Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 4

by TDR

Twilight's Kraken, Part Two, Part 1

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 4

Twilight's Kraken,
Part Two,
Part 1

[ Tuesday morning, ?]

“Lacewing. Report”

“My Queen. Bravo team has reached the first towns known to be affected by Tirek.” The mirror stated.

“And?” Chrysalis asked as she rubbed her head, that stupid transference took more out of her than expected. The worst part of it was Cadence refused to leave with her, insisting that she and the other alicorns needed to stay to buy time and throw Tirek off Twilight's trail.

Chrysalis growled lightly. Both Cadence and Shining were going to be sleeping on the couch for a month... different couches at that.

“My Queen?” the mirror asked.

“Sorry, could you repeat that?”

“Yes it seems the town is being guarded by some sort of Diamond Dog pack, none of us can get close enough to investigate.“

“Diamond Dogs?”

“Yes, my queen, they are not in enough numbers that they should cause issue if we press forward....”


“SHUT UP KATYDID!!” Lacewing shouted at some one off the side of the mirror.” NO ONE ASKED YOU!”

“Lacewing. Put her on.” Chrysalis stated flatly.

“My Queen? Do not worry yourself about.....”

“LACEWING.” Chrysalis snapped. “Put Katydid on the mirror.”

“Yes my queen.” Lacewing winced backing away and another changeling moved before mirror.

“Well Katydid? Why are you calling them moon dogs?”

The changeling stiffened before she swallowed hard at being put on the spot like this, though she began to speak. “ My Queen I was part of the team dispatched to investigate everything we could on the Sparkles during the invasion of Canterlot. With the exception of the sizes and genders everything about these canines fits the description of the race of Rahs Sparkle. Right down to the glowing points of light over their ears and tails. There is also the trait that they only seem to bark or meow rather than speak equish.”

“So that's where he got off to.” Chrysalis muttered with a small smirk. “Katydid is Lacewing still there?”

“Yes my queen.”

“Good, Lacewing under no circumstances are you to antagonize the moon dogs. Do what you can to convince them that you are there to help and complete your mission. Also relay this information to any other teams in that area. If Rahs Sparkle left them here to help, then we are not going to get in the way of that. I have other teams to contact, do you understand your new orders?”

“Yes my Queen.” both changelings stated.

“Good.” Chrysalis cut the mirror connection and paused before pinging the next team.

She wondered briefly what Rahs might look like right now, after what happened to Twilight....

Chrysalis shuddered recalling what the mare's appearance after all that power went into her.

If Twilight was found by Tirek, she almost felt sorry for him.


[ Ponyville.]

Applejack stood on top of the crystal tower that the Apple's had turned into a barn, a spyglass aimed towards Canterlot, and more importantly the plumes of smoke rising from the city.

“Dash. Tell everyone tah git ready. Looks like he's made it tah Canterlot. Shouldn't be long afore he comes down here.” Applejack ordered the pegasus flying on her left.

“Right.” Rainbow Dash hesitated as she looked at the mountain.

“Ah'm sure he's fine Rainbow.” Applejack smiled lightly reaching up to pat her friend on the shoulder.

“Yeah.... I guess.... you think Twilight's alright up there?” Rainbow Dash frowned.

“Huh? Oh yeah, I'm sure she's fine too.” Applejack shook her head. “Now Git we ain't got much time.”

“Right!” Rainbow Dash nodded, taking off to alert the town.

Applejack let out a sigh and turned to look to the Everfree forest behind her.

Rainbow couldn't tell, but Applejack could smell the magic.

Twilight wasn't in Canterlot.

[ Canterlot]

The city was in ruins.

Despite the orders of the Princesses many residents refused to leave. They had, after all, survived , chaos, Nightmare Moon, a changeling invasion, the Princesses being foal napped, and the Sparkles. What was one more invader.

Most fled when ordered, going to the shelters in the mines or taking the last trains toward the Crystal Empire.

Many did not.

None of the Guard did.

When Tirek entered the city he was put under siege by the tactics of five different Guard divisions, Royal, Night, Wonderbolts, Training, and the Monster Hunters. All of them had full info on the creature attacking from the small number of the Crystal, Heart, and Changeling Guard that came with Princess Cadence and Queen Chrysalis.

Magic was used sparingly, mostly as bait, ranged weapons were used primarily , some with magic propulsion to increase their speed without leaving anything for Tirek to eat on impact, traps were laid. For every foot of ground Tirek gained, he paid for it in pain and his blood.

The remaining civilians were brought to safety, Guards were taken out in droves as they were cornered, but still they fought on, ignoring the Princesses orders to retreat.

In his rage the centaur shattered the city, destroying over half the buildings still standing at random, blowing centuries old structures off the face of the mountain and collapsing parts of the city to tumble down the Manterhorn.

In response, the guards dropped buildings on him with shaped charges and simply fought harder to hold him back from the castle.

In years to come, numerous heroic tales would be told about this attack. Heroic rescues, epic last stands, a joint camaraderie between all aspects of the guard that brought about a surge of pride among those that fought , and a renewed faith in the Guard itself among the populace.

The mortal ponies of the Guard held off a god for hours.

In the end, the phrase that would be spoken for centuries about this conflict was simply,

'Canterlot broke before the Guard did.'

[ Canterlot Castle]

“You are not on the list. You do not gain entry.” the stallion stated simply staring up at the perplexed centaur.

“You must be joking.”Tirek growled looking down at the unicorn pony.

Starched Collar stared back impassively

“I most certainly am not. My family has been guarding this door for six hundred years and on our watch no enemy of Equestria has ever passed through them and I am certainly not going to be the first of my line to fail in that duty. ”Starched Collar stated cricking his neck a little. ”You. Shall. Not . Pass.”

[ Inside the throne room.]

There was the sound of violence and the sound of draining of magic. Then there was the sound of impacts before silence. More impacts followed an again silence. A moment later a wall on the wall to the far left of the door blew open, leaving the tall doors still sealed as Tirek strode though the hole instead.

“Ponies are ridiculous.” Tirek huffed as he glared at the still sealed door.

There was a flap of wings and a wet thunk of metal impacting flesh.

“GRAH!!!” Tirek roared, backhanding Luna across the throne room. The silvery haired alicorn smashed through three pillars before she crashed to the ground and slid to a stop against the back wall of the chamber.

Tirek reached back with a wince and yanked the ax embedded in his spine from his back. He glared at the offending weapon before he tossed it aside, the wound healing quickly.

“Trying to take my head Luna?” Tirek snarled working his shoulder as the new muscle reformed.

“Our first target was thine genitalia, but it was so small we couldn't find it.” Luna coughed trying to push herself upright.

Tirek roared firing off a blast of power that flung the alicorn through the wall completely and dropped a ton of rubble on her.

“If this is your best then....” Tirek trailed off as his head fell from his body.

“You were saying?” Celestia snarled, the pink haired alicorn growled around the hilt of a massive burning sword.

Celestia was quickly grabbed and smashed repeatedly head first into the marble floor, the sword skittering across the marble as she lost her grip on it. She was then thrown into her throne, destroying the Equestrian seat of power as she rag dolled across the rest of the room to come to a stop impacting the back wall as well just as Luna managed to pull herself out of the rocks panting hard.

“As I was saying.” Tirek snarled as he cricked his neck, his head reforming out of his body. “ If this is your best...”

Tirek trailed off, his gaze shifting to the side with a confused expression on his face.

There was some low thrumming music playing from some where, and a pink alicorn was moving and spinning provocatively around a large red pole stuck in the ground.

The centaur blinked, then looked questioningly at the two prone princesses. Luna slapped both hooves over her face and Celestia gave a lopsided shrug.

While Tirek was distracted however he suddenly discovered he had a very massive hole in his equine torso leaving only a bit of flesh along his spine keeping him connected to his rear legs. The wall behind him was likewise punctured with a massive hole as well as a tree outside and a series of clouds in the distance. No debris littered the ground either from the vanished wall or his torso or the tree.

“Damn I missed his head.” Cadence huffed, her 'pole' gone.

“Don't worry, we couldn't find it either.” Luna pointed out.

[ The Moon]

“JESUS CHRIST!” Discord yelped backing away from the spear.

Embedded in the moon not far from the draconequus was a two pronged red spear. The twin prongs curling around each other like a ridged ribbon that wrapped around itself to become the main haft. The loaf of bread Discord had been eating impaled by the weapon.

“Wait a minute I've seen this anime.” Sonata pointed out. “What kind of idiot colt cries when asked to pilot a giant freaking robot and live with two hot mares?”


“We told you not to throw your spear like that unless it was a sure victory.” Luna offered to Cadence who was half embedded in the wall above her.

“I'm a lover not a fighter.” Cadence huffed. “Besides I can usually get the Lance of Longingness back after I throw it. He does have those dating columns to take care of after all.”

“Ridiculous name.” Celestia pointed out.

“Says the mare who named her first sword, 'The Fuck Bringer.” Luna snarked.

“I was twelve.” Celestia huffed. ”It sounded cool at the time.”

“ENOUGH!” Tirek roared opening his mouth, the mares winced feeling their magic draining, the alicorns going limp.

“What? WHAT IS THIS?!! WHERE IS YOUR POWER? I've drained ponies stronger than this!?”

“It shrunk in the wash.”

“It's cold out.”

“Probably in the couch, we are always losing it there with our keys.”

“GRAAAAAAAAAAH” Tirek roared and snatched the three mares up, crushing them in his grip as he growled. With no answer forth coming and barely even any whimpering from the three he ripped open a portal in reality and threw them in. It was risky using the power he drained from Rataoskr, on the way here, to open a portal to Tartarus, but these mares would either be stuck there or bring the ire of Troph, and if the god or rage came for him, that was a power he could use.

With the mares gone he looked around the place with a growl, seeing nothing of note save countless shattered stained glass windows.

That wasn't done from the pink ones attack. as he hadn't heard any glass breaking on this scale. Tirek moved to one window and allowed a small spell to drain him slightly to restore the glass to it rightful place.

The centaur blinked as he looked over a scene of six ponies beating a draconequus. That was likely the fabled god of Chaos Discord.

One day he would find that one.

Restoring another window showed two ponies, a young dragon, and a diamond dog in heroic poses ,with the pink alicorn above them holding a heart made of crystal.

The purple mare was in this one too.

Restoring a third window made Tirek pause. Was this who Forthe had been talking about. The image showed the purple mare from the other images, now with wings spread wide. It would not be the first time a powerful enough summoner rose to prominence, and there was a diamond dog in one of the images.

“A new god.... is this Twilight Sparkle?” Tirek growled, his attention turning to the hole the spear made in the wall, and the view that showed a town far down below at the base of the mountain, right where Forthe had said there would be one.

“Perhaps this will not have been a wasted trip after all.”

[ Oneiroi ]

Rahs howled in pain as magic rippled through him.

[Everfree Forest.]

In a hollow of stone in a gulch at the base of the Castle of the Two Sisters Winnysor, a figure rested.

“....four, six, two, six, four, eight”

The figure recited numbers, seemingly counting down. Purple fur shifted in color as one looked at it sliding into a much darker hue of blue, then to pink, and then white before sliding back to the darker shades, depending on the viewers angle.

“…. three, two, three, nine, seven....”

Massive wings folded against the figures sides, shifting in hue along each feather much the way the fur was.

“…. Nine, eight, five, three, five, six,.....”

The figures mane and tail swirled in the air around her, reflecting the colors of the sunset with the hint of the stars peeking through as if nightfall was but a heart beat away.

“.... two, nine, five, one, four, one, point three.” The figure exhaled as she stopped the recital, her ears perking up as she felt the flicker of power as a gate opened somewhere.

Her cutie mark, half hidden by her flowing mane seemed to be the merging of the sun, the moon, a crystal heart, and a set of six stars.

Twilight Sparkle shifted on the dirt inside the cave that once housed the Tree of Harmony, this place had hidden the tree for so long she thought it might mask her presence as well from Tirek. Once more she started counting backwards the numbers of Pythagoras' Theorem, trying to regulate the energy rushing through her.

She could feel him coming, she needed to be ready, she realized when she agreed to this she would have too much power to hide from him, and she had no plans to run..

Her eyes opened, orange flames flickering from under the eyelids, the flames flickering and running along the sides of her face flaring out in flickering waves of heat. The mare stared through the rock wall towards where Canterlot was, black lines of darkness like split feline pupils sat in the center of the burning fire of her open eyes as she stared into nothing a moment before closing them again.

“Four. Nine. Zero. Six. One. One. Five...”