A Crafter's Dream (Discontinued)

by ruthim345

A Crafter's Dream Ch. 97: Dark Interlude

Now, without further ado, I present,

A Crafter’s Dream

Abyss couldn’t breathe.

Okay, that was a bit of an exaggeration. She could breathe, it just felt like she couldn’t.

She stared at Notch, a look of complete and utter shock on her face. The god simply looked at his own lap in shame and resignation.

“How… how could you?” She asked, voice barely a whisper. Notch sighed.


“No!!” The dragoness roared, shooting to her feet with claws bared. “You, you, you don’t get to pull that shit when you did, did, that to Steve!!” Tears pricked at the corner of her eyes. “You, you, condemned him to death the moment he was made!!”

“What would you have had me do!?” The god yelled back, getting to his feet. “I knew that my brother would have one day come back!! I knew that if he was to be defeated, and my creation was to be preserved, then I had to make a weapon capable of defeating him!! Steve is that weapon!!”

“He is a person!! Not a weapon!!” Abyss shouted, the force of which actually causing Notch to take a step back. “How do you not see that!? What happened to you!? Did you become so removed from the races you made, that you created, that you stopped seeing them as people?! Steve has suffered his entire life, and apparently, that suffering will continue for the rest of his life because of what you did!!”

“What I did!?” Notch responded. “I made him capable of defeating a god!! I made it so he was able to exact vengeance for those Herobrine killed!!”

“And in doing so, made your brother unable to truly die.” Abyss said with a note of finality. Notch’s breath caught, something that didn’t escape the dragoness’ notice. “You know that, don’t you? That if Herobrine is to ever truly be defeated, then…” She trailed off, letting out a shuddering sigh. She ran a clawed hand down her face, teeth grit.

“I know.” Notch muttered.

“Then why-?”

“Because maybe I was hoping that I was wrong. Maybe I was hoping that Steve would be able to overcome it. That maybe, it wasn’t strong enough to be a threat, or even to have any real power.” He sighed. “But I was wrong.”

“Yes you were.” Abyss agreed. For a little while, she stared at the god in silence before shaking her head and walking away. However, after only a few steps, she stopped and looked back at him.

“Does he know?” She asked. Notch hesitated for a moment before shaking his head.

“No. Up until I told you, I was the only one who knew. I don’t think even Herobrine knows.”

“....Then I’m telling him then.”

Notch jolted in shock, glancing at the dragoness. “Are you sure that’s wise? Knowing Steve-”

“With all due respect, Notch.” Abyss interrupted, glaring at the god. “I think I know more about Steve than you do.” With that, she put out a hand, which was glowing with a radiant purple energy. There was a flash, and then she was gone.

Notch stared at the place where she had been standing for a while before burying his face in his hands.

“What have I done?”

* * * * *


A swirling pool of light appeared suddenly, and out stepped Notch. The god was bruised and battered, clutching his side with one arm as he stumbled through the portal. Golden ichor dripped down from the numerous wounds scattered around his body.

He glanced around at the gray stone walls surrounding him. The room was filled with various machines and redstone constructs, many of which glowed and beeped occasionally. In the middle was a 3x2 stone slab table, with several books laying on its top. Notch stumbled over, propping himself up on the table when he almost fell. With a sigh, he withdrew a healing potion and drank it, the effects immediately healing some of his wounds. Tossing the empty bottle aside, Notch let out a sigh of relief as some of the pain faded from his wounded body. His body gradually slid down the side of the table, Notch turning himself so his back was against it as he finally came to a sitting position against it.

He sat there for a while, breathing heavily as if he was exhausted, because he was. He’d just finished fighting his brother, Herobrine, an encounter that’d taken several hours to finish, and even then, Notch had simply forced his brother to retreat. He had not destroyed him, nor even defeated him. He’d merely bought time.

...Though, his efforts hadn’t been in vain.

Notch reached into his Inventory and withdrew his prize. It was a glass bottle. Inside, was a dark, swirling mass of violent energy. Even as he watched it, the mass writhed and shook, as if trying and failing to escape its containment.

“But what will I do with you?” He muttered, continuing to watch the caged darkness. He could not destroy it, as much as he wanted to. In fact, he wasn’t entirely sure it was possible. He could contain it, but doing so would only draw Herobrine’s attention, as he would no doubt want it back.

As Notch contemplated what to do, an idea suddenly sprung to mind. Slowly getting to his feet, he turned back to the table. He picked up one of the closed books, taking a moment to read the title to make sure he had the right one.

Minecraftians, it read.

He flipped it open, reading hastily through its pages before coming to a stop. On the page was a carefully drawn figure. A diagram of a Minecraftian.

Notch read the note scrawled at the bottom of the page. His eyes widened before his gaze landed back on the bottle containing the dark mass. He chuckled.

“This…” He set the book down before picking up the bottle again, grinning at its contents. “This just might work.”

And he got to work.