Domestic Drabbles of Discord's Dimension

by GeekCat

Heart Troubles

Uh oh.

In retrospect, Discord knew it was terrible of him to try and find whatever gift Fluttershy might have gotten him for Hearts and Hooves Day. But like with every holiday, it always seemed like more of a game to him than anything, and he couldn't resist trying to figure out what hiding place she was using this time.

He had managed to keep himself distracted for a while—namely, by making the largest, shiniest heart-shaped card that he could, but just two days before the holiday of lurve, he was just itching to search, search, search!

And after poking around in closets and pantries—he had found it. Hidden inside of a drawer in the study's desk was a large heart-shaped box tied shut with a golden ribbon. He had untied it and opened it without a second thought, his eyes widening at the sight. So many tiny chocolates lying inside, each one promising a different flavor! A card on top, with a crayon drawing of the two of them holding hands on its front, accented with glitter. he loved it! So shiny and chaotic, and it would get everywhere and annoy ponies...and she had used it on a card just for him. With a smile, he opened the card.

Discord, sorry I couldn't make the chocolate by hoof this year. But I still hope you like these chocolates and this card...especially since no flavor is supposed to be the same!

Lots of Love,


There were hearts drawn in all of the corners. He felt touched, and a wide grin spread on his face as he munched on one of the chocolates...coconut and mango. She must have had trouble, finding chocolates with such a combination...

And that was the moment when he thought to himself, uh oh.

He gulped, swallowing the chocolate he had eaten. He began to sweat, glancing over his shoulder nervously. This was the first time in years he had successfully found his hidden presents...he had promised himself that he would be content with the victory of finding it, and still not touch it until Hearts and Hooves Day, but apparently, his hands and mouth decided to act on their own!

This is as bad as our first Hearth's Warming, he thought. Fluttershy hadn't be upset with him then, either...but still, he would hate to see any expression of disappointment on her sweet face.

"I can...fix this," he said to himself. With a snap of his fingers, the chocolate he had eaten was replaced. He closed the card and tucked it back in place, then closed the container and tied the ribbon around it again.

Once it looked completely untouched, he tucked it back into its hiding spot. He closed the drawer and backed away, whistling innocently as he strolled out of the room. "She won't notice a thing," he told himself. Fluttershy was working at the sanctuary, so it was...highly unlikely that he would be caught. "I just have to act happy and surprised when she gives it to me, and it'll be like I never stumbled upon it!"

He nodded to himself, satisfied with the plan. Still, though...he did feel a little guilty about opening his present before she gave it to him.

With a grumble, he shook his head. "I'll just make my gift to her even more amazing to make up for it," he told himself. "Flowers and chocolates...the best ones I can make!"

Mission in mind, he walked far, far away from the study.

He kept himself busy over the next two days—besides adding to the gifts he had for her, he caused chaos here and there, from harmlessly pranking boring nobleponies to dueling storms he whipped up himself.

Still, though...he couldn't help but feel a bit guilty about opening her gift early. Even Fluttershy asked if something was wrong, to which he cheerfully replied, "Everything's as far from wrong as physically possible!" He even managed to keep his pupils from drifting in different directions and betraying his lie, but she still seemed a little suspicious. She didn't press him for answers, though, being the wonderous respectful pony she was...

In a way, it was almost a relief when he woke up on Hearts and Hooves Day. Fluttershy was still fast asleep beside him, and he took a moment to watch her side slowly rise and was calming. He felt like he could have laid on his side like that for hours, keeping his lion arm draped over her as her breath made a soothing lullaby.

Eventually, she began to stir. He beamed and leaned forward, kissing her nose just as her eyes were fluttering open. A smile spread on her muzzle as a giggle bubbled from her throat. "Good morning, my ray of sunshine," he purred, kissing the nape of her neck. "Do you know what day it is?"

"Mmm..." she thought for a second, still waking up. "...Hearts and Hooves Day?"

"Bingo!" he cheered. A burst of pink and silver confetti showered on them from above. "Guess what your prize is?"

"I don't know," she said. He backed off a bit to give her space to stretch her wings and forelegs. "What's the prize?"

"Breakfast in bed!" he said cheerfully. With a snap, two steaming bowls of porridge appeared in pink, heart-shaped bowls. Not only was it sweet, creamy porridge with plenty of milk and sugar added, but he had also included strawberries and blueberries...mutant ones that were shaped like hearts.

Fluttershy smiled as the bowl appeared in her lap, a silver spoon with a flower pattern appearing in her hoof. Another snap, and they each had a glass of cotton candy-flavored milk beside them. "Oh, thank you, Discord," she said, taking a bite. "You know you didn't have to..."

"But I wanted to," he said, scooching close and wrapping an arm around her withers. "Please, enjoy!"

The two of them leaned against each other, occasionally exchanging kisses as they slowly finished their breakfast. Once she was done, Fluttershy leaned up and pressed her lips against his. He smiled and returned the pressure.

"I have something for you," she said after pulling out of the kiss. "Just give me a second to get it, okay?" He slowly nodded, biting his tongue as he felt the cold tendril of guilt again. She flew out of the room, leaving him alone as he braided the blanket in his hands.

After a few seconds, he occupied himself by summoning all of the gifts he had prepared for her. He imagined her happy face when she saw made him smile, and made it easier for him to ignore the guilt.

Fluttershy returned a minute later, and he quickly hid everything behind his back. She was also hiding something behind her back...though he knew exactly what it was. He forced the thought away and grinned widely at the sight of her.

"Do we want to exchange gifts at the same time?" she asked, sitting on the edge of the bed. He nodded. "Alright.!"

She brought out the heart-shaped box tied with a gold ribbon. He whipped out the giant, glittery heart (bigger than their door), with I Love You written on it with pink glittery paint. He also gave her a chocolate statue of himself (not life-sized), and a bouquet of roses and tulips in all colors of the rainbow.

"Oh, my!" she said, taking the chocolate and bouquet into her hooves. "This's amazing! Thank you so much, Discord! Though I might feel guilty eating this chocolate..." She giggled, and he beamed, his heart fluttering at the sheer joy written across her face.

"Don't feel too guilty," he said. "And hey...I can always change the form of it if you want."

"Hmm," she said, smiling. "No...this is too unique and novel to change, I think." His beam widened. How he was lucky enough to fall in love with a mare who seemed to appreciate uniqueness and chaos, he had no idea.

"Why don't you open yours?" she suggested, her eyes sparkling at the thought. The guilt returned, but he clamped it down.

With a smile, and a forced flutter of his wings, he undid the golden ribbon on the box. He opened the container, smiling as brightly as he could at the contents. He eagerly and genuinely thanked her for the glitter on his card, taking several minutes to read the message inside.

"It's perfectly fine you couldn't make them by hoof," he said earnestly. "I understand how busy you've been lately."

She smiled and kissed his cheek. "I did my best to find the most chaotic chocolates I could, though...I eventually found someone who made unique fillings. And each one is supposed to be different!"

"Ooh, I'll make sure to test that," he said. His claw hovered over the sweets inside, before he finally selected one. He bit into it, savoring the flavor. Coconut and mango...the wave of guilt crashed into him again, and his smile wavered.

Naturally, Fluttershy noticed. " something wrong?" she asked. "I hope I got some good chocolate, but I can get something else later if it's not that good..."

"No, no!" he quickly said. "The chocolate is amazing! You must have...gone through a lot of trouble to get it with flavors like this." He frowned and looked down at the box. "But I...Fluttershy, I need to tell you something."

She frowned, leaning closer. He swallowed and closed his eyes, forging on. "I found this present two days ago, in the study. I read your card and ate some of the chocolate...I tried to cover it up, but I felt terrible that I took away your chance to surprise me with your gift."

He winced, bracing himself. She was sure to be disappointed...but at least he could get rid of this guilt. Maybe he could arrange something, a holiday or vacation for the two of them to make it up to her...

Something leaned against his side, nuzzling him. He flinched and opened his eyes, looking down to see that it was Fluttershy. She was nuzzling against his side, a very soft smile on her face.

"Thank you for...telling me the truth," she said. "I never would have figured out that you had found it. I...appreciate that you were honest. I can find a better hiding spot in the future..."

"Don't blame yourself," he said quickly, wrapping an arm around her. "I really should learn to not poke my muzzle where it shouldn't be, trying to figure out things I shouldn't know..."

She smiled. "...I guess you wouldn't be you if you didn't try to figure out secrets or find trouble," she said. He made a fake gasp in mock offense. "Though...I would appreciate it if you tried to tone down the 'searching for presents' thing."

"I'll do my best," he said. "...though it is a little tempting to search for searching's are so good at finding hiding spots! I don't even know where most of them are, I think!"

She giggled. "Well...even if you search and find them, maybe you could boast all about it to me right away instead of opening them?"

"...that would work," he said, his eyes widening. "And it's a much better plan than finding them and silently, smugly holding onto the fact that I 'won'. You'd really let me boast about finding hidden presents?"

"As long as you don't open them, and still let me surprise you with them," she said. He nodded eagerly. " you like your gift?"

"I love it," he said, grabbing another chocolate and biting into it. Chocolate and lemon filling... "You always give the best presents, my dear sweet Fluttershy. I'm sorry I ruined your chance to surprise me with it."

"That's okay," she said, wrapping her forelegs around his torso and nuzzling his side. "You gave me amazing gifts, and you're happy with the gift I gave you. This is a wonderful Hearts and Hooves Day."

"...since I took away your chance to surprise me, though," Discord said. "Perhaps there's...something I can do, to make it up for you..." He trailed his lips along her neck, lightly nipping the nape of it.

She shivered, her wings flaring out a bit and fluffing up. "...are you sure this isn't too predictable and orderly?" she said. "I recall last Hearts and Hooves Day being similar..."

He continued to trail kisses along her neck and chest. "Believe me," he purred. "I can switch things up and give my wonderful wife the love and attention she deserves..."

He used his tail to set his chocolates aside. Fluttershy moved her gifts to the nightstand, wrapping her wings around him as her hooves trailed up and down his neck. Their lips met in a kiss, and as their tongues tangled together, Discord snapped his tail feathers.

All of their curtains closed, the room now lit only by romantic candlelight. He pressed his body as close to hers as he could, and the two of them tangled into their bedsheets as they lost themselves in passion.