?" he asks. Twilight said nothing, but she was suddenly aware that there were ponies watching their conversation from the hallway. "That is troubling. Sadly I can't help you." he said. Twilight gears moved. She suddenly realized who this man was. "Yes. And I am afraid that I will seek a different officer." Twilight said as she moved off the seat towards the door. "Wait! What is wrong?" He asks confused. "Oh! You don't happen to have a direct connection to this mafia organization, do you?" Twilight said as her horn shone in self-defense. The officer stopped in his tracks. His face went from confusion to awe to annoyance. "How did you-" he attempted to asks as Twilight froze the officer in place using magic. "How? Well this interrogation was a fun one, Old man. I am afraid that this conversation has come to an end with this." Twilight said determined. Twilight opens the door. Their were six officer looking at her with disbelieve. "Good day." Twilight said as she grabs the elevator down. 'To think that the upper ranks are corrupted by mafia. Perhaps I should visit Celestia.' Twilight thought in the elevator. Twilight waves the confused receptionist goodbye. Twilight dashed from the magic station to the castle. She sees Celestia wishing Trixie goodbye as she teleports her to the donut shop in Canterlot. Celestia was about to turn when Twilight accidentally ran into her. "Oh! Hey Twilight. I loved your cookies and petit four." Celestia said surprised. Twilight shook her head. "We need to talk. It's very important that the public doesn't find out about this information." she hastily said. Celestia's face turns serious as she warps Twilight and herself into the green room. "What is the matter?" she asks. "So secretly I have been looking into Trixie's parents." Celestia eyebrows rose at the sentence, "And decided that this information should go to the police. However, It would appear that the mafia as corrupted the upper ranks of the magic station." Twilight finishes. Celestia's face turns grim. "How do you know?" she asks worried. "I accidentally reported Trixie's case to an officer who is part of the mafia organization. He is of lieutenant rank." Twilight explains, fear only now sinking in. Celestia's face was determined and angry. "Next time, you go to me, Twilight!" she practically shouted. "Sorry." Twilight responds. "Now, I will ensure some trusted guards will guard Trixie in secret. Meanwhile I will look into her parents. Not you." Celestia said softly. "I am sorry." Twilight once again responds with. "It's alright-" Celestia was about to continue when Twilight cut her off. "No, I mean I might have gotten their attention as well. I kinda froze one of their people in place. With magic." Twilight said the ending extremely softly. Celestia's face turned in fear. "Oh dear." she said as an guard entered with some news. "Your highness. Their appears to be some kind of fight Trixie's donut shop." The guard said. "Oh dear. I am coming. Twilight go home!" Celestia shouted as she ran off. Twilight was about to leave the room, when she was stopped by the guard. "I have message from my boss to you." the guard said suspiciously . "Go on." Twilight said determined. ""You are interesting. I will leave you alone for now. This won't be the last time, we will meet." end quote. I don't know how you got his attention. But it seems to be positive for now. Keep it that way!" The guard said before letting Twilight leave. Twilight was too scared to run. So she decided to teleport home into her room. Scared, she falls asleep on her bed at home, without eating dinner.