//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: A MAGICal night to the heart FLUTTER // by WinterFang //------------------------------// "Twilight. There's a letter for you." Said Spike as he entered the library late one evening. The alicorn of friendship looked up for her latest book towards Spike and asked "really? Who's it from?" "It's from Princess Celestia. She asking you to come to Canterlot for something important." replied the young dragon holding out the letter for Twilight to read. "Dear Twilight Sparkle. I hope you are doing well. In any case, I have sent this letter to formally invite you to the Centennial Ball at Canterlot Castle. Enclosed is your ticket that you'll need for the event. This invention does allow you bring a guest with you. The Ball will be in one month. Hope to see you there. Your friend; Princess Celestia. Twilight was a little surprised to say the least. Princess Celestia was not only inviting her to a ball, but she was allowed to be a date. The idea of having a date made Twilight blush slightly. "Well? What does it say?" asked Spike. "It's an invitation to a Ball. I'm also allowed to being a guest with me." replied Twilight "Sweet. Who are you going to take with you?" Twilight went at the question. Who was she going take to the Ball? The only name that came to her mind was Fluttershy. Ever since Twilight first met the shy mare, the purple alicorn has felt something towards the yellow pegusas. "So? Do you know who are going to ask?" inquired Spike. "Yes. However, it's going to be a surprise." replied Twilight with a small smile.