The person from the devastated lands.

by Green-Venom

Break in

“What yah mean ah can’t go crusading? Ah dit nothing wrong!“ Apple Bloom exclaimed.

“Ah am sorry sugarcube, but that monster is still out there. Ah just want to keep you save.“ Applejack said to her sulking sister. “It’s an agreement ah made with the others. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo won’t go out either.“

Apple Bloom snorted and want to her room. A bit later a the sound of a door getting slammed shut was heard trough the house.

Applejack winced, she didn’t like her sister doing so, but because of the current situation she decided to not be mad at her.

“It’s only until we catched the monster. It’s not a punishment, but to keep yah save.“ she said going after her.


“So please promise me to not sneak away while i am with my friends.“

“Fine. Ah promise to stay here.“

“Thanks sugarcube. We will catch that monster and then you and the girls will be crusading again in no time. You see.“

Not getting an answer Applejack left the house wondering if Apple Bloom would keep her promise.

“Ah really hope she keeps her promise. She will be save as long as she stays in the house.“ Applejack though while heading to her friends.

Charlie arrived on top of the hill seeing the farmhouse he was planning to go to. Hopefully there would be electronic parts.

“Sorry for being late, ah needed to convince Apple Bloom to stay at home where she would be save. That took a while.“

“No probably Darling, i had the same with Sweetie Belle. It’s not a problem.“

“I already talked with Mayor Mare about the yellow monster. The residents of Ponyville are informed and we have more guards patrolling.“ Twilight explained.

“The royal guard?“ Rainbow Dash laughed “You really think they can help? They suck at they’re job.“

“Rainbow! How can you say something that offending about them? They deserve some respect.“ Rarity lectured the pegasus.

“Pfff, whatever.“

“Anyway.“ Twilight said after a moment of silence. “Whe need to find that monster and chase it away before it seriously hurts somepony.“

“Shouldn’t we talk to it first?“ Fluttershy suggested. “I might be all a misunderstanding that we can solve if we listen one to another.“

“That thing attacked mah sister.“ Applejack said with a frown. “I don’t think that that will work.“

“We dit reform Discord.“

“That’s true.“ Twilight said thinking. “We should at last try to talk, but first we need to find it. If we would only know where it was...“

Charlie had watched the house for a while now.

No movement and no light. Should be save.

He first went to the barn nest to the house. He found some nails and a hammer. He took both and left the other tools there, not having a use for them.

Now the house.

He walked up to the door to find it unlocked and carefully entered. He looked around and landed in something that looked like a living room.

“Wood.“ he murmured to himself giving the furniture a look. “Useless. Hopefully there is also something from leather or metal. All i get from these is wood and maybe some nails. Not worth it.“

He continued and landed in the kitchen. His gaze went trough the kitchen finding quickly interest in the different things available. “Fridge and sink, both good for metal. A loot of lockers. It’s likely that i find something interesting. Microwave, long since i seen one of those before. Some food.- Wait.“ His look snapped back to the microwave. “If that doesn’t have an electronic part i will eat a tree.“ he said while a smile appeared on his face.


Apple Bloom jumped, interrupting her sulking. She was about to call out when the noise continued.

Clang* clang* clang*

Applejack was still on monsterhunt and Big Mack and Granny Smith where in Manehattan helping her cousin and her parents with some financial problems.

She had stayed in Ponyville because of school and Applejack to watch over her, meaning that she was home alone.

She carefully sneaked down the stairs and peaked in to the livingroom.

Clang* clang* clang*

The sound comes from the kitchen.“ Apple Bloom thought while picking up a broom to defend herself.


She carefully sneaked closer broom fiercely held between her teeth.

It was then that she noticed that the sound stopped. “He comes out.“ she realized and quickly dove in to the old grandfather clock.

She peaked out and saw the last thing she expected. The yellow monster was walking past her hiding spot, causing her to let out a surprised gaps, before quickly covering her mouth with a hove.

The intruder froze and quickly whirled around, holding a shining axe in his hand. His eyes glanced around the room before resting on the old clock Apple Bloom was hiding in. He took his weapon on both hands and slowly walked towards her.

No, no, no! Please don’t look! Go away! Ignore me.“ she prayed at the edge of panicking her heartbeat so loud she was almost shure that that was the reason that he was coming for her.

When he was almost there she closed her eyes and counted down her chances, fearing the worst.

“OK whoever you are. I could hear you.“ she could her him say. “Now let’s see who you are.“

Apple Bloom was already picturing the horrible things he would do when he would get her and prepared herself to defend her life with a broom, but nothing happened.

“Huch, guess i was wrong, nothing behind this clock after all. I was shure i heard something.“

Apple Bloom slowly opened her eyes, noticing that the monster was now standing next to her hiding spot. After a while he turned around and walked away.

“Usually i don’t make that kind of mistakes.“ he murmured to himself. “Well, there is a first time for everything. Let’s see what this place has upstairs.“ He disappeared trough the door in direction the stairs.

Apple Bloom stayed in the clock for a some time, trying to understand what miracle just saved her, before noticing that she was still holding her breath.

She let it out and carfully left from her hiding place.

Thanks Celestia. That was to close for comfort.“ she tought to herself. She could still here the monster upstairs, whatever that was. She was not planning to find out. Not wanting to take any more risk, she opened a window and jumped out. Once outside she started running.

“I need to tell Applejack!“ she said to herself while galloping to Twilight’s castle.