The Rookie

by dicerollball

Chapter 7: Journey to Stonepeak

What. In. Equestria. Was. That?

I was just sitting in Twilight's class. I haven't heard this lecture before, and as bored as I was, I decided to listen in on it. It'll only be a few more days until everything starts over again after all. So might as well. Plus I wanted to test out just how limited this strange memory was. Apparently, it can see practically any angle of what ponies or creatures have been doing during the time. Strange. Weren't these just supposed to be my memories..?

As I began to fall in this existential crises about my situation, figuring this was much bigger than I originally thought it might just be, something had caught my attention. First, Spike entered the room. That wasn't very concerning. He was just doing his job and handing out some papers to Headmare Twilight... but then something new appeared. A whole new figure entirely.

It was tall. It stood on two legs. It lacked fur but it had dark hair that cascaded over its shoulders. The clothing they wore was a blinding white and in it's grasp was a pair of glasses. The thing reached up with it's free hand and gripped the door as it stepped in, it's eyes full of curiosity and wonder as it stared at Princess Twilight. I could only stare at it from my desk as it took one step forward- and then disappeared in a blink.

What. In. Tartarus?

My wings flapped behind me in alarm as I looked over at the rest of the class, "Did anypony..??" I questioned to a room that didn't even pay attention to me. No pony reacted. No pony even noticed. I was the only one who saw whatever that was. That creature- that THING. I couldn't even process what it was. I groaned in frustration.

"I'm going crazy..."

"Chrysalis wait!" I fluttered up in front of the changeling queen, "Please don't go yet! At least come with us to Stonepeak. We can help you get there and- and once we find the crystals then you'll be able to hide yourself better AND have a way to find us, eh? You need the map to find Stonepeak anyways, right?" I tried to bargain, hoping she'd stay with me.

Chrysalis scoffed, "I can find my way to the wretched mountain all by myself, thank you. And I don't need that crystal. I can easily infiltrate that sorry excuse of a lair and sneak right back out with no issue. I am good at staying hidden after all. Don't you believe that?"

I desperately nodded as she walked by me, "Yes! I do believe you're amazing at what you do... but we really shouldn't split up. It's not safe to split up, what if something goes wrong???"

She paused and turned to me with a raised brow, "Like what?"

"I..." My mouth opened and closed, "Um... What if... we... lose you?" I muttered out.

"Is that what you're concerned about?" Chrysalis hissed, "No. There's something else, isn't there? You're worried about something going wrong. What could that possibly be, I wonder..? Hm?"

"I- I don't know. Everything? What if everything goes wrong-??"

"Everything?" The queen seemed to lull over the word I had said, "Everything..?" She reached up to tap at the vial across her neck.

"Q-Queen Chrysalis?"

"You're worried... about Equestria." Her eyes widened in realization.

"Um- wait, what? Ahah, what gave you that idea?" I nervously smiled.

"Hah. Hahah! No. No no no. I see what you're playing at now." Chrysalis laughed, "Well I'm not playing this GAME! I know why you don't want me to leave. I figured you out! You're scared I'll run off with this sealant and take over Equestria, under the guise that no one, not even the lord of chaos himself, could find me now. You're not scared for me. You're scared for Equestria. For everything. Well I've had enough of you ponies trying to spread your LOVE and FRIENDSHIP, especially onto ME!" Her wings began to buzz behind her as she prepared to take off.

I flinched as her voice got louder and louder with each sentence, "Chrysalis wait no! This isn't about Friendship just let me explain!"

Before I could even reach out to her, she had already fled the scene. One moment she was there, the next she became a shrinking black dot in the sky. I wanted to yell something. To shout. Instead, my voice came out in a quiet whisper as I continued to stare at her retreating form, "You're... You're part of that everything, too..."

Cerberus could only whine behind me as Cervantes gently nudged the back of my head.

I sighed and placed my hooves against my forehead. Something about this situation felt familiar. Too familiar. I could hear this voice in my head pounding in my ears. It wasn't mine. It was someone else's. Someone angry and frustrated...
Someone who always took it out on me... and every time. Every time I would slip up with what I said. Every time I would try to explain myself but never get the chance to. Every time I was yelled over, insulted... or ignored as she walked away before I could even get a word in, leaving me behind to fester and to boil. Enough to break something. Enough to destroy something. Enough to... to...

I let out a choked sob as my emotions spilled out.

This was Equestria. This was my chance to start over and be a new person, right? A new person. I can do that, can't I? New life. New me.
Please don't repeat.

Russel licked my face and snapped me out of my thoughts. I breathed out in surprised and let out a rough cough. Looking up, I saw all three heads staring at me with concern before they nuzzled up against my chest. I let out a sniff and realized how stained my cheeks felt.
"I hope she gets out okay..." I quietly sighed as I rested me head against Russel's. After what that was, I think I just need to sit still for a moment... and what a nice moment it was. I was being cuddled by a giant three-headed dog in a demolished clearing. It was perfect and calm, even though the description wasn't much so. I couldn't help but chuckle lightly at myself, "Thank you Cerberus, I'm alright." I assured as I gently pushed their heads back.

They all whimpered at the same time.

"I'm sure things will be fine," I told them but also myself, "We should... probably go check on Tirek. At least he's not thinking I'm trying to infect him with the magic of friendship or something." I mimicked Chrysalis' voice with a more high-pitched noise before letting out a giggle. I quietly apologized, but I just had to get that out of my system.
"Man... At this point, the word Friendship doesn't even sound right anymore." I chuckled, "I hate it."


It wasn't long before I returned with Cerberus to camp. We found Tirek there, he had easily gathered up the supplies and prepared them for travel in makeshift sacks and bags. Most were meant to be held by the giant guard dog by our side.

"Ah, there you are," He grunted, "We should be ready to go soon. Where's Chrysalis?"

I bit my lip, "She wants to join us at Stonepeak later. She left something behind in Discord's lair so she went back for it."

Tirek rolled his eyes, "Risky, but with that concealment potion I'm sure she will easily return to us," He went to strap up some bags onto Cerberus, "That is if she even wants to. Come on, the sooner we get to that mountain the sooner we can have a place to rest up that doesn't feel as... out in the open as this infuriating forest."

"Glad to see you're not as concerned, as usual." I went to slip my own pack onto myself.

"Why should I be? She can handle herself. And even if she can't, well that's on her. Not us."

I fluttered up to help get Cerberus ready for the journey, "What if I ran off to do some crazy mission on my own? Would you be a little bit worried?"

"If you get yourself killed, that's entirely your fault." Tirek hummed.

".... but would you be worried?"

He paused at the question, "I would think you were an idiot, and I wouldn't try to save you."

"Would you try to save Cozy Glow?"

Tirek gave me a stare, "What exactly are you insinuating?"

"Oh, I-I don't mean anything by it..! Not like as a threat or anything if that's what you're thinking." I sheepishly smiled, "It's just, I am in her body, and you two did work together. You even called her your protégé once, didn't you? So... wouldn't you want her to at least stick around?"

The other scoffed, "Not only is she a child, but a pony as well. A little insignificant brat that's completely riddled with Friendship. Mind you a corrupted version, but still annoying all the same. I only tolerate her because of her potential. Nothing more."

"Okay... but would you try and save her? You never answered that question." I smirked playfully, "You know a lot of my kind likes to see you as her father figure sometimes-"

"FATHER figure???" Tirek fumed, causing me to fly backwards into Cerberus.


He huffed and crossed his arms, "Fine. If it was her own fault, I wouldn't go trying to save her. But if it was because of you or Chrysalis or any other idiot around here... Then I suppose. She is still my student after all."

"So if I fell off a cliff would you jump after me?"

"No, because you have wings and I don't. Now stop pestering me with these senseless questions and lets get a move on already." He grunted as he hoisted a pack over his shoulder and beckoned Cerberus to follow. The guard dog let out an annoyed grunt but still trailed after the centaur with me settling down on top of Russel's head.

A silence trickled between us as we traversed through the Everfree.

"... So you DO care about her?"

"Don't think such ridiculous thoughts. I will turn this journey around, young lady."

"Did you feel that..? Another one is arriving soon, my dear." The creature chuckled as it gently brushed its claw across the mare's black mane, "Oh her mind, so full of wonder and curiosity. Her thoughts all on the mountain. I can't wait to meet her. Aren't you excited, too..?"

"You'll have a new friend joining us very very soon~!"

Apparently Stonepeak was really far away. As a wave of orange brushed across the skies, Tirek made us stop and set up camp under the safety of the canopy. I remember I didn't want to sleep. I wanted to keep going and get to the mountain already! He insisted however, convincing me that it would be more dangerous at night. Equestria had many powerful and dangerous creatures after all... it would be risky blindly going through an unknown terrain in the dark of the night.

Even with Cerberus as our guard, there could still be something out there that no one has even found as of yet. It was better to be safe than sorry.

So, I agreed and helped get everything set up. Tirek was much faster that by the time I had managed to stick one stake into my tent he was already sitting in front of his with a makeshift blanket underneath and Discord's orb in his hands. The campfire crackled nearby as his glowing eyes peered down at the round object. Images reflected off the surface as he flicked through scene after scene.

Perhaps he was trying to figure it out. I sighed and continued with my work, Cerberus helping out where he could.

I suppose I really needed the rest. Though a part of me tries to avoid eating and sleeping as much, maybe because I think it's a total waste of time, Tirek always somehow finds a way to convince me. If I want to do more, I'm going to have to take care of myself. Of course I knew that, but I never saw... the need for it. At least not until now.
This wasn't my body, after all.

When it was finally time to retire, I gave Russel a hug and patted the others heads, "Goodnight," I whispered before retreating into my small tent. I stumbled over to my sleeping bag and collapsed right then and there. Exhaustion instantly took over. I just... really needed to sleep.

My mind went blank as I dozed away. The world around me seemed to disappear entirely. I felt myself lost, lost in an empty and silent void.

Then, there was light and noise. I snapped my eyes open at the shrill shout of an exasperated woman.

"She's always causing issues like this!"

I stood there. Human again. A mask on my face, an apron across my body, and a visor atop my head. The floors underneath me were tile and everything around me was colored in white and tan colors. The colors of the bakery. Those colors soon became a grey and silver, however, as I was ushered into the back where my boss and one of my new managers now stood. My manager was bent over a prep table, her face in her hands as my boss stood nearby, confused and disappointed.

Survive. Adapt. Appeal.

"First she has a problem with Mandy, and now she's having problems with me and the newbie!"

My mind whirled. Those problems..? Wasn't that a month ago? It was just a disagreement, wasn't it? "I don't..."

The lady spun towards me, "Hell no you don't! I don't want to hear your excuses! I don't know what's up with you but I am not here to be your friend! You have done nothing towards me but cause problems with your little outbursts!"

My outbursts??? What about yours? What about theirs? My first manager wasn't so rude! I wanted to say all this, but instead I fell into shocked silence.
Did I explode? Did I have an outburst? All I remember was asking if they needed help. What did I do after that..? Why can't I remember? Am I going crazy? Is my memory that bad? What... What did I do..??
And even after all of this, I can't even remember her name. The person I apparently hurt. Why couldn't I remember her name?

Survive. Adapt. Appeal.
I remember apologizing.

"I don't know what's wrong with me, I need to figure myself out," I had said.

I tried to continue. I had gotten stressed. Was stress what happened to me? I had been told to leave if I didn't want to be there, once, when I was fumbling about and panicked out of my mind. I had made a request, I remember, but then an argument happened.
I had left. Or did I get kicked out? I can barely remember.

Survive. Adapt. Appeal.
I have worked here longer than they have. Even got told by my boss I could make a good manager one day. Why are they pushing me around over something I've done for years?

I tried to continue. The next day went by like normal, until I was being told to do multiple things at once. I couldn't without my supplies, so I went back to get them. The new manager yelled at me to do my job, to stop being lazy even when I told her what I was trying to get.
I tried to ignore her and just get what I needed done. I need bags. Bags to store the products in. I had none of that up front. I needed bags-

"I don't like this ATTITUDE you're having!" She shouted behind me.


Silence. Things finally went silent. Everyone had paused. Even the manager. I turned away and continued my work. The customer didn't hear me, somehow. They didn't even care that I stepped back to get them a bag.

I continued my work.

I questioned why, if I had outbursts before, why could I remember this one but not the previous ones..?

... I was pulled to the side. I idly listened to what my boss had to say. I didn't even pay attention much, honestly. I felt drained. I took off my visor, nametag, and apron all while he was trying to explain something to me. Some sort of life lesson.
I handed him my things mid-discussion.

"I quit."

I opened my eyes again.

The Friendship School. What was I doing back here? Didn't I already dream this, earlier? I was sitting criss-crossed on the carpeted floors. My mind was racing as I testingly raised my hand. I could move it again. I wasn't trapped in some old memory. My first job. Why did that come up..?

I sighed and brushed my hands through my dark hair. I remember when I first started that job. I was young and excited. The manager above me was nice and caring. A motherly type. In fact, all my managers were pretty chill... until they quit when disaster hit. A global disaster.

Maybe I shouldn't talk about it much, I joked to myself, what if I got in trouble or something for spreading misinformation~? Hah! Aaah..... I do not miss it. I really don't.

I leaned back and stared up at nothing. The silence was interrupted by the taps of hesitant hoofsteps behind me.

I turned and spotted a familiar pink filly with a curly blue mane. Our eyes locked and I couldn't help but smile, "Oh. What's up, Cozy Glow?"

A beat went by.

She screamed. I screamed. We both screamed. Before I knew it, she was running away with a flap of her wings.

"Hey wait-!" I stumbled up on my feet and gave chase, "Come back!"

"HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME?! WHAT ARE YOU???" She called out behind her as she raced away.




"BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T EXIST UNTIL NOW! OOF-!" She suddenly slammed face first against one of the paintings. I came to a screeching halt as her little pink body fell onto the ground.

"Oooooh... That's gotta hurt." I hissed out.

"Actually you'd be surprised, it really doesn't." Cozy muttered as she raised her head and patted her over-complicated mane, as if making sure it didn't get ruined, "You can't feel a darn thing here."

"... Then WHY were you freaking out??"

"You're not supposed to BE HERE! That's WHY!" Cozy shouted, "These are my old memories, what are you doing in MY memories??"

I went to pluck up Cozy, despite the yelp of disapproval from the filly, "Oh my god you're so fucking tiny."


"Chill, I'm not gonna hurt you." I chuckled as I held her out in front of me, "Okay so, we're in your old memories... but why are we in your old memories?"

"That's exactly what I asked you, you monstrous creature of-"

"Okay, but why are YOU?"

"..." Cozy stopped pushing against my face and seemed to actually consider the question. Her eyes narrowed as she opened her mouth, closed it, and opened it again, "Oh golly, I'm not entirely sure..! Miss, can you pweaaaase help me figure this out? I don't really know what is going on and I feel really lost..!" She asked with large puppy dog eyes.

"Ew. Stop that." I dropped her, "Please don't ever do that shit again. I know that's your gimmick or whatever but it's so obnoxiously obvious that it just doesn't work on me. Plain and simple."

Cozy righted herself up, "Well EXCUSE ME! At least I know what personal space is you hairless monkey!"

I crouched down to her level, "Now that was just rude, you little piece of shit."

"Freak of nature!"

"Cotton candy brat."

"Underwhelming demon!"

"Lying bitch."


"Curls for brains."

We both stopped and stared at one another. Her face was angrily scrunched while I felt this giggly twinkle of amusement. Without warning, I clutched my chest and burst out laughing.

"What's so funny??" Cozy growled.

"I like you." I chuckled, "You're hilarious! Is that why you were one of my favorites??"

"I'm cute and lovable, not HILARIOUS!"

"Yes you are!"

"UUUGH just- Why are you HERE?"

"Hmm.... I dunno."

Cozy scrutinized me, "What do you mean 'I DUNNO.'" She badly mimicked with a dumb face to boot.

"I uh... Just don't. I fell asleep, had a weird dream, and now I'm here."

The other circled around me with a flap of her wings, "What even are you?"

"I'm human."

"What's a human?"

"I don't know."

Cozy blinked, "What?"

"Well let's look at it this way," I hummed in thought, "What are we? Why are we really here? Are we supposed to be here on purpose, or is our entire existence a complete accident? Some of us never even had a chance to exist and yet, here we are. Existing. So what is a human? Is it a species made with purpose or a species made to just... exist? What is a human, Cozy Glow? What are we?"

"... Please stop. You're hurting my brain."

I suddenly perked, "I uh, think I have to go."

Cozy jumped to attention at that, "Go? Go where? Wait! Don't leave me here!"

"Hey, don't worry kid, I'll be back." I said.

"How do you know you will though??? You just- You fell asleep! What if you don't come back??"

"... Somehow, I know I will. I gotta go." I repeated. Even though I really didn't want to leave and wanted to stay for as long as possible; I couldn't stop myself from turning away from Cozy Glow. I was walking without really thinking.

"Wait! Wait please. I don't want to be alone again. At least tell me your name!" The filly flew up by my side. Her crimson eyes were full of panic and fear.

I gently smiled back, "Just call me Zeri."

Then I woke up.

I sat up, panting. My- no... Cozy's hooves were now pressed up against her forehead. This isn't my body. It felt so wrong now. I was getting so used to her being me but now after that? After talking to her? I was dissociating really bad right now. She's there. She exists. She's SOMEWHERE. But where? Where was that somewhere..??

And where... where is my body?

"Insolent brat. I'll show her..." Chrysalis hissed out as she snaked through the lair as, well, a literal snake, "What does she think will happen? That I'll just allow myself to get caught? Hah..! As if. Hm... Where is- ah~! There we are."

The place where the three all met for the first time. The very (presumably) center of the "ram's" base. It was surrounded with jagged stone, swamp water, and overgrowth. The table that lay in the middle was now barren after Tirek had stolen away the orb that used to sit perched there.

The table should be where she last left her log. Possibly hidden behind it of course, that's why she couldn't see it now. Right?

The changeling slithered over to the table by easily crossing over the water in her slippery form. She made her way up to it and began to circle the area; expecting to find her purple log just sitting where she last saw it.
It... wasn't there.

Huh. Chrysalis stared at the spot. The empty spot. Well this wasn't right! It should be right there!

Where did Discord put it??

As she pondered over it, she decided to explore. Possibly risky, but she was not leaving without that log! She moved throughout the tunnels and caverns. Her form would shift and change into various small creatures as she made her way deeper and deeper into the depths of the lair. It had to be here somewhere, right?? Where could he have hidden it? That damn spastic jerk didn't just throw it out, DID HE?

She began searching more desperately now. WHERE IS IT? WHERE WAS HER MINION? She was tempted to screech. Her follower! Her creation! What could he have done to it?


"Oops. Dropped it!"

Chrysalis looked up in her rat form as she heard a voice nearby. Gritting her teeth, she transformed into a large beetle and fluttered into the next area, where she soon spotted her log- THE log- as it was tossed into the air.

"GO LONG!" Somepony in a black and neon green outfit laughed underneath her helmet as she jumped up and bucked the log towards another one of her companions.

A more slender looking one of the pegasi trio hopped up and easily kicked it back across the chamber. A purple piece went flying, nicked off from the brunt force.

The queen stared wide-eyed as they kicked her precious purple log back and forth between each other. Anger boiled within her tiny body and her rage seethed behind her eyes. How dare they... HOW DARE THEY?

She wasn't thinking clearly. Chrysalis had dropped her disguise entirely and lunged for the next pegasus that was being passed her irreplaceable log. A small one that just seemed about the size of a putrid FOAL. His helmet went flying off, revealing a red stallion, as he slammed against the ground with a yelp. She let out a loud hiss as the log went tumbling along the floor besides her prey.

"HOW DARE YOU! Playing with something that DOESN'T belong to you! I should consume you where you ARE! You whimpering, pathetic WELP!" The queen spat, her fangs glinting in the torch-light.

"AH-!! HEY WHAT'S THE BIG IDEA? GET OFF OF ME!" The colt kicked at her face and went springing back up into the air to join his other companions.

The kick, though it hurt, just made her even angrier. Chrysalis let out a growl as she used her magic to pull her log besides her, "Come here my sweet baby, I'm so sorry I left you alone with these COWARDLY PEGASI!"

"Did you just call us cowardly?" One of them yanked their helmet off and tossed it to the side, revealing a fiery orange mane and turquoise fur. Her amber eyes pierced into the queen as she hovered in between the others.
"We are the Washouts. Nothing about us screams cowardly. And if you're not convinced then we'll show you! Come at us you overgrown bug!"

The slender one yanked her helmet off too, revealing a purple mane with curly white hair. A scar crossed over her light blue eyes and her glare would burn back at Chrysalis' look.

"Oh please. Like you three could take me on." Chrysalis laughed, "I'd love to see you try."

"Oh you asked for it! Get her!" The main mare in charge zipped towards the queen, a trail of green and yellow chasing after her as she readied her hoof. The other two followed behind, ready to wham into Chrysalis from the sides as they wasted no time.

Chyrsalis on the other hoof was preparing a spell, her horn glowing green as she confidently smirked at the three disgusting ponies- but before any of them could even land one hit on another, their bodies all abruptly froze within a yellow glow.

The Washouts found themselves stuck in midair, ready to kick, punch, and pulverize the queen with all they had. Chyrsalis stood as still as a statue with her mind blaring in alarm. Oh no.

"That's enough." A familiar voice grumbled. Chrysalis did not have to move her head to guess who it was. Especially when she saw a glimpse of blue nearby.

Discord. Disguised as Grogar.

The fake ram revealed himself. His head raised and his smirk cocky. He gracefully made his way in front of Queen Chrysalis and looked her up and down with a bored expression. Then, in victory, he grinned to the supposed leader of the trio, "Good job Lightning Dust. It seems you have helped me capture one of my... troublesome subjects. Welcome back Chrysalis." He nodded to her.

"I have just the place to put you."