To infinity and beyond!

by Rob_Rhapsody

Chapter 1

“Ah, finally my costume is on now I need to to get to work, at my post” I said to myself. I worked at Disney land. I began making my way to my first spot to stand around and say hello to the kids.

My name is Buzz, and coincidentally I’m in the Buzz lightyear costume, and I’m the guy that greets visitors at the rides. It’s a very fun job. My life is going great! At least it was, that was until I met....... HIM.

“Hello mr. Lightyear” said a voice. I turned around and saw a man dressed like the merchant in resident evil 3, with a stall that wasn’t there a second ago.

“Um, hi, anything I can help you with?” I asked.

“Oh, no, but I believe I can help you, I couldn’t help but notice that you’re jet pack seems to have seen better days, so I’m offering a trade, I give you a new one, and you give me the old one, I’ll even throw in a new badge, and gravity belt” he said. I looked at my chest and my waist, then at my back, at my “jet pack”.

“It’s a weird trade but ok” I said, unknowingly sealing my fate. I took off the jet pack and gave it to him.

Then he gave me the new jet pack, the badge and gravity belt. I put them all on and looked at him. “Use them wisely” he said. Before I could respond I began getting dizzy and I blacked out.

—location: Space—
—Approx:150 miles or 242 kilometers above Equestria—

“Uuuuugh, where am I?” I began, then my eyes snapped open. “And why do I sound like Tim Allen?” I said, as I looked around. I then looked down at the planet below.

“Please let this be a bad dream” I said to myself as I saw what seemed to be the sun coming up over the horizon.

OH. MY. GOD.” I said in disbelief. I looked around and saw that this was really happening.

“This is like one of those my little pony fanfics, I was reading last night!” I said in realization. “Then that means...” I started as I pressed the big red button on my chest, and out came the wings. “I’m the real Buzz Lightyear!” I said giving a fist pump.

I looked at the world below. “Might as well see what the locals look like” I said. “TO INFINITY AND BEYOND!” I said triumphantly, as my jetpack’s engines ignited.

I began ‘falling with style’ and broke through the atmosphere, creating a sonic boom. I was flying at around mach 6, then I began seeing that I wasn’t in Kansas anymore.

“Oh shit, this is Equestria!” I said as I looked around. ‘Wait better double check, sleeping ponies, pastel houses, yup this is Ponyville at nighttime, I’m a Displaced just like those stories’

I began flying towards the castle of the two sisters. I flew over the Everfree forest and pressed the big red button to disengage my jetpack, and landed in front of the castle.

I opened the panel on my left arm to check the air. ‘Breathable atmosphere, good, but let’s keep the helmet on for now’ I then closed the panel and took notice of the laser on my right arm. ‘Oh I have got to test that out’

I aimed my arm at a rock and pressed the button on my shoulder. -ZAP- the rock exploded.

“Awesome!” I said, looking at the debris. I then began walking quietly through the Everefree, and made my way towards Ponyville. I didn’t leave the forest, instead I remained hidden.


-SNORE- “Aaaaaaah” went scream off in the distance that woke me up.

“Huh” I said in surprise, as I woke up. I looked over to Ponyville to see it was overrun with parasprites. “Well, now I now which episode I’m in, season 1, episode10: swarm of the century, I should probably help out” I said looking at the carnage.

I pressed the red button and took off. I flew to the center of Ponyville and disengaged my jetpack and landed with a large THUD. I began firing my laser at one parasprite after another. Then Pinkie gathered them up by playing all those instruments as she passed by. I opened the panel on my left arm and began playing music as well.

As soon as all the parasprites were following me and Pinkie. Princess Celestia came in on a chariot. I just kept marching around with Pinkie, hoping she wouldn’t notice a 6 foot tall guy wearing a space suit. ‘What the hell am I thinking!’

“Excuse me, who and what are you” said Celestia startling me. I stopped the music, as I stood at attention and saluted. “Buzz Lightyear, Space Ranger of Star Command, Miss, I’ve come to aid with the invasion of the unknown force, Miss” I said in my best soldier impression.

I stood there for what felt like an eternity. “Very well soldier, carry on” said Celestia with a smile. Which surprised me to the extreme, but I didn’t let it show.

‘Ok, did not expect that!’ I began playing the music again and marched off to help Pinkie. I got a glimpse of her talking to Twilight then taking off.

Later after me and Pinkie led the paraspites away Twilight finally noticed me. “Excuse me but, who and what are you?” she asked.

I stopped, stood at attention and saluted. “Buzz Lightyear, Space Ranger of Star Command, reporting for duty, Miss!” I said loud and clear. She stared at me in surprise.

“Okay, I’m Twilight Sparkle, what are you doing here?” asked Twilight.

“Unknown! I arrived 150 miles above, in space last night, and came down for air, then a few hours later, I saw the town under attack by an unknown force, and decided to assist” I said in my soldier voice.

“You can talk normal, if you want” said Twilight.

“I know, I just liked doing the soldier voice” I said. “I know its not my place to ask but, currently I have no food or shelter, is it okay if I stay with you?” I asked.

“I don’t really have any space in my library for you, Pinkie?” said Twilight as she looked to Pinkie pie.

“Nope, no room at Sugarcube Corner” said Pinkie.

“Oh thank goodness, then I won’t have to wear a blue hat with a daisy on it, a pink frilly apron with a heart, be referred to as Miss Nesbit, and be forced to have a tea party” I said confusing both of them.

Ooookaaay, but I’m sure my other friends will be happy to help you” said Twilight.


None of the main 6 would let me stay with them.

“I can sleep in your basement, if I have to Twilight, I really don’t have any preference to where I sleep” I said as we arrived at Oakey Oaks Library.

“I don’t really have much choice, now you might have to, none of my friends have room, but I’m glad you are staying with me” said Twilight.

“You aren’t touching my suit when I sleep, if you do, an alarm will go off, and wake me up” I said.

“Awe” said Twilight in defeat. “Wait how did you know-“ began Twilight.

“That you would nerd out and invade my personal space? Simple, it’s written all over your face” I said, finishing for her.

She remained silent as she cleared a spot for me in the basement. I got myself Situated and told Twilight that I’d be fine, then she left the room and closed the door on her way out.

I took off my Space Ranger badge on my chest and focused energy into it.

“This is Buzz Lightyear, and if you need my help to save the day, hold my badge up to the sky and call out my name” I said into it. I tossed it at a wall and a portal opened up and the badge disappeared into it. It came back a few minutes later.

I put it back on my chest and went over to my spot. I got comfortable, turned off the lights, and went to sleep.