What If: Anon-A-Miss

by Nineveh Orion

Chapter 1

Sunset was used to getting looks from her fellow students by this point. Ever since the Fall Formal, she had been getting looks of all kinds. Not always friendly either. But ever since the Battle of the Bands, they had mostly gone away.

Oh sure. She still got the occasional stink eye or any number of glares. But she had since grown out of it. Her grades were awesome, and she had the best friends anyone or anypony could ever ask for. What else did she need?

Today, however, Sunset shifted uncomfortably as she made her way to her locker and meeting the rest of the Rainbooms. Groups of students stood talking and whispering to each other about something, and their eyes went to her when she passed them by. None of the looks seemed bad.

Was she not wearing pants? Quickly looking down, Sunset sighed in relief to see that no, she hadn't come to school with no pants or skirt on. Nothing about her was off. So what was everyone talking about then?

Luckily, the girls were waiting for her at her locker. Pinkie gave her usual bone-crushing hug of a greeting. "Sunny! Have you heard the news?"

Sunset's answer wasn't exactly forthcoming, as all the air in her lungs was being squeezed out. After a moment though, Pinkie let her go. Catching her breath, Sunset finally looked around the group. "Hear what?"

Rainbow pulled out her phone, before quickly pulling up Mystable, and handing it over to the red-haired girl. "Take a look. This was up this morning. Looks like the whole school's seen it."

Sunset took it and was shocked by what it showed. It was some account called Anon-A-Miss, and from what she could see, as she scrolled down the page, it was revealing some of the most embarrassing secrets from the Rainbooms themselves. But it was where these came from that really surprised her. "Rarity. These are from-"

"My phone, yes. Some of these I haven't told you girls about yet. And some of them I most likely never would have either," the fashionista replied with an annoyed huff. "Did you see the top though?"

Sunset nodded, as she scrolled back up to the top. It looked rather familiar, and this finally made her glare at her friends. "Wait. Don't tell me you girls honestly think I did all of this, do you?"

The girls flinched at the venom in Sunset's voice, and a part of her was sorry for it. But she had to know. "Well. Someone did it. None of us would have done it, and only someone at the house could have gotten to Rarity's phone," Fluttershy replied.

Sunset nodded. That was true. Applejack though stalked up and put her hands on the girl's shoulders. "Level with us, Sunset. Did ya do this? Are ya Anon-A-Miss?"

Sunset crossed her arms and glared at the farm girl. "No, Applejack. I didn't. And I'm disgusted and disappointed in you guys if you even think I would think of doing this. Let alone actually doing it."

For a moment, no one said anything. Finally, though, the girls let out a collective sigh of relief. "Oh thank goodness," Rarity finally said. "That's a weight off of our shoulders."

Sunset blinked. "Wait. You girls don't think I did all of this?"

Rainbow laughed as she swung an arm around her shoulder. "Of course not! What kind of idiots do you think we are? This isn't the new you."

"The old you, maybe. But even then, you never made it look like you did it," Fluttershy added.

Sunset smiled. "Thanks, girls. And you're right, Fluttershy. I was never this blatant. At least that is something I can be proud of from those days. If for nothing else."

"So who did it then?" Pinkie asked. "We didn't do it. Sunny didn't do it. Not many students are this good with a computer."

That stumped the girls. Looking around, Sunset could see that they had gathered quite the crowd. "Does anyone in the school think I did it?"

Applejack shook her head. "Nope. From what I heard, sounds like no one's buying into this hogwash. They've been asking us all morning if we knew something that they didn't. No luck till now."

Sunset nodded. That was a weight off of her shoulders at least. After everything that had happened during the Battle of the Bands finale, she had hoped the students had forgiven her for her worst days. It looked like they had.

The intercom suddenly blared to life. "Sunset Shimmer. Please report to the Principal's Office immediately."

The girls shared a look as Sunset sighed in defeat. "No point trying to get out of this now," she grumbled as she set her stuff in her locker. "It's probably about all of this anyway."

"Do you want us to come with you?" Fluttershy asked with a concerned look, one all of the girls shared.

Sunset's smile softened. "Thanks, Fluttershy. But this is something I need to do by myself. I'll see you girls in the class."

The Rainbooms shared a look. None of them liked it. But they also knew, as Sunset turned and strode off toward Principal Celestia's office, that there was no talking Sunset out of something once she set her mind on it.

Even knowing why the other students were giving her looks and whispering like they were, didn't make Sunset feel any better. At one time, it would have driven her into a rage. As it was, it was just plain annoying.

Okay. She was peeved about this whole thing, and that someone was trying to set her up to take the fall for it. But with her friends at her back, she could handle this. She'd faced worse than this before. This would be a piece of cake by comparison.

So caught was she in her own thoughts, that Sunset didn't realize that she had arrived at her destination until she almost bumped into the door. Grumbling at her own airheadedness, she allowed herself to calm down. Getting mad now would do her no good. Knocking, she waited.

"Come in," a melodious voice called from beyond the door, a voice that no matter what had happened and where she was, always made Sunset feel better. Celestia had that effect on ponies, no matter what world it was, it seemed.

Opening the door, Sunset was always reminded of the Throne Room of Canterlot Castle. The office had the same sense of openness and filled with the light of the sun. All pointing to the throne of Princess Celestia. Or in this case, Principal Celestia's desk. The woman herself sat there with a welcoming and calming smile. One that always tugged at Sunset's heart for all she had thrown away.

Vice Principal Luna was also there as well, and while not as welcoming, her smile was still calming in a way. Sunset wondered if Princess Luna had the same effect on ponies? "Have a seat, Miss Shimmer," Luna offered, gesturing to the chair in front of the desk.

Sunset took the hint and sat down. She knew better than to waste time with these two. For all they shared with their pony counterparts, the four were as different as night and day. "You wanted to see me, miss Celestia?"

Celestia nodded, her smile softening. "Indeed. I assume you have heard of what is going around the school by now?"

Sunset nodded. This was not much of a surprise. "Yeah. Someone made an account that's spreading some of the most personal and best-kept secrets of my friends. And they're making it look like I did it."

Luna nodded, her gaze hardening. "And are you Anon-A-Miss, miss Shimmer?"

Sunset's hands balled into fists. "No. And whatever low-life scum that is doing it, doesn't know a damn thing about me. Even at my worse, I never once made it look like I did it. Yet this is blatantly saying that. What kind of idiot does that?"

Celestia and Luna shared a look. They knew better than to interrupt when Sunset was on a rant like this. But their knowing smiles said something. Sunset finally saw it. "You, don't think I'm responsible for all of this?"

Celestia shook her head. "Of course not, Sunset. You have more than earned our trust, and most of Canterlot High is behind you."

Luna nodded. "Had this been right after the Fall Formal, it would be a different story. But what you and your friends did during the Battle of Bands showed us that you truly had changed for the better."

That made Sunset feel twenty feet tall. It was always good to hear that. No matter where it came from. "So has anyone actually accused me of being Anon-A-Miss?"

Celestia rubbed her forehead. "Only Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. But I will not take their word for it without actual proof. Many students have come to your defense in fact, and not just your friends either."

Luna nodded. "If that does tell you all you need to know, Sunset. I don't know what will. Even Miss Gilda and Miss Lightning Dust have come to your defense."

Sunset chuckled. She couldn't argue that. She was surprised that Gilda and Lightning had come to her defense. The three of them had never been friends, even after the Battle of the Bands. But she wasn't complaining.

Why would Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, though, accuse her of doing all of this? She wouldn't call herself best friends with the trio, but Sunset thought they got along great. Could they...

Nah. That would be too easy.