//------------------------------// // Chapter 9: To the Flying Fortress // Story: My Final Pony Fantasy // by Vimtrust5 //------------------------------// At daybreak, our heroes left Onrac and hopped onboard the airship. "What should we do now?" Zauver spoke up. "I think we should go back to the places we've already been to, learn so that Setro and I could learn some magic." Setro thought about it. True, they already had magic users in their group, but they still needed more skills to complete their journey. "Not to mention that stone tablet you found in the Sunken Shrine, Twilight," said Teol. "Do you remember what that man in Onrac said about lost languages?" she asked. The others nodded. "It might be the Rosetta Stone he was talking about." "Very well then," said Setro. "After Zauver and I learn some spells, we return to Melmond." "Ah hear ya," Applejack said dejectedly. And so, it was settled. The party took off and went towards several towns with Setro and Zauver learning several magic spells, selling unneeded equipment, and purchasing more items. After they were done with Elfheim, our heroes went back to the village where they needed a certain someone's help. Melmond Setting foot and hoof into Melmond again, our heroes found Dr. Unne at his usual spot. "Ah, the Light Warriors and my little pony friends," said the scholar. "What brings you back here?" "We've brought you something that may be useful for our quest," said Setro, holding the Rosetta Stone. "Where did you find this...?" he asked. "It was in the shrine the Kraken attacked 200 years ago." Dr. Unne observed the artifact closely and came to a conclusion. "Without a doubt, this is Lufenian!" He proclaimed. The scholar then proceeded to teach our heroes how to understand and speak the language. In just 8 minutes, the group became completely fluent in Lufenian. "Thank you, doctor!" said Twilight. "Thank you very much," said Fluttershy. "Wow! That was pretty quick," Pinkie Pie added. "From what I heard, learning a new language takes a while, like a say several months, to learn." "We know, Pinkie," said Twilight. "Let's be off to Lufenia!" Setro commanded. "Thank Celestia," Applejack said under her breath. The party left the village, got back onboard their vessel and headed east. Below they discovered a tiny village enclosed in a deep forest; they were forced to land on a small patch of grass in the north of town, far away from their destination. The group was very annoyed. "Seriously?" asked Zauver. "I can't believe this was the only place we had to land." Twilight sighed, "I guess we'll have to hoof it... or eh... You know what I mean." She chuckled nervously. The group disembarked and traversed through the land, fighting off several winter wolves, trolls, and a large reptilian creature. Once they dispatched their foes, and scared the wolves away, our heroes grew even stronger. After trekking through the forest, our heroes finally reached the village they sought. Lufenia The village was just as beautiful as the others. Rarity couldn't keep her eyes off the architecture and looked all around. "So this is Lufenia," Twilight observed. "Oh, there's someone there." "Excuse me," Setro spoke in Lufenian. "We are the Warriors of Light, and these are our friends from another world." "You can speak our language," the man said in astonishment. "Yes, thanks to someone from the outside world." "So you're the Lufenians," said Twilight. The man gasped. "An equine that speaks Lufenian as well?" "Please don't be frightened," said Fluttershy. "We won't hurt you." "Oh, I'm not frightened. I'm just... shocked." He quickly got his shock and continued. "Anyway, yes. We are the Lufenians, descendants of the race that once lived far above the land--the Sky People, they were called. You use a vessel that you call an airship..." "That's right," said Zauver. "That's how we got here in the first place." "I see. Anyway, your airship was built by one of our ancestors... a man by the name of Cid." Cid, huh? Twilight thought. That's a strange name. "Thank you for your story, sir," said Setro. "You are most welcome, warriors. If you wish to know more, ask around." "We will." Going around the city, our heroes learned several things about Lufenian culture and how Tiamat changed everything. They even learned that in order gain access to the Flying Fortress, they must travel to the Mirage Tower situated in the desert that lay in the center of the continent. The group also learned that the Lufenians suspected someone else masterminding the appearance of the Four Fiends, and that five Lufenian warriors were turned into bats. Finally, they spoke with one citizen who gave them the item necessary to gain entrance to the Mirage Tower, a bell-like chime. Before they left the town, our heroes discovered a small house that housed both black and white magic spells. Inside, Teol and Flora learned the powerful spells: Flare and Full-Life. Their errands finished, the party exited the town and went all the way back to the airship and traveled to the Great Desert on the center of the continent and found what they were looking for. They landed on a grassy area just outside the desert and trekked through. "There it is!" said Zauver. "The Mirage Tower!" As they approached the gates, Setro brought out the chime and rang it, opening the gate and allowing them access to the tower and the Floating Fortress. Mirage Tower Once inside the tower, the Light Warriors and the Equestrians looked upon the walls and floors, finding several bricks lying about. All of a sudden, the group was waylaid by three vampires similar to the one they defeated in Terra Cavern. "What in tarnation?!" said Applejack. "More vampires?" Rainbow Dash added. She and the others went into battle formation. Flora's Diaga and Teol's Firaga quickly eliminated two of the undead creatures, while Zauver dispatched the last of them with ease. "VICTORY!!" Pinkie Pie shouted loudly, making everyone cover their ears. *music fades out* On the second level, our heroes found more treasure like always including a hammer that could cast Thundara when used. On the third and final floor, they found more robots, similar to the one found in the waterfall cave. They pleaded with the ponies and humans to revive the Wind Crystal. They assured the machines that they would and proceeded to the central room; in the middle was a strange platform. But before they could activate the platform, a giant blue dragon appeared; however Setro and Zauver immediately disposed of the beast. "Well, that didn't last long!" said a disappointed Rainbow Dash. "I feel kind of sorry for it, though," Fluttershy lamented. "Me, too," Teol agreed. "Kind of?" asked Zauver. "Well, yes. But let's... move on." *music stops* Using the cube given to them, our heroes found themselves transported to a place where none of them had ever thought of ending up. Flying Fortress Our heroes found themselves in an unfamiliar room with nothing like that had seen before. "Hey, Twilight!" said Pinkie Pie excitedly. "Look at these things!!" "This doesn't look like any castle or fortress we've been to before," Setro observed. Our heroes went outside, looked down and saw stars along with something they never expected to see... the whole planet beneath them! It then dawned on Twilight as she slowly lifted her head, her eyes wide as saucers. "This isn't a castle or a fortress..." she deduced. "It's a space station...!" "A what?!" said a bewildered Zauver. Don't ask how they can breathe in space. Just then, an evil female voice made its presence known by cackling in utter glee. Surprised, the group looked around in confusion. "That laugh..." said Twilight. "It's been a long time, Twilight Sparkle," said the voice. "The Changeling Queen!" the ponies said in unison. "Correct. It is I, Queen Chrysalis in case you wanted to know my name. And those humans with you must be the Light Warriors I've heard so much about." "Show yourself, demon!" Setro commanded. "'Demon?' What makes you think of me as such a thing?" she said mockingly. "If you want to see me so badly, come to the fourth floor of this fortress." "You bet we will!" said a determined Rainbow Dash. The others agreed. *music stops* They turned to Pinkie Pie holding her breath, looking blue in the face. "Pinkie?" said Applejack. "Ah think you can breathe now." "You sure?" she said, muffled. Applejack nodded. The pink earth pony finally exhaled, panting as she joined the others. *music resumes* They went off to explore the dungeon and found several treasure including more gil and a healing helmet. Suddenly, as they were about to find their way to the next floor, a group of four manticores appeared. Fluttershy, believing them to be as friendly as the one she and her friends encountered on their journey to defeat Nightmare Moon, approached them, despite the others' objections. "Fluttershy, no!" Flora called out. The others shook their heads and waved their hands/hooves, fearful for their friend's well-being. "It's alright," she assured them. "They shouldn't hurt me." Unfortunately, the kind pegasus was proven wrong the second one of them pounced at her and roared. She dodged and countered by giving it the stare, only to have the creature roar in her face even louder. She chuckled nervously. "On second thought..." she ran back to her friends and took a fighting stance. Everyone else did likewise, seeing they can't be reasoned with. "Y'all need to learn some manners!" Applejack shouted, bucking one of the beasts, and knocking it into one of its fellow manticores. "Take this!" said Pinkie Pie. "Party Cannon!" Said cannon fired a ball on confetti at the monsters who ripped them to shred. Pinkie's eyes shrunk. "Uh-oh!" Teol stepped in and cast the Firaga spell, scaring them off once and for all. "That oughta do it!" said Zauver. *music fades out* With the manticores gone, our heroes continued onward to find their way to the next level. Fluttershy looked down on the ground, disheartened. All she wanted was to be friends with the manticores, not fight them or endanger the group. She stopped and sighed heavily; Flora, Teol and Rainbow Dash walked over to the yellow pegasus and embraced her. "Hey, lookie here!" said Pinkie Pie, pointing to a strange tile. She stepped on it and vanished in the blink of an eye. "PINKIE PIE!!!" Everypony shouted. "Where is she?" asked Teol. His question was answered as Pinkie Pie appeared yet again on the same spot. "Right here, silly!" she said. "You've gotta try this thing out! It'll take you to another room, possibly the next floor in the dungeon where we can find some neat things..." As the hyperactive pony rambled on, Setro and Twilight had the same look on their faces; they nodded to each other and stopped Pinkie from talking more. "Thanks, Pinkie," said Twilight. "Aw, you're welcome, Twilight!" Pinkie said. "What for?" Everyone sighed, brushing off Pinkie's obliviousness. One by one, the group stepped on the tile and sure enough found themselves on another level of the fortress. They split up again to explore the rooms. In one room in the southwest corner, Setro found a strange metal. Could this be...? he thought. The knight exited the chamber and met up with his comrades once more. They found the next warp tile and found themselves on the third floor. There, they went around a particular section and found giant orb that functioned as an observation window, looking upon the world below. Our heroes were shocked to find the four elements flowing to one place in the center of the world: the Chaos Shrine. Setro pulled out the world map to pinpoint its location; his eyes widened in shock. "Setro?" asked Twilight. "What's the matter?" Flora also asked. "Look at the viewing globe and this map," he instructed. "Do you recall anything about this region?" They all did as told, and like Setro, their eyes widened. "That's the temple where Princess Sarah was being hostage!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "That's right." Twilight overcame her shock and placed her hoof on her chin. "I guess we shouldn't be too surprised," she said. "What do you mean?" asked Zauver. "That place is also called the Temple of Fiends, right?" They all nodded. "So I guess that makes sense why it's called that and the 'Chaos Shrine.'" Something tells me we may have to pay that shrine another visit, she thought. "Let's move on." After examining every room on the level, they found yet another warp tile transporting them to the next section. As they reached the fourth floor, our heroes went straight down the corridor passing two pillars, but as they turned left they were greeted by a most unexpected sight: Queen Jayne of Cornelia was standing right in front of them! Or so they thought... "Your Majesty?!" said Setro. "What brings you here?" The party rushed to her side only to be met with the "queen" laughing haughtily as a green flame consumed her, revealing her true form. The ponies went into their battle stances immediately upon seeing their enemy, while the others stood in shock. True, they had faced several creatures over the course of their journey along with the changelings, but she was much different. With green eyes, a blue mane, a bigger horn and a larger appearance than the rest of her kind, Queen Chrysalis stood tall. "Salutations, Warriors of Light," she said mockingly. "I am Queen Chrysalis of the changelings!" She then turned to see the beings responsible for her first defeat. "We meet again, my little ponies. How have you been?" Twilight and her friends glared at the evil creature. "Busy," the purple alicorn said. "Taking care of the mess you've created!" "The mess I created?" she chuckled. "Think again, Twilight! It was your brother and foalsitter that sent me here, after all." "Don't play mind games with us, Chrysalis!" Setro retorted. "The ponies have told us everything about how you deceived them and turned almost everypony against their friend." The Equestrians turned their heads in shame, unable to forget that painful moment. "So what?" she answered without a hint of remorse. "Just the fact you forgave them and still call them your friends makes me sick. Friendship is disgusting." "You're the sick one, Chrysalis!" Rainbow Dash. "I oughta press you into jerk cider!" "You are more than welcome to, Rainbow Dash. But not here." "What?! But you said--" "I only goaded you into seeing me here on the fourth floor," the queen interrupted. "However, if you wish to fight, follow me to the top!" the queen challenged, as she flew away and used the warp tile near her, laughing evilly. "She's getting away!" "After her!" said Setro. Upon reaching the top floor, the group found themselves standing in front of a bridge that would surely lead them to the final crystal. As they took a few steps on the structure, footsteps were heard a distance. "What's that sound?" asked Flora. "I don't know, but I don't like it." Teol answered; the footsteps grew even louder. Suddenly, Chrysalis appeared and began to laugh. "Consider this a gift from Tiamat and myself, heroes." she taunted. Knowing whatever they'd face was coming, our heroes unsheathed their weapons, but nothing could have prepared them for what they saw next: a giant bipedal machine designed to kill. (You can play either this track or this one.) "INTRUDERS DETECTED," it spoke. "OBJECTIVE: ELIMINATE AT ALL COSTS." "E-Eliminate?" "We've come this far; there's no turning back now!" Setro proclaimed. "You're right!" said Flora. "Protera!" The party members were instantly encased in each of his or her own protective shield. Twilight and the two pegasi took flight while the others stood on the bridge, ready to fight. Little did they realize this machine, known as Warmech, was much more dangerous than any adversary they had encountered. As the battle raged on, Queen Chrysalis observed from the shadows and kept a watchful eye on her adversaries. The machine fired a dangerous laser beam in Flora's direction; Setro stood in front of his companion and intercepted the beam, falling to one knee. "Setro!" The knight panted and gasped for air. "Everyone... we've got to stop this machine..." "But I cast Protera! How...?" Her answer came from Chrysalis's magic. The white wizard gasped. "Oh no! She must have dispelled my magic!" "Right you are, human!" the Changeling Queen said mockingly. "You've got them now, Warmech! ATOMIZE!!" "AS YOU COMMAND," the bipedal robot responded, its "eyes" glowing bright red. Flora gasped. "Invisara!" she chanted. But it was too late; a blast came from the robot, engulfing everyone on the bridge. Warmech's attack succeeded, leaving the non-flying heroes at its mercy. The three ponies gasped; Rainbow Dash flew up in the air, while Twilight struck the robot with a magic beam. The white wizard panted, and cast Healaga, bringing everyone else back on their feet and hooves. Zauver quickly struck the machine with his new hammer. Warmech responded by firing a laser beam at the ninja, who jumped over it. "Hey, metalhead!" cried Rainbow Dash. She swooped down, knocking Warmech down to the ground. Fluttershy took the opportunity to dismantle the machine's legs. "Get away from that thing!" Teol shouted. But the black wizard's warnings were ignored as the robot threw the yellow pegasus across the bridge like a rag doll. Full of rage, Teol blindly charged at his metallic adversary. "Teol, no!" Setro warned. It was too late, however. One laser blast later and the black wizard was pushed back toward his allies, only to be caught by Setro. "Thank you..." said Teol. He gasped. "Fluttershy!" He ran to his yellow friend, and from what he could see, she needed help. "Flora!" "I've got it!" the white wizard responded. "Curaja!" Soon Fluttershy was back to full health. She decided to stay on the ground this time. Twilight fired yet another powerful beam at Warmech, this time weakening the machine. Zauver saw his chance to finish the fight, so he struck the final blow with his hammer, dismantling their mechanical enemy for good. *music fades out* "We... we did it," Rainbow Dash said weakly. "Impressive," said Chrysalis. "You may have turned Warmech into no more than mere scrap, but the Fiend of Wind will send all of you to your graves!" She laughed loudly and teleported herself out of the fortress. "Get back here, you coward!" said Twilight. "Twilight," Setro panted. "As much as you want to settle things with her, it can wait." "But..." "I know how dangerous she is, but we've got one more thing to do here. And then we can pursue her." Twilight didn't want to admit it, but Setro was correct. There was one final objective to complete. The party went inside the altar and found the Crystal of Wind and front of it, an orb. "Warriors of Light..." said an ominous voice. "Ponies from the land of Equestia... You deserve some praise for coming this far." The orb glowed and out came a giant multi-headed dragon: Tiamat, the Fiend of Wind. Fluttershy's eyes grew wide as her jaw hit the floor. "However, in doing so, you have slain my fellow elemental comrades and have been a thorn in our side. Your quest and your lives end right here, right now!" Our heroes stood their ground once more as they did battle with the evil beast. Being the first to have awakened long ago, Tiamat was the strongest of the Four. She proved this as she was resistant to fire, thunder, and ice magic. Not even the strongest variations of the three spells could harm her. "Shoot!" cried Applejack. "This gal's tough!" "Tougher than all the others!" said Twilight. "Don't give up!" said Setro. Teol stood by and chanted while the Fiend of Wind laughed. "Fool! None of your magic spells can do me harm." "Flare!" With one burst of light, Tiamat lost a moderate amount of health. "What? You have learned the ultimate black magic?! It cannot be!" she screamed. "It is, monster!" Flora shouted. "Holy!" Like Flare, Holy entrapped the multi-headed dragon in a bright light and greatly weakened her. "How...?" she questioned, panting. "I am the last Fiend of Chaos! I will not lose to the likes of you!!" All of the Wind Fiend's heads unleashed poison gas, intending to bring their lives to a slow and painful end. "Flora," said Setro as he winced. "You remove the poison. We'll finish this." He charged and slashed Tiamat three times. "Poisona!" Flora shouted, curing Setro. Fluttershy gave the white wizard an antidote and Teol did the same with the yellow pegasus. "Thank you," they said to each other. Zauver rushed and slashed one of Tiamat's necks, causing her to scream in agony. The Fiend of Wind jumped in the air, ready to strike once more. Before she could do so... "Break!" Teol shouted, casting a petrification spell on her. She slowly began turning into stone, struggling to resist the spell, screaming and roaring until she finally ceased moving. Her stone body dropped to the floor and shattered on impact, destroying the evil creature once and for all. *music stops* "Heavens to Betsy!" Applejack said silently. Regardless, our heroes had overcome Tiamat, thus defeating all Four Fiends. After celebrating their victory, Teol stepped forward and held out his crystal. "May the Light of this Crystal shine," said the black wizard. As before, the Crystal of Wind glowed a warm, bright light. The team embraced the light with clarity, knowing that they had succeeded in reviving all four crystals. With their quest nearly completed, our heroes left the fortress. But there was one question on everyone's mind: why did Chrysalis taunt them by disguising herself as Queen Jayne?