Cyber Agents X season 1

by SuperSamYoshi

Chapter 2: New Guy in a New School

Today was the day. The day Red had been dreading for weeks. Starting at a new school (again) and having to go through the same 'new kid' routine. Nothing PG rated could describe how nervous he was but let’s say he was wetting himself. The events of yesterday were still fresh in his head. First, Magular raises from the ground, next he gets powered up by these Plasma Empowered Crystals and then two other Cyber Agents come in and help him. Although Red appreciated the help, he didn’t know why or how there were more Cyber Agents. He was deep in thought.

In fact he was so deep in thought he didn’t see the steps leading to the front entrance. His foot hit the bottom step and he tripped, but luckily someone grabbed his backpack before he could get any nearer to the ground. He was pulled back to his feet as he breathe a sigh of relief.

“You ok pal?” said the voice of the person who helped him.

“Yep, I’m fine,” Red replied turning to the person, she had light blue skin, and rainbow hair, “thank you.”

“No problem,” she responded, “say are you new here?”

“Yeah, first day actually,” Red mentioned.

“Nice to meet you,” the girl said, “the names Rainbow Dash.”

“The names Red Streak,” he replied, “please to meet you.” He held his hand out for a handshake.

“Please to meet you too,” Rainbow responded returning the handshake, “Would you like a view around the school?”

“No It’s ok, I need to go to Principal Celestia office,” Red said, “Thanks though.”

“No problem, see ya around,” Rainbow replied as she ran off.

‘She seems nice,’ Red thinks to himself as he wakes into the building. He saw all the students chatting to each other and walking to the homerooms. Then some came to him. He had no idea where Celestia’s room was.

“Bother,” he said, he was going to ask someone when her realized some each. He didn’t not like taking to people, this caused him to stutter and he’ll get all nervous. “Bother, bother,” he said, “Well best try to find it myself.”

Red started to walk around the school in search for Principal Celestia’s office. He passed students, who were going about their day, some waved at him and said hello, but Red was too nervous about what to say so he just waved back. At last, Red was completely lost. And there were no students for him to ask for help. He was about to give up and go back to the entrance, when he literally bumped into a woman with blue skin and hair, and fell to the floor, she was definitely not a student.

“Ow, my back,” cried Red, he had landed on his bag which had his monsters in, which resulted in tails, arms, and heads push into Red’s back.

“Oof,” gasped the woman, “Oh I so sorry, dear, here let me help you up.” The Woman extended an arm toward Red, which he grabbed and was hoisted back to his feet. “Are you ok?”

“Yeah, I had worse,” Red said while rubbing his back.

“Are you sure? I can take you to the Nurse’s office,” the woman said.

“No, no it’s fine,” Red replied before looking up into the woman’s face. “V-V-V-Vic-Principal Luna!” he stuttered, nervously, “I-I-I’m so sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going and…”

“Shh,” Vic-Principal Luna calmed him down, “It’s ok dear. I assume you were trying to find my sister’s office?”

“Yeah, how did you know?” Red asked.

“I don’t remember seeing you hear before,” she replied, “that and you were mumbling to yourself they you were lost.”

Red slapped himself. “Come on I’ll take you there,” Vic-Principal Luna said, and she led Red to Celestia’s office.

Vic-Principal Luna took Red to Principal Celestia’s room, on the way, Luna wanted to start a convention.

“Did you get here alright?” she asked.

“Oh yeah, I did,” Red replied, “I stripped on the step outside, but a girl grabbed my bag before I could hit the ground. Rainbow Dash I think her name was.”

“Well she is known the be loyal to those in need,” Luna told him, then something clicked in her mind, “Red, If I may ask, who is your mother?”

“She’s Sapphire Flash,” Red Replied.

“THE Sapphire Flash?” Luna questioned.

“Yeah…” Red Replied uneasily.

“You mother is one of the most famous actress’ and modals around!” Luna exclaimed, acting like an excited child, “She is mine and Celestia’s favourite actress.”

“I make sure your get a signed copy on one of her movies for each of you,” Red chuckled. He could tell that Luna was excited about that.

A few moments later, they arrived at Principal Celestia’s office. Luna knocked on the door and waved goodbye to Red.

“Enter,” came a voice from inside the office. Red sucked up his courage and entered.

“G-Good morning, Principal Celestia,” Red stuttered.

Good morning Red Streak,” Celestia greeted him with a warm smile, “there’s no need to be nervous.”

Saying that made Red tense up less, “Sorry if I’m late,” he spoke, “I got a bit lost.”

“Don’t worry, I was the same before,” said a voice, Red looked at Celestia’s desk and saw that there was a girl sitting in front of the desk, she got up and greeted Red.

She was orange, with fiery red and yellow hair and tear eyes. “Hi, I’m Sunset Shimmer,” she said nodding out her hand, “It’s nice to meet you.”

“I’m Red Streak,” he said returning the handshake, “Nice to meet you too.”

“Ok, Red here’s your timetable,” Celestia said, giving Red his new timetable.

Sunset took a peak at it, and she noticed that Red was in the same Maths, English, P.E., Art, and Science that she was. “Ooh, you’re in half the classes I’m in,” she pointed out.

“Am I?” Red replied, “who would of knew.”

“For the rest of this morning, Sunset will show you around the school,” Celestia told him.

“Right,” Red responded, “Thank you, Principal Celestia.”

“My Pleasure,” Celestia smiled, “Now you two hurry along before the bell for lunch rings.”

“That won’t ring for another 3 hours,” Sunset stated.

“Well you better get moving,” Celestia chuckled.

“And this is the science block,” Sunset said as she lead Red down the hall, “and that’s about it. Well about form the cafeteria.”

“Thanks for showing me around,” Red told her.

“No problem,” Sunset replied, “it’s the least I can do to right all the wrong things I did in the past.”

“What was that?” Red asked, a little concerned.

“Oh, nothing,” Sunset quickly replied. She looked at the nearest clock, it said half passed 11. “Wow, the time flew by fast, want to make our way to the cafeteria?”

“Sure,” Red said as Sunset grabbed his hand and pulled him to the cafeteria. As Red was pulled along, he looked down at Sunset holding his hand, he felt himself blushing. ‘She is rather cute,’ he thought.

Soon they got the cafeteria doors, they arrived a bit early, so they had to wait. “Uh, Sunset?” Red asked, can I have my hand back.”

Sunset looked down and saw she was hold in Red’s hand. “Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry!” she exclaimed.

Just then the bell went, signalling lunch had started. Red and Sunset watched as Students came swarming out their classrooms and down the halls to the cafeteria. Red and Sunset darted into the cafeteria to avoid then sea of students, most getting in line for the school dinner and others going to find a table to sit at.

Sunset and Red joined the line, Red was lucky enough have Switch and Nosey in front of him.

“Nosey! Switch!” Red exclaimed.

“Red!” Switch responded with a high five.

“How are you?” Nosey asked.

“I’m fine,” Red replied, “Sunset here showed me around.”

Sunset waved at them from behind Red, Nosey and Switch waved back. “Rainbow said that you tripped on the step, but she caught you before you hit your face on the ground,” Switch said.

“I’m sorry what?!” Sunset butted in.

“Yep, I was in deep thought and I hit my foot on the step, I fell be Rainbow caught me in time,” Red clarified, “Oh is it my turn?”

The line was moving forward and Red saw all the delicious food. He grabbed a tray, and picked two hot dogs with ketchup, a Fanta, a chocolate muffin, and for something healthy, pineapple chunks. He paid for his meal, and when to find a seat. Now, Red being Red couldn’t give up the nervous as he wondered the cafeteria, trying to find an empty table. Until he hear his name being called, by Sunset.

“Red!” she called, “why don’t you sit with us!”

Red slowly made his way over to the table, once there he took a seat and sat down. He then looked at the other faces on the table, he recognized Rainbow Dash, there was a white girl with blue eyes and gorgeous purple hair, a pink girl with blue eyes and bright pink hair, a tan girl with green eyes, light yellow hair and a cowboy hat and a cream girl with bluey green eyes and pink hair.

“H-Hello,” Red waved nervously.

“Heh, he almost as nervous as you Fluttershy,” Rainbow chuckled. Red sank a bit in his chair, “Hey, I’m only joking pal.” She said rubbing his shoulder.

“Red, I would like you to meet, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Applejack,” Sunset introduced her friends one by one.

“Hello,” Fluttershy waved.

“Hi there,” Pinkie welcomed.

“Greetings darling,” Rarity addressed.

“Howdy,” Applejack hailed.

Red started to become more confident as he took a bite of his hot dog, it was delicious.

“So Red, fancy telling us a little about yourself,” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Sure,” Red said, thinking of a way to tell his history without telling them he’s a secret agent, “Well there not much to tell but I grew up in the UK before coming here.”

“Ooh, how is the UK?” Rarity asked.

“It’s ok, I bit dingy, and it rains a lot, but it was home,” Red said, “I had some good friends there too.”

“Who are they?” Fluttershy questioned, “if you don’t mind me asking.”

“Well there’s Phantasia, Star Chaser, Lucy Light, Frost Born, Ocean Breezy, Wild Strike, Gold Bolt and Moon Smooch,” Red replied, “When growing up, Phantasia, Star, Lucy and Frost where always there for me.”

“Aww, that’s so sweet,” Pinkie commented.

“Heard that there’s these superheroes that lived in the UK,” Rainbow responded, “do you anything about them?”

Red grew a little worried, “Well I wouldn’t call them superheroes, more agents,” he stated, sweating a bit, “how much do you know of them?”

“Not much,” Rainbow admitted, “I do know they stopped an evil alien wanting to take over the world, I think the alien was called Alien Octogon.”

“Yeah, and I heard their leader left the team,” Pinkie stated.

“Why he do that?” Rarity asked.

“I don’t know,” Pinkie answered, “maybe he didn’t like not fighting monsters.”

‘That’s not it at all,’ thought Red as he ate his other hot dog.

“And did you girls saw the monster fight yesterday,” Applejack pointed out.

“Yeah,” Sunset chimed in, “The leader appeared here too.”

‘Please don’t put the pieces together,’ thought Red as he finished his hot dog and moved onto his pineapple chunks.

“You guys don’t think it’s a little strange that when Red here showed up those monsters did too,” Rainbow stated.

Crap, crap, crap!’ Red panicked in his mind, as the girls looked at him, ‘how I wish something convenient can just happen.’

As if his wish was granted, the ground started to rumble, and Principal Celestia voice came on the intercom.

“All students must remain inside,” she spoke, “a monsters has been spotted near the school.”

The students started to panic, during the panic, Red managed to slip out without anyone noticing.

“Talk to me Francis,” Red said over his earpiece.

“The monster is Mukadender,” Francis said, “be careful of his Head Life Separation.”

“Right,” Red replied, once he got outside on the roof of the school, he spotted Switch and Nosey already there. They could see Mukadender attacking the city.

“Ready to fight guys?” Red said pumped.

“Hell yeah,” Switch stated.

“You go first,” Nosey said, “we’ll join if you get in trouble.”

“Right,” Red agreed as he pulled out his Cyber Nizer.

“Cyber Nizer on,” the Cyber Nizer spoke robotically. Red pulled out Gomora and tabbed his foot on the scanner. “Gomora active.”

“GOMORA!” Red shouted as he pointed the Cyber Nizer to the sky. A burst of energy shot from the Cyber Nizer and flew in the air and became Gomora just as he slammed into Mukadender.

Gomora roared at Mukadender as he ran towards the enemy. He grabbed Mukadender’s head and started kicking and smacking it. Mukadender smacked Gomora with his whip claws and swung Gomora off his head.

Gomora ran and punched Mukadender’s head, then tried to swing his tail into him, but Mukadender flattened his body before striking Gomora in the chest. Gomora wrestled with Mukadender’s head, but then he started whipping Gomora with his whip claw. Gomora roared in pain as Mukadender started firing fire balls. Gomora tried to dodge but he wasn’t the best and got struck in the chest, the back and the head.

Red could feel his partners pain, he reached in his back and pulled out another spark doll. This one was a blue monster, with a red face and orange markings on his body.

He scanned the monster on the Cyber Nizer. “Fire Golza active.” It said.

“FIRE GOLZA!” Red yelled as a burst of energy shot from the device and toward the fight, taking the form of Fire Golza.

Just before Mukadender could fire another fire ball, Fire Golza shot a Superheated Molten Blast from his forehead, hitting Mukadender in the tail. Fire Golza helped Gomora back up and held Mukadender still, while Gomora attacked him. Gomora then pulled off the head and through it to the floor, while Fire Golza push the body down on top of the head. Roaring triumph, Fire Golza and Gomora went back to Red, not knowing that Zettra had came close to Mukadender, and through a pair of Plasma Empowered Crystals at the monster. Once they made contacted with Mukadender’s body, started to glow red.

Fire Golza and Gomora turned around to see red crystals appear on Mukadender’s body. And where grossed out as another head grew from the body.

“Oh no,” Red said.

“Mukadender is being corrupted,” Switch chimed in.

“By the Plasma Empowered Crystals,” Nosey whimpered.

Switch and Nosey took out their Cyber Nizers and summoned King Pandon and Guesra. They land next to Gomora and Fire Golza.

Mukadender moved closer as the severed head slithered on the ground and bit on Gomora’s arm. Gomora flailed his arm around, in the process smacking Fire Golza in the face. The main Mukadender fired webbing all over King Guesra, which he responded by pulling off Mukadender’s head again, but no sooner he did so, a new head grew out. The Mukadender head kept spraying the webbing over King Guesra.

The monsters tried to fight but the heads just kept coming. Soon the four monsters were surrounded but Mukadender heads. Red, Switch and Nosey couldn’t take it anymore. They pulled out their Cyber Cards.

“Cyber Gomora, Fire Golza Hybrid Armour On. Cyber King Pandon Armour On. Cyber King Guesra Armour On.” Their Cyber Nizers spoke. They teleported to a nearby building. The monsters had become there Cyber forms when there masters gained their Cyber Armour.

“Gomora! Fire Golza! Take out the body!” Red yelled.

Cyber Fire Golza blasted a Cyber Magma Ball at the body and head stunning him while Gomora used his Cyber Super Oscillatory Wave to take out the head and the body. The Remaining Mukadender heads fired webbing and streams of fire at the cyber monsters but it did nothing.

The four cyber monsters stood back-to-back, locked arms and fired their Cyber Beams, destroying the heads and repairing the damage to the city. Red, Switch and Nosey nodded to each other, and returned to school.

“Wow, that was scary,” Fluttershy stated, as the school day was coming to a close.

“You’re telling me,” Rainbow responded, “Yesterday, I was lucky enough to get to some shelter, being trapped in the school was not fun.”

“By the way, Red?” Sunset asked, “where did you go?”

“What do you mean?” Red questioned, a bit nervously.

“One minute your with us, the next your gone,” Sunset stated.

“Oh, I uh… went to the toilet,” Red replied.

“Right…” Sunset answered, a bit unsure.

Red then saw Nosey and Switch ahead of him.

“Well I’ve enjoyed today, despite the monster attack,” Red said.

“We have too,” Applejack responded, “It was nice meeting you Red.”

“Same here,” Red replied, “But I got to get going.”

“Before you go,” Rarity stated, “Let us give you our phone numbers so that we may chat to you.”

“Oh, ok,” Red replied, he shared his phone number with the girls, and they gave him theirs. After that, Red waved goodbye to his new friends and went to find where Nosey and Switch went.

He found them at the back of the school, Red called to them, but when they turned around, they had sad faces on.

“What wrong guys?” Red asked them.

“Red, this is a little had to explain,” Switch told him, “but we are Ultras.”

Red was taken aback, “It’s true,” Nosey declared.

“Oh,” Red stated, “and here I thought I was part of a new team.”

“We are part of a team,” Switch said, placing a hand on his shoulder, “but we have been called but Commander Zoffy to return to the Land of Light.”

Red was silent for a bit, before sighing and smiling, “Well, I guess this is goodbye,” he chuckled.

“But not forever,” Nosey told him, “We’ll be back if anything really bad happens.”

Nosey and Switch gave Red their Cyber Nizers, spark dolls and cyber cards. “See you around,” Switch said giving his friend a handshake.

“Goodbye, Red Streak,” Nosey said, giving him a hug and kiss on the cheek.

“So long,” Red replied, eye glossing over. Switch and Nosey concentrated their energy and transformed into the ultra forms.

Red looked up at them, Switch gave him a thumbs up before him and Nosey looked to the sky and flew off. Red waved until he couldn’t see them. Then he looked down at the stuff they gave him. He placed them in his back and walked back home.

Meanwhile on the roof of the school, Zettra watched the whole scene grinning. Jazzar was there too.

“Mukadender,” he responded, “really? You could’ve chosen a much stronger monster, like Galberos or Demaaga or even your pet Zetton but no, you choose the monster that can still live when his head pops off his body.”

“Shut your trap,” Zettra exclaimed harshly, “can’t you see my plan is working. Of course you can’t, you have seen a good plan since Ultraman Ace defeated the first member of your species.”

Jazzar growled and Zettra grinned, “My plan is simple,” Zettra stated, “We empowered the weaker monsters first and learn of Red’s powers, then when the time is right, I’ll send out Zetton and Red will underestimate him and we will win.”

Jazzar hated this plan, if he were in charge, he’ll send out the stronger monsters first, but he couldn’t argue with her as she was second in command. he opened a portal behind him and walked through it before it closed behind him.

Zettra took one last look to were Red walked off to, “You better be prepared Cyber Agent Gomora, cause this just the calm before the storm.” then opened a portal of her own and walked through it before it too close behind her. All the while chuckling to herself.