Out of the Shower. Into the Storm

by Funkyfresh

Black Tulips

Everything is warm... Everything is nice... I feel something large and fluffy next to me so I instinctively wrap my arms around it and try to pull it closer. I feel a feather land upon my and and think of large white wings surrounding me as I press my face into the softness and sleepily start to mumble. "Mmm.. so freaking sooooft.."

"Anon?" I hear a kind, motherly voice call out to me and I nuzzle deeper into the soft thing. I didn't care to know what was going on, only soft mattered now. As I tighten my hold on the soft goodness I held I hear a throat being cleared.

"Anon, do I need to come back in a little while?" I hear the speaker take a step and have a thought.

Wait... nice voice isn't coming from soft thing? Darn.

I gaze up from the bed I'm resting on and my eyes are greeted by a smile that could rival the sun in warmth. Then I look at what I was snuggling and see a big ol' downy pillow. Sitting up with a deep sigh of someone leaving the realm of comfy goodness to face the world I rub the remaining sleep from my eyes.

"Celestia...? When did I fall asleep?" I feel a small heat enter my cheeks as I wonder how much of last night I had dreamt up and if any of it was real.

Seeing my face and likely reading my thoughts in an instant she kindly lays her wing on my shoulder and as her smile turns a tad mischievous she whispers in my ear, "Why just a short while after the proposal..."

"The What!?" I jump out of my skin and my mind races until I hear her muffled laughter as she hides her face with a wing. "Oh for... very funny Princess."

"Terribly sorry Anonymous, but it was too good to pass up. As a side note it is a little past noon now, you were very worn out and fell asleep soon after I lowered the sun." She smiles warmly at me as I see a sparkle of mischief that soon fades as she puts on her 'business face.'

"So how far off course did the storm set us?" I slip into my own calmer mindset to assess the situation and try to help find any solutions needed.

"Actually your friends from yesterday brought us closer to Neighpon rather than away from our goal. I imagine it's another gift from your newfound friends."

Shaking my head as I stretch out the stiffness from my body I then turn to the Princess. I notice that her regalia and person are looking a tad more.. regal?

"Wait how close are we to the isle?"

Celestia smirks a bit and moves to open the window. "Why we are already there Anonymous. Well above the island off the mainland, but this is where the diplomatic meeting was scheduled to take place."

I look out the window after shivering from the sudden rush of outside air and indeed see a small island down below with the main isle of the country visible in the distance.

"So why did you come here the hard way again? Can't you just kinda 'poof?' That or just call then up with magic or something."

Celestia gazes towards the isle below before answering and when she does it's with her mouth in a thin line. "While teleportation is possible it is incredibly rude to do so unannounced and could be viewed as an act of aggression. As for why we did not communicate remotely... Well the reason for our visit requires a personal touch and we must be willing to show them that they have our full time and attention, not some passing thought."

I nod along as she describes why we came the way we did however something still tickles the back of my mind. "I understand the path we took now Celestia. We needed to show them how much effort and time we are willing to invest into your nations positive relations. Why did we come here though, to this island in particular instead of their court?" I scratch my chin in thought as I wait for her to explain.


And I'm still waiting? I turn to the diarch and see a darker mood than ever I had seen on her face in the time that I'd known her.

"Celestia? Are... are you okay?" I slowly press my hand to her neck causing her to flinch as she came out her thoughts.

"Apologies Anonymous I was lost in my thoughts for but a moment. I will not lie to you my friend," my heart does a little flip at her saying 'friend and promptly falls on its face as she continues, "what we are coming to do is to pay our respects to those who were lost in a terrible moment of our history."

I keep my hand in contact with her and try to comfort her as best I can as I wait for her to continue. Her eyes stare into nothing as she recalls the past.

"It was an idiotic conflict that both our nations were dragged into, but still we fought each other without holding back. This island is the site of the largest battle of that conflict and also the memorial that we have built together with the neighponese. To be truthful Anonymous I did not ask you along to act as a fully fledged diplomat... I needed somepony that I could justify coming with me so as to not be completely alone. I hope you are not too angry at my selfishness."

I lift her chin up so we are meeting eyes before smiling at her. "Celestia it's okay for you to drag me along for this. That's what friends are for right?" I see her eyes become wetter before I open my arms and she is quick to step closer and accept my embrace as we gaze down at the fields of loss that our airship is approaching.

Soon I feel a strange pull on my bones and my heart as something comes from deep in my memory.

"над берегом реки…"

"Anonymous? What was that?" I look to her and try to recall the meaning of the tune I felt rising in my chest. Then I sing the snippet that I could sing in my native language.

"The 'black tulip' is circling over the river bank ..." I lightly sing just this tiny bit as I feel my own eyes mist up. I feel her nudge me softly in concern so I hug her just a bit tighter.

"Just a memory of an old friend Princess... just a memory."