The Disastrous Adventures of Crew-T

by TheMajorTechie

There is 1 imposter among us.

"Welcome to Coalation C," the speaker continued. "I see you have pressed the button."

Lisa raised a brow. "May I ask what the button does?"

"No. Also, your shoe is untied. No worries, however. Your laces have now been replaced with a durable, wear-resistant material hailing from the age of space exploration."

"Really?" Lisa widened her eyes. "I--thank you!"

"Your shoes are now velcro sneakers, you dingus." Margarine deadpanned. "You know that, right?"

Lisa looked down. "Huh. So they are."

The other Lisa tapped Lisa on the shoulder.

Lisa looked up. "Oh dang, there's two of me now. Where'd you come from?"

The other Lisa shrugged. "I'd ask the same, but I'm pretty sure at the moment that this is a simulation. It's got ponies, after all. Only place I know of with interactive ponies is the simulation I built in my teens to run away from my life problems instead of dealing with them in a sane, healthy way."

Lisa blinked. "I... uh, okay? Question, do you know anyone by the name of Emily from your world? Or at least an Emily that you go to school with? From my understanding, we've all been abducted by some mysterious force from our home universes and thrown together in this spaceship-looking place."

"Cardboard box," the Bluetooth speaker repeated.

The other Lisa shook her head. "Don't know anyone by that name. Really the only friend I can clearly remember anything about is Samantha. You have a Samantha in your world, right? Y'know, the one who plays Pinkie Pie the pony as a character, kinda crazy when she feels like it? Theater kid who can't dance because she's just that bad at it?"

Lisa shook her head. "I did meet a Samantha back in third grade, but I don't think we really did very much together. I heard she's a pretty good actress these days, though."

"Are we not going to bring up the fact that there are two Lisas here now?" Emily grumbled. "Also, other Lisa, are you okay?"

"...Yeah, why?"

"The whole running away from your life problems thing. Don't your parents miss you?"

"My parents have been dead for over a decade. I live with Professor Argall and my brother, Tim."

"Ayyyyy," Butter Knife placed her hoof on the other Lisa's shoulder. "Welcome to the dead parents club, Lizzo."

Lisa's eye twitched. "I... you--you lost your parents? And you live with your teacher? What kind of messed-up world do you live in?! And you even got your simulation project to a fully-working state, too! How did you do that so quickly?"

"I mean, I worked on it continuously starting from grade school up into my teenage years, so..."

"Okay, okay, sorry for butting in again--" Emily butt into the conversation again. "--but how old are you?"

The other Lisa looked at Lisa. She raised an arm, pointing at her counterpart. "Older than her, most likely."

"No seriously, how old are you?"


"Ollllld, you're ooooold!" the Bluetooth speaker mocked. "Hey, can someone bring a walker down there for Granny Liz?"

Thousand-degree knife proceeded to punt the speaker across the floor.

"DESTROY?" Sweetie Giraffe raised a hoof above the speaker.

"Yes," the other Lisa nodded. "You may destroy."

"Another question." Emily raised a hand.

"I'm not a teacher, you know."

Emily lowered her hand. "You're taking all of this really well so far. Why are you so calm?"

The other Lisa--

"Okay, narrator, give us a break already," Butter Knife shouted at me, the narrator. "If you keep saying 'Lisa' and 'The other Lisa', then I will personally come to you and beat you with your own keyboard."

Fine. Since the first Lisa knows Emi, she will now be known as Splintershard Lisa, or S-Lisa, for short. The other evidently comes from Pony-Me, so she will be P-Lisa. Better?

"Finally he listens to me," Do Not Put Me in a Toaster grumbled, rolling her eyes. "So. Plisa. You gonna answer?"

Nobody responded, for only Butter Knife knew of these new nicknames.

"You--" she pointed a hoof at the Lisa from Pony-Me. "The author of this story has made the arbitrary decision to officially nickname you Plissa. And you--" she swung her hoof to the Lisa from Splintershard. "--have been nicknamed Slissa."

You added some extra 's'-es there, buddy.

"Because I want to."

Fine. Plissa raised a brow at her forceful nicknaming. "Anyway, I was asked why I was so calm. While I certainly don't have any evidence to prove it is the case, I personally think that this is either a strange dream, or I entered another simulation and forgot why I did so. Either way, this is getting interesting, so I'm going to stick around for as long as I can."

"And another questio--"

"SHUT." Butter Knife jammed her hoof in Emi's mouth. "Enough from you. Do not bother the elder Lisa."

"Seriously, guys," Plissa folded her arms. "I'm not that old."

A walker slid up against her leg.


"Hey, Butter Knife?"


Emily pointed behind the mare. "What's that?"

Butter Knife whirled around and punched the imposter square in the face, sending them flying with enough force to go boom and die, leaving only their legs and a big ol' bone sitting on the floor.

Butter Knife sus.