//------------------------------// // The Race // Story: Luna's Pokémon Journey // by Norwegian boy //------------------------------// Luna and James was still in Pacifidlog town, James had suggested that should stay there a few more day so Luna and her Pokémon could rest until the championship, Luna didn’t mind at all. Luna was currently walking through the town looking at different shops, Sceptile and Pyroar was with her acting as bodyguards which Luna thought was pointless. James insisted that she should have at least two Pokémon to protect her in case someone wanted to kidnap her again, Luna thought he was just paranoid, but he really insisted. So, Luna said yes so he would just shut up. Luna was currently looking into one of shops that sells outfits. “Just look at this outfit, I wish I had the money to buy it.” She then look at her own outfit. “I’m getting a little sick of my own clothes.” She look back the store wind, it was blue shirt with a light blue shirt, the jack was dark blue, she likes blue. Then she saw a woman placed a poster in the window, it read 50% off. “Aww man.” Luna couldn’t help but let out defeating sighed. Sure, she could go and ask James for money, but she really wanted to par for them herself. Right behind her stood Sceptile and Pyroar. “I still don’t understand why girls like clothes that much.” Said the forest Pokémon. “Of course, you don’t, you’re a male not female.” Pyroar said with a smirk on her face. Sceptile look at the royal Pokémon with narrow eyes. “How can you possible know? You’re not human.” “Maybe not but I still know more than you.” Sceptile started to get annoyed but he couldn’t do anything. “Hey.” Both of them look at Luna. “I can’t understand what you two are saying but I know when my Pokémon are arguing, so knock it off. Got it?” Both of the nodded. “Good. I swear, you guys act like children at times.” She started to walk back to the Pokémon center, Sceptile and Pyroar followed her. After walking in silence for a while, Pyroar decided to speak. “Hey, Sceptile.” The forest pokemon look at her. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to insult you.” Sceptile just waved it off. “Don’t worry about it, you didn’t offend me.” Pyrorar was happy to hear that. As Luna walk she wonder how she was going to get the money to buy new clothes without asking James for money, she didn’t want to really on him all the time. She couldn’t get a job considering the tournament is just in few weeks, she let out a defatting sighed, she had nothing. As Luna walk by another shop she notice a poster in the window, she stop to read it. “The Rapidash race? Raced with your Rapidash around a track to win ten thousand?” She exclaimed. Luna placed both hands over her mouth after that, she look around to see if anyone was around, lucky for her there was no one expect her Pokémon. She look back at the poster. “Ten thousand, that’s a lot of money, I can buy many new clothes with that. But, I don’t have a Rapidash.” Her dream was shatter, for a moment. “But I do know one who has two.” She then ran back to the center with her Pokémon right behind who was clueless what she meant. “You want to do what?” Once Luna got back to center, she saw James sitting by a table reading the newspaper and when she asked him about borrowing one of his Rapidash for a race to win money, he was a little confused. “I ask you if I could borrow one your Rapidash in race that’s is tomorrow so I can win money.” James just started at her. “That was I thought I heard, why do you want to win the money?” “So, I don’t have to ask you for money to buy things, I don’t want to rely on you for everything, it’s bad enough you had two of my Pokémon follow me around all day.” She said with a huff while crossing her arms. “That’s because I was worried about you, you don’t know what kind of humans that lives in this world, not everyone is good remember?” “I know that, but can we get back to the to the race, can I borrow one of your Rapidash or not?” James wonder if he should so it or not, it would be great to not loan Luna money every time she wanted something. He got up while letting out a sighed. “Fine, I’ll let you borrow one of my Rapidash. Just let me make a phone call.” He walk over to the phone while Luna walk over to nurse joy to sign up for the race, she did that with a smile on her face. After Luna had register for the race and James had switch Pokémon, they headed to race track so Luna could get some practise with James Rapidash. The track on the other side of town near the ocean and it was your basic oval track. “Huh, I thought the track would be a little more tougher than this.” Said Luna while studying the track and as soon those words left her mouth, another Rapidash ran past them almost knocking them both to the ground. “Wow, that’s fast.” Said Luna while trying to protect her hair. “You can say that again, the trainer have done a good job training it.” He said while trying to get the dust off his clothes. Both them saw that a person was riding the Rapidash as the Pokémon slowed down so the person could get off, they walk towards them and saw that it was a girl with blond hair that was sitting on fire horse Pokémon. When she jumped off Rapidash they could she was wearing blue skirt, she had a pair of brown boots and a green/white t-shirt. She walk over to the fence where a light brown Stetson hat was hanging, she placed it on her head. “Wow, that was fast.” The girl then patted Rapidash. “Nice work Winona.” Then the Rapidash know as Winona nuzzled the girl. “Alright Winona, that’s enough.” Then the girl notice Luna and James walking towards her. “Well, howdy folks, are you here to train?” She asked them. James pointed hit thump to Luna. “She is, I’m just lending her my Rapidash.” The girl just tilted her head in confusion. “What?” James decided to clarify. “Hey, my name is James Shaw and this Luna Moon, she is entering the race tomorrow, but she doesn’t have a Rapidash so I’m letting her borrow mine.” The girl nodded. “Right, next time start with that. Well, my name Jacklyn and I’m also entering the race tomorrow, I need the money for my farm.” She then patted her Rapidash. “And this is Winona.” James couldn’t help but respect that. “Your reason for entering is way better then hers.” He said while nodding his head towards Luna who just look at him with narrow eyes. “What are you going to use the money on if you win Luna?” Jacklyn asked the former alicorn princess. “She is going to buy new clothes.” James answered for her in a bored tone. Luna threw her arms up in frustration. “There’s nothing wrong with buying new clothes.” She started to breathe a little heavy. “Can you just let out your Rapidash so I can train.” She said in an annoyed voice. “Fine, fine.” Jacklyn led Winona out of the gate so Luna could train. “I just have to have a talk with her so you can ride her.” He said while walking onto the track. “What did he mean by that?” Luna asked Jacklyn. “A Rapidash’s flames will burn you if the Pokémon doesn’t trust you.” Luna’s eyes widen when she heard that. “You did know that, right?” Luna couldn’t help but rubbed her neck in embarrassment. “I have only been a trainer for about three months and I’m still learning about Pokémon.” Jacklyn was taken back by that. “Only three months? Don’t they have Pokémon where you are from?” Luna knew this would be awkward. “No, I’m from a country where Pokémon doesn’t exist, I just found out about them three months.” Jacklyn just stared at her. “A country where there are no Pokémon? Where the same hill is that?” Luna started to rub her forehead. “Look, I really don’t want to talk about it, I have some bad memories from home.” Jacklyn knew about that, so she decided not to question that. “What about you? Where are you from?” Jacklyn placed a hand on her chest. “I was born and raised on a farm not far from Lilycove city, we have some Miltank and Tauros on the farm and we grow all short of vegetables.” She said with pride in her voice. “Luna.” Both girl’s look over to James who was standing beside by his Rapidash. “Ready to try and ride her?” He asked the former princess. “As ready as I can be.” She told him while walking to them. “Good.” Luna decided to clap James Rapidash on the back, she didn’t get burn. “Just remember to take it easy with her, she haven’t run in a while.” He told Luna as he help her up on Rapidash’s back. Once she was on Rapidash back, she grabbed the robe that was lying there. “How do I get her to run?” She asked James. “Just hit your heels up against her body but do it gently, do it too hard and she will take off in a blistering speed.” Luna became very nervous when she heard that, so she did as James said, she tap her heel against Rapidash body very carefully and the fire horse Pokémon started move very slowly. “That’s good, do this for a while until you get used to it then you can increase the speed.” He told her while walking beside them. Luna did as he said, she took it easy at first and when she got used to it she increased her speed. She went eventually went faster and faster, then she managed to hold on to Rapidash when she ran as maximum speed. James and Jacklyn could only watch as she ran past them in a blistering speed, Jacklyn had to hold on to her hat, so it didn’t blow off her head. “Holly crap, that’s one fast Rapidash. You must have trainer her every day.” Jacklyn told James. “Not really, I haven’t used her in a while so I’m a little surprised that she is still this fast, I guess she have run a lot on Birch land.” Somehow, Jacklyn believe him. Jacklyn just scratch her head. “But still, it’s still fast. I think I might have some competition tomorrow.” After training, Luna and James walk back to the center to rest for the competition. Luna was walking funny, she was sore after all the riding. “I have to say Luna, you manged to control Rapidash pretty fast.” James told her. “Yeah, I just wish it didn’t hurt so much.” She told him while rubbing her butt. “I haven’t been in this much pain since we rode the bicycle a few months back.” James couldn’t help but smile. “Say James, have you seen a Miltank and a Tauros before?” James raised an eye brown on that question. “Yes, why do you ask?” “Jacklyn mention that she had them on her farm, I was hoping that I could see the data on your Pokédax.” “Sure.” He took out his dex. “Let’s see here,” He started to press some buttons. “there we are.” HE handed the dex to Luna. “I’m guessing you know how to switch the data. She took the dex from him. “Yes, I know how to do that, I’m not a novice anymore.” She said with annoyance in her voice. She look at the first data which was Miltank and she saw something that look like a cow. Miltank the milk cow Pokémon. Miltank gives over five gallons of milk on a daily basis. Its sweet milk is enjoyed by children and grownups alike. People who can’t drink milk turn it into yogurt and eat it instead. Then she saw something that kind of look like a minotaur, but it was smaller and walking on four legs. Tauros the wild bull Pokémon. This Pokémon is not satisfied unless it is rampaging at all times. If there is no opponent for Tauros to battle, it will charge at thick trees and knock them down to calm itself. “Wow, that Tauros sounds thought.” She said while handing the dex back to James. “Yeah, you don’t want to be in front of a Tauros when it on a rampaged.” He told her while butting the dex away. Luna could just agree with what he said. Sleep came easy for Luna that night and she had a good night sleep, and she was ready for a to race. When she and James arrived at the trach the could see a lot of people that, most of the was probably to watch the race. Luna could see Jacklyn in the crowd, and she didn’t look happy, she could only wonder why. “Wow, it looks like the whole town is here.” Said Luna as look at all the humans there. James just crossed his arms. “It looks like it, just how old is this race?” He asked no one in particular. “I read on the poster that this is the fifth time this race has been held.” Luna told him. James placed a hand under his chin. “Only the fifth time.” Then a man dress in Hawaii shirt and pants step on a box, he had a mic in his hand. He was probably the announcer. “Ladies and gentleman, welcome to the fifth annual Rapidash race.” That made the crowd go wild. “Now, can every contestant please stand in front of me.” Luna and the others did that. “Great, then I will explain the rules. There will be four race with four contestants in each race and there will be only one round.” That got the crowd to talk among themselves because last year there was three laps. “That’s means that the four winners will qualify to the final race and a chance to win the ten thousand.” The crowd went wild again. “Now, if you would look at the board to my left.” They all did that, and they could see the letters a, b, c and d, which Luna guessed were the group and there were names under the letters and Luna could see that she was in group c, Jacklyn was in group b. Then the man said explain the rules, the four races would only have one round and the winner would go to the final, the contestants weren’t allowed to use any moves, if they did they would be disqualified. Once that was done they all got ready. The people gather around the race track and the first group got ready, once they were ready they set off. Luna was very nervous at the moment, she was shaking which she thought was a little weird considering she have been a trainer for three months. But this, this was something she had never done before and she could fell it on her body, she was afraid. Then Luna felt a hand on her shoulder which made her jump into the air a little, it was James. “Luna, are you okay?” She shook her head. “Not really, I’m pretty nervous right now. It’s been a while since I have been in a competition.” She said whit a shaky voice James gave her a sympathetic look. “I understand, just try and take a deep breath and focus on the task at hand.” Luna did as he said and it help, a little. Then the first croup of trainers crossed the finish line. “And there you have it folks, the first one to go to the final is Honey Dream.” Luna saw a girl with green hair sitting on a Rapidash, she was wearing a plain white t-shirt with some normal pants. Luna then notice that Jacklyn was looking at this Honey Dream with anger, Luna knew right away that there was some rivalry between them. “Can the next group go to the start line and get ready their Rapidash.” Jacklyn walk over to the start line, then Honey past her as she left the tract, Luna couldn’t her them, but she knew Honey said something to Jacklyn. Once the group B was ready. “Alright, get set and go.” As soon as does word left the announcers mouth the four trainers set off, Jacklyn want into the lead and stayed there the entire time, she and Winona easily. Then it was Luna turn and she was still nervous, she did as James said too take a deep breath and focus help a little but right now she was very nervous. She let out James Rapidash and got on it, she look at her competition, one was a young boy, and the two others was two middle ages men. When the race begun Luna was hanging behind the rest, she was more nervous then she thought. But she wasn’t about to give up, she made the fire horse Pokémon to go faster and eventually she managed to catch up to the rest. When she saw the finish line every trainer was neck and neck, Luna was eventually the winner. When the last race was done there was a short ten minute break and Luna decided to ask why Jacklyn why she in a bad mood. Jacklyn was already on the track with Winona. “Jacklyn?” “Is there something I can help you with Luna?” She asked the former pony without looking at her, she was busy with brushing Winona. “I was just wondering if there was something between you and Honey Dream.” Jacklyn didn’t answer right away. “Yes but it’s none of your business.” She said in a cold voice. Luna wanted to ask but she never got the chance. “Aw, has the farm girl become grumpy over the years.” Both girls look over to where the voice where coming from, it was Honey, and she was leaning on the rail. She had a smug smile. “What the matter Jacklyn? I thought you were glad to see me today, I guess I was wrong.” Jacklyn gave her angry glare. “Happy? You always sabotage my business when we compete, you ruin crops I have work years on and thanks to that the bank is now threating to take my farm. I need this money to save it and you are not going to stop me this time.” Honey placed a hand on her chest. “Sabotage? Little old me? I would never do that, I’m a farm myself and I always play fair.” She then gave Jacklyn an evil smile. “I’ll see you when you lose, farm girl.” She then walk away while laughing. Jacklyn just clench a fist. “I’m not letting her win again, not this time.” Right now, Luna felt bad. She had no idea that Jacklyn had trouble with her farm thanks to Honey, all she thought about was herself and winning the money for herself when others was suffering. Luna knew what to do with the money if she won. Then it was time for the final race and the participants was ready, it was Honey, Jacklyn, a boy named Cid and Luna. all four of them was on the starting line ready to race. “Alright everyone, it’s time for the final race. Let me explain the rules, there is three laps and the first one to cross the finish line will be the winner.” Those were the easiest rules they had ever heard. Then the announcer lifted a white flag on a stick. “Racers, get ready.” They did that. “Get set, go.” A soon as the flag dropped they were on their way. James watch as they ran off, but he didn’t see who was in the lead, the dust made sure off that. “Hey James.” He look behind him and boy was he shocked when he saw who was walking towards him, it was the boy with purple hair, Ace. “I didn’t expect to see you here.” Ace said with a smile on his face. “The same goes for me, are you here to watch?” He asked the boy from Unova. Ace nodded. “Yeah, I just arrived, and I nurse Joy told me about this race and decided to check it out.” He started to look around. “So, where is Luna? I can’t see her.” “She is racing.” Ace couldn’t help but be confused by what James said. “She is racing?” James nodded. “I didn’t know she had a Rapidash.” “She doesn’t, she is borrowing one of mine.” Ace couldn’t help but whistle when he heard that. “Wow, then she is sure to win.” James shrugged his shoulders. “Who knows, the other are pretty fast to.” Then contestants ran past them. James leaned against the railing. “Anyone can win this race.” Ace decided not to comment on that one, because James had a point. When it came to the race. Luna had managed to create some distance between her and last place, she was now gaining Jacklyn who was right in front of her. Luna could still remember that Jacklyn need the money, but she wasn’t about to lose, she wasn’t that big fan off losing. Luna then notice that Honey was looking back at Jacklyn with smug look on her face, just what was she planning. She then saw that Honey reached for something her pocket, it look like some kind of powder? When Jacklyn was right behind her, Honey released the powder, and it flew right into Jacklyn’s eyes. “What the hell?” When Jacklyn got the powder in her eyes she had slow down or she could run into the other on the track or the railing, Luna was in utter shock when she saw what Honey did. She could only watch as she ran past Jacklyn who was busy with trying to get the powder out of her eyes, Luna then look over to Honey who had a smug smile on her face, Luna was furious right now. There was no was she was going to let someone who cheated win this race, she decided to pick up the pace. “Let’s do this Rapidash, we are not going to let Honey win.” The fire horse Pokémon started to run faster, she also saw what Honey did and she wasn’t going to let that human win. As the four trainers ran past James and Ace for the second time, James couldn’t help but notice that Jacklyn was last which he thought was weird. But Luna, she had almost reached Honey and was she detriment to win. Honey saw that Luna had almost caught up with her and there was nothing she could do about it, she had just the powder on Jacklyn and she didn’t have anything left, she had to get her Rapidash to run fast. Luna saw that Honey’s Rapidash started to run fast so she did the same and when they reached the finished line, they were neck and neck, or in this case, nose and nose. When they crossed the finished line, none saw who won. “I don’t believe it folks, it look like it was a tie so it all depends on a photofinishing. Just give us a few minutes then we can determine the winner.” Said the announcer. While they did that, James and Ace walk over to Luna who had gotten off Rapidash and now just standing by the gate, given Honey an angry look, which she ignored. “Luna?” She look over to her boyfriend. “Are you ok? You keep looking at Honey.” “Do you know what she did in the race?” James could only shook his head. “She threw some powder into Jacklyn’s eyes, I saw it.” “That’s not very nice.” Said Ace which surprised Luna. “Ace, when did you get here?” She asked him. “Just after the race started.” He answered her. Luna was about to answer him back, but the announcer started to speak. “Ladies and gentleman and Pokémon, we know now who is the winner and it’s Luna.” Everyone cheered for when they heard that. Luna was taken off guard, she had for the moment forgotten the whole thing. “Can Luna come to me so she can collet her price.” Before Luna did that, she saw Jacklyn leave, she was probably devasted that she lost. Jacklyn was currently sitting on a bench the docks, her head hung low and she was doing her best not to cry. “That fucking Honey, she cost me the win. Who the hell throws powder into someone’s eyes just to win a race?” She just clenches her fist in anger. “Jacklyn?” The farm girl look up to see who was talking, it was Luna. “Are you felling alright?” Jacklyn stood up and she didn’t look happy. “No Luna, I’m not ok. I just lost a race thanks to that bitch, I was so close winning, but Honey had to cheat.” She yelled at Luna. Luna should have been afraid but not right now, she was a little upset that Jacklyn jelled at her. “Yelling at me won’t help, I’m not the one who threw that powder in your eyes.” Luna shouted back at her. Jacklyn look down in shame after hearing that. “Your right and I’m sorry, I’m just so frustrated right now.” “I know you are so I have this for you, it might cheer you up.” Jacklyn couldn’t help but wonder what Luna meant by that, so she look up and boy was she surprised when she saw what was in Luna hand, it was money. “Are that the prize money?” She asked Luna. What? No, it’s half, five thousand.” Jacklyn was a little confused eight now. “Why are you given me half of the prize money?” “You can say that I felt bad for you for what happened to you, you want to win the money so bad and when Honey threw that powder into your eyes, I couldn’t help but feel sorry for you, so I decided to give you the half of the price money, you need it more than I.” Jacklyn just started at the money, as tempting it was she just couldn’t take it. “So, you are given it to me because you feel pity for me?” She crossed her arms and turn around. “Forget it.” Luna was a little hurt by that. “Yes, maybe I’m doing it because I feel sorry for you for what happened, but I also want to give them to you, as I said, you need them more then I do. So, stop begging so stubborn and take the money already.” Jacklyn didn’t want to admit but Luna was right, she need the money and there was chance that granny Smith would kick her ass if she came back empty handed. Jacklyn let out a defeating sighed. “Fine, you win.” She turn around and took the money. “I don’t like it but your right, I need the money.” Luna couldn’t help but smile. “I’m glad to hear it.” Then they heard a boat horn, a ship was docking. “That’s my ship, I better get on it. Thank you Luna.” “You are welcome.” Then Jacklyn did something that took Luna oof guard, she gave her a hug. She was truly grateful.