Party on, Luna! Party, on Pinkie!

by Akataja

The only Chapter

Luna had retired as the princess of the night. She had lost the power to move the moon, but she was still a mighty Alicorn. She was still the princess of dreams, moving through the dream world and seeing other people's dreams was a fun thing to do and the magic she needed to do this, was easy to use, at least for her. The nights were filled with dreams, with the dreams of strangers as well as her own.
Since her retirement, Luna had way less stress in life. She spend most days with her sister, they had finally enough time for each other. After Lunas 1.000 years on the moon and all the stress leading a whole nation and reign as the two goddesses, there was a lot of spend up stuff they had to talk about.

But she also enjoyed the fun of the normal ponies and especially the Hearths Warming Eve party in the Canterlot-Palace. Luna and Celestia still went there every year, but not as princesses but as normal ponies, friends of Princess Twilight Sparkle. The two formal princesses liked to travel incognito and used magic to hide the horn or the wings or both and without the magical manes, nearly no one recognizes them.

Celestia was traveling as a unicorn and used her teleportation magic and the train.
Luna decided to travel as a Pegasus and would simply fly from Seaward Shoals to Canterlot. Flying such a long rude was troublesome, especially during winter, but it was still fun.
Luna loved to fly! The cold air around her wings made her feel alive and the wind tingling her nose was like a lovely kiss. Also, she had the best view from here, everything was white from the snow and sparkling in the light of the rising sun. It was beautiful!
The formal Princess of the night had a good time and thanks to her alicorn-endurance she was able to fly very long without getting tired, she could do the whole flight in a single session without a break.
But she landed when she saw something interesting on her way. Usual around this time there was no pony on the road because of the snow and the cold weather, but Luna had spotted a small pinkish spot on the white landscape. When she came closer, she noticed that this small pink spot was indeed a familiar pony. Since her retirement, she hadn’t seen Pinkie Pie or any other of Twilights friends, but she had always liked them. They had something, that Luna was missing since she had become a princess: Fun. Maybe it would be fun to talk to her? She wouldn’t recognize her without the horn and her magical mane, this could be a fun game!

“Hello young earth pony, it seems like you could use some help here.” she talked directly to Pinkie Pie. It really seemed like she could use some help, her cart stuck in the snow and the coat she was wearing wouldn’t protect her against the cold weather for long.

“Ah! Hello Princess Luna,” said Pinkie, she doesn’t even need to turn around to know who had landed behind her. “Are you on the way to the party?”

“How did you recognize me?” Luna asked surprised, she thought her disguise was perfect! She was no changeling, but her magic was usually able to fool the ponies around her.

Pinkie Pie turned around with a smile, her puffy mane was moving a bit up and down with her movement as she answered “I am part of your fan base. I am the Princess Luna type. You can’t hide from your biggest fan around.”

“Oh!” Luna blushed; she never realized she had fans. “Anyway, I am not a princess anymore. I am a total normal mare now, a hard-working honest mare, that wants to help you with that stuck card.”

“Well, I am happy for any help I can get here.” Answered the pink pony.

Luna pushed the card from behind while Pinkie pulled in the front and after a few seconds, the card was rolling again. Pinkie was pulling the card while Luna walked next to her. Pinkie was not jumping around like she usually did, maybe because of the heavy card with party equipment, she was pulling? But she still walked with ease. It seemed like earth ponies had no problem with the cold wind, even without wings and feathers to protect them and she was able to walk on the snowy path without fancy royal horseshoes.
The two mares made a break at the next rest stop, a small wooden shelter with benches and tables. They sat down and Pinkie shared her snack with Luna. The princess was surprised to see a big healthy green salad and no cupcakes and candy.

“I am surprised.” said Luna “no Candy?”

“I know, Candy is super tasty, but all my friends told me I should eat less candy and more healthy and this salad is made by Apple Jack, it is really good. Still, I see forward to birth and eat tons of cupcakes and candy again.” Pinkie moved her coat aside and sat down when she said that.

Luna gasped when she saw that big pregnant belly of pinkie “You’re pregnant!” she nearly shouted.

“Ah! So you noticed?” Pinkie blushed “I have a bun in the oven.”

“But why let your friends travel you alone!? Who and where is the father while you pull that huge heavy card through this icy snow plains!?” Luna was shouting, she wanted to use her royal voice.

“That’s why you confused?” asked Pinkie and chuckled “Rainbow Dash is already in Canterlot since last week, she is training with the Wonderbolts for the parade. Apple Jack and her family are in Appleloosa to celebrate with the rest of the Apple family. Rarity is showing her new winter fashion line in Manehattan and will spend Hearths Warming Eve there with her parents and Sweetie Belle. Twilight offered to send a royal card with Pegasus or to make a teleportation spell for me, but I can’t trust the royal Pegasus with my delicate party equipment and Twilight was not sure if teleportation would be good for the unborn foal. Fluttershy is with her family in Cloudsdale and my Family is celebrating with Mudbriar and his family, I should join them, but the holiday business in Canterlot is very important to me and I was really looking forward to making a party for you.”

“For me and my sister?”

Pinkie was not thinking about Princess Celestia at all, all she could think of were these deep blue eyes of Princess Luna, deep and dark as the ocean. She was afraid she could sink inside and had to pull herself out of this daydream by speaking “Sure, whatever.”

“And what about the father?”

“Cheese Sandwich? He is great! But right before we wanted to leave together, he got a message from his formal Employees. There is a huge orphanage that can’t celebrate Hearths Warming Eve because of a snowstorm and he is the only party pony that can break through it and bring these ponies the joy and happiness they deserve!” Pinkie spoke about her baby daddy with a lot of fire in her eyes and passion in her voice. “I told him it would be okay if he goes there, we meet in Canterlot and some of the friendship students will help me. Ha! It turned out all of them are spending the holidays with the family! It is just little ‘ole me who has to be alone.” She spoke with a smile, but Luna could feel the sadness inside of her. Because she was sad all the time she was alone, far away from her family. Pinkie was always smiling happily for others, that was admirable!

“Okay, that settles it! I will help you!”

“Impossible!” Pinkie was shocked as she spoke, “You are the princess!”

“I was a Princess, but now I am just a simple mare, with the magic of a unicorn, the speed of a Pegasus, and the strength of an earth pony.” Luna spoke and smiled at Pinkie “Trust me, I can handle the card.”

“But you will be late.”

“That’s no problem, nothing exciting will happen today, all the fun stuff starts tomorrow and we can spend the night in a hut nearby.”

“What? No that’s-“ Pinkie really wanted to say no, but then she realized what she was offered right now. The Princess of Dreams wanted to spend the night with her? Two mares, during a cold snowy night in a warm and cozy hut? “I mean, yeah sure, sounds like a good idea!”


Forcian was the owner of “Forcians Shipping Village”, a small resort at the edge of Canterlot. He had built these huts from the washed-up residues he and his father had dragged from the coast.
All of his huts were rented these days, the holidays were the best time of the year for a stallion who owned a resort.
But one hut stood empty, it was reserved by the royal family and he was not able to rent it to anyone without the royal seal. It never had happened before and Forcian was sure the hut would be empty for this year too.
Forcian was done with the work today, it was past dusk and he just wanted to close the office and go home. He had closed the windows and the guest book and wanted to grab his winter hat and his coat, but then the belle from the door was ringing.

“Visitors? Around this time?” He was talking to himself. He turned around and spoke “I am sorry but-“ he stopped in the middle of his sentence when he noticed two stunning mares. One was tall and deep black and had eyes as blue and deep as the ocean. The other was pink covered with a coat and her smile was some kind of addictive. Forcian had no idea what was happening, but he was not able to send these two away. After a few seconds, he was able to speak again “I am sorry, how may I help you?”

“We need a hut.” Spoke the tall black mare “We are on the way to the palace, but the snowfall is getting more and more heavy, so we want to spend the night here. Oh! And we need a place to park the cart of my friend.” She pointed at the window.

Forcian peeked out of the window and saw the cart, which was loaded with lots of stuff... and a deadly weapon!? “Is that a canon!?” He felt his throat becoming dry when he spoke.

“No, none of this is canon.” Said the pink one and bounced at his side. She noticed how confused Forcian was from her answer “Okay, I don’t have time to explain this, we are already in the middle of this fanfic story, and it is going to end soon!”

“Is… Is your friend alright?” Asked Forcian to the tall black mare “Also I am afraid we have no free hut.”

“This here will help.” The black mare reached under her wing and pulled something out, that was robbing Forcians breath, the royal seal! So this Pegasus Lady and her pink friend had a connection to the royal family!?

“O-okay, of course,” Forcian answered and decided that he shouldn’t ask more questions. “The Royal hut, yes.” He gave the key to the black mare “Please enjoy your stay.”


Luna and Pinkie entered the hut after they had parked the cart.
Luna was sure nobody was able to see them so she dropped her disguise and used her magic. It was a simple but very effective spell. It made a fire in the fireplace and ignite some of the candles that were spread all over the place.
Pinkie expected a huge manor like thing, bigger than Shugarcube Corner with expensive paintings and gold and silver and gems everywhere. But this hut was indeed just a hut? Wooden walls, simple furniture, and a chimney made from bricks, but there was indeed a huge bearskin on the floor in front of the fireplace. It looked very fluffy and warm. It was also huge! Big enough for several grown-up ponies!

“This bear attacked the town fifty years ago.” explained Princess Luna “The captain of the Wonderbolts and five of his best Pegasus fought it and gave the skin to the royal family.”

Pinkie Pie couldn't care less for that story, she just wanted to toss the wet coat aside and lay down on this bearskin. She sighed as soon as she felt the soft fur pressing against hers and the feeling of the warmth from the fire stroking over her body was the most exciting thing right now. Pinkie hadn’t noticed how much her hooves were arching until she was finally able to rest. Her pink pregnant belly was all exposed now and rubbing over the bearskin with every breath she took. She had to chuckle a little, the fur was ticklish.

“This feels way better than walking through the snow,” said Pinkie with a happy squeal.

Luna looked at her; she was stunned for a moment. She knew Twilights friends were all good-hearted and nice ponies, but right now Pinkie Pie simply looked simply amazing! Her cheering smile made her smile too and Luna's eyes went back to that foal filled belly again and again. The Princess of dreams had dreamed of founding a family on her own like most other girls and she never had dropped that dream. Seeing a pregnant beautiful mare right in front of her on the bearskin made her heart beat faster. Luna walked over to her pink guest, she was not able to withstand the urge, so she lowered her head to her belly and sniffled it, and gave it a loving lick.

“That tickles,” said pinkie with a happy laugh.

“Ah! I’m sorry!” Luna said and let out a gasp, she had lost control!

“No, I like it!” Pinkie spoke honestly “You can continue. I love belly rubs and the foal loves it too!”

“Are you serious?” Luna asked and decided to go with the flow “I mean: yes, you are right.”

The Princess of dreams decided to make herself comfy behind Pinkie Pie. The Alicorn was twice as big as the pink mare, so it was easy to put her wing and her hoof around her. She holds her in place with her hoof and her feathers were stroking over that big pregnant belly. She could feel how warm the pink pony was and she was able to feel the life inside of her. The foal was moving! This unborn wonder inside of Pinkie Pie was moving and Luna was able to feel it with the soft inner side of her hoof. She smiled and cuddled close to Pinkie.

“You are good at belly rubs.” Pinkie praised the princess “My hubby does love to do this to me too, especially after… well you know what I mean.”

“Right, your husband.” Luna spoke and had to sigh “You are married and you will give birth to a foal of love. I envy you so much and I don’t have the right to break this luck.”

“Don’t be worried.” Pinkie spoke in a soft tune and turned her head to the princess with a warm lovely smile “As I said, this isn’t even canon and I bet Cheese Sandwich would love to see us like this.” Pinkie decided to do the last step and leaned in for a kiss!

Luna’s last smooch time was over 1.000 years ago and she hadn’t expected any kissing right now! She was surprised and happy. She closed her eyes and allowed herself to enjoy and dream a little. She leaned into that kiss and moved her lips with Pinkie’s. Luna couldn’t believe how soft these lips were, this was the best thing that happened to her in a millennium. She kissed Pinkie Pie and pulled her closer with her hoof while her wing was still stroking this big pregnant belly.

The kiss ended slowly Luna had the cutest blush on her dark cheeks when the line of saliva broke, that connected their lips “Thank you Pinkie Pie” she said with the most girlish voice she had ever used in her adult life. For the first time since she had a cutie mark, she felt like an excited filly again.

“Ouh, you don’t need to thank me.” Said Pinkie Pie with a different kind of smile, it was still a happy smile, but it seemed a bit naughty to Luna “At least you don’t need to thank me right now.” Pinkie Pie leaned in for another kiss and grabbed the edge of the screen with her hoof to pull it down like a roller blind so none of the audience could see what happened next.


The next morning Pinkie and Luna were still on that Bearskin, but the air around them had changed. It had a spicy hint now and it was warm. The fireplace was cold and dark now, but it was nice and cozy under Luna's wing. “Good morning,” said Pinkie Pie when she saw that Luna was awake too. She leaned in to lick her nose.

That simple little gesture made Luna smile “Good morning.” She hadn’t noticed it till yet, but she hadn’t used her dream magic all night long and she felt really good. “Thank you for… umm… y-you know…” she blushed again, she had done something she hadn’t done in a long time and was not sure how to act right now. She was far older than 1.000 years, but when she wanted to speak about the unspeakable natural act between two grown-ups, she was not able to speak and was distracted by the heat rising in her ears and on her cheeks.

“Indeed, this was the best lesbian sex I ever had!” Pinkie just said that in her happy way “And don’t worry about the rating, it’s still teen stuff. Also, don’t worry about yourself; you are not a lesbian now.”

Luna was taken by surprise; Pinkie was speaking very easily about this. “Y-yes, I just wanted to say-“ but Luna was not able to finish her sentence because Pinkie had leaned in to kiss her again. A morning-after kiss with a very intense taste, the kind of kiss only lovers were able to share like this. Luna answered that kiss. She enjoyed everything about this morning, it had been a while since she had such a good sleep and only had to care for her own dreams. Maybe it was okay to stop being the princess of dreams from time to time, maybe it was nice to be a normal mare for real.

“Well, I just wanted to say Happy Hearts Warming Eve.” Said Pinkie Pie with her cheerful smile.

“Happy Hearts Warming Eve to you too,” Luna answered and put her forehead to Pinkies.