//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: New Game Plus // Story: I Woke up Purple Today // by JamieisWaffles //------------------------------// Ponies are not typically nocturnal; however, this didn't stop one resident egghead from reading well into the night. More specifically Twilight Sparkle was reading in one of her testing facilities, staring down at the book between her hooves she broke into a smile excited to tear into the contents metaphorically of course.  "I can't believe I got my hooves on Starswirl's Theory to the Multiverse!" Resisting the urge to stomp around like a little school filly she slid her hoof across the cover and propped It open. Feeling the sensation of the slightly weathered paper on her hooves made her excited yet a bit saddened. "If only ancient books like these didn't have to succumb to damage. It's such a shame." She'd already taken note to be careful she wouldn't want to ruin something that held such knowledge, especially a tome of this magnitude. Still she did get the book to read it's contents "Though having it as a Collectors Edition Item wouldn't be too bad" she thought to herself chuckling. Turning the page she found herself staring at some text. "For those who wish to continue the path ahead is filled with very risky and controversial knowledge, those who cannot burden a secret should retreat whilst thy can" Twilight seemed a little skeptical but realizing this was likely from centuries ago it made more logical sense as to why a discovery like this would be kept under lock and key. The warning itself did little to curb her intrigue, nay it enhanced it just what could this book hold that made it so restricted? She supposed she would find out soon. Looking at the next sheet it seemed to be more filled with content little diagrams and notes filled both the pages deciding to start reading from the left she cracked her neck preparing to settle in for a long session of reading. “The very fabric of this reality is simply just one of many realities. If you’ve gotten this far you’re open enough to my theory to hear me out, get ready to have your mind expanded with such glorious knowledge…” Finding herself yawning Twilight had lifted her head after many hours of reading, turning to the rest of the dimly lit room she tilted her neck to remove some of the stiffness growing in it. Softly rubbing the moisture out of her eyes with a hoof her eyes slowly gazed back down to the page. The page itself had explored the effects Interdimensional Spells had on mirror-like surfaces turning them into gateways linked to one of these parallel dimensions. Twilight’s tired mind ruminating over the words for a moment then lit up in a spark of recollection, she had recently moved the mirror to the human world down into her basement space. “If I understand the spell correctly, I could try and explore entirely different dimensions from the one I know. All I would have to do is rewrite the spell cast upon it.” Twilight raised herself to her hooves and slowly trotted over to the mirror noting it’s reflective surface in the dim moonlight lighting the area, ever so slightly the soft hum of the magic that powered it hanging in the air like static, lowering her head as she focused the magic in her own horn the magic radiating the area in the soft glow of magenta it exuded. Twilight herself was extremely adept at magic, she was the embodiment of magic through the elements of course, she took a note of the dimensional frequency already resonating before tampering with it. “I wouldn’t want to lose contact with Sunset.” Feeling the magic she pulled at the center like spinning a web she had created another line for the spell to follow, twisting it’s trajectory made it so the mirror itself had connected to a dimension matching the frequency now active. The spell finally ignited showing the portal in it’s swirling miasma making Twilight elated she had succeeded “Haha! With this discovery I could elaborate so much more on Starswirl’s work, we could make allies from all realities!” In her exclamation she failed to realize that the frequency itself required much more magical energy to spark the connection than a simple re-routing of the power causing a burst of magic that covered her vision in a field of white. Jack stared blankly at the screen tapping his fingers against the office desk the various files scattered haphazardly as the day droned on he hadn’t received any calls from his boss and he’d finished his write-up work several minutes ago. Bringing his focus back to the sterile cubicle around himself he sighed looking at the small figurine he had perched right next to his keyboard flicking the bobble-head watching the smooth plastic of it jostle around. His boredom grew around himself as he gave a hearty sigh and swiveled his chair towards the exit. “Man it’s so slow here today.” Picking himself up he quickly strode passed his co-workers in the office calling out as he moved towards the doors to the hallways “I’m going on my break, don’t wait up!” His quick stride allowed him to exit the stuffy workspace into the hallway the cool air of the AC brushing against his skin as he shivered rubbing his arms her made the walk down the sterile and quiet halls to the elevator passing a couple of potted plants and the water cooler on the way out. Reaching the elevator he pressed the down button watching as the sign above the door lit up in red signaling the machine inside churning to life, gently tapping his feet he reached into his pocket and took out his phone it was a sleek black model nothing special just serviceable putting his finger over the screen the phone unlocked and the home screen shot up. The background of the screen was a screenshot of his own smiling face staring back at him, dark black shaggy hair, same pale face and striking blue eyes. Sighing, he swiped to the left. “Where did it all go wrong?” he muttered. Clicking on the browser he waited for the page he was previously on before to load his eyes darting back up to the elevator waiting to board, with a soft buzz he looked down at his phone again scrolling down the list of fan-fictions several of them including some sort of romance tapping the tracking list he spotted that one of them had updated recently hearing another ring he looked up to see the metal doors of the elevator finally pried open stepping inside he pressed his back against the cold wall and began to read. “The Mystic Stone! No! You have to retrieve it or the whole world will be destroyed by it’s sheer power!” Starlight exclaimed clearly worried Twilight turned shocked as Nightmare Moon flew away from them at high speeds. “The whole world?! That’s insane… with my wings out of commission I could never catch her!” she had desperation in her voice. Teleporting into a high up area was a no-go she’d plummet to the ground and running on foot would  lead to being easily shaken. “Dammit Twilight now’s not the time to panic! We have to at least try!” Starlight’s horn flared the teal magic firing off a massive ray of energy that pierced the cloud layer and arced towards the shadowy miasma that was Nightmare Moon, only to be deflected by a magical shield! Starlight grunted watching her blast fly across the skyline preparing to launch another beam of even greater magnitude! The power of her aura expanded around her horn before she launched another blast that cleaved through the sky effortlessly it’s impact only stopped by the barrier put up by the fleeting Goddess of the Night, the magic dispersing over the shield as she laughed. “Your puny magic will never take me down whilst I hold this Stone! Taste my power!” the maniacal power driven alicorn exclaimed, condensing the very magic she used into the barrier for her own blast, pushing back Starlight as she attempted to dig her hooves into the ground and fire more power into her attack. Twilight stood in shock but finally able to gather herself once more she focused on her own magical energy; the massive pool of it she possessed meant infinite potential, all she had to do was channel it through the Power of Friendship!  Twilight’s hair bellowed as if in the wind her magical energy magnifying when a friend of hers was in dire need the magenta ray of energy launching upwards and coiling around Starlight’s blast to cause an explosion of power and push back Nightmare Moon’s attack. “You’re right about one thing, her attack won’t take you down… ours will!” Her confidence in her power and her friend’s power run true in her voice as their attack started to shred through Nightmare Moon’s magic like butter destroying her in a single atomizing blast! Letting herself fall into Starlight’s hooves Twilight was utterly exhausted from the magical drain over herself and fell into a slumber leaving Starlight blushing- "That's so corny, I would never be caught dead using lines like those." Jack looked up from his phone the shaking of the elevator and loud noise of the door prying itself open snapping him out of the comfortable reading he had been enjoying. Clicking the side of his phone with his thumb he powered off the screen and slid it into his back pocket and stepped out into the open lobby where he spent most of his breaks watching the people come in and out of the building while sipping on a cup of coffee. Staring at the door he observed very few people coming in today. “Man today isn’t interesting, just a bunch of no names…” he frowned. Usually it was busier on Thursday and he had countless noise to drown out his thoughts, taking another sip of the liquid he let his hands rest by his side and dozed off for a bit. Once he rested his eyes an odd mist filled his mind it was becoming harder and harder to focus on his thoughts as he floated in a void for a while he stirred as he heard something almost like a voice calling out to him bolting up he found himself sweating bullets. Looking at his phone his eyes widened “I slept past 12, I'm so dead!” Picking himself up quickly he dashed towards the elevator slamming on the up arrow to call the lift so he can hurry it up. “Maybe… just maybe if I were to silently slide in I wouldn’t be adding another strike to my record.” he sighed. Even his own efforts seemed fruitless to him, how could he convince anyone else? Watching the doors open up he slipped inside and awaited his long ride of shame back to his office. After the lift started moving upwards he noticed a soft sound echoing throughout the space “Did they install some elevator music or something?” he tried to listen closer to the tune to catch a hint of something but all it really seemed to be was random noise. Tapping his feet he slowly pulled out his phone looking for more to distract himself from the strange frequency but as he looked at the blackened screen he saw a reflection of swirling colors above him “What the-” blinking rapidly he shook his head trying to cast off the illusion he was seeing, but when he opened his eyes the spiral remained. Looking up he was in utter shock in place of the upper mirror was some sort of portal thing? It didn’t seem to do much at first, but the longer it was around the more he felt it pulling at his body. Eventually it pulled him off the floor if slightly as he began to flail. “W-wait! What’s going on? Let me go!” due to being in an elevator there wasn’t much exposed to grapple onto causing him to be quickly sucked into the portal as his vision blurred he felt himself being stretched and or twisted before passing out. Jack found his body aching after he felt like he was being stretched like a piece of gum everything was still stinging he found himself prying his eyes open the dim light of the basement around him not providing much light for him to tell what happened. He groaned trying to see if he was good enough to move by trying to inch his limbs around, when a body part moved into his limited view he calmed down a bit more. “Okay, I am intact that is a good sign.” Looking around he tried to see where a light could be but ultimately came up short whatever had happened left him on the ground in a dim room he felt an itch from his nerves and tried to push himself up again. “I really hope I didn’t get kidnapped or something.” he coughed, had his voice sounded off? Maybe it was just strained from whatever damage had occurred regardless he needed to move soon even if in pain, gritting his teeth he dragged himself over to a wall and pressed himself up against it as he took another breath the light flickered on a voice calling out into the now illuminated room. “Twilight? You okay in here?” the young dragon questioned. Jack blinked harshly the change in light blinding him but when his eyes finally adjusted and he saw a small purple dragon with green scales over the head all he could do was look down at himself and notice the lavender fur now covering his body. “Oh fu-”