//------------------------------// // Epilogue: Honeymooners // Story: Hold Still and Let Me Marry You // by KingdaKa //------------------------------// Her world was somehow so serene and yet so chaotic. The sound of gulls crying out overhead was perfectly combined with the gentle crashing of waves upon the shore, turning this private place into a land of tranquility brimming with the gentle roar of natural sound. She could feel the warmth of the sun’s rays bearing down upon her fair face, the rising temperature offset by the cool breeze that came from offshore. Eyes closed so as to block out the whole of the world, Rarity’s contented spirit kept mind empty and simply allowed her to be; enjoyment of the moment was the only goal that she had, and how brilliantly was it being fulfilled. This beautiful place had been another secret kept from her throughout, a serene hideaway in the tropics on an island of which she’d never heard. Celestia had never mentioned the locale of their honeymoon despite her badgering insistence to know their mysterious destination. Reflecting upon the decision, the beautiful seamstress had decided that this trip had been far more exciting due to this leap into the unknown; a fantasy conjured by the mind would have dimmed the beauty of this place. And this choice resort, secluded and so far away from the rest of the world, was glorious. A hand upon her thigh and Rarity’s quiet calm found itself interrupted by the presence of another, eyes cracking open beneath darkened shades to gaze upon the succulent form of her bride leaning down from above, her welcome sight enhanced by the presence of an icy cocktail in her hands. “So that’s where you’ve been,” she remarked. “I fancied myself a drink. I hope you don’t mind me picking one for you,” the lustrous beauty said, placing a coconut margarita in her spouse’s grasp before taking a seat in the recliner beside her. “Enjoying yourself?” “Ooh, I could stay here forever, darling,” Rarity sighed, the creamy sweetness of her first sip well-met by the tequila’s bite. She had become so used to happiness that its presence almost seemed commonplace; this trip, her wife, even her very life, was just too good to be true. “You’ve just outdone yourself again and again.” Celestia’s smile was as bright as the sun. “You’ve been lying here a while, my precious diamond. What say you and I stretch our legs for a little bit?” She had been so content to simply remain and be stationary beneath the light. But the suggestion of a stroll, given form by her beloved’s words, suddenly had an appeal she could not resist. Empty hand rose and was taken hold of by Celestia, the beautiful lady brought to her feet and held at the side of the sun-kissed beauty. Oh, how she loved this feeling, wrapped about by her bride’s grasp and kept by her hip; perhaps this was what she could not resist, to be so entwined with the one she loved. The lapping waves of the sea tickled their feet as the newlyweds strolled along the beach, scant meetings with fellow holidaymakers dotted with smiles and quiet greetings as they allowed words to be kept at bay by the peaceful sounds of nature. There was no need for speech here, more often than not. Time called for them to simply enjoy the presence of one another, to do nothing but rest and be happy; this quiet life was a dream long held now finally realized. Words would never be enough to describe it. “How long has it been since I kissed you last?” Celestia inquired, eyeing her beautiful bride and brimming with that playful light she so often possessed. Always eager to be met by her spouse’s romantic teasing, Rarity held a finger to her lips in thought. “Oh, it must be- what, fifteen minutes now?” She mused aloud. “Such a drought, darling, I don’t know how you could leave me so.” “Mmm, allow me to remedy that,” Celestia purred, leaning down to meet those luscious lips in a soft kiss, familiar flavor of the other now tinged with the remnants of their drink and only spurring them on to deepen their union. Why not enjoy each other a little longer, allow free hands to slide across smooth skin and relish every caress? They were beautiful, happy, and in love; nothing in the world had any right to stop them. “Ooh, darling,” Rarity murmured, slow to leave her wondrous lover’s sapphic touch. “Must you tempt me so? Even after last night…” “As if I could ever get enough of you,” Celestia replied, free hand sliding down to Rarity’s bottom and giving it a slow, delicate squeeze. “We are all alone out here.” “The nerve!” Rarity said in an exaggerated gasp. “Such a scandal is unbecoming of a lady! Why, I almost expect an apology.” “And you expect me to resist you?” Celestia countered. “All dressed like that? Sweetheart, you make me so very weak.” In fairness, it had not been the first time her newfound bride had remarked on her outfit, this particular violet bikini one of Rarity’s favorites. Elegant yet sexy, well-strapped while still allowing her an alluring air that Celestia seemed to find irresistible. And she could only say so much when she found herself unable to look away from the lush body held at her side. With only a white slingshot bikini to hide the full beauty of her wondrous figure, Celestia looked positively delicious. And the longer Rarity looked, the more she found herself able to look upon anything else; how her sunkissed skin gleamed like gold beneath light, the wondrous curves she possessed as thighs transitioned to waistline and on to the shapely bust adorning her chest. It had fascinated her from the very first time she had ever had the pleasure of witnessing such beauty, and even to this day it still so easily transfixed her… Her growing desires were unmistakable even to the undiscerning, and happily met by the romantic fervor that had already ensnared her bride. With a gusty huff, Celestia said, “Goodness, this sun of mine! It’s almost too hot, don’t you think?” A true statement, even if it was only meant to lead elsewhere. “Any thought for relief, darling?” Rarity asked lightly. “I just might go for a dip, I believe,” Celestia answered. “Care to join me?” Drinks were settled gently in the sand before the two ran into the surf, salt water streaming across brilliant forms as the two took to the waters and found relief- only for a moment before bride met bride in a flurry of kisses, Rarity wrapped about her wife as lips melted together and held firm by the grasp that squeezed tight into her flesh. New unions of lips so soft and fiery, brimming with warmth and love as the newlyweds drank deep of one another. Touches became caresses, slithering tongues entangled themselves in a soaked dance. So overwhelming, so satisfying, and still they needed more; after all their time together, after every kiss and quiet moment and confession of love, even still did they yearn for each other. As she became lost in her happiness, Rarity wondered how she had ever been so lucky; to hold Celestia in her arms and she be held in return, lost in a bliss that had almost slipped her grasp forever. But here she was, a dream finally fulfilled, and more wonderful than any daydream could have ever hoped to match. There was still so much to know, to learn, and to do with this beautiful woman. How lucky was she that she’d been given a lifetime to experience it all.