Pokémon: Equestrian Adventures

by Banshee531

Hopper the Lost Heir PT3

Having been invited to Hopper's home of the Dragon Kingdom, the heroes had found themselves the center of attention with the kai's son Ryu, challenging Flash. But even after their victory, when things looked to be getting on track, a new danger appeared in the form of the kai's other son, Cadmus.

"GALVERN!" The Dragon-type he had unleashed roared, making most backpedal as Flash took out his Pokedex.

Name: Galvern
Category: Galaxy Pokémon
Type: Dragon/Dark
Info: The evolved form of Starvern. It can draw solar radiation into its body to use as fuel for its attacks. It is said that this Pokémon ascends to the stratosphere where the solar radiation is strongest.

"Dragon Claw!" Before anyone could stop it, Galvern ran up and slammed into Noivern with its glowing claws. The bat dragon roared in pain as it was thrown back, hitting the ground with spirals in its eyes.

"Noivern!" Ryu cried as Galvern turned to Hopper.

"Dark Pulse!" The dragon fired a stream of energy rings at the prince, hitting him as well.

"Hopper!" Flash yelled.

"Damn it!" Drayce growled, "They're still weak from their battle."

"Well everyone else is fine," Kaida barked as her Dragonair took to the air. But as it did this, a blast of cold air struck it, knocking it back to the dirt. "Dragonair!" They turned to see Fafnir land on the ground with his Weavile.

As this happened, the other Ice and Fairy-types began to descend, all attacking the other dragons. The once mighty beasts soon found themselves overwhelmed, either being frozen solid or blasted by fairy magic. Luckily, several non-Dragon-types were there to help.

"Aura Sphere!" Flash yelled as Springer fired an orb at a Cryogonal, knocking it away.

"Mystical Fire and Psychic!" Twilight ordered before Shine and Owlicious unleashed their attacks, hitting several Ice and Fairy-types.

"Incinerate!" Peewee roared as he shot a stream of fire at a Frosmoth.

"Flash Cannon!" Lairon shot a laser out of it mouth, blasting a bunch of Fairy-types back.

"Oh, no you don't!" They heard before looking up at Libelle as she and her Magnezone flew down, "Discharge!" The Magnet Area Pokémon spun its magnets as bolts of electricity exploded out, striking almost all their Pokémon.

Only Shine managed to avoid it while Lairon managed to fight through it, the others falling to the ground, all paralyzed. At the same time, Dragonair picked itself up, Shine running up to join it as the serpentine charged. "Dragon Pulse!"

"Mystical Fire!" Twilight ordered as the two unleashed their attacks.

"Protect!" Weavile crossed its claws as an energy field appeared around it, blocking the attacks. "Now, Blizzard then Night Slash!"

"WEAVILE!" The Sharp Claw Pokémon screeched before unleashing a burst of cold air, hitting Dragonair before charging with purple claws. And with one mighty slash, it struck Shine.

"NEE!" She neighed in pain, sliding back from the blow.

"Rock Slide!" Doc yelled as Lairon unleashed a volley of rocks at Magnezone.

"Magnet Bomb!" Libelle commanded as her Pokémon fired several small blue spheres at the rocks, shattering them. "HA! Nice try, old man!"

"Old man?!" Doc yelped, "I'm probably younger than you!"

"Not according to that outdated wardrobe," she laughed.

"Why you...get her Lairon!"

As this happened, Cadmus and Galvern walked up to Flash and Hopper, only for Drayce and Titan to appear in front of them. "Move," Cadmus hissed, "That Skeidran belongs to me."

"He will never be yours, no matter what you try and do." Drayce growled, "It was you, wasn't it? You're the one who showed those thieves how to get here. You're the reason Hopper was taken."

This made everyone go wide-eyed, Cadmus shining a huge grin at this, "That's right. I was a fool to trust those idiots, and it lost me the prince of dragons. But luckily, I managed to pick up your call with Kaida." He glanced over at Flash, "So he's the one who raised the prince." He shook his head, "He looks even more unworthy than Ryu. Heh...this'll be easier than I thought."

"You will have nothing! We're ending this right now!" Drayce yelled as Titan charged, "Dragonbreath!" Titan let out a roar as a burst of blue fire flew out of his mouth.

"Dark Pulse!" Galvern launched another stream of dark energy rings, hitting the Dragonbreath and causing it to explode. "Now, Dragon Claw!" The Galaxy Pokémon ran up and slashed at Titan with its claws, but Titan quickly grabbed its claws in his and stopped them.

"Another Dragonbreath!" The king of dragon unleashed its attack at point blank range, hitting Galvern right in the face before Titan released his claws, knocking the dragon back.

"Gal!" It cried as it hit the ground, panting from the single blow.

"Give it up son! Your Galvern can't beat us."

Cadmus growled back, only to snap his fingers, "Maybe not...But Galvern doesn't have to." Everyone saw he was looking away, all turning to follow his line of sight and see several Vanilluxe floating behind them. "Ice Beam!"

The Vanilluxe launched a barrage of blue lightning at Flash and Hopper, the two unable to escape. But before they could strike, Titan appeared to block the attacks. "SKEIDRAN!" He roared in pain as he felt his wings and claws begin to freeze.

"Sky!" Hopper cried, horrified at the sight. Mercy heard this and turned away from her own battle, gasping as she saw Titan fall to his knees.

"HA! Excellent! Finish him with Breaking Swipe!" Titan turned back to the Galvern, the dragon spinning around and slamming a glowing purple tail into him.

"SKY!" He roared as he was sent flying into a nearby building, the house instantly collapsing on top of him.

"TITAN!" Drayce screamed in horror, attempting to run to his side, only for the Vanilluxe to block his path.

Cadmus quickly zipped past him as several people riding on Togekiss flew down holding a large net. They threw the net into the wreckage before pulling it up by ropes, revealing an unconscious Titan trapped inside, "Excellent!" he laughed before pulling out a walkie talkie. "We're leaving."

The invaders immediately responded, Libelle and Magnezone flying over to Cadmus as Fafnir and Weavile stood by his side. The draconids glared at them as they saw their king's condition. "Don't come any closer," Cadmus responded as a pair of Sneasel leapt up to the net and placed their claws close to Titan. "Unless you want your king to be hurt."

"Damn you," Drayce hissed as Cadmus and Fafnir used the metal handles to be lifted by Magnezone. "This isn't over."

"I know it isn't," Cadmus chuckled, "I'll be in touch with my demands." But before anyone else could say anything, many of the Fairy-types unleashed a Dazzling Gleam attack that blinded them all. And when the light faded, the invaders were gone.

"SKEIDRAN!" Mercy roared, the other Skeidran doing the same.

Hours passed with the draconids working to repair the damage done. The medics had treated the Pokémon injured or put to sleep while everyone else worked to melt the ice or fix the houses that had been destroyed. Flash and his friends were now in the main hall with Kaida and the kai family, Hopper and Mercy curled up in the corner.

"So...who is this Cadmus guy?" Spike asked.

"He's my brother," Ryu sighed.

"We know that," Twilight replied, "But you said he was banished. Why?"

They all turned to Drayce, who let out a sigh as well. "Cadmus has always been...different. He was a powerful trainer at his age, but he never understood our ways. He didn't want to spend his whole life underground. He wanted our people to be known throughout Equestria."

Years ago...

A teenage Cadmus was now walking with his father through the kingdom, watching everyone enjoy their lives. "Look around you my son." Drayce said as he waved his hand at the populace. "Our people are all happy. This is what we as kai, must work to protect."

"Yeah...I know." Cadmus sighed as he glanced around, "But are we truly happy?" Drayce turned to him with a raised eyebrow, "I mean, nobody knows we're down here." He showed a large frown to his father, "Why can't we let the rest of Equestria know about us? We could be a real city with our own gym and everything. There's so much Equestria could learn from us."

Drayce took a deep breath, slightly nodding. "You...may be right, but there is great danger in those thoughts. If the world knew about us, they would know about all our powerful Dragon-types. And if that happened, how long do you think it would be until hundreds or thousands of poachers come to try and take them? Our kingdom would be under constant threat. The peace we've enjoyed would be destroyed."

Cadmus came to a stop. "So we're supposed to rot away down here because you're scared about what the surface might do if it knew about us?"

Drayce shook his head as he continued to walk, "As kai, it is my responsibility to do everything in my power to protect this land. And the less people that know about it, the better."

And he left his son, Cadmus continued to stare at him, gritting his teeth. "Fine. Then I'll protect our people as well, better then you or any kai ever has. I won't let us hide away down here in fear of the surface world. The surface...will fear us."

Present day...

"After that, Cadmus began speaking to the people about a new plan. An insane plan. With the king of dragons at his command, he planned to lead an attack against the surface. He called out to the people of the kingdom, trying to sway him to his cause...but only two joined him. The rest of us knew an attack on the surface was foolish."

"He blamed Drayce for making us weak," Scylla added, "So he challenged him to a battle, with the winner claiming the title of kai and ownership of Titan."

The Past Again...

Titan and Galvern did battle, the pair flying through the air as they kept slamming into one another. On the ground, Cadmus and Drayce stared each other down before Galvern tried to use Dragon Claw. But before it could make contact, Titan dodged the attack and grabbed the beast's tail.

With one flick, Galvern was thrown to the ground, crashing in front of Cadmus. "Get up!" He yelled, making Drayce sigh.

"Stop this son. Don't you see you're only hurting those around you?"

"NEVER!" Cadmus screamed as Galvern got up, standing shakily on its feet.

Drayce sighed again, shaking his head. "Then you leave me no choice." Titan's body glowed before the light took the shape of a dragon's head, neck and wings, which covered his head, neck and wings. "Wyvern Wing!" Titan let out a roar as he slammed into Galvern, the force sending it flying into Cadmus.

"AUGH!" He cried as Galvern slammed into him. He grunted while trying to push the dragon off, only for a shadow to appear above him. He looked up to see Drayce, his father glaring down at him with shame and sorrow. Cadmus looked at this, only to see Scylla holding a young Ryu, a look of shame on her face.

The Present...

"When Cadmus refused to see reason, I had no choice but to banish him. Fafnir and Libelle joined him, and together they left the dragon kingdom. But not before swearing they would return one day...and it seems that is today."

"So they tried to steal Hopper in order to use him as a weapon against you..." Twilight commented.

"Until you all intervened," Scylla added, "But now he has Titan and will do who knows what."

Before anyone could say or do anything else, a draconid rushed into the room. "Kai!" He yelled before holding up a scroll, "This just arrived by Terragon."

"Terragon mail?" Drayce stood up and took the scroll, "We haven't used that in...years." He undid the scroll, only to groan, "Its from Cadmus." He turned to Flash, "He's challenging Hopper and his trainer to a battle, asking if he wins, he gets Hopper and I step down as kai."

"And if he loses?"

"He'll return Titan and surrender. And if we refuse the battle..." he stopped reading, everyone knowing what was on the scroll wasn't something worth saying.

"It's a trap," Doc chimed in.

"Of course it is," Kaida deadpanned, "But what choice do we have?!"

Drayce nodded and turned to Flash. "I know you have no reason to help us in this fight, but-"

"You don't need to ask. You made me an honorary draconid, so of course I'm gonna help." He pointed to Hopper as the dragon stood up, "And I'm not just gonna sit back and let them keep Hopper's dad." He patted him on the side of the head, "We're gonna fight. Where's the battle?"

"At a box canyon near the edge of the mountain range," Drayce replied, "It's filled with many sea-stack like rocks, making flying through it difficult."

Flash nodded and turned to the others, "You ready to kick some butt?"

They all smiled and nodded, Flash giving them a thumbs up in return. And as this happened, outside the building was Princess, staring at Hopper through the window with a small frown.

In the aforementioned valley filled with large stone shapes, Cadmus was standing atop one of them with Galvern, Fafnir and Libelle. The four were staring down at Titan, the dragon now muzzled with his wings and claws tied up.

"It'll be over soon." He crouched down to hold out a hand, "Everything will be better once I have won." Titan let out a growl, forcing him to pull back. "You'll see. The world I'll create will be a better one, where the draconids don't have to hide out of fear." He spun around to his generals, "Prepare for battle. Tomorrow's gonna be a busy day."

The two nodded and hopped off the rock. And as they left, Cadmus looked up at the sky. "I have found so much leaving our home...why couldn't you have seen things my way father?"

The next day...

As the sun rose, everyone began their journey to the valley. Flash and Springer were riding Hopper while Riptide, Prongs and Viper were riding Skyler, Flitanium and Owlicious. Twilight had Shine out as she, Spike and Doc rode with George on Salamence.

Flash and Hopper lead the Dragon-types and their riders as they exited the volcano, heading for the canyon as the area began to appear in their vision. But as they got close, they soon saw an army of flying Ice and Fairy-types along with Libelle and Fafnir at the front, both riding Magnezone. The two groups came to a stop at this, all hovering in place. "What gives?" Flash barked back, "I thought your boss wanted a battle!"

"He does," Fafnir replied, "You can pass. But your friends are gonna stay here so they can't interfere."

Flash opened his mouth to respond, only for Drayce to yell, "Go Flash!" He turned to the kai, who was riding Mercy with Scylla. "We'll join you as soon as we've dealt with these fools." Flash nodded and signaled Hopper to fly forward. The enemy moved aside, allowing them pass before the invaders charged at the draconids.

"Let's go!" Ryu yelled as he flew straight in, Kaida and George going after him with the others following suit.

Flash hated he had to do this, but knew his role. But as he did this, Springer suddenly ran up Hopper's wing before jumping off the end, shocking the two, "SPRINGER!"

Springer flew through the air and landed on one of the Togekiss. "RI!" He roared while forming an Aura Sphere and slamming it into its back, using to for to throw himself off the Fairy Flying-type before landing on a Frosmoth and using Drain Punch before leaping away again.

Everyone watched as he leapt from one opponent to the next, hitting them with one of his attacks before reaching the other side of the flock. "Rio!" He barked, Skyler flying over with Riptide to catch him before bringing him back around. He looked back at Flash and smiled with a thumbs up, Flash and Hopper nodding back.

With this, the battle began to rage on, flyers and fighters now clashing. Fafnir leapt down with Weavile to battle several Dragalge, Shelgon and those of the Goodra and Haxorus line.

"Blizzard!" He ordered as Weavile unleashed a wave of freezing cold air, freezing several dragons in place.

"Mystical Fire!" He suddenly heard, looking up to see blasts of fire rain down on the frozen dragons. The ice melted as Salamence flew down, Twilight, Doc and Spike leaping off as Kaida swooped down and did the same.

Shine and Dragonair glared at Weavile, ready for a round two as Doc and Spike ran over to where Libelle had flown to on Magnezone. "Incinerate!" Spike yelled, Peewee unleashing his fire blast at the Magnet Area Pokémon.

Libelle leapt off Magnezone as the blast struck, the Electric Steel-type grunting in pain as she landed. "Ha!" She laughed, "Too old to take me down by yourself?"

"You're older then me." Doc deadpanned as he took out a Pokeball, "And I intend to take you down, even if I need help to do it." He threw the ball, Lairon soon appearing. "Spike, Peewee, Lairon…you guys ready!?" The three yelled as Magnezone floated down. "Then let's end this!"

Back in the valley of sea-stacks, Cadmus and Galvern stood on the edge of the rocks with Titan tied up behind them. A pair of Sneasel stood beside the king, their claws primed.

Cadmus, Galvern and Titan then spotted the approaching pair, Cadmus and Galvern smirking while Titan frowned at the sight. And as Flash and Hopper flew up, Flash hopped off his Pokémon and landed on a sea-stack while the Skeidran hovered above him. "Alright Cadmus. You wanted this battle, so now you're gonna get it."

"And my prize," Cadmus cackled, "When this is over, I'll finally have the prince of dragons like I always should have. And with him, I'll lead an army of dragon out to conquer all of the Equestria Region. The draconids days of hiding are no more!"

"Your dad's right. You really have gone off the deep end."

"Silence!" Cadmus screamed, "I will not listen to some outsider who does not understand my pain! I am the only one who cares for our clan, to help them go into the bright future outside of this stuffy rotting mountain!"

As he said this, Galvern leapt off the sea-stack, falling several feet before spreading its wings and soaring back up. "GALVERN!" It roared, Hopper following after it.

Flash continued to glare at Cadmus, then turned to the Sneasel, seeing them putting their claws up Titan's neck. He let out a long sigh, shaking his head, "Only one choice. Let's do this Hopper!"

"Dran!" He roared back while Cadmus shined a huge grin.

"Dragon Claw!" The battle began, Galvern roaring as its red claws were now surrounded by a glowing green aura, which it swung at Hopper.

"Block it with Steel Wing!" Hopper's wings shined as he swiped them at the Dragon Claw. He flinched at the impact, but powered through, pushing Galvern back before swinging around to slash it down the middle.


"Dark Pulse!" Galvern's eyes shot open before it opened its mouth, unleashing a burst of black rings at Hopper.

"Get out of there!" Flash yelled, Hopper managing to barrel-roll out of the attack's line of fire. "Great! Now, Extreme Speed!" Hopper glowed as he began to fly around at high velocity, Galvern barely managing to keep its eyes on him before he disappeared.

"Dran!" It heard from behind, spinning around to see Hopper seconds before he thrust his foot into Galvern's face.

"Galvern!" It yelped, flinching in pain before spreading its wings to keep from falling before swooping down through the sea-stacks. Hopper followed after it, the two zigzagging through the giant rocks.

"Slam!" Galvern suddenly circled around one of the stacks and zipped around Hopper, grabbing the Skeidran's tail.

"Vern!" It cried before throwing Hopper into one of the stacks.

"Dran!" He flinched upon impact, Galvern flying right after him.

"Dark Pulse!" Galvern fired a stream of dark rings, the Skeidran gasping at the sight before pushing off the rock, dodging the blow as the attack destroyed the rubble in one blow.

"Dragon Tail!" Hopper spun forward as with a glowing green tail, Galvern glaring at him.

"Breaking Swipe!" Galvern's tail glowing purple as it spun around, the two attacks connecting as an explosion formed, knocking both flying back. Both nearly slammed into a stack, barely managing to regain control to evade the contact before flying back to their trainers. And as they landed, Cadmus chuckled at the sight, "Not bad. You are unworthy of what you have...but not bad."

"We're just getting started," Flash growled.


The draconids and Cadmus's army were still raging their mighty battle. "Aerial Ace!" Ryu yelled as he and Noivern slammed into several flying Pokémon. Though the draconids were higher in number, the type advantage their opponents had made this an even battle. "Come on!" He said as Noivern used Boomburst on several Fairy-types.

And it wasn't just the Pokémon fighting. Many humans were in hand to hand fights against one another, Drayce and Scylla showing incredible martial arts skills as their opponents couldn't even touch them without getting a palm strike to the face.

"Rock Slide!" Doc ordered as Lairon summoned the boulders.

"Magnet Bomb!" Libelle countered as her Pokémon fired the mini blue spheres, destroying the rocks as Peewee flew in close.

"Dragonbreath!" The Terragon unleashed the blue flames, burning Magnezone in a blaze. "That's the way bud!"

Libelle growled at this, "You little...Discharge!" Magnezone spun its magnets, zapping Peewee with a fury of lightning, knocking him back.

"Metal Claw!" As Magnezone's attack ended, Lairon leapt at it, slashing him with a fury of glowing claws.

"Zone!" it yelped, flying back as Peewee got up.

"Incinerate!" Peewee spat the fire stream, hitting Magnezone as it lit on fire.

Up in the air, Skyler flew around as Springer and Riptide unleashed Aura Sphere and Water Guns at the opponents. Riptide then leapt off Skyler, landing on a Togekiss that was about to fire a Dazzling Gleam at a Flygon. "TORE!" He roared before slamming an Ice Punch into it, making it cry out in pain before hopping back on Skyler.

At the same time, Flitanium was carrying Prongs as he shot several Energy Balls at the enemy, Viper also riding Owlicious as he unleashed a barrage of Flamethrowers at the Ice-types. "Keep it up guys!" Springer yelled while throwing an Aura Sphere at a Vanilluxe. "We can't let Flash and Hopper down!"

"RIGHT!" The others barked back.

And in another part of the battlefield, Twilight and Kaida continued to fight against Fafnir and Weavile. "Fairy Wind!" Shine spun around and flicked her tail, unleashing a burst of wind that struck Weavile before it could dodge.

"Weave!" It grunted.

"Push through with Night Slash!" Fafnir ordered as Weavile charged at Shine, its claws glowing just as Dragonair slithered up to them.

"Twister!" Dragonair pointed her tail at Weavile, unleashing a tornado from the orbs, smacking Weavile upward. "Now, Iron Tail!" Dragonair then shot up with a shining tail.

"Protect!" Weavile crossed its claws as an energy orb appeared around it, right as Dragonair swung its tail down. The force of the attack pushed Weavile to the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust as it connected, but the Protect allowed it to survive unharmed. "Blizzard!"

As soon as the sphere vanished, Weavile exhaled a mighty burst of cold air. "WEAVILE!" The air struck both Shine and Dragonair, making them shiver along with their trainers.

"That's it!" Fafnir cheered before pointing at the two trainers, "Just give up! No matter what you try, Cadmus will become kai, and lead us into a brighter future!"

"No, he won't!" Twilight replied, "He's gonna lose to Flash and finally pay for all he's done!"

"And so will you!" Kaida yelled as well.

"Dark Pulse!" Galvern fired the stream of rings as Hopper charged at him.

"Block it with Steel Wing!" Hopper spun around and used his glowing wings as shield, deflecting the attack away as he kept sprinting at the dragon. "Extreme Speed, then use Crunch!" Hopper vanished in a flash of green, zipping all over the place. Galvern expected another attack from behind, only for-

"Dran!" Hopper tackled the Galaxy Pokémon right in the chest, pushing it back until it struck a stack. Hopper used his arms and legs to pin its body to the rock, then bit down on Galvern's shoulder, making it cry out.


"Get it off of you!" He yelled as Galvern tried to move, but kept flinching at the pain. Cadmus hissed at him as he then ordered, "Breaking Swipe!" Galvern's eyes shot open before its tail started to glow.

"Look out!" Flash yelled, but was too late.

"Dran!" Hopper flinched as the tail struck him in the back, making him pull his mouth off of Galvern.

"Gal!" Galvern pushed Hopper off him, the dragon rolling back.

"Dark Pulse!" It unleashed another burst of dark energy that struck Hopper point blank. Hopper was pushed back, slamming through one of the stacks, rolling out of the others side before the tip of the stack began to fall onto him.

"HOPPER/DRAN!" Flash and Titan yelled as Hopper picked itself up.

"Sky!" He side-stepped just in time, dodging the rock.

"Dragon Claw!" Hopper spun around to see Galvern charge at him.

"Galvern!" It swiped at Hopper, the dragon ducking under the attack before hopping back.

"Dragon Tail!" Hopper spun around, trying to hit him with the tail just as Galvern blocked it with one Dragon Claw before pushing him away. Hopper flinched as he staggered back, only to spread his wings and take to the air.

"Gal!" Galvern roared as flew up as well, Hopper glaring back at him as their trainers did the same.

As this happened, the draconids were slowly turning the tides. Despite the type advantage, their opponent's Pokémon weren't as well trained, all falling after one or two hits. The only ones able to fight well were Weavile and Magnezone, and they were not going down.

"Mystical Fire!" Shine unleashed another fire rocket, hitting Weavile as it was busy defending against Dragonair's attack.

"Weave!" It yelped as the flames knocked it back, only to quickly do handstands to get away.

"Use Faint Attack!" Weavile charged at this command, zigzagging across the field on its way to the Ponyta.

"Fairy Wind!" Shine swung its tail, firing the glittering wind, but Weavile leapt over the attack before slashing Shine's back.

"Nee!" She cried at the blow, Weavile hopping back as Twilight ran up to her.

"Shine!" She leaned down, "You okay?"

"Nee..." Shine whined before slowly picking herself up, both turning to see Dragonair trying to hit Weavile with its Iron Tail.

"Wing Attack!" Spike yelled as Peewee charged, his wings glowing as he slashed at Magnezone. The Steel-type didn't seem at all phased, though it allowed Lairon to get up close.

"Flash Cannon!" The metal dinosaur roared as it shot a laser out at Magnezone, making it flinch.

"You think that's gonna beat me?" Libelle asked before letting out a laugh, "Dream on! Tri Attack!" The two screws and antenna on Magnezone glowed before the energy flew off and connected to one another, forming a triangle as an explosion of fire, lightning and ice shot out of its eyes. The fire and lightning struck Lairon while the ice struck Peewee, the two flinching in pain as they were knocked back.

"Guys!" Spike cried as they hit the ground, Libelle laughing again.

"Dragon Pulse!" Kaida yelled as Dragonair unleashed the dragon shaped blast at Weavile.

"Protect!" Weavile created the energy orb around its body, blocking the attack with ease.

But as this happened, Twilight let out a gasp, "That's it!" She leaned down and whispered into Shine's ear, "You got it?" The Ponyta nodded back. "Then charge!" Shine galloped ahead, Weavile still protecting itself. "Now, Fairy Wind!" As Shine got close, Weavile's shield suddenly dropped.

"Weave!" It cried right as Shine got close and spun around, swinging the glittery wind from its tail. "WEAVILE!"

"No!" Fafnir yelped as Weavile was thrown back.

"Discharge!" Libelle yelled as Magnezone unleashed the burst of lightning, Larion jumping in front of Peewee.

"LAIRON!" He cried as the lightning struck it, but enduring as he turned to Peewee, "Hurry," it told the Dragon-type.

"Right!" Peewee leapt up as he roared, "SPIKE!"

"INCINERATE!" Spike ordered as Peewee took the biggest breath he could.

"TERRAGON!" He screamed as he unleashed the largest fire blast he could, hitting Magnezone dead-on. The Magnet Area Pokémon couldn't do a thing, unable to do nothing but roar in pain before dropping into the dirt just as Weavile fell down as well.

"NO!" Fafnir and Libelle cried as they saw their Pokémon drop, only to hear a distinct lack of battling sounds around them. They turned to see that every one of their army had fallen, leaving them alone.

"It's over," they heard Twilight say as Springer, Drayce and the others landed beside them.

"It's not over," Fafnir growled, "Cadmus-"

"Will fall," Drayce interrupted, "But not before you." He pointed at the pair, "DO IT!"

"Let's go guys!" Twilight yelled as Springer, Shine, Lairon, Peewee, Dragonair, Noivern, Riptide, Prongs, Viper, Mercy and Princess unleashed their long range attacks. They flew at the two and their Pokémon, the four having no way to stop them.

"Cadmus..." Fafnir closed his eyes, "We're sorry."


The ground shook as they were consumed by an explosion, everyone covering their eyes until the smoke vanished, revealing the four on the ground, all unconscious.

"Yes!" Spike cheered. "We did it!"

"It's not over yet," Ryu commented as he and Noivern took to the air again. Most joined him while others stayed back to deal with their defeated opponents. They soon arrived at the box canyon, now seeing Hopper and Galvern flying above it while also seeing Titan and the Sneasel.

"Everyone stop!" Drayce yelled, the entire draconid clan pulling to a stop. "We can't get too close. Look!"

He pointed at Titan, Ryu flying up to him, "So what do we do?" he asked as Hopper and Galvern firing attacks at each other. As they did this, the group watched the battle as Springer stared at maze of rocks between them and Titan.

"Ri," he chuckled as an idea formed in his head, then whispering something into Skyler's ear. The Tornavian nodded at this, flying down as the rest saw them do this, the group following to cover their descent. And as they landed on the surrounding cliff-side, they flew through the maze.

"Dran!" Hopper screamed after getting hit with another Breaking Swipe, causing him to be thrown into a trio of rock stacks. "Skeidran!"

"Hopper!" Flash yelped as his partner tried to get up, "You okay?"

"Dran," Hopper nodded as he stood tall.

Cadmus rubbed his chin at the sight, "He has a strong will. No surprise considering who his parents are. But that doesn't bode well for me..." He looked up at Galvern, the dragon panting despite flying over Hopper, "I need to end this before they pull a surprise out of their hats." His gaze then turned to Flash, a smile appearing on his lips. "That'll work."

"Extreme Speed!" Hopper leapt off the stack, a green trail shooting behind him. But as he tried to hit Galvern, the dragon evaded his strike with a quick sidestep.

"Use Dark Pulse straight ahead!" Galvern unleashed the blast, but Hopper's high speed allowed him to easily evade the attack...only for the attack to hit the rock Flash was standing on.

"Whoa!" Flash yelped as the stack shook beneath his feet, Hopper turning to him as he saw his trainer lose his balance.

"Dragon Claw!" Hopper spun around to see Galvern charging at him.

"SKEIDRAN!" He cried as the attack hit Hopper, the blow making him crash into Flash's stack.

The teen gasped at this, his arms swinging around as he kept trying to keep his balance. "FLASH!" He heard Twilight scream, the trainer just about to get his balance back before Cadmus yelled out another command.

"Breaking Swipe, on the rock!" The Dragon Dark-type flew down, smashing its glowing tail into the rock, hitting the area where its Dark Pulse had struck. As this blow hit, everyone watching letting out a gasp as the stack began to fall apart.

"Sky!" Hopper screamed as he quickly flew up to grab Flash, catching him in his claws as they began to dodge the falling rubble.

"Dark Pulse!" They both turned to see Galvern fly up, firing the dark rings. The attack struck Hopper, hitting his wings. This made him cry out in pain, his wing buckling as the two began to fall, everyone screaming as the sight.

Hopper heard Flash's cries of terror and looked straight down, seeing the ground coming up fast. He tried to straighten his wing, but it refused to listen to him. All he could do was position himself between Flash and the ground. "SKEIDRAN!" He roared in pain as he crashed, hitting the canyon floor hard, causing Flash to slip from his grip.

"Augh!" Flash screamed as he hit the ground, bouncing several times before rolling to a stop face down.

"FLASH!" His friends yelled, Cadmus laughing at the sight.

"Oh, that was fun!"

"CHEATER!" Ryu roared, Cadmus turning to him with a smirk.

"Its not cheating, little brother. This isn't a game, and it isn't a pointless test of strength you dracnoids love. This is war. And in war, you do whatever it takes to win."

"Skeidran!" Titan growled as he tried to escape his bindings, only for the Sneasel to put his claws at his neck again. Everyone else began yelling and hollering, telling the two to get up and keep fighting. Cadmus smirked at this before noticing movement on the ground, now seeing Flash start to pick himself up.

"Oh, just give it up already." Galvern flew up to him, the trainer hopping onto the dragon's back before gliding down to the two before getting off and walking up to Flash. "You've lost. Give up outsider, give up so I can claim my prize." He gestured his hand to Hopper, "Come to me prince. Surrender to me so I may take our clan to new heights."

"Dran…" Hopper hissed back, only for Cadmus to shake his head.

"Do not defy me. I am your master now prince." He pointed at Flash, "He is nothing, a worthless loser that is unworthy of your legacy."

Hopper opened his mouth at this, only for Flash to put his hand on his head. Turning to his trainer, he saw Flash now standing, clutching his side as he groaned out, "No way. We're...not...done yet."

"Oh please," Cadmus spat, "What chance could you possibly have now?" But as he said this, they both heard a barrage of screams and yells, both turning to see everyone hollering their support to Flash and Hopper.

This made Flash smile and turn back to Cadmus, "Someone told me something once, a legend about Skeidran and its previous forms. How they're able to draw power from those around them, using the bond they share with their friends to grow stronger in order to protect them..." Cadmus chuckled, shaking his head as Flash pointed at the crowd, "And look around you, hear the voices of everyone cheering Hopper on. Do you really think you can beat him when he's got all this support?"

"Oh please. You could have the entire planet's population cheering for you and it wouldn't do a thing." He leaned up to Flash with the biggest grin, "You've lost." But as he said this, Hopper pushed his head between them, a low hiss coming out of his mouth, "What?!"

"Dran," he moaned, his legs shaking while panting. And as he tried to open his wings, the sound of everyone's cheers filled his ears.

"That's right Hopper," Flash patted his back, "Even though you're the only one battling, you're not alone. Everyone...Drayce, Scylla, Ryu, Kaida, Princess and your mom. And especially all our friends. They're all here, lending you their support."

"You can do it!" Twilight screamed.

"We believe in you!" Kaida yelled.

"We're right here!" Doc hollered.

"Trust in yourself!" Drayce called out.

"GO GUYS!" Spike cheered.

"BEAT HIM!" Ryu added.

"NEETAA!" Shine yelled to her best friend.

"TERRA!" Peewee roared.

"SKEIDRAN!" Mercy, Princess and his flock cried together.

"SPRANITOR/CHITALEAF/ANAHAKKA!" The rest of his teammates said as Flash nodded in agreement.

"They all need you. To win this battle and stop Cadmus before he can attack Equestria. You're the only one who can do it." He rubbed Hopper's head, "Feel their hopes...feel their strength!"

Hopper's entire body shook as his eyes slowly opened, revealing them to be glowing. Despite not understanding him, Flash knew what Hopper said next. "I feel them!" The light from his eyes began to spread to the rest of his body, Flash needing to step back from a sudden heat coming from his body.

"What's this?" Cadmus asked before his eyes went wide, "It can't be."

"What's Hopper doing?" Spike asked, Drayce chuckling at this.

"He's learned it!"

"Sky!" Hopper roared as the light took shape, now forming mainly around his head, neck, chest and wings. The wings seemed to grow longer as the light extended, amazing everyone except Cadmus.

"Enough of this!" He yelled before pointing at Hopper, "Galvern, Dragon Claw!"

But as Galvern charged, Hopper turned his glowing eyes at him before spreading his glowing wings, taking a deep breath. "Sky!" He suddenly beat his wings at Galvern, "DRAN!" Doing so caused the light to shoot off his body while still remaining in his body.

It shot across the battlefield like lightning, striking Galvern before it could respond, the energy wings slashing into the Dark Dragon-type's chest. "GALVERN!" It suddenly screamed with wide eyes, being thrown back through a sea-stack.

Everyone gasped at the sight, Spike asking, "What was that?!"

"Wyvern Wing," Drayce replied, "The prince learned Wyvern Wing, the strongest Dragon-type move Skeidran can learn."

Hearing this made everyone's jaw go slack, Princess more then anyone amazed by this development.

"Impossible!" Cadmus yelled while Flash and Hopper glared at him.

"We told you our friends would give him strength!" As he said this, Galvern picked itself up out of the fallen rocks.

"I won't lose to nonsense! Dragon Claw!"

"Dodge it!" Hopper leapt up, dodging the charging Galvern as Flash yelled, "Extreme Speed!" Hopper instantly tackled Galvern, knocking it back, "Now, use Dragon Tail!" Hopper then spun like a top, his tail smashing into Galvern's face.

"Galvern!" It cried at the blow, Cadmus growling at the sight.

"This isn't over! I refuse to lose!" He barked before pointing at the Sneasel, "Do it!" The Sharp Claw Pokémon nodded as they pulled back their claws, ready strike Titan. Everyone gasped at this, Flash growling at him as Cadmus laughed, "Oh, don't be surprised. I had already won from the start. If you don't stop, you'll lose your king." He pointed back at Flash, "Tell the prince to give up. Surrender so I will-"

"Riolu!" a voice suddenly called out, the group spinning around to see Springer and Skyler appear from behind a rock. Springer had a pair of Aura Sphere in each paw, throwing both at the two. An explosion came next, knocking them back.

With that done, Skyler used his sharp talons to rip into the ropes holding Titan. The king of dragons felt the bindings loosen, quickly spreading his wings to rip apart the other ropes with a giant roar, "SKEIDRAN!"

"No...NO!" Cadmus screamed as he saw Titan become free, only to glare back at Flash and Hopper, "You...you cheated!"

"Didn't you do the same earlier?" Flash chuckled back.

"This...this wasn't supposed to happen."

"Sorry to say, but it is." Flash yelled before pointing at Hopper, "Let's do this buddy!"


"No...being kai is my destiny. I'm the one who's meant to bring our clan into the light!"

"All you were gonna do is drive them further into the darkness. You're no leader..." Flash responded before pointing up at Hopper as he flew higher, "That's a leader! Wyvern Wing!"

"Dran!" Hopper roared as his body exploded with light, only for the light to not shoot off his body.

Instead, he shot down as his wings expanded. Galvern saw this coming and didn't even wait for its trainer's orders, now firing a Dark Pulse at Hopper. But even though it struck him the dragon head-on, Hopper pushed through the attack with ease.

"SKEIDRAN!" He roared as he slammed into Galvern, slashing it with his glowing wings.

At the same time, Flash ran up to Cadmus, throwing a punch right into his face. Both trainer and Pokémon cried out in pain, both going flying back before hitting the ground at the same time, spirals in both eyes.

Everyone in the valley cheered at this, Hopper flying down to hug Flash. As this happened, Springer hopped off Skyler to leap into Flash's arms, "RIOU!" He hugged him as well, Hopper giving the Riolu a hug as well.

"Flash!" He turned to see Twilight and the others land, the bespectacled girl the first to climb off Salamence, "You did it! But are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." As he said that, Mercy landed beside Hopper and Titan. She asked if they were okay, both replying the same way Flash did, with Mercy hugging them both.

Drayce, Scylla, Ryu and Kaida came next, both a frown and a smile apparent on the kai's face. "Once again, we are in your debt. You've done us a great service this day." He bowed, "I thank you."

"Don't mention it," Flash replied before pointing at Cadmus, "Though uh...what are you gonna do with him?"

Drayce's reply was a soft sigh, the older man shaking his head as his face showed a mixture of shame and sorrow. "The only thing we can do. Put him some place he can never be a danger to anyone again."

When Cadmus awakened, he noticed two things. The first was a splitting pain in his nose, while the other was he was tied up. He opened his eyes, now seeing the bindings before noticing Fafnir and Libelle sitting beside him in the same position. A long breath escaped his mouth as he glanced around next, now seeing they were back on the top of the cliff overlooking the valley. "What's happening?!" He heard footsteps in response, now looking up to see Drayce, Fafnir and Ryu. "Release me!"

"I can't do that son," Drayce replied, "You're too dangerous to be let go."

Cadmus shook back and forth, grunting in pain before glaring up at his father, "So...it seems I lost. What are you gonna do to me?" He asked, now seeing every member of his army all tied up and being lifted into the air by Dragon-types. "To us?"

"There's a large empty chamber not far from the village," Scylla responded, "It will be remodeled into a prison for you and the rest of the cohorts."

"And you're just going to keep us there forever?!"

"Not forever," Drayce sighed, "Just long enough for you to hopefully learn your lesson. And maybe, one day, you can return to us, and we can be a family again."

"That will never happen," Cadmus hissed.

"That is your decision to make," Scylla replied as a Garchomp flew down, landing behind him and his generals. Long ropes were attached to the ones holding them, all of them tied to the dragon. "We will see you soon. And hopefully, by then you'll have seen the error of your ways." Cadmus said nothing as he was lifted into the air with Fafnir and Libelle.

And as he climbed higher into the air, Cadmus' gaze fell on his brother. Ryu had been silent up until now as Cadmus spoke up, "Do me a favor Ryu...Protect the kingdom." Those were his last words before the three vanished into the sky.

When they were gone, Scylla started crying while Drayce placed an arm around her. Ryu simply kept staring at the sky, letting out a long sigh, "I will." He turned back to Flash and Hopper, both being checked over by Twilight and Kaida. "I...will protect the kingdom. The right way."

"How many times are you almost gonna get yourself killed saving the day?" Twilight asked as Kaida put a band-aid over his cheek.

"I'd say at least a few more times," Flash chuckled, everyone except Twilight laughing at this, the bespectacled girl rolling her eyes.

Hopper was also laughing, only to hear footsteps behind him. Turning to it, he saw Princess standing a ways off. She was staring intently at Hopper, this time blushing when he focused on her. All the confidence she appeared to have around him was gone, Hopper finding the look she wore now ever so cute.

The Skeidran slowly moved over to her, both soon face to face. Then, Princess seemed to bow while holding her wings wide. Despite never seeing this before, Hopper knew what it meant.

"What's going on?" Flash asked, standing up while Kaida let out a gasp.

"It's the Skeidran bonding pose," she replied, "When a female takes that pose, they're asking to become the other's mate." Everyone's eyes went wide at hearing this, then turned back to see Hopper begin to mimic the pose. The tips of their wings touched, and when they did, the two lifted their heads and wrapped their wings around one another as their forehead's touched. "They've bonded." All those around them cheered as Hopper and Princess released one another before rubbing the sides of their heads together.

Flash smiled at the sight, only to see Titan and Mercy walk up to them. The sight made a huge frown appear on his face, his heart sinking at the sight. He knew that if he took Hopper away now, it would be like stealing the groom the moment the wedding ceremony was over.

Now more than ever, Flash knew what he had to do.

Everyone then saw Flash move over to the Skeidran. Hopper turned to him, Flash reaching up to pat him on the side of the head...only to turn away and move over to the kai and his family, taking out a Pokeball.

"Here," he held out the ball to Ryu. Everyone went wide-eyed at this, Ryu's eyes going between the ball and Flash as he said, "Look after him."

Ryu slowly reached up and took the ball, holding it in his hand...but feeling weighed down by it. He stared at the sphere, feeling his breath being taken away before looking back up at Flash, "Are...are you sure?"


"Wow...thanks." Ryu barely replied before bowing his head, "And...I'm sorry about before. I was wrong."

"Its cool." Flash replied before turning around, only to see Hopper walking up to him. He patted his head at this, speaking up, "Hopper, you need to stay here."

"Dran?" Hopper asked.

"This...this is where you belong." The rest of Flash's Pokémon, Twilight, Doc and Spike all began to tear up at these words.

However, the only one who didn't seem to grasp this concept was Hopper, the dragon nudging Flash, "Sky?"

"No," Flash gently pushed him away, "You have to stay." He pointed at Hopper's family and his flock, "They need you." Hopper turned to them, seeing his family and new lover he had found. But as he looked at this, he figured out what this meant.

Hopper turned back to Flash, tears forming in his eyes. "Dran."

"It's okay," Flash patted him on the side of his head. "This is for the best. This is..." Flash couldn't help but let loose a few tears, "Where you belong." He rubbed his eyes with his sleeve, "You'll be happy here. Happier than you could ever be with me." Hopper let out a sad purr, one that said, 'Not without you.'

"Don't worry." He patted him again. "Even though we won't be together, we'll never truly be apart as long as we remember one another. And one day, I promise we'll see each other again."

Hopper purred again, turning to face Princess and the others again. It looked like he finally understood. But then he turned back to Flash, only to suddenly tackle the teen.

"Whoa!" Flash yelped as he felt Hopper hug him, hugging him back as he rubbed the dragon's back, "I know bud. I know..."

And as he pulled away, the rest of their friends moved over to them. But before they could do anything, Shine leapt at Hopper, "Nee!" She cried, tears flying out of her eyes. Hopper stumbled back by her tackle, hugging the Ponyta as she kept crying, "Nee! Nee ta!"

"Dran…" Hopper whispered as she cried into his chest before slowly letting her go.

Skyler, Riptide, Prongs, Viper and Peewee came up next, all giving their goodbyes to their friend, each saying how much they would miss him. Then, Springer was up. Since the day he had hatched, Hopper had seen Springer as a big brother.

"Be strong," Springer told him while hugging his head. "And don't forget anything you learned with us."

"I won't," he replied before Springer pulled away.

Twilight, Spike and Doc were up last, Twilight hugging him, "Oh Hopper..."

"I'm gonna miss you," Spike cried into his chest.

Doc scratched behind Hopper's ear, "I know you'll make a great king." The three moved aside for Flash to walk up to him one last time, the trainer placing a hand on his snout.

"It's time," he whispered before his hand slid off Hopper's nose.

Hopper let out one final purr before turning to Princess and the other Dragon-types. He walked up to them, and as he did this, Titan suddenly bowed, "Dran?"

"What's he doing?" Spike asked.

"Hopper knows Wyvern Wing," Drayce responded, "And it appears Titan believes he's ready to stand as our land's new king." To show this, Mercy and Princess bowed along with the other Skeidran, the rest of the Dragon-types doing the same along with the draconids. Flash smiled before kneeling down, the others following suit as they all bowed to the new king of dragons.

Hopper puffed out his chest, trying to look as royal as possible, eventually letting out a low grunt followed by a loud roar. The rest of the Dragon-types roared back as the humans stood up.

Drayce then yelled at the top of his lungs, "ALL HAIL THE KING OF DRAGONS!" The rest of the humans cheered while the Dragon-types unleashed blasts into the sky, the attacks exploding to create fireworks. Many yells of 'long live the king' filled the air as Princess moved over to Hopper and leaned up beside him.

At the same time, Flash smiled despite the pain he was feeling. He knew he was doing the right thing. Hopper was home where he belonged, and he now stood as its rightful leader.

The next day...

After a long night of rest and recuperation, the group was standing outside the mountain range hiding the Dragon Kingdom. Drayce, Scylla, Ryu and Kaida were there to see them off, Drayce speaking up first, "Well, this is it."

Flash nodded back, "Please look after Hopper."

"Of course," Scylla replied, "Though I feel like he'll be the one who'll be looking after us."

Flash chuckled at this, only for Drayce to flash a palm at him. "Before you go.." Kaida walked up with a glass container, "A gift. One final thank you for all that you've done for us."

"Is that..." was all Twilight could say as they saw an egg was within the case.

"I know Hopper can never be replaced, but I hope you'll accept this Pokémon egg and raise it well." Flash took the container from Kaida, now seeing the egg was mainly blue with a single yellow star on the very top.

"Are...are you sure?" He asked them, the draconids all nodding.

"Of course," Scylla responded, "We know you'll treat it well."

Ryu laughed at this, "And when it hatches, you should come back so we can have a rematch."

Flash couldn't help but smile while looking down at the egg, the others now taking a closer look. Spike then turned to Drayce, "So...do you know what kind of Pokémon's inside it?"

"Of course we do," Drayce chuckled, "But where's the fun in just telling you?" Spike pouted while the others laughed, all giving their final goodbyes before turning to leave.

They headed down the beaten trail Drayce had told them to take in order to get back to the main road toward Manehatten, all the while Flash was staring at his new egg.

"I can't wait to see what it's gonna be." Twilight commented.

"Yeah." Flash replied, letting out a sigh as he said this. "Still..."

"SKEIDRAN!" Their heads all shot up at the sudden voice, now seeing a quartet of Skeidran standing a top a mountain a close distance away. Hopper, Princess, Titan and Mercy were all staring down at them, he and Flash locking eyes one final time.

As they did, they both remembered their time together fondly. Finding Hopper's egg and hatching it, saving him from the poachers and catching him. All the training, all their battles. The race and battle that lead to his evolution. Defeating Spitfire and so much more. Moments neither of them will ever forget.

"Goodbye old friend," Flash whispered as the others gave Flash a pat on the shoulder before waving goodbye to the Skeidran as they continued to their next big adventure.

Though they must now go their separate ways, Flash and Hopper will always be friends. And they will always remember what the other taught them, no matter what obstacles they find themselves up against. After all, they both knew that one day, they would be reunited.

<The End>