Diamond In The Rough

by Deltorix

Chapter 2

I blink my eyes from the brightness of my gem room and once they focus I see a pedestal. After walking up to it I see it seems to control the room and so the first thing I do is add walls around me in the shape of a house. After that I make the light source be a sun east of the house. Once everything isn’t trying to blind me I then start adding furniture only adding the bare minimum of what I need for now.

I looked around and examined the work I’ve done so far, the place was pretty simple, with basic furniture like a couch, table, some chairs. I walked around a bit but stopped when I saw a portrait of my two moms and sister, some with me in them as well. I had a small smile on my face as I looked at each picture.

I sigh softly and put a hand on the picture in front of me. “I promise to be the best son you raised. I'll never forget any of you.” Then I turn and walk to the exit and it opens and I walk out deciding to go outside and look at the stars. 

Before I can head outside though I hear a loud thud from deeper inside the castle and decide to investigate. After a few turns, I thought it was probably the castle making the sounds, until I heard it again, this time closer, I looked in every direction as I slowly walked back. Until my back bumped into something, something small and alive. Slowly turning my head, I saw a brown anthro pony with a black and gray mane in some sort of Safari outfit or something, I jumped back as I summoned my shield just as the pony did the same, I saw the wings on their back and knew this intruder was a pegasus. 

“Who the hell are you!?” I say aggressively while starting to spin my Hexagonal Shield.

“I should be asking you the same thing!!” from the voice, I can tell they were a girl or mare, in this case, she had her wings spread out and had her fists raised.

“You're the one that is in my home!” I lift my arm holding the shield and get ready to throw it at her. But before anything happens I see and hear Ship ender the hallway and call out.

“Ship! Ship!” he calls out then looks angrily at the strange mare.

The mare looked at Ship in shock, looking at me then Ship before she pulled out a whip as she glared at us. 

I narrow my eyes at her and Ship growls at her. “I don't know who you are so I'll give you one chance to walk away.”  

“Funny, that’s what I was gonna say to you.” The mare said, Ship growled as he changed into a small robot.

“Seeing as this place was abandoned when we found it we claimed it as our home so you're the one invading our home!” I then look to ship for a second. “Ship go get the gems!”

Ship gave a worried look to me as if he thought that I shouldn’t be left alone with an intruder. 

I roll my eyes and say. “I can handle myself if I have to fight for a few minutes. Just get them, if she is hostile the more of us there are the better.” I tell Ship and then focus back on the strange mare and barely catch her starting to run so I throw my shield and it slams into the ground in front of her path. 

She yelped in surprise before glaring at me, taking a battle stance.

“Either tell me why you are here or leave! I have not had a very good day and really don't want to lose my temper again.” I warn her as I make two bubble shields above my hands and add spikes to them. 

“Well that’s gonna be a problem as I’m not gonna do either!” she said, using her whip to wrap around a beam on the ceiling and gave it a strong tug, causing the ceiling to collapse, blocking my path to her, “Later.” I heard her say, followed by the sound of hooves moving away.

“Damn it! Ship track her and tell me where she is through my phone!” I turn and run to the gem temple door and bang on it. ’I really hope Ship can link with my phone without touching it now.’ 

“Pearl, Amethyst, Garnet we have an intruder! Get your butts out here!” I yell as I continue to bang on the door.

The door opened as said Gems came out, armed with their respective weapons, “Where?!” Amethyst asked, the three looking around.

I pull out my phone and look at a new app and open it and now I have a map and can see through Ships eye. “She is a pegasus mayor that collapsed one of the hallways to separate us; she's currently heading towards what looks like a throne room.” I tell them and point the right way.

“Then that's where we’ll go!” Garnet said, causing the rest of us to nod and run down the hallway to the throne room.

Once we get there I look around then I hear flapping and look up in time to see a whip heading right for me. Thankfully Garnet grabs my shirt and pulls me back and the whip misses. “Thanks! Hey whoever you are, leave our home!”  I yell at her and make a few bubble shields.

“And I said I am not leaving!” she replied, sending the whip at us again.

We all move out of the way and Amethyst uses her whip against her, swinging it up and almost grabs the mare's leg but she moves out of the way. “Take this you uh..bad person?” I say sounding tough at first then turn confused and less confident as I can’t think of a line to say but throw the bubble shields at her like baseballs. 

She effortlessly dodges them, and grabbed one with her whip, and sent it back at me, causing me to fly into a wall as my attack hit me.

I grunt as I pull myself out of the wall and glared at her. “That hurt!” I yell standing back up.

Pearl tries to take the mare down by firing energy from her spear at her but the damn mare keeps dodging everything we cry and till Amethyst got lucky and got a hold of her leg with her whip. “HA! Not so fast now are you? You big pigeon.” Amethyst said.

The mare glares as she flies erratically, causing Amethyst’s whip to fly out of her hands. “UGH! Come on stay still!” Amethyst yells in frustration.

I frown and look around the smirk and make a hexagonal shield and throw it to hit behind her while she is distracted by the gems and she slams into it and I see her face twitch in pain as she falls to the ground then I use another hexagonal shield to slam the mare against a wall leaving her head free.

“Hey let me go!” she demanded angrily.

“I don't think so. You break into our home, damage the place while running from us and lastly you attacked us!” I tell her pissing her off and press her against the wall harder.

“Um, Ste-Jake, maybe you should take it easy on her.” Amethyst said,

I look over and see that each of the gems seem to be troubled so I sigh and drop the shield and turn away. “fine.”

The moment I turned I heard Pearl cry out, “Jake!” as she pushed me aside right when the mares whip hit her, or should I say Pearl's gem. I watched in horror as Pearl's gem cracked as she glitched out while falling to her knees.

My eyes widen and I turn to face the stranger and roar with rage as I send a shield at her and slam her against the wall hard enough to crack the wall and I hear a sickeningly wet crack from her. “You are going to pay!” 

I start glowing pink as I stomp closer to her, pressing her harder and harder but I'm stopped with Garnet putting a hand on my shoulder. “Jake don’t let anger control your actions! We can heal her, just calm down.” she said,

I close my eyes and grit my teeth but take a breath and as I let it out I return to normal. “Don't let her escape, she will pay.” I tell Garnet then turn to look at Pearl and flinch when I see her glitching. 

“Pearl, are you able to safely retreat into your gem?” I ask her as I kneel next to her.

“I-I can, but I m-may not come o-out until it’s repaired.” Pearl said, shouting as she glitched again, her limbs being stretched out.

I close my eyes and say. “I don't know if I can use steven's healing powers yet, I need you to go into your gem for two reasons, first because if I can't right now I will be able to bubble you and keep you from getting worse at least I'm assuming that the bubbles put gems in stasis so the crack won't grow. And second, because if I can use his healing powers it's gonna be gross and I know how you are about being clean.” I explain to her and watch as she glitches again this time her legs growing longer but have no support so they flop around like a wet noodle.

Pearl nodded, “e-ekaJ thgirla.” she said, attempting to cover her mouth when she spoke backward.

My eyes widened as I looked up at her gem and saw the crack in it was on the top left side and is almost to the center of the visible part of her gem. “Pearl just in case I can't use his healing powers, I promise to find a way to heal you.” I look into her eyes and she must see how determined I am as she nods and starts glowing and all of her body is pulled into her gem and I carefully catch it.

“Ok...moment of truth.” I say to myself as I lick my fingers and for a split second in my mind, the image of pearl is replaced by one of my mothers and then I rub the spit on the crack and hope it works.

I watched in joy as Pearl's gem started to heal, the crack disappearing. I laugh with joy and look at Amethyst and Garnet. “It worked!”

“That’s great! Good job Jake!” Amethyst said, hugging him. Garnet gave a smile as she hugged him as well.

“You did good Jake, now we just wait for Pearl to come out.” she said, 

I nod and then stand up and hand Pearl over to Amethyst but stop thinking better of it and hand her to Garnet instead. “Now then what to do with this home invader and almost murderer.” I add while glaring at the strange mare and notice her right wing is laying limp and at an odd angle. 

“I think we should talk to her, see why she is here.” Garnet said, but Amethyst glared at the mare, pulling out her whip.

“I think we should just teach her a lesson!” she angrily said,

I clench my fist and look at the ground thinking then look to Garnet. “You decide both me and amethyst are too emotional to decide anything.”

Garnet nodded and walked up to the mare, who flinched as she glared at the stoic gem, “I know you are hurt, but if you tell us why you are here we will see what we can do about your wing, there is no need for anyone else to get hurt. Besides, I think you owe us an explanation for nearly killing one of our own.” Garnet said.

The mare continued glaring, staying silent, then she spoke, “I-I didn’t want to kill anyone.” she said nervously.

“But you nearly did, and you were lucky one of us has healing powers. Otherwise, you won't be talking right now. But we aren’t monsters, so please, tell us why you are here.” Garnet said,

Daring was silent for a minute then began speaking. “I-I am here because there’s something here that could save Equestria from an ancient evil.”

I look at the mare and frown. “What could possibly be in an old abandoned castle?”

“Do you know who this castle used to belong to? Equestria’s oldest rulers, Celestia and Luna, this was their castle. And they had something they used to battle evil with before it was left here.” the mare said,

“Well, then they are morons for just leaving it behind that or their children, whoever is in charge now should have had that weapon with them at all times.” I shake my head and sigh then look at my phone looking up the files I got from Rick and lapis.

“Look I don't get why you had to break into our home, but we live here now and if you would have just come to use and talked to us we may have just let you look around.'' I find the file on the castle and read it then raise an eyebrow. “Elements of harmony?” I mutter to myself.

“How did you know?” the mare asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

“A friend of mine gave me files on anything impotent about this land.” I say while still distracted by reading. “Huh, says here that the elements will be found and used by a group of six young mares to safe the world from someone named nightmare moon...that is a stupid name.” 

“Well stupid or not, she is going to return soon, which why I need those Elements now!” the mare said, standing up.

I read the file more than raised an eyebrow and looked at her. “What's your name?”

“What? Why do I need to tell you my name?” she asked,

“Well according to the notes I have none of the notes describe a mare like you. I'm also assuming you're a mare.” I said as I looked up from my phone.

“Of course I’m a mare, only an idiot would think otherwise. Who does the mare have to be?” the mare asked,

“Mares, plural, there are six.” I look back at the phone. “Two pegasi, two earth ponies, and two unicorns.”  I look up. “And you don't look like any of them unless you dye your hair gray and it's really a rainbow." I add with a smirk.

The mare stared at the floor then said. “Daring Do, that’s my name.”

“Daring Do, let's see.” I look through the files and read them out loud. “An adventurous archaeologist that discovers powerful ancient artifacts and recovers them to keep them from being stolen by those who would either sell them or use them for nefarious means. She usually chooses to work alone but there are small cases in which she will work with others if it is her only option. recommendation unless confronted leave her alone.”

“How did you?” she started to ask,

“As I said, a friend gave us files on just about anything and everything important on this wor...country.”  I correct myself to make it sound like we are just new to this country, not the planet.

Daring stared at me suspiciously, then said, “Alright, so who are these mares anyway?” she asked, “They must be important if they are to use the Elements.

“Well, let's see, ok there is an apple farmer, a baker, an animal caretaker, a weather manager, a dressmaker, and a magic student.” I read off the list then see a warning just before the names. “Oh, it says here that they must meet on their own small interactions with them is safe. Trying to guide them to become the elements too early will result in disaster.”

Daring stared, then said, “The fate of the world rests in the hands of them?”

“Apparently it also says that they have to meet naturally trying to force it could make it where the elements won't work as it's….oh, I can't believe this, it's powered by friendship.” I say as my temper gets the better of me but Garnet puts a hand on my shoulder and I calm down. 

“And what’s wrong with friendship?” Daring asked, 

“Nothing is wrong with it.” I rub my face and sigh. “It's just that I come from a place that friendship would not be enough to save the world, them on the other hand.” I smirk playfully at Amethyst and Garnet.

Amethyst puts her hands behind her head and laughs. “Yeah, Steven is always trying to talk out the problem.”

“Indeed, he always sees the good in everyone.” Garnet said,

“Anyway, this says that they need to find them together or the magic may not work, but if you want to risk this work. Their names are Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Twilight sparkle.” I read off the list of names.

“Twilight Sparkle? Velvet's daughter is one of the mares to save the world?” Daring asks, wide-eyed, “Did not see that coming.”

I turn the phone to her. “It's all right here, but if you want you could check out the town nearby, five of the six live there.” 

“I think I’ll just let them come here instead as you said, could mess things up if I tried anything.” Daring said, sitting down, wincing in pain.

“I would suggest you get to that town anyway just to find a hospital...ponies have those right?” I asked scratching my chin.

“Duh.” she said, “But it might be a bit dangerous heading there, think one of you could help me out?”

I cross my arm and sigh. “I guess it is the right thing to do seeing as it was me who broke your bone.” I look at Garnet. “You're in charge while I'm gone. If you need to call me, ask Ship he should be able to become a phone or work like one.”

Garnet gave a nod, “Be careful out there.” she said to me.

I nod back then look at amethyst and smirk. “Try not to burn down the castle ok?” Then I look at Daring do and say. “I assume you can still walk?”

“Yeah, my wing’s the only thing that’s broken.” Daring said,

“Good, let's go then, the sooner we get to that town the sooner you get help.” I blink as I think of something and check my phone and sigh. ’of course they are racist’

“Do you have something to hide what I look like?” I ask Daring Do.

“Well, not really.” Daring said, “Though I did bring a bag with me but I left it at the entrance. There might be something in there.”

“Fine, we will check it on our way out.” I start walking to the entrance calling back. “Try to keep up.”

Daring gave a scoff as she followed me. “I can keep up just fine.”

I lead her out to the entrance and say. “Find your bag, but be careful Amethyst pissed off a pack of wood dogs yesterday.” 

“Timberwolves. They're called Timberwolves.” Daring said, walking to one of the piles of rubble and moved them to reveal her bag. Going through it, she pulled out a cloak. “Will this do?”

I nod and put it on and cover myself. “The files say ponies are very xenophobic, I’d rather not deal with that today, and unlike my friends, I can’t shapeshift.”

“They can shapeshift?” she asked me, then she walked behind a tree and some bushes saying. “No peeking.”

I rub the back of my neck then say. “Yeah I mean they are color locked but they can turn into different shapes and even look like each other if they wanted to though Shapeshifting puts pressure on them I suppose.” After I finish I see Daring come out wearing some kind of long cloak around her covering up most of her body and huge old lady glasses and finally a hat that covers her mane.

“Geez, she looks like an old lady now.” I muttered mostly to myself.

“Ha ha, smart guy. It's a disguise now let’s get going.” Daring said to me as she turned to the brand new bridge Rick must have made. “I’m guessing this new bridge was you or your friends doing?”

I look it over and chuckle a bit. “This is definitely my friend's handy work.” I then look at my phone and frown as it doesn't have a map of the local area. “Damn no map.”

“Of course there isn’t, the Everfree is too dangerous for ponies, so we don’t explore it.” Daring said.

I rub my forehead. “Damn, do you know the way?” I looked at her.

She nodded her head. “Yeah, I’m not an adventurer if I don’t know my way around places.” she said, walking over the bridge. “Try to keep up.”

I walk up beside her and make a bubble shield around us then slowly add spikes in two rows that make tracks and say. “This way we are safe and don't have to worry.'' Then we start walking inside the shield and the spikes giving the shield traction to move forward. 

I felt Daring staring at me as if studying me. I turn to face her and say. “If you have questions then ask, I won't promise to answer them all because there are some secrets I want to keep as I don't know you but there are some things I don't care if you know.”

“Just what are you guys? You literally go inside gems, able to summon weapons from nowhere, and this!” she said, pointing at the bubble shield. “Not even the most experienced unicorns could do stuff like this.”

“That is both a simple and complicated answer. The simple answer is they are Crystal gems, a sentient gemstone that can create hard light bodies that are temporary as any damage done to the body can be undone once they retreat into the gym itself and the gym is their true physical body.” we roll over a rock and hear a hiss and see something run into the brush.

I then continue. “The complicated answer is when it comes to me, I am a half breed in a way, my mother was a gemstone while my father was a being known as a human in organic some even though I have an organic human body I still possess a gemstone and have most of a gemstones powers though each gemstone has their own unique abilities.” we bump into a tree and get annoyed but move the spikes and we move around it.

“I see, so, why were you guys in the old castle anyway?” she asked, seeing a few animals look at us from a distance.

’I better give her a half-truth.’ I rub my neck and sigh. “Short answer shelter, the long answer is we were teleported from our home, and woke up in a clearing nearby, that's when I found my friend.” the trees start to get thinner apart.

“We’re getting close to town, so maybe drop this before somepony sees us.” Daring said, 

“Yeah, I think you're right I’ll…” There is some rustling from a bush next to us and out of it comes some kind of lizard with the head of a chicken dragging a chicken statue. “The hell is that?”

“Cockatrice! Don’t look it in the eye! It’ll turn you to stone!” Daring said, looking away, just as the cockatrice looked at me in the eye.

I blink and look at it, not believing her, and check myself and say while tapping her shoulder. “I think this one liter doesn't care or is broken, I'm fine.”  

Daring went wide-eyed, then looked at the cockatrice, staring at it, seeing she wasn’t turned to stone she looked at me, then at the shield. “I think it’s your shield or something.”

“Possible, I AM supposed to have more than one kind of healing power, maybe that makes my shields filter out dangerous light? Meh whatever take let's just run over this thing and get to town.” I tell her as I take a step in the shield towards the cockatrice making the bubble shield move toward it as well.

The cockatrice seeing its stare was doing nothing, plus the fact that a spiked ball of death was moving towards it, ran into the bushes, dragging the statue of the chicken with it. “Huh smarter than it looks.” Then I pop the bubble around us and start walking to the town putting the hood up over my head.

“You shouldn’t have tried to kill it, it was just doing what it was born to do.” Daring said to me, walking next to me.

I shrug and say. “It is just an animal, plus if what you said was true it was a threat to us, if it didn't leave I couldn't drop the shield without us turning to stone.” I look around the town as we exit the forest and see just street lights on and they seem to be flame ones.

“Even if it is an animal, what you did was wrong.” Daring said,

I roll my eyes. “So you would rather be stuck inside that bubble? Look I'm not some messed up kid that goes around killing animals, it was a threat, and either it would run away or get ran over.” I tell her as I spot a tall white building with a red cross on it. “I assume your hospitals have a red cross on them?”

“Yeah, well not all of them.” Daring said, walking to the building.

“Good to know there are some things we have in common.” I say as I follow her I look around and then check my phone and frown. “Damn my clock is wrong, do you know the time?” I ask Daring.

She reaches into a pocket and pulls out a phone similar to mine but instead of an apple logo on the back it has a sun. “it is around two in the morning.” 

I blink surprised it took so long for me to design the inside of my room but fix the clock on my phone. “Thanks.” 

“No problem.” Daring replied, 

Not too long after we entered the town we got to the hospital. “Should I wait outside?”

“You can if you want.” Daring said.

Suddenly a cool breeze blows and I shake my head. “Nope, I'm going inside.” Then the two of us go inside and I try not to get anyone's attention as Daring walks up to the front counter.

“Hey, my wing is broken.” Daring said to the mare at the front counter. The mare behind the counter jumps up and calls for a few nurses and they come to tend to Daring while I sit down in the waiting area. 

One of the nurses comes up to me and smiles sweetly. “Don't worry sweety your mom will be better soon.” 

I wave my hand. “Oh no we aren't related I just found her and helped her to the hospital.” she flinches when she sees my arm but nods and walks back behind the counter and I sigh and wait.

What felt like hours which was only half an hour, Daring came back. I look up and stand. “Ah good your back, everything taken care of?”

“Yeah, though my wing may be sore for a while.” she said, walking to the front door. 

I nod and follow her out the front door but then I stop when I notice a basket of treats with two cards in it. “Uh...is this normal?” I ask, pointing to it.

“No. It isn’t.” Daring replied, looking around, wondering who could have left the basket. I also look around just barely catching sight of a pink fluffy tail going around a corner.

I shrug and kneel down and pick up the cards and blink as one has a hand-drawn picture of a hat while the other has a cloak. “I think this one is yours.” I give Daring one and open it.

Inside is a message saying welcome to ponyville and an apology for no party yet. “Huh...strange, say do you want any of that stuff?” I ask Daring as my stomach growls.

Daring shrugged. “Sure.” I pick up the basket and hold it between us as I pull out a muffin and smile as I take a bite out of it.

“Mmmm damn this is a good muffin.” I was surprised and finished eating it in a few minutes. 

“I agree.” Daring said, eating a muffin.

After I finish my muffin I wipe my mouth on my arm and say. “Well, I'm gonna head back to my home, if you have to stop by please just ask rather than trying to break in again.”

“Sure, see you later. Oh and um, sorry for what happened earlier, with me hurting your friend.” Daring said,

I sigh and nod. “And I'm sorry for breaking your wing, I have a temper problem.” I wave at her and take the rest of the food and head back to the castle using my bubble shield. 

Along the way, I saw many creatures, most of them tried to attack my bubble shield but I scared them away by summoning spikes on my shield, as I continued walking, I felt like something was watching me.

I look around slowly thinking it is a predator of some kind, but upon not seeing or hearing anything I continue along my way till my bubble shield falls partway into a pit trap. Luckily my shield is wide enough that I don't fall into it. “Oh great now I'm stuck.”

I look around thinking this is part of some kind of ambush so I prepare myself while still seeming trapped as I run inside the shield just making it spin. 

‘A pun I would make, but I would not for your sake.” I heard a voice say as I turn and see someone in a cloak, and from the sound of the voice, they were female.

I turn fully to face them. “Did you set this trap? Who are you?” I ask as I make the bubble grow slowly, slow enough she won't notice.

“The trap is indeed of my own making, but if it was for you, you are mistaken.” she said.

I cross my arms and sigh as I nod a bit and my shield grows big enough to pop out of the hole. “Fair enough, my name is Jake, who are you?”

“My name is Zecora.” she replied, pulling down the hood to show the hooded woman's face, from what I can see, she was a zebra with gold rings on her ear and around her neck and her mane was styled into a mohawk.

I nod a bit and walk closer so I'm not over the hole anymore. “I didn't think anyone lived in this forest besides me and my fa...friends.”

“Well, I am a resident of the Everfree, here to collect any ingredients that I see.” Zecora said, 

“Ah some kind of herbalist or something, sounds useful.” I say then the clouds move, giving us more moonlight and I see how little she is wearing and blush looking off to the side. “Well I should be going if you want to find me, I'm living in that old castle.” 

Zecora nodded as she began to walk away. “I will see you soon then. Be careful on your way home my friend.”

I nod and look around and find my tracks and reform my bubble shield and continue the way back to the castle. After about half an hour I find the new bridge and pop the bubble before walking into the castle. “Amethyst, Pearl, Garnet, Ship I’m back!” 

“Ship ship! Ship ship!” Ship cried out, bouncing to me, and jumped in my arms, clearly happy to see me.

I laugh and pet Ship’s head. “Hey there, are the others inside the temple?” 

Ship nodded his head. “Ship ship.” he said, then suddenly, my phone gave a beep as I pulled it out and saw a message from Ship.

Pressing play, an image of Garnet and Amethyst appeared. ”Alright Ship, me and Amethyst are going to explore more of this castle, when Jake gets back, help him find us.” I heard the Ship in the message give a chirp in reply. Garnet nodded and she and Amethyst proceeded to go down a hallway. After that the message ended, I looked to Ship as he hopped over to a hallway, giving a few chirps to me.

I smile and chuckle softly. “Alright lead the way, little guy.” I followed him down the hallway. “I hope garnet hasn't split up.”

After many twists and turns, we eventually found ourselves in an area that seemed to be less damaged than the rest of the castle, then after a few more steps, I see Ship go into another room. 

I follow Ship and peek into the new room. “Hey, I'm back.”

Inside was a panicking Amethyst and Ruby and Sapphire, both looked a bit fearful as they stared at the ground. I walk into the room and raise an eyebrow. “What happened here? And Amethyst please calm down.”

“I-I, we tried to see a bit of the future but it was too much for Garnet, and well, we unfused.” Ruby said,

I nod and scratch my chin. “Well, I'll admit I don't know exactly how her future sight works but my theory is that because this is a new world with unknown variables Garnett can't predict the future at all just focusing on the present is enough that the two of you can stay fused but the moment she tries to look into the future,” I snap my fingers. “you split up.”

“Yeah, we kinda figured that the moment we unfused.” Ruby said, rubbing the back of her head while giving a sheepish smile.

I walk into the room and pat Ruby’s head. “Just try to keep that in mind while you're Granet, but speaking of future sight.” I look over to Sapphire. “How far are you able to look into the future by yourself Sapphire?”

“N-not far.” she replied, “We lasted only a minute as Garnet when we looked into the future, but I don’t want to risk it.”

I nod and rub my chin. “I understand, but at least now you know your limitations. Perhaps it would help if either of you or Garnet, I don't really know how it works between sharing knowledge, but one of you studies some history of this world if we find a library.”

“Well, we did find one but we can tell it was a bit old.” Ruby said,

“Maybe we can try to go into town or something, we can easily shapeshift to find a library.” Sapphire said, Amethyst gave a grin.

“Yeah, I can totally shapeshift like a pro! Probably because I do it so many times!” Amethyst said, shapeshifting into an exact copy of Daring.

I scratch my chin “Well I suppose you could but if I remember correctly you can only hold a certain shape for a limited time before it starts hurting you.” 

“Eh true, but I’m like a pro at it, so I’m obviously one of the best choices to go into town!” Amethyst said confidently.

I rub the bridge of my nose. “Amethyst, these people or ponies I guess, are very panicky from what I've read, if you suddenly snap back to your normal shape that will most likely freak them out. If you go I want you to wait till morning and I'll go with you.” 

Amethyst let out a sigh before nodding. “Alright, but won’t someone get curious about the cloak?” she asked me, shapeshifting back.

I nod admitting to that point. “That is true and if that happens I will calmly explain that I'm just from very far away, no offense Amethyst but a diplomat you are not.” I flinch a bit and look at Sapphire. “Sorry if I brought up bad memories.”

“Eh, that’s fair.” Amethyst said, shrugging her shoulders.

“And it’s fine, we kinda got over it.” Ruby said, rubbing the back of her head.

I smiled relieved I didn't upset them. “So now that that is settled what else did you find while exploring?”

“Well not much, most of this stuff was too old to read, the rest was probably brought with whoever lived here when they moved out.” Ruby said, “But we did find some old books with some weird writing and symbols.”

“Were you able to find anything that is in english or that any of you can read?” I ask.

“Well, the writing is pretty much similar to how the humans used to write in the past, so it’s mostly readable if you can find something that won’t tear the moment you open it.” Amethyst said, 

I nod and ask. “When you say how humans used to write, do you mean old english or something like hieroglyphs?”

“Old english.” Sapphire replied, handing me a book.

I take it and smile at her before looking at it and only understanding a small part of it. “Huh this is a spellbook but I don't understand it, well I get a few words here and there but the whole magic thing is over my head.” 

I then blink and look at the gems. “Say, back when the tv show started in season one Steven was always saying you gems are magical is that true or was that just how the young steven saw things?”

“Well, we are but we have a limited understanding of magic.” Ruby said,

I nod a bit and smile. “Well how knows maybe here we can tap into that magical side of gems, I believe I read in Rick's notes this world is filled with magic.” 

“Ship!” Ship barks and hops around. 

I chuckle and pet him. “Don’t worry I'm sure we will find some kind of tech for you to link with.” 

“Ship shiiiiip!” Ship said sadly.

I pet Ship gently then yawn a bit and rub my eyes. “Damn, I still haven't slept yet, oh when we get the chance I want you to teach me how to make gem cloths.” I say as I look down at a rip in my shirt.

“Sure thing.” Amethyst said,

I smile a bit and stretch. “Sapphire please make sure that Ruby and Amethyst don't cause any trouble, Ship help her please. I’m going to go to bed um. You guys can access my room in the temple without having to have me open the door right?”

“Yes.” Sapphire said,

“Alright, if anyone else shows up either come and get me or if possible have Ship call my cell phone. Goodnight you guys.” I wave and start heading back to where the temple door is.

“Night Jake.” Ruby and Sapphire said, Amethyst just gave a wave.

“See ya in the morning.” she said to me.

After getting to the temple door my gem glows along with the door slot and it opens to my room and I walk in smiling at the pictures of my family as I head to the bedroom and lay down. ’Well damn I guess Rick was right I am in another world...at least I'm not alone and have the gems with me. Just hope they don't expect me to be like steven.’  I think to myself before I yawn and start falling asleep.

I open my eyes and am surprised when I see nothing but darkness. I look around and see nothing but myself. “Where the hell am I?” 

I then heard something, it was faint but I heard it, going in the direction where I heard the sound, hoping it was the right way. As I followed the sound, it started to become more clearer, it sounded like crying.

I continue following the sound of crying till I see a light, after a while I see a pony under a spotlight and I run to get closer. She is dark blue, with a light blue mane. I see a horn so I assume she is a unicorn and when I get close enough I see the spotlight makes the image of the moon under her, I also noticed that she is chained to the ground and I frown. 

I step into the light and kneel. “Hey, do you need help?”

The mare gasped as she looked to me, “W-who are y-you? How d-did you get here?” she asked me,

I scratch the back of my head. “I honestly don't know how I got here. The last thing I remember is going to bed.”

“T-thou are in the Dream World.” the mare said, “A place where We used to rule.”

My eyes widen then I rub my chin and close my eyes. “Huh, I must have stumbled into my dream walking powers.” I shake my head and say. “Who are you? Why are you chained up?”

“O-our name is Luna, and We are a prisoner.” she replied, looking down sadly.

I frown and grab a chain. “Well this is just cruel, I'm going to help you.” I start pulling on the chain. 

“It is pointless, We have tried but We cannot break the chains.” Luna said,

Just after Luna finishes the chain I'm pulling on starts to stretch and then it snaps and I fall backward. “ow.”

I watched as the chain repaired itself, chaining Luna again. “See?”

I glare at the chains while I think. “Hmmm.”  Suddenly I remember how my powers are supposed to work and I look at Luna.  “When did these chains first appear?”

While I wait for her response I start pulling on the chains again. “T-they appeared when We….I..” she had a sad look as tears filled her eyes.

“I want to help, but you need to be open with me.” I tell her and I pull harder and this time when the chain snaps I keep my footing and hold the chain keeping it from fixing itself.

I saw Luna watch me then sighed, “We became a monster, that is when the chains appeared. We became a prisoner within our own mind.” she said,

I struggle as the chains start pulling themselves together. “There has to be more to it Luna, I don't think choosing to be a monster would trap you in your own mind.” I grunt as the chains start pulling even harder but I lift them higher. 

Luna sighs and looks away from me. “I grew jealous of my sister, all of our subjects loved her days but slept through our hard work on the night skies...I asked my sister if we could make the night longer so that they may see and enjoy my night but she refused….” 

She looks up at me with tears in her eyes as the chains grow heavier. “We would fight for weeks until I heard a voice that told me I could be loved and how to do it.” she looks down in shame.” and I became a nightmare moon and attacked my sister.” 

I shake my head and grunt still trying to keep the chains from linking back together. “Luna, I can understand how you felt but from what you just told me it seems like an outside force manipulated you and is controlling your body just because it has control now does not mean that you cannot be free and makeup with your sister.”

The chains seem to get lighter at my words and she looks up. “T-truly? I.. I could see my sister again?”

“Yes but you have to be strong and fight whatever is messing with you. I'm sure your sister still loves you, now are you going to let this thing take your life?” I do my best to encourage her and as I do the chains get smaller and lighter.

“The chains, t-they’re disappearing.” Luna said, pure joy in her voice.

I nod and smirk. “Remember this is your mind and your body, that outside influence may have some control now but you are the primary person in control. These chains were created out of your negative emotions, believing in yourself and believing that you will see your sister again the chains have no power over you.”

“How sickenly sweet.” I heard a voice say from all around me and Luna.

I look around and clench my fists. My gem starts glowing covering me in a pink aura. “Luna is that the voice you heard before?”

“Y-yes.” Luna said fearfully, “It is.”

“You should follow her example, and fear me.” the voice said,

I frown and look around and then smirk. “And why should I fear a voice? The worst you can do is talk me to death, now either shut up or leave Luna forever or you'll have to deal with me.” I turn to Luna and smirk. “Remember Luna, this is your mind, not her’s.”

“Keep telling her that, I’m sure it will make a difference.” the voice said again,

I chuckle and point to the chains. “There is proof that what I'm saying is true, as I encourage you to chains shrink and get weak but as she scares you the chains grow thick and heavy.”

Luna thought about what I said then stood up, “He’s right, I’m not scared of you monster.”

I smile at Luna but then the voice starts laughing, almost cackling, then even more chains shoot out of the darkness and wrap around Luna but she does not kneel. Then out of the darkness walks a tall mare with black fur and silver armor covering her body, deep blue slitted eyes, and a fang-filled smile. “Do you really think that fear is my only tool, little Luna?”

She walks up to me and glares at me as if I'm trash in her eyes then focuses on Luna. “shall I remind you of the fact you attacked your sister? Tried to take control of the sky? Oh and let’s not forget you did almost kill your sister.”

I turn to look and my eyes widen as the chains get thicker and I see Luna look down in shame as the weight starts to get to her. “Luna, you have more control here than her, don't let her fill your head with her actions!” I turn and throw a punch at this dark mare but I pass right through her. 

“Fool, you cannot harm me here, now, I grow tired of you.” the mare said,  her horn glowing, “Now begone!”

A powerful wind starts blowing me as a door appears behind me. “Luna; don't give up!” is all I can say before I'm forced through the door.

I shoot up with a gasp in a cold sweat and pant softly. “Th-that was crazy...I hope I helped.”