//------------------------------// // Crash-land // Story: The Disastrous Adventures of Crew-T // by TheMajorTechie //------------------------------// The cardboard box ship crashed down into the water, causing a massive ker-sploosh. "HOLY HECK WHERE ARE WE?!" Butter Knife screeched, staring out the window as the spacecraft they were on began to sink. "I THOUGHT WE WERE IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE THREE MINUTES AGO!" ~~three minutes ago:~~ "Huh." Slissa pressed a button labeled 'headset'. "I wonder what this button does?" A headset dropped down on her head, knocking her out cold and causing her to fall over onto Emily, who, upon being knocked off-balance by her friend, fell backwards over the back of Slicey Dicey, sliding beneath Sweetie Giraffe, and bonking her head again on the 'crash-land ship' button. Come to think of it, why does that thing have such a button? "Sounds more like a convoluted plot device you forced us to play out for the sole purpose of crash-landing our spaceship, mister author." Yeah, fair enough. Thanks for pointing that up, Buttery Smooth. Butter Knife groaned. "Huh. So that's why we aren't in the middle of nowhere anymore." "But we are?" Plissa joined Butter Knife at the window, which was beginning to become submerged. "Looks like we're in an ocean." A frantic pounding came from the outside of the ship. Probably Spike or something. Idunno, I didn't read the story. "Come on, get out of your ship before you drown!" Sweetie Giraffe's ears perked up as her cutie mark became a '>.>' face. "DESTROY INTRUDER?" "No, don't destroy intruder." Plissa sighed, turning away from the window. "I'll answer the door." Plissa opened the door. "Oh, hey, Spike. Be sure to clean your feet before you come inside. You're sopping wet." "I--" Spike shook his head. "No, no! I'm here to get you guys out! You've crash-landed on this planet just like I did, and I already had to save Fluttershy or something like that earlier, so get out before I have to drag each and every one of you out by the legs!" Fluttershy poked her head into the doorway, waving a hoof. "C'mon, we have this neato island place that we sometimes get food from! It's totally not populated with things that would rather eat us instead!" "Mm-hm," Plissa made a face. "I... think you should find a different place to get food from." "Like?" "The ship's pantry!" Emily popped up behind Plissa with a pile of granola bars. "Look what I found!" "Oh, um... thanks," Spike took the bundle of granola bars. "I guess that helps with the food situa--" Emily dumped another pile of granola bars on Spike. "I think that's--" Emily dumped another pile of granola bars on Spike. "No seriously--" Emily lifted another ball of granola bars above her head, but was stopped by Butter Knife. "Stop it." Butter Shanking Toolâ„¢ grabbed the granola bars and lowered them. "Get some help." Spike raised a claw. "But--" "Have a Sweetie Giraffe for your troubles." Sweetie Giraffe proceeded to be absolutely yeeted out of the door, colliding with Spike and Fluttershy and sending them to the island with one-eyed, four-legged carnivore thingies that I saw one mention of while skimming the story. The door slammed shut behind them. "Alrighty. Plissa, you look like you know how to fly a spaceship. Get us off this thing." "Who--me?" Plissa raised a brow. "I know how to work with computers, but I've never piloted--" "Too bad, so sad, you're the captain now. Make your dead parents proud." Spike watched the ship begin to lift off out of the water as he stood on the flaming shores of the island. Sweetie Giraffe continued to rampage in the background, obliterating every single creature in sight. And then the ship nosedived and crashed into the island itself, destroying the last remaining traces of the entire carnivorous, one-eyed species and rendering them extinct.