Classroom Changeling

by Someguy458

Chapter 6: Pros and Cons of Being a Changeling

For the longest time, the three of us sat in Lily's room, unable to think of anything to say. I was twitching my wings; Osmond was writing something on a piece of paper; and Lily was half-heartedly sorting through her secret leaf collection.

I should probably explain. Lily used to be bullied — and I mean really bullied — for her fascination with botany. In fact, I don't think there was a single bully that didn't go after her at least once. It was only when we started standing up for her that the bullying finally started to let up, and she began to actually feel comfortable. Even so, the bullying never entirely went away, and I fully admit that we should've been a lot closer than we actually were.

Finally, Osmond finished what he was doing, and looked up. "Alright, I've started a list of pros and cons regarding this situation."

I raised an eyebrow. "You did? Why?"

"To lift you out of the dumps and get you thinking critically about this."

I looked to Lily, who was just as curious as I was. "Alright, I'll bite; what'd you put on it so far?"

He regarded the list, clearing his throat. "Pro: You can both fly now."

Lily seemed surprised, as if she hadn't fully considered it. She looked over her shoulder and flexed one of her wings, already holding more control over hers than I had over mine. "That's true..."

He nodded, then continued. "Con: You'll need time to relearn your new bodies."

I nodded, "I've already fed on love once." When Os raised an eyebrow, I clarified, "My Mom willingly gave it."

"Ah," he mouthed, then turned back to his list. "Pro: you both have magic in some form."

Lily blinked. "How do I have magic?"

"There's a dragon in MLP that can send and receive letters with his fire breath. You may have that power, too."

She raised an eyebrow, then grabbed a blank piece of paper from her desk. She wrote something on it, then rolled it up and held it in front of her muzzle. After a moment of concentration, she was able to breathe out a small burst of fire, and the paper was, indeed, whisked away by it.

A moment later, a trail of smoke coalesced next to my head, bringing the (now slightly burnt) paper back into the world. I gawked at the feat, totally not-at-all jealous that she'd figured out magic before me.

For those curious, the paper said "This is a test".

Os nodded. "Seems my hunch was right. So, back to the list...

"Con: Until the world grows to accept it, you'll be alienated from your peers."

Lily's face sunk. "I can live with that; it's not like I wasn't used to that before..."

Os frowned. "Don't say that, Lily! Y—"

"It's true, though!" She snapped back, instinctively baring her teeth. "If I was bullied for my love of botany, then I'll be bullied for being a scaly, cold-blooded monster!"

I couldn't sit back anymore; I retaliated, "But you're a dragon! You're a mythical. Fucking. Beast! Do you know how many people would give anything to be in your position right now, to spend even one day as a dragon? If anyone gives you trouble for being cool, then they can just go suck it!"

She stared at me for a while, letting that soak in.

Then she asked, "Rove, are you saying you'd want to be a dragon?"

I blushed. "Th-that wasn't what I — It depends on— I-I...."

They both looked at me with mischievous smirks, knowing they had me cornered.

Finally, I lowered my head. "Y-yes, I would."

They both chuckled at that. "You know," Osmond pointed, "When you figure out how to shape-shift, you could just turn into a dragon..."

I retorted, "I don't even know how to use my magic yet!"

Suddenly, he seemed to get an idea. He picked up his pencil and shouted, "Catch!"

I was barely able to ask "Catch what?" before I registered that the pencil was sailing straight towards my head. I braced myself for the impact...

But it never came. I cracked open an eye to see why not, then did a double-take at what I saw.

The pencil was floating. It was glowing green, and floating.

Of course, the moment I realized this, the connection broke and the pencil fell to the floor. But it still happened; I just used magic! Fucking MAGIC!

I was almost beside myself, unable to speak for the longest time. Lily, on the other hand, was able to mutter "Holy crap..."

When I finally regained my voice, I stared at him in bewilderment. "How did you... How'd you know that'd work!?"

He smirked, "Saw it in a movie once."

I nodded, still astonished that it'd actually worked.

For the next half hour, I sat there, practicing my magic on the pencil. Focusing back on the feeling my horn had felt, I was easily able to get a grip on summoning forth the magic itself.

Actually directing that magic willingly, on the other hoof, was the tricky part.

I managed to accidentally tear off the eraser, grab the handle of a dresser that was on the other side of the room, and I even had smoke start coming out of my horn at one point.

Then, Os suggested something. "Maybe you're overthinking it? Try simply imagining yourself lifting the pencil."

I blinked, then took a deep breath. My horn lit up after a moment of effort, then I released the breath. The pencil was slowly surrounded by a lime-green aura, shimmering and shifting like a liquid. I pictured the pencil hovering off the table, and after a moment, the pencil began to shake.

Os's eyes widened. "Holy crap, it's actually working..."

The pencil slowly and very shakily began to levitate.

Lily was awestruck. "You're doing it! Rove, you're actually doing it!"

I didn't respond; I was too focused on the pencil. It reached 3 inches, then it unsteadily floated there.

Why'd it stop? I blinked, then began to focus even harder on the pencil. It became even more shaky, but it slowly resumed its trek upwards.

"Uh, Rove?"

Now it was 7 inches off the table, and I was pouring a considerable amount of effort into bringing it higher. The pencil's oscillations became faster and faster, but it kept inching its way upwards. I just wanted — no, I needed to know how high I could—


Lily grabbed my shoulders, startling me and breaking my concentration. My magic flared in surprise, and the pencil shot straight up, lodging its tip into the soft ceiling.

I breathed heavily to get my heartbeat back under control as Os knelt down next to me. "Are you okay, Rove? You kinda zoned out there for a second."

I gave a hesitant smile. "Y-yeah, just got a bit too focused."

"Alright, just make sure you don't strain yourself. You look like you just ran a marathon."

I nodded, "Can do."

He smiled, then stood back up. Lily held me for a moment until I could get my breathing back under control, then she stood as well.

I, meanwhile, was kinda worried. What just happened to me? I just wanted to see if I could do magic at all, so why'd I get so obsessed with seeing how far I could go? Was it something to do with this new body? Maybe Mr. Adler could explain?

My stomach growled again, snapping me out of my thoughts. Whatever it was, it could wait until after dinner.