//------------------------------// // Notes // Story: The Dreamcastle letters // by Drilltooth //------------------------------// this section is for notes, and helpful information on the setting, and notable members of the settlement as events unfold. Not much at the moment, but it will be expanded as things come up in the unfolding narrative. Leadership: Breakfast Trimman: Mason and Cheif architect of Dreamcastle. Bewilder Testzephyr: A Unicorn jewler arriving in the fall of 251, Becomes Leader of the expedition following the death of Syrup Singglitter. Silverdancer: chancellor-regent of the Capital city of Tighttummy, Acting ruler of the nation following the Dissappearance of Princess Gangpine several years prior to the events of the story. Fauna: Tortank: A large reptilian herbivore. It is powerfully built and has a thick, brightly-colored shell. Commonly used as beast of burden.