Spiders and Magic: Weapon X

by Masterob

Getting Personal

The group of Applejack, Remy, Lightning Dust, Cozy Glow and Rina had finally arrived at Sweet Apple Acres where Big Macintosh, Cherilee, Apple Bloom Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Rumble had placed more animals back in their homes.

"Hey sis!" Apple Bloom said, rushing over to the now arriving group, taking note of her brother-in-law on Applejack's back. Needless to say she was quite terrified of seeing him in such a condition. "What happened to Remy!?"

"Just a scratch," Remy joked.

Applejack shook her head at her husband's tough guy attitude, but she can't fault him for that, he is a hero and part of that means ensuring a lack of panic, and admitting his pain would cause a panic for Apple Bloom.

"Listen up, we got trouble again, some villains came through another portal and are attacking Ponyville," Applejack said. "From the sounds of things, they seem to know Logan, their leader is our fer revenge against him."

"Does Logan need help?" Apple Bloom asked. "Anything we can do?"

"Fer starters, you can stay here where it's safe," Applejack said. "Whoever it is that came is very dangerous."

"Yeah he's the worse," Remy said, trying to get off his wife's back. "This guy can rival Logan in ferocity."

"Easy there," Big Mac said, going to help his brother-in-law.

"Come on now, we'll get you patched up," Cherilee said.

"Y'all do that, I'm gonna go back into town and see if there's any way I can-" Applejack was interrupted when a bullet knocked her head off her head. "What in the-"

"Get down!" Remy shouted, everyone ducking before another bullet came. "Dang, must be that Agent Zero fellow."

"Agent Zero?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Think Hawkeye but with guns," Remy said, another gunshot going off, this one hitting Big Macintosh on his shoulder. "Big Mac!"

"No! big brother!" Apple Bloom shouted, wanting to go help, though in an instant, Lightning Dust flew in to swoop her out the way from another incoming bullet.

Applejack frantically looked around, "Dang, guess he got away from Deadpool." She turned to Lighting Dust. "Hate to ask a favor while yer hurt but can ya quickly get mah suit? It's in mah room, you've been around mah house so you know where?"

"I got it!" She quickly flew inside, dodging bullets in the process.

"Wait, what are you gonna do sis?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Keep mah family safe," Applejack explained.

Lightning Dust came back outside with her suit, "I kind of got blood on your floor, sorry."

"Don't worry about it," Applejack said, quickly slipping inside, ready to fight. She then ran out into the open, looking for Agent Zero. "Where are ya coward!?"

"Applejack be careful out there! " Remy warned. Much as he admired his wife's bravery, she was also being a bit foolish, endangering herself and her child. "That should be me out there!"

"You need to heal!" Apple Bloom said. "Applejack's got this, she can do anything!"

"Not wrong," Remy said, smiling to himself. "It's why I'm proud to be her husband."

Applejack quickly dodged each incoming gunshot, trying to get an idea of where Agent Zero was. She seemed to notice that the shots have been coming from various different angles, hinting that he's moving around.

"Gotta find him before it's too late!" Applejack said, running and trying to keep an eye and ear out for the gunshots.

"Wow, Applejack's kind of nuts," Lightning Dust said. That earned her a brief glare from her family. "A cool type of nuts though."

"She needs help!" Rumble said, about to fly in.

"Rumble wait!" Apple Bloom called. Too late, he was gone. "Is he nuts!?"

"Rumble! You got this!" Cozy Glow encouraged.

Apple Bloom glared at the other filly, "Hey! Don't encourage what he's doing! He could get hurt!"

"Oh he'll be fine, he looks pretty tough," Cozy Glow said. "Besides how tough can that one guy be?"

"OW!" Came Rumble's voice in the distance. The colt had taken a bullet through his wing.

"RUMBLE!" Apple Bloom was about to rush out there but Cherilee blocked her path.

"You are not going out there young filly!" Cherilee scolded.

"But Rumble!" Apple Bloom was freaking out. "He needs help!"

"It's too dangerous for you to do that!" Cherilee said, then turned to Lightning Dust. "I know you're hurt and you just did something for Applejack already but I don't suppose-"

"I've had worse than this, and I got the stamina," Lightning Dust said. "I'll go save him, even if I end up taking another bullet."

Lightning Dust flew out to find Rumble, with her speed she could be able to get him and bringing back, though she was worried about Applejack. Maybe she should come back to help her since her wound wasn't that bad, or so she didn't think it was that bad.

Nearby she had spotted Rumble, the colt angrily looking around, trying to find Agent Zero. "Is that all you got!? I fought stronger villains, you're worth nothing-"

"Watch out!" Lightning Dust rushed in to push Rumble out the way of an oncoming bullet, but in the process she took another bullet to the shoulder.

"That pony just won't give up," Agent Zero said, rushing around to get a better angle. "Time to take her down for good!"

"That ain't happening you flea bitten mongrel!" Applejack rushed in to tackle Agent Zero, knocking him to the ground. "This is fer mah brother!" Applejack tried punching down but Zero dodged and punched the farmer mare off him.

"Fine, I'll kill you first!" Agent Zero aimed his gun at Applejack, ready to fire when he felt a kick from behind.

"Don't you hurt The Professor!" Silversteam had said, going for another kick, but this one was blocked by Agent Zero, the villain punching Silverstream in the stomach and aiming his gun.

"Die!" Just when Zero fired, Applejack had knocked into him, but the bullet still hit Silverstream in the shoulder, the Hippogriff letting out a yelp of pain.

"Silverstream!" Ocellus shouted in worry. Something started to fester inside the young Changeling. "No, I can't lose another friend to a villain!"

"Ocellus, what are you up to!?" Scootaloo asked. Without warning, Ocellus sped off into the direction of Agent Zero, the villain ready to make his next move.

"You should have stayed down!" Agent Zero punched Applejack, then he punched Silverstream when she made a desperate attempt to attack.

"Gotta protect my friends!" Ocellus began transforming, taking the form of Yak as she rushed in and tackled Agent Zero.

"What the hell!?" Zero looked surprised to see this new creature.

"Don't hurt my friends!" Ocellus transformed into a unicorn and used some magic to lift Agent Zero and slam him around a couple of times. She then transformed into a Timber-Wolf and whacked Agent Zero away.

Applejack seemed amazed by what she had seen, this timid young Changeling willingly fought off a villain, and she was pretty impressive about it too. "Thanks fer the help."

Ocellus turned back to normal, shyly greeting Applejack. "It's no trouble, I'm happy to help." She took note of Silverstream her friend still injured from the gunshot, but fortunately it didn't seem like too bad of a wound.

"Wow that hurt," Silverstream said, checking her shoulder.

"Silverstream!" Ocellus checked on her friend. "We'll get that treated right away!"

"It's fine, it doesn't hurt that much," Silverstream said, though the pain on her face says otherwise.

"Still, that's not something to just brush off," Ocellus said. "If the Changelings that got attacked during the Peace Treaty signing, including my father, if they acted like it was nothing it would be so much worse for them."

"Hey don't worry Ocellus, I'll get this treated," Silverstream reassured. "Then we'll-"

"Watch out!" Rumble called, everyone turning to a recovered Agent Zero, who held his gun out.

"It's over for you!" He was about to fire when Applejack quickly wrapped a lasso around his hoof and pulled him in for a buck kick that knocked him out cold.

"That'll teach ya," Applejack said, grabbing some rope to tie the villain up.

"Nice kick Professor!" Silverstream complimented. "Way to show that baddie!"

Applejack finished tying Agent Zero up and turned her attention to the others nearby, "I'm gonna go help round up the rest, keep an eye on this varmint."

"You got it!" Ocellus said, saluting the farm mare as she ran into town.

Back in town, Omega Red continued his attack on Deadpool, trying to whack the highly evasive ninja with his whips. Deadpool had leapt off buildings and rooftops, firing his guns from many different angles.

"You delay your own destruction!" Omega Red sent out a tentacle, whacking Deadpool aside, the ninja rolling through.

"How are you gonna destroy me? I'm practically immortal!" Deadpool rushed in to kick Omega Red back, then followed up by tossing a barrel at his head, drawing more ire from the villain.

"There is a way to bring you down, everyone has to die sometime," Omega Red said.

"Well it sure as hell won't due to you!" Deadpool said, firing at Omega Red, the mutant dodging to the side and sending a whip that tossed Deadpool away, the merc landing promptly on his hooves.

"So what brings you to this world anyway? Want a piece of pony magic?" Deadpool asked, sidestepping an attack.

"Net, I vant a piece of you as my trophy," Omega Red said, attacking again.

"That's-" Deadpool whacked a tentacle away with his sword. "A very weird way to put it." He whacked away another tentacle. "Is this because I called you a 'bed-wetter'? I only say it because I care."

"Enough!" Omega Red attacked again, this time whacking Deadpool into the side of the Flower store. "I grow tired of your constant chatter!" He pulled Deadpool in for a punch that knocked him loopy. "I will fulfil a promise I made, and tear out that bothersome tongue of yours."

"Wait, you were serious?" Deadpool asked. his question was answered by a stomp to his neck. "You know, in Equestria we talk things out."

"Enough! You vill die!" Omega Red was about to attack, then took a magic blast to the back. "Who dares..."

He turned to see a freaked out looking Trixie, almost regretting her choice to attack the evil mutant, "First I lose track of that filly and now I'm probably going to be killed by some random villain."

"I do not know who you are, but if you are a friend of Wilson, then you must die as well," Omega Red said.

"To be fair, we're not exactly, friends per say," Trixie said. "He's more the husband of a friend of my friend."

"You know you like me," Deadpool teased.

"Be quiet," Trixie warned.

"Enough!" Omega Red grabbed Trixie with his tentacles. "Regardless of how you are associated with Wilson, it is still association!"

"Seems a bit of a petty reason to-" Trixie was crushed before she could finish her sentence. She attempted to wriggle out of her position, to no avail.

"Struggle all you want, it makes your death more amusing," Omega Red said as he began to crush her.

"I got ya Trixie!" Deadpool grabbed his gun to shoot Omega Red, however he had a tentacle wrapped around his neck as he was lifted off the ground, Omega Red trying to crush his throat.

"Both of you will die today!" Omega Red said. "Though perhaps I won't be too quick to kill you Wilson, I want to enjoy this."

"Sadist..." Deadpool struggled to say.

"Say what you will, actually..." Omega Red squeezed tighter around the mercenary's neck. "I'd rather you just cease your chatter."

Trixie mustered up some strength and power as she sent a blast at Omega Red, the attack causing some minor annoyance but unfortunately not enough to really cause any major damage.

"Put up as much of a fight as you want, it makes no difference in the end!" Omega Red put more of a squeeze on Trixie, the mare feeling some ribs break. Deadpool struggled to break free, to which Omega Red then tossed him through a nearby window. "I won't kill you just yet, but this one dies first."

Deadpool quickly stuck his gun out the window, ready to shoot but Omega Red had placed Trixie between them. "Wow really? A pony shield?"

"It is amusing, and can do many wonders, for example," Omega Red then quickly tossed Trixie into the air, distracting Deadpool long enough to run in and grab him again, bringing him out and throwing him right at Trixie, the two colliding in mid air as they fell to the ground.

"Dang, that smarts," Trixie started to stand but by the time she got on her hooves, Omega Red again grabbed, this time by her neck as he began to crush her throat.

"Hm, maybe I can keep you alive a little longer too, then again it depends on how resilient you are," Omega Red taunted.

Deadpool then stabbed through his chest with his sword, "Forget me?"

"Unfortunately I can't," Omega Red back elbowed Deadpool and sent his tentacle through his torso. "You are like a scar to my memories, one that can never go away."

"I have that affect on people," Deadpool was about to shoot but once again Trixie was used as a shield. "That's getting on my nerves!"

"You mistake me for someone who has a care to give," Omega Red then used Trixie to whack Deadpool, continuing his assault by slamming the mare onto the mercenary. "This pony makes for good weapon."

Suddenly in a flash, Omega Red had been kicked hard enough to release Trixie as he went flying into another building. Pulling himself out, he set his sights on the one who attacked him, and she looked ready for more.

"Want more? Bring it!" The pony in question was Rainbow Dash, who looked ready for a fight.

"I do not know who you are," Omega Red said, marching toward the pony. "But when I am done with you-" Suddenly he took a magic blast from the side.

"You abhorrent creature, I will not allow you to do any more damage to this town!" Rarity shouted, smoke emitting from her horn.

"More ponies?" Omega Red grew irritated. "I vill bring an end to you fools!"

"Yeah, I don't think so," Johnny said, landing nearby Omega Red.

"This is our town, you ain't messing it up!" Bobby said, sliding in on his ice.

"More heroes? Makes no difference," Omega Red said, getting his tentacles ready. "I vill crush you!"

"Bobby, ready for operation 'Cool Heat'?" Johnny asked.

"You got it bro! Team attack!" Bobby rushed in for a punch which Omega Red blocked, but he was left open for a kick from Johnny. Bobby then slid in and hit an uppercut while Johnny kicked from above.

"Fools!" Omega Red tried to whack the two but they dodged aside as Bobby froze one of his hooves and Johnny blasted him with fire, knocking him back.

"Team attack time!" Bobby said as he and Johnny surrounded Omega Red on both sides.

"It's over tentacle boy, see what happens when you're caught in the middle of hot and cold!" Johnny sent fire just as Bobby sent ice, the two trapping Omega Red in a beam of two elements, the evil mutant screaming in pain.

"Now's my chance!" Deadpool rushed in at Omega Red, ready to end this. "Torch! Icey! Pull back!" The moment the two let go of their elements, Deadpool rushed over with a mighty punch that knocked Omega Red to the floor. "Now freeze him!"

"On it!" Bobby used his powers to trap Omega Red in an ice bind, "Got that taken care of."

"No doubt," Johnny said, looking over the villain. "Man these villains just keep coming, annoying as hell."

"There might be more," Trixie said, making her way over. "I think I heard a ruckus earlier, plus the way Applejack was talking earlier, it seems like another-" Trixie started coughing a bit, blood flying out of her mouth.

"Whoa, you don't look so good," Rainbow Dash said, checking on the showmare. "That guy must have done serious damage to you."

"I feel a few broken ribs, that's what I get for getting myself mixed up with villains," Trixie said, wiping the blood out of her mouth.

"Rarity, mind getting Trixie back to her house?" Bobby asked. "Johnny, Dash and I will see who else is out there."

"You got it dear," Rarity said, gesturing to Trixie. "Come along now."

"I appreciate that, thanks," Trixie said, going with Rarity back to her home, leaving the heroes to figure out the next step in their plan.

"To Trixie's point, there is at least one more," Deadpool said. "One of the guys was trailing Applejack back to her farm. Get this, when I saw Gambit with her, he looked pretty badly hurt, like someone went to town on him."

"Someone got to Remy?" Johnny asked.

"Yeah, and I think I know who it is," Deadpool said. "Given that Omega Red is here, Agent Zero went after Applejack, the only other guy that travels with them that can do that type of damage is Sabretooth."

"Whoa hold on, Sabretooth!?" Bobby shouted. "As in, Logan's enemy? The guy who's been fighting Logan for like, decades!?"

"That very same," Deadpool said. "He's somewhere in Equestria, we gotta find him now, otherwise he'll do some pretty bad damage. This town is still recovering from what Magneto did, and Sabretooth along with his goons would destroy it."

"Well we sure ain't gonna let that happen," Rainbow Dash said. "Let's split up. Johnny and I can go to Sweet Apple Acres to find this Agent Zero guy. Deadpool and Bobby can look for Sabretooth."

"Wait why do I have to look for Sabretooth!?" Bobby asked, looking a little freaked out.

Rainbow Dash face-hoofed at Bobby's reaction, little degrading to his dignity in her mind, "Fine, I'll look for Sabretooth and you go with Johnny."

"Oh hell no, I'm not letting my wife near that brute," Johnny said. "Bobby, man up and go find Sabretooth."

"You man up!" Bobby retorted.

"Hey I can take Sabretooth, unlike you ya wuss," Johnny taunted. "Or would you rather go check up on Trixie and let Rarity help, I bet she'd be willing to find Sabretooth."

"Guys," Deadpool said, trying to get their attention.

"Dude my wife is not going after some destructive monster!" Bobby shouted.

"Guys!" Deadpool said again.

"So it's alright if my wife goes?" Johnny asked.

"She offered, and she's more of a fighter than Rarity!" Bobby insisted.

"More than you too ya big sissy," Johnny taunted.

"Hey dumbasses!" Deadpool shouted. "Villains! Remember! Agent Zero! Sabretooth! Hell Lady Deathstrike is probably here too and she's pretty fucking viscous herself!"

"Look, I'll go find that Sabretooth guy, you two can help Applejack, end of discussion!" Rainbow Dash said and flew off.

"Dashie wait!" Johnny called out, but his wife was already long gone. "Crap."

Deadpool went in Rainbow Dash's direction, "I'll go help track down Sabretooth, me and him go back after all. You two check up on Sweet Apple Acres, hopefully Zero isn't giving them too much trouble."

That just left the fire and ice duo, both of them not too sure what to do next. Johnny felt some worry in knowing his wife was going after Sabretooth, but he knew to have some confidence in her, "Eh, she's held her own against tougher guys, I mean Sabretooth is dangerous but nothing compared to Annihilus right?"

"Did he nearly kill her?" Bobby asked.

"Yeah I don't wanna hear it from the guy who was too much of a wussy punk to find an oversized cat, I'm gonna go check on the Apples you do whatever the hell you want," Johnny said, flying off toward the farm.

"Pfft, don't act like you're better than me Candlestick," Bobby slid the direction that Johnny went, wanting to at least check on his fellow X-Men buddy.

Back near the forest area, the fight against Sabretooth had resumed, with Peter rushing in for a punch that Sabretooth parried, the mutant slashing Peter on the back. Peter turned around with a backfist that knocked Sabretooth aside while Logan rushed in with a kick to his face.

Peter used his webbing to latch onto Sabretooth's feet and launched him toward some trees, then again to the other side, sending him through the forest.

"Can't lose track of him," Logan said, rushing after his enemy's direction.

Peter quickly turned to Fluttershy, "We'll handle it from here, think you can get home safely?"

"Even if I go home, more of them might be there," Fluttershy said.

"More? Oh right, Sabretooth's buddies," Peter realized. "Uh, try going to my house, you should be safer there."

Just before the mare to take off, Logan had been knocked out of the forest, landing close to Fluttershy. Sabretooth stepped out, whacking an attacking Peter aside as he marched toward Logan, his claws ready to do more damage.

"Logan!" Fluttershy assisted her husband off the ground. "How are you doing? Want me to get you out of here?"

Suddenly Sabretooth rushed in and grabbed Fluttershy by her face, holding her up, "Leaving so soon? Don't tell me that cheap attack from earlier was all the fight you had in you."

Upon seeing his wife in danger, Logan quickly lunged in with both his claws piercing into Sabretooth's back, "Drop her! NOW!"

Sabretooth tossed Fluttershy aside and knocked Logan back, releasing his hold and slashed Logan across the face, and once again up his torso. Logan returned it with several claw attacks of his own, cutting his enemy all over his upper body and face.

"The more you resist, the more entertaining it gets," Sabretooth taunted, punching Logan back. "I like myself a good challenge, because when I inevitably win, it's just more undeniable proof that I'm on top of the world. I'm the true best there is, those crackpot doctors made a mistake choosing you for their Weapon X program, especially when they had someone like me!"

"Still feeling bitter about that?" Logan taunted through a blood seeping smile, "Maybe you just haven't realized what I have all those years ago. Bub, you ain't as good as you think you are."

"We'll see if you still have that smug grin when I tear your damned head off!" Sabretooth was about to strike but Logan had been him to it by jamming his claws into the mutant's body.

"Too slow!" Logan pulled back and jammed again, Sabretooth spitting out some blood as Logan continued to claw. Sabretooth grew angry and got a good strike in, knocking Logan to the floor. Just as he was about to continue, Peter had lunged in with a kick to knock Sabretooth back.

"Logan!" Peter checked on his oldest ally, making sure it wasn't anything too bad.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me," Logan insisted, putting trust in his healing factor.

"I've had it up to here with you, stupid bug!" Sabretooth shouted.

"Technically I'm an arachnid, not a-" Peter's lecture was interrupted by a punch that knocked him into a tree. "Wow he's fast."

"I guarantee that all three of you will be dead by the time this is over," Sabretooth turned his attention to Fluttershy. "Maybe I'll start with you!"

"Get back!" Fluttershy said, trying to get into a defensive position. "I...I went against Nightmare Moon! A-a-and, I fought Changelings, sorta, a-and I went against Discord! I-I even went against the Capcom-"

"Hold on a second," Sabretooth interrupted. "Discord? You went against that weirdo?"

There was no immediate answer as Logan had rushed in to impale Sabretooth in the back with his claws. Peter then rushed to the side and kicked Sabretooth in the face as Logan used the momentum to fling Sabretooth into a nearby boulder, the mutant cracking his skull against the little rock formation.

"Spidey, I'll continue from here, get Fluttershy to safety," Logan said.

"You sure dude? You look hurt," Peter said.

"It'll heal, now get going," Logan ordered.

"Logan, you might be able to heal but even that has it's limits," Fluttershy said. "Healing requires energy and while you have a lot of stamina, this fight is taking a lot out of you."

"Your wife knows you pretty well Logan," Sabretooth taunted.

"Excuse me, but this applies to you as well," Fluttershy said. "If you keep fighting my husband, you're going to risk dying yourself, and I'd rather he not have that on his conscious."

"Conscious?" Sabretooth laughed hard at that. "I take it back, you don't know him well at all. He's a monster just like me, we've both hurt people, we've done worse than that too. We were agents who specialized in hunting down targets, usually for termination. If you knew all the things he's done, I doubt you'd even want to stay with him."

"Hey back off, Logan isn't that guy anymore!" Peter shouted. "He's a good man who wants to be a good father and husband and a role model for younger kids! You're still the same brute who enjoys terrorizing innocents for your own sick pleasure."

"At least I'm willing to admit that, Logan here seems to keep a lot of secrets," Sabretooth taunted. "Hey runt, did you even tell your wife why you're the so-called 'Best there is at what you do'?"

"Do you really want me to shame you with my accolades?" Logan taunted.

"Oh, still got jokes? Gotta admit, at least you're funnier than that dumbass Wilson was, tell me, he's in town right? How about pointing me in his direction?" Sabretooth asked, readying his claws. "I'd like to pay him a visit after I'm done."

"Sorry, but I ain't endangering the nice ponies who took him in," Logan said. "If you're right about one thing is that neither of us are pure, far from it. God probably ain't welcoming me into his Kingdom, and he sure as hell won't welcome you, but the ponies in this world are pure, much more than us, and I will not let you drench that purity in their blood."

"Fine, don't tell me, I'll just find out on my own anyway," Sabretooth said, readying his claws again. "Besides, my main goal is killing you, and of course I'll add Spidey and your wife to that, same with that stupid clone of yours, assuming Deathstrike didn't finish her off already."

"Lady Deathstrike's here!?" Peter asked.

"Back at that cottage Logan lives at now, last I saw she along with her stupid Pegasus friend and that half-dead Cajun were surrounded by Lady Deathstrike and my other buddies Omega Red and Agent Zero," Sabretooth explained.

"Cajun!?" Peter asked in worry. "Dude, what the hell did you and your goons do to Gambit!?"

"Same thing I'm going to do to you," Sabretooth said.

"Bitch!" the group heard from nearby. At that moment, Lady Deathstrike had been knocked into vision with a blood drenched Laura rushing after her, trying to attack much more viciously with her claws.

"Laura! You're alright!" Fluttershy said, highly relieved. "But you're hurt."

"Just a scratch," Laura insisted, confusing Fluttershy since it clearly wasn't a mere scratch that left that much blood on her body. Laura noticed that Peter was nearby, as was Sabretooth. "Glad you could join us Spidey."

"Hey where's Remy? I heard he was with you but injured," Peter said.

"Lightning Dust took him to find Applejack, but Omega Red and Agent Zero went after them," Laura said. "I tried to stop them but this old hag got in my way."

Lady Deathstrike did not take too kindly to that insult, though in addition to seeing Spider-Man here, she noticed another pony. "Who's the pink haired one?"

"Logan's wife, don't let her frail looks fool you, she can hit hard," Sabretooth said, pointing to his broken tooth.

"Holy shit! Fluttershy you broke his tooth!?" Laura asked in amazement.

The mare bashfully rubbed her head, "I'm not proud of getting so violent but I needed to protect my husband."

"Hey no shame in getting a bit violent, you're one of us now after all," Laura said.

Logan groaned a bit in annoyance, "Don't condone our violent past Laura, I don't want to drag Fluttershy into that."

"Getting soft Logan?" Sabretooth taunted.

"Not yet," Logan looked ready to pounce again. "We done talking words? Because personally I like having conversations like this with my claws."

"I actually prefer a game of chess," Peter quipped.

"Alright then Spidey, King Me," Sabretooth said, ready to strike.

"Dude I said chess, not check-" Sabretooth interrupted with a punch. "Hey would you let me finish a-" Sabretooth hit an uppercut to knock Peter into the air. "Of course." Sabretooth then grabbed his hind leg and slammed him down.

"I got you Parker!" Laura rushed to attack Sabretooth but Lady Deathstrike got in her way.

"Die!" Deathstrike went for a blow but Laura blocked and kicked her aside, Logan rushing over to kick her down again.

Sabretooth tried attacking from behind but Laura jumped in with her hind leg claw and kick slashed Sabretooth across the chest and punched him back.

Deathstrike stood again to attack but Logan got in her way, his claws out and ready for more, "Still mad about your family Yuriko?"

"You do not get to speak of them!" Lady Deathstrike lunged to attack, to which Logan side-stepped and slashed her on the sides. She returned the favor with a lunge of her claws through his chest. "I will restore my family honor with your death!"

"Ain't gonna happen darling," Logan clawed her across the face a couple of times, getting her to back off as he then kicked her to the side. He turned to Sabretooth, who now had Laura in his grasp.

"Time to put you down!" Sabretooth was about to strike but Fluttershy had quickly held his hand back.

"I won't let you hurt her!" Fluttershy was then thrown off, but caught by Peter mid-air as he quickly set her down and rushed over for a punch to Sabretooth, breaking his other tooth.

"You're all really getting on my nerves!" Sabretooth lunged again, punching Peter to the ground and elbowing an oncoming Laura. He was ready to target Fluttershy, angrily walking toward her with his claws out.

"I told you to stay away from her!" Logan rushed in and stabbed Sabretooth, effectively tackling him away from his wife. Logan continued his assault but Sabretooth had grabbed him by his head and threw him toward the town. Sabretooth followed after his rival, something Peter was quick to notice.

"No! We can't let Sabretooth go into town!" Peter shouted in worry.

"Go after him, I'll deal with Deathstrike!" Laura called, rushing in to attack with a kick.

"Be careful fighting her!" Peter rushed into town after the two Weapon X fighters while Fluttershy stuck close to Laura. Though part of her wanted to be with her husband, she knew that being there could be a liability since Sabretooth wants her dead as well, but for all she knew, Lady Deathstrike had that same goal.

"Fluttershy! You gotta go too! Get to safetly!" Laura said, fending off her enemy.

"But Laura!" Fluttershy wanted to object.

"Don't go yet!" Lady Deathstrike said, knocking Laura aside. "I want to hear the screams of Logan's pretty wife!"

Laura rushed to slash her down, "You stay the fuck away from her!"

Lady Deathstrike went back to her assault on Laura, slashing her several times as Fluttershy reluctantly snuck away, knowing that she may be a liability here as well. It pained her to leave Laura but she had to trust the girl had everything under control.

Laura had kicked away Lady Deathstrike, taking note of Fluttershy leaving, "At least I can go all out again!" Laura rushed in at Deathstrike with even more tenacity than she did a moment ago, slashing at her many times, leaving blood all over the ground nearby.

Deathstrike returned with claw attacks of her own, trying to overpower Laura and leave her dead on the ground. She lunged her claw but Laura had leapt over and slashed her back in the process, landing on the other side of the mare. The villainous mare tried attacking again but Laura had ducked and hit an uppercut to knock her back.

With a switch kick, Laura and her foot claw had cut off one of Lady Deathstrike's forelegs, the woman reacting in pain. "Think that's enough?"

"Of course not, I know you can reattach your limbs, but you still gotta reach them!" Laura then cut off her other foreleg. "Plus most of your power are in those forelegs of yours!"

"Do not underestimate my abilities!" Lady Deathstrike went for a kick but Laura had blocked it and stabbed again, getting Lady Deathstrike right in her abs.

"I'm not underestimating nothing, I'm just nipping a problem in the bud!" Laura readied her claw. "The best way to do that is to go for the head of the plant, so nighty-night bitch!"

Laura ended the fight with one final cut, aimed right at Lady Deathstrike's neck, claiming victory in her battle.

Back in town, Logan had been knocked into the wall of a house, hoping the owners wouldn't be too mad. "Crap, gotta get him out of town before he undoes all the work we put in to fixing it."

Sabretooth marched through town, many ponies cowering in fear as they noticed through their window. Nopony had left since the animals had stampeded through town, and they still hadn't left once they noticed villain attacks. And this villain was one of the scarier looking ones, just like Annihilus and Nemesis, two other monsters nopony in town forgot about.

Logan marched back toward Sabretooth, "If you wanna fight then that's fine, but take it outside the town!"

"Aw, worried for these precious little ponies?" Sabretooth taunted.

"Some of these ponies know magic, you really want to fight in a town where they can easily zap you when you're not looking?" Logan asked, hoping this would be enough to convince him.

"Let them try, I'll kill them where they stand," Sabretooth said.

Of course Logan believed none of the ponies would attack, the town's residents being pacifists by nature, mostly at least, but unfortunately his bluff to Sabretooth failed. Logan had very little options left right now, he had to do something before anypony really got hurt.

Fortunately Peter had arrived nearby, landing on a roof. "Yo Creed! Up here!"

"That damn spider's really getting on my nerves," Sabretooth said, eyeing the hero. "You two are old buddies though right?"

"What's it to you?" Logan asked.

"Nothing really, I'm just almost surprised that a goody-goody like Spider-Man could be friends with a guy like you," Sabretooth said.

"Life's full of mysteries, not that I'm not grateful fer the kid, not many would stay by my side, but he has Loyalty that many men we know would envy," Logan said.

"Well that Loyalty is gonna get him killed," Sabretooth said, then turned to Peter. "Hey! If you're ready to die! Then bring it!"

Peter jumped in to attack with his webs, trying to tie up Sabretooth, but the mutant was quick to dodge them, then grabbed a nearby cart to throw it at Peter. The hero was quick to use his webs to latch on and spin it around back at Sabretooth. Reacting quickly, the villain destroyed the cart but the brief distraction allowed Peter to rush in and kick Sabretooth to the ground.

"I'll try to get him out of the city, do you wanna take five? You look like you need time to catch your breath," Peter offered.

"No way, I'm the reason he's here, I gotta see to it that he causes no one any harm," Logan said.

"It's fine really, I don't mind fighting, I am Equestria's Knight and Prince, it's kind of my duty to keep it safe," Peter said.

"All knights have comrades that help them," Logan said. "And even a Prince needs back up."

"Well, having a Royal Vizier would sound nice," Peter joked.

"Don't push it," Logan warned, seeing Sabretooth stand again. "Get ready."

Sabretooth wiped some blood from his mouth, grinning a bit as his teeth began growing back, "Gotta say, I can respect the bond between you two. Having an ally you can trust really goes a long way."

"We're not just allies, we're friends," Peter corrected. "And as my wife would say, Friendship is Magic. Does it sound corny, kind of, does it have truth to it, pretty much I would say."

"Well, we can agree on one thing," Sabretooth said. "That is a corny expression, I'm really going to take pleasure in helping to destroy this eyesore of a world."

"How are you going to destroy it?" Peter asked.

"I'd tell you, but I think my associate would rather explain it himself," Sabretooth said.

"Huh? What associate?" Peter asked. "Is there something you're not telling me!?"

Logan had an idea based on what Lightning Dust had told him. He really wished he could tell Peter, but for whatever reason, Celestia forbade it. She thinks she has this under control and doesn't want to worry Peter over nothing, he just prays that it won't come back to bite her.

"Tell you later, you gotta die!" Sabretooth shouted, rushing in to attack, both heroes ready to fight as well as they collided with Sabretooth, each one throwing a punch, Sabretooth barely blocking them.

Sabretooth then lifted them both off the ground and slammed them a few times before tossing them through a window that happened to be Sugarcube Corner.

"Peter! Logan!" Pinkie shouted in worry.

"Huh? Pinkie Pie?" Peter stood up, seeing his very pregnant friend alongside the Cake family. It took him a few moments to realize something. "Oh crap! Logan we gotta-"

Sabretooth clawed down the door, staring a hole through everyone. Naturally the ponies inside were frightened at the sight of Sabretooth. Fortunately Logan and Peter were quick to knock him out of the store, keeping him away.

"Wh-who was that!?" Pumpkin asked, holding onto her brother.

"I don't know, but he looks scary!" Pound said, keeping a firm grasp on his sister.

"Come on kids, to the back where it's a little more safe," Mrs. Cake said, leading the kids to the back alongside Mr. Cake.

Pinkie hadn't moved from her spot, still somewhat frozen in fear. That was a scary looking monster, she hoped that whatever it was, Peter and Logan could stop him.

"Pinkie!" Came Deadpool's voice, the ninja making his way over alongside Applejack and Rainbow Dash. He immediately ran to check on his wife. "Is everyone alright!?"

"We're fine!" Pinkie said, holding onto her husband in comfort. "Some scary looking monster came in here though, Logan and Peter fought him off but he looked so...monstrous! Like a tiger with big walrus teeth!"

"Might be Sabretooth!" Deadpool said, then chuckled a bit. "Heh, walrus teeth, now I can't un-see that."

"That must be the monster who injured Remy! I'll teach him to hurt mah husband!" Applejack said.

"I really don't think you should be fighting Applejack, you're pregnant!" Rainbow Dash said.

"It'll be fine, mah suit protects mah baby," Applejack said. "Ah just gotta stay a distance, plus ah can still move."

"I'm with Rainbow Dash, it's too risky," Deadpool said. "Pregnant ladies really shouldn't be on the field of battle."

"Remy wouldn't want you risking your child's safety, suit or no suit," Rainbow Dash said.

"Ah ain't arguing this, now let's go!" Applejack said, rushing back out there, both Rainbow Dash and Deadpool mildly annoyed as they ran off to find Sabretooth.

Back in town, Logan had been clawed and thrown through a window, the sound of a frightened scream from a mare following. "Sorry ma'am." Logan rushed back outside to attack, clawing Sabretooth, leaving him open for an attack from Peter.

"We're doing great, keep at it!" Peter said, rushing in for another attack, kicking Sabretooth in the face.

"We'll bring him down!" Logan said, slashing at Sabretooth, leaving more cuts on his body.

Sabretooth began to fight them off, kicking Peter back and upper-cutting Logan. He rushed over to attack Logan again but he took a claw to his chin as Peter jumped in with a kick to a nearby kiosk stand.

"Well I owe Applejack a new stand, again," Peter lamented.

"Yay! Go Peter!" He suddenly heard. Peter turned to see Cozy Glow on a nearby roof. "You got this!"

"What the-" Peter's eyes widened. "Cozy Glow!?"

"The one and only!" the filly remarked.

"What the hell is she doing here!?" Logan asked.

"That's what I'd like to know!" Peter irritably said. "I thought I told you to go with Trixie back home Cozy!"

"I twied to, but we got sepewated," Cozy Glow cutely explained.

"First off, you really gotta pronounce your 'R's more, and your 'L's while you're at it!" Peter explained. "Second you can't be here, there's a monster attacking!"

"But you got this, you're Spiduw-Mane, you can do anything," Cozy Glow said. "Same with Wolverwine!"

"Don't mispronounce mine or Logan's name," Peter silently scolded. "Cozy Glow, just get to safety, I don't want you getting-"

Peter's spider sense went off in full force, but it was wasn't enough time for him to react as Sabretooth clawed his back, the monster then punching Wolverine away.

"You big bully! Don't hurt Peter! He's my fwiend!" Cozy Glow scolded.

"Aw, did I make the wittle filly upset?" Sabretooth asked, mocking Cozy Glow's speech pattern.

"Peter's gonna kick your flank, then you'll be-" Cozy's threats were silenced when Sabretooth landed on the roof, staring down at the filly.

"I'll be what?" Sabretooth asked a now very frightened Cozy Glow.

"Get away from her!" Came the voice of Ocellus as she blasted Sabretooth off the roof. Ocellus landed nearby Cozy Glow. "Hey, are you al-"

"Oh you saved me!" Cozy Glow said, hugging Ocellus hard. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I wove you so much!" Cozy planted a kiss on the changeling's cheek. "We're best fwiends fowever now!"

"Easy Cozy," Ocellus said, blushing a bit from the affection. "Look you have to come back with me, and please don't sneak off again."

"I pwomise," Cozy Glow said.

"Also, dial back the cute talk, you're going oddly overboard," Ocellus said.

"Alright, I'll dial it back," Cozy Glow reluctantly said.

"Good, now let's-" Suddenly Sabretooth leapt back on the roof, grabbing Ocellus by the neck.

"You're not going anywhere," Sabretooth said, then felt some punches and kicks.

"Let go of her bully! She's my new bestest friend!" Cozy Glow said.

"Kid, how old are you anyway?" Sabretooth asked. During the distraction, Ocellus turned into a Manticore and whacked Sabretooth off the roof. She quickly turned back to normal and focused on Cozy Glow. "Let's hurry!" She took her hand and flew off with the troublesome Pegasus, leaving Sabretooth on the ground below.

"You're not going anywhere!" Sabretooth began to pursue the two, but not without Logan and Peter going after him.

"Stay away from them!" Logan ran after Sabretooth, lunging at him, but the monster had punched Logan into Peter, stumbling them back.

Sabretooth again pursued the two girls, but in the middle of his pursuit, he suddenly got lassoed. He turned and spotted Applejack with Rainbow Dash by her side, and the very familiar Deadpool. "Wilson, is that you!?"

"You startled my wife!" Deadpool brought out an assault rifle and fired away at Sabretooth. "This is for the door leading into Sugarcube Corner!"

Sabretooth took the bullets until the clip was empty, but Rainbow Dash had rushed in afterwards to punch the monster a few times, then followed it up with some kicks. "Not so tough now are you!"

"Now to get some payback fer mah husband!" Applejack pulled Sabretooth in and buck kicked him in the face. "That was fer the claw marks you left on his back!"

Sabretooth grew frustrated, these ponies were really getting on his nerves, didn't help that his teammates didn't seem to be around, wondering if they lost their own battles. Applejack pulled him in again and this time she delivered a punch, with Rainbow Dash flying to the side for a punch of her own and Deadpool landing a kick, knocking him to the floor.

"Did you get him!?" Peter asked, making his way back over with Logan.

"Think so," Applejack said. However she spoke too soon as Sabretooth stood back up again, breaking free of the lasso. "What in tarnation!?"

Sabretooth punched Applejack into a nearby barrel, then back handed Rainbow Dash. Deadpool jumped to attack with his sword but Sabretooth knocked the weapon out of his hoof, then grabbed his forearm to completely tear it off.

"Son of a-" Deadpool was then whacked with his own arm and punched aside, getting knocked into another nearby cart.

Peter webbed Sabretooth but the beast had pulled Peter in for a punch, knocking him into Logan. He then grabbed the two and slammed their heads against one another. He grabbed Peter and kicked him away before focusing back on Logan. Just before he could attack, Deadpool rushed over with his still attached foreleg and jammed his sword into Sabretooth.

Deadpool quickly jumped back to avoid a claw swipe from Sabretooth and side stepped some more attacks he found an opening to shove a grenade in his mouth and kick Sabretooth back.

"This is a trick I heard about from Chris Redfield!" Deadpool said, bringing out a gun and shooting the grenade, the blast consuming the area, causing a shake that startled all the ponies nearby.

Rainbow Dash stood up, recovering from her attack, seeing the smoke from the blast. "Think that got him?"

"I hope so, it'd be another one down after ah tied up some guy who called himself Zero," Applejack said, recovering herself.

"You took down Agent Zero? Good to know," Logan said.

"Torch and Icey took down Omega Red too, they left him frozen in the middle of town," Deadpool said.

"Glad to know, that just leaves Lady Deathstrike," Logan said.

"So she is here, thought so," Deadpool said. "We can take her though, just like Mr. Bed-Wetter and the Capcom Robot name parody."

"Speaking of Capcom," Applejack interjected. "Did you say Chris Redfield earlier? With that trick you pulled? Since when do you two talk?"

"We don't really, but I overheard him talking to some of the other ponies about his adventures fighting those B.O.W. creatures, gotta say he really liked showing off," Deadpool explained. "Well anyway he mentioned that grenade trick so I figured why not try it for myself. So I did, and it was awesome."

"Well you did good Wilson," Logan said. "Never thought I'd actually say that."

"Dude you always say that whenever you compliment me, just admit that I'm a great ally to have!" Deadpool said. "I took down Sabretooth, he's probably laying there right now ready to be taken in!"

Once the smoke cleared, the heroes saw that there was no one there, much to their confusion and worry.

"Uh, I don't suppose he evaporated into this air from the blast," Rainbow Dash suggested.

"Somehow I doubt it," Logan said, taking note of a trail of blood and soot. "That bastard just won't stay down."

"We gotta find him!" Peter urgently stated, everyone spreading out to locate Sabretooth before he gets too far.

Meanwhile, Ocellus finally arrived back at Sweet Apple Acres with Cozy Glow, Cherilee looking quite relieved. "There you are, what were you thinking sneaking off like that?"

"I got curious," Cozy Glow said, an explanation so simple yet somewhat irritating.

"While it's good to be curious, you must also exercise caution, especially when there's danger in Ponyville!" Cherilee scolded. "Thankfully Ocellus came to get you."

"She saved my life from a monster, so she's now my bestest friend!" Cozy Glow said.

"It was nothing really, you would have done the same I'm sure," Ocellus said.

"Hm...maybe," Cozy Glow answered, getting a deadpanned glare from Ocellus and Cherilee. Such a strange child, but all that matters is that she's safe.

"Just please don't wander off again," Cherilee said.

"Yeah, we don't want you to get hurt," Ocellus added.

"Aw, you're worried about me," Cozy Glow hugged Ocellus. "Alwight, I'll stay here if it makes you feewl bettuw."

"Cozy, please pronounce your 'R's and 'L's, it's quite bothersome when you don't," Cherilee stated, getting a bit annoyed with this filly's choice of talk.

"Peter said the same thing to me earlier today," Cozy Glow said.

"I can imagine," Cherilee said. "How bad is it out there anyway?"

"Really bad," Ocellus explained. "That monster was scary."

"I can imagine, he did leave Remy with a pretty bad injury," Cherilee said. "Plus the damage his other friends have been causing hasn't been the most ideal situation."

"How is everyone doing?" Ocellus asked.

"They're doing well, we got everyone mostly patched up, Big Mac, Silversteam and Lightning Dust are doing fine, Rumble's also fine, Apple Bloom said she's getting something to help make him feel better, something about a special type of apple, not sure what but he's recovering. Remy's still a bit injured, and he won't be able to fight much but he's at least patched up," Cherilee explained. "Right now we should go inside and make sure the foals are doing alright, they might be frightened by all this and we need to-"

"RUMBLE!" Came Apple Bloom's voice, followed by what sounds like the sound of somepony getting hit.

"Oh boy," Cherilee said. "Let's get Cozy Glow into the house while those two resolve their issues."

"Are they gonna break up?" Cozy Glow asked.

"Don't ask questions like that," Ocellus scolded, going inside with the two.

"Ow! you hit hard," Rumble said. Over in the direction of the foals, Apple Bloom was angrily storming away with a huge blush on her face. "Come on now, you're not mad are you?"

"Why wouldn't I be mad after the stupid stunt you just pulled!?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Hey you said I could have your apple, so I took a bite," Rumble said.

"That wasn't an apple Rumble" Apple Bloom said, then pointed to her flank. "That was mah butt!"

"Well it has an apple on it, near it," Rumble joked. "Hey I'm sorry if I bit hard, but you got some delicious looking 'apples' back there."

"Just, please stop talking," Apple Bloom said. "Honestly we're in the middle of a villain attack and you wanna act like a pervert. what's with you lately anyway? You've been acting so different!"

"Different how?" Rumble asked.

"When we first met you were as shy as a newborn baby sheep, but now you're this...playboy type Pegasus," Apple Bloom said. "Where's the old Rumble? The one I fell in love with?"

"Hey I'm still here, and I love you very much," Ruble said, gently stroking her face. "I'm sorry if I'm acting a bit different, I'm just trying to be the stallion you deserve."

"Just be yerself, ah mean Peter don't act like that fer Twilight, Remy don't act like that fer Applejack, you don't need to turn into Johnny Storm, just be Rumble," Apple Bloom said.

"I am being me, this is just how colts my age are I guess," Rumble said.

"Well, Tender Taps is our age, and he's pretty much like how you were a couple of years ago," Apple Bloom said.

"Oh, and what else do you have to say about Tender Taps?" Rumble asked, a hint of jealousy seeping in.

"Hey don't take that tone with me, you know it's not like that between us," Apple Bloom said.

"Hey I've been around Peter long enough to see how girls are around him, and the way you act around Tender Taps is no different than how Lightning Dust, Sweetie Belle, Princess Luna and a bunch of other mares are when they're near Peter," Rumble said.

"Just what are you trying to say Rum...ble," Apple Bloom's eyes widened in fear when she saw something approaching in the distance. "Wh-what is that?"

"Huh?" Rumble turned to see a monster approaching from nearby, he looked mad and his face looked a bit damaged, his body covered in a mixture of soot and blood. Rumble didn't know who or what this was but he knew it looked bad. He quickly stood in front of Apple Bloom, shielding her from any potential danger. "Whoever you are, stay back! Don't come any closer!"

The monster, that being Sabretooth, just stood over the two foals, a look of anger in his eyes. Apple Bloom was scared, this monster looked frightening and dangerous. "Rumble...I'm a bit scared."

"I won't let you get hurt," Rumble reassured, standing his ground. "Hey I'm serious, stay back!" Rumble used his wing to gesture Apple Bloom away. "Run, quickly. I'll keep him distracted."

"But Rumble!" Apple Bloom said.

"Just go, I'll be careful, let the others know," Rumble said, ready to fly in. "Get any help you can!"

Rumble flew in to attack but Sabretooth just punched him aside, then set his eyes on Apple Bloom, the filly booking it. "HELP!"

"Apple Bloom!?" Remy looked and saw that Sabretooth was here, and he looked mad. "Shit! He's here!"

"What's going on!?" Cherilee asked, stepping out the house and seeing Sabretooth in the distance. "Oh no!"

"What's happening?" Ocellus looked outside and spotted Sabretooth. "Ah! It's him! That monster!"

"Monster!?" Cozy Glow looked outside, seeing an angry Sabretooth. She screamed in terror at the sight, "MONSTER!"

Remy, Big Macintosh and Lightning Dust all flew to attack but one punch to each of them knocked them out of Sabretooth's way as he made his way into the house. Something told him he would find something of use in there.

Sometime later in town, the heroes are still trying to look for Sabretooth, the trail running short, but Logan used his scent to track down his enemy. As he searched on his own, he spotted Fluttershy talking with Johnny and Bobby, the two explaining some things to her.

"Fluttershy?" Logan made his way over to his wife.

"Oh Logan, just in time," Fluttershy said. "Johnny and Bobby told me they took down one of Sabretooth's allies."

"Yeah I heard, they took down Omega Red and Applejack got Agent Zero," Logan said. "I don't know abut Lady Deathstrike but I do know that we gotta find Sabretooth still."

"I can tell you about Deathstrike," Laura said, making her way over. "Took that skank down, really showed her who's boss."

"Oh good, that's three down," Fluttershy said. "But Sabretooth seems to be the most dangerous, so we gotta-"

"Oh good!" Apple Bloom said, making her way over. "Finally found somepony!"

"Apple Bloom, what's wrong?" Fluttershy asked. "You look out of breath."

"It's mah barn! Some monster showed up!" Apple Bloom said. "Remy said he knew you Logan, a guy named Sabretooth!"

"Shit, he's at the farm!?" Logan asked.

"I told you we should have gone there!" Bobby shouted at Johnny.

"Hey you wanted to 'redeem' yourself by looking for Sabretooth," Johnny argued.

"He ain't there no more, he left!" Apple Bloom said, tearing up a bit. "But not without hurting everypony! Ah thought they were gonna die! But he said he had no interest in killing them yet, he still had a score to settle with you Logan, and he did something to make sure you followed him."

"Follow him? Where?" Logan asked.

"Wait, the farm, isn't that where Rina went!?" Fluttershy asked.

Logan's heart sank, thinking back to what Apple Bloom just told him, he started preparing for the worse, though even for him that would be tough. Looking back at the filly, he had one simple question. "Is my daughter safe?"

"I don't know," Apple Bloom asked, wiping her eyes. "I'm sorry Logan, I wanted to help her but...I couldn't, and now...now she's-"

"Apple Bloom, it's alright," Logan said, trying to maintain his composure. Once again he felt afraid, but this was worse. When he thought Laura was in danger, he reassured himself that she's strong and can handle herself. When he thought his wife was in danger, he again reassured that she could get out of trouble, because she's already experienced danger and was tougher than she looked. But this is his little girl, his poor defenseless daughter, now at the mercy of one of his most hated enemies "Sabretooth is dangerous, I wouldn't want you fighting him. You just gotta tell me though, what did he do? What happened to Rina?"

"He took her..." Apple Bloom said.

Logan's world came crashing down, his daughter was a hostage now. All he could think abut what Sabretooth could do to her, and those thoughts tormented his mind. Fluttershy was in a panic too, hearing about her daughter in the clutches of sucha frightening monster. Even Laura began freaking out, that's her baby sister, one of the very few people she loved.

Johnny and Bobby also felt their hearts tug, as fathers themselves they would hate hearing about their daughters in danger, and given that this is the daughter of their friend, a daughter they themselves are fond of, seeing her as a niece in the same light as Mayday, this felt a bit personal to them as well.

"Johnny, Bobby, go find Peter, tell him what happened," Logan said, surprisingly but eerily calm.

"Sure thing, but what are you gonna do now?" Johnny asked.

With a SNIKT, Logan's rage started to seep through, a bloodlust falling upon him as he began to snarl. All he could think of was ways he would kill Sabretooth, ways to make him suffer, ways to make it last for as long as he desired. "I'm gonna find Sabretooth, and kill him!"

"Not alone you're not," Laura said, her own claws coming to view, her eyes turning a blood shot red, "I'm gonna destroy that dickhead."

"Logan..." Fluttershy said, getting her husband's attention. He turned to her, expecting a look of worry, expecting her to ask for the safe return of their daughter, not that he would need to be told, he wanted his little girl back and he would tear through an army to do so. What he instead saw was a look of pure vengeance in Fluttershy's eyes, a look so foreign to her, and she said something so unexpected to the X-Men hero. "I want to help."