//------------------------------// // Chapter 10: Buzzing Bea // Story: Classroom Changeling // by Someguy458 //------------------------------// As soon as the bell rang, I bolted out into the light drizzle that had started. I didn't care about any of the odd glances people gave me as they walked by; I was too concerned for Bea at that point. At one point, I was going so fast that my hooves were barely touching the ground. Then my hooves STOPPED touching it altogether. I blinked at that, then looked back at my wings. Thanks to the practice I'd had earlier with Mr. Adler, as well as some natural instincts kicked off by my desperation to get home, my wings were buzzing enough to lift me off the ground. I was flying. Fucking FLYING! Well, okay, I was technically hovering, but still! I would've been ecstatic at that, under any other circumstances. Bea's situation was still at the forefront of my mind, however, so I refocused myself on getting back home as quickly as possible. I made good time, skidding to a stop on the front sidewalk. I stared at the door and took a deep breath to steel my nerves, dreading what was on the other— "Oh my..." I froze. That sounded like... Slowly I turned my head to my left. My eyes met those of Ms. Finch, and we stared at each other for a moment. "H-hi, Ms. Finch..." To her credit, she kept from freaking out too badly. "Wh-wh-what the... Rove?" I glanced back at my door before apologizing, "Look, I'd really love to explain, but my mom really needs me inside right now." She nodded blankly, "I-I can certainly see why..." 'Oh, you don't know the half of it,' I thought to myself. My hoof waved goodbye, and she hesitantly did the same, before I magicked the door open and ran in. I think I might've heard her faint, but I'm not too sure. I bolted into the kitchen, where I found Mazarine with a look of dread on her face. "Where is she?" She said nothing; instead, she pointed down the hallway, in the direction of Bea's room. I got the hint and dashed down the hallway. With the way Mazarine was acting, I was dreading the worst. So imagine my surprise when I find Bea, now a Changeling just like me, standing on the wall. We stared at each other blankly for a moment, before she buzzed her wings and alighted to the floor. "Hey, Rove." I didn't know how to respond. It wasn't the fact that she was a Changeling, too; in retrospect, the fact that we're related made that the most reasonable occurrence. No, what rendered me speechless was the simple fact that she was getting the hang of her new body MUCH more quickly than I was. She'd already learned wall-walking, and she even used her wings on her descent to the floor? I'll admit, I was a little jealous. "Uh... You okay?" She asked when I didn't respond, snapping me out of my frozen state. "Oh, y-yeah; it's just... You're already so adept..." She giggled a bit. "I know, right? I mean, I'm still kinda freaking out a bit, but today is 'Use Your Common Sense Day', so I figured: if this has happened, I might as well get used to it, right?" I managed a chuckle. Same ol' Bea, celebrating all the obscure holidays she could. "I only just got my wings working on the way over." She gasped. "You did? I'm proud of you, bro!" My face heated up a bit at the praise. "Th-thanks." Bea then buzzed her own wings in excitement, "Do ya think we could go for a fly together?" I shook my head. "Maybe later; right now, I've gotta see if Os is okay." Bea frowned. "Did he transform, too?" I nodded, "Yeah. She's a thestral now." "Really? That's cool!" Then she blinked as my words registered. "Wait, 'she'?" Whoops. I chuckled absently, "Yeah, well, apparently, Os has been 'in the closet' about how she identifies for a while now, but since her new body lacked a certain... feature, she decided to come out." Bea gasped. "Really? I'm so proud; I've heard that doing that is really hard, and with the circumstances, it'd be extra hard!" I nodded. "She was convinced that I'd hate her for keeping it a secret." She flinched sympathetically. "That's rough. But you didn't, right?" "Of course not!" I defended immediately. She let out a bit of a chuckle, raising a hoof to calm me. "I know, I know; I'm just messing with you." I paused, then chuckled at it as well, letting my wings chirp instinctively. She found that extra funny, and started laughing, and I laughed even harder when she began chirping as well. I think I like chirping now. "So, how did things go?" I asked over the video call. It'd taken a bit to set up, what with our hooves, but Os and I had managed to make it work. Os chuckled humorlessly. "My mom's still trying to wrap her head around it, but otherwise, things went rather well." "And how about you; how do you feel about this?" She shrugged, "Okay, I guess. I mean, these hooves aren't as dexterous as hands, and this heightened smell could get annoying, but the night vision and the promise of flight are definite upsides." I nodded in understanding, before smirking. "Speaking of flying..." I buzzed my wings and began hovering above my chair slightly. Os's jaw dropped at the sight. "Woah, that's awesome! I can barely move my own wings..." To emphasize her point, she waggled a wing limply. I smiled, "You'll get the hang of it, I'm sure." She nodded, then changed subjects. "Say, when are you gonna be giving away your cards?" I frowned. "When did I say I would?" "Yesterday morning, when you said you'd give up your cards if you turned into a cartoon character." I blinked, before frowning upon recalling the memory. "Aw, crap; I did say that, didn't I..." She chuckled, "It's okay, Rove; I know you weren't serious." A sigh of relief escaped my lips. "Good, I don't think I'm ready for that just yet." We both shared a good-natured laugh at that. "Heck, if anything, it's me who should be giving up my cards." I frowned upon hearing that. "Os, you don't have to—" "No, you know what?" she interrupted, now looking determined. "I can't exactly hold my cards with my hooves; you should have them instead." "Os, no! You've been collecting those cards since before we met; I can't just take them from you!" She shook her head, thoroughly convinced. "Nah, it's no trouble at all. I know they'll be in good hands— er, hooves— or Magic?" I... didn't know how to respond. The mere fact that she was giving up her cards was a lot to take in, but to give them to me? I felt utterly touched. "Th-thank you, Os; I promise, I'll take good care of them." She smiled, the faintest of blushes across her muzzle. "I know you will." For a moment, we just sat there, gazing at each other through the computer screen. As we did, I felt something flicker in my chest, as though something warm, buried deep in my soul, was trying to make its way out. Then a voice from Os's end piped up, and she listened to it for a moment. "Oops, gotta go; it's dinnertime." I checked the clock. 6:30 already? "That's okay. I'll see you tomorrow, then?" She nodded, "See ya." With that, we both hung up, that lingering warmth still in my chest.