Spike the Squid Kid

by Darth Severus

Splatoween: Trick or Treat?

Spike had fun at the concert, but now the real fun began, the Splatfest between Team Trick and Team Treat, one of the most important Splatfests. Spike was getting himself ready with new gear and his favorite weapon, an Inkbrush Nouveau that he'd finally gotten enough money to buy from Sheldon. He met up with the rest of his friends and asked them, "So, what team are we on?"

The three of them took off their jackets, revealing their Splatfest shirts and said, "Team Treat or bust!"

Spike smiled, taking his off as well, "Great minds thing alike. Let's get going to Deca Tower!" before running off with his friends following him

As the four of them got matched for a match, they were ready and excited for their battle. However, all of a sudden, two members of the opposing team disappeared. Spike thought to himself, "If this were in the real world, it would be as unstable connection, but why'd they ditch their friends here?"

As the battle began, Spike and his Team Treat group easily overpowered the two remaining inklings, and it was a landslide victory for them, earning them even more points for Team Trick.

After the battle, Thorax grumbled, "A victory like that is weak. We only won because we outnumbered them, and that's thanks to some jackasses on Team Trick."

Ember nodded, "Yeah, that was no fun at all. But why do you think those other two bailed on their team like that?"

Starlight shrugged, "You'd have to ask them. But there is a chance they were kicked out of the battle by security. But only cheaters with altered licenses get kicked out."

Spike grumbled angrily when Starlight mentioned cheaters, "Well, I can't say we won fair and square, but at least some cheaters are out of the game."

After a few hours of more battles, Spike was starting to get tired, "I'm gonna call it a night you guys. I'll see you tomorrow after Pearl and Marina announce the winner of the Splatfest."

Thorax yawned, "Yeah, I'm getting tired too. It's too bad school starts again tomorrow, we won't have as much free time to battle and help Marie with the Octarians. No offense Starlight."

"None taken Thorax, but you're right, we'll be in school for seven hours five days a week. It sucks that we have to go back so soon. I think Marie will understand though."

Spike was taken aback by Thorax and Starlight's words, they were on some sort of Splatoween Break? And school started tomorrow? That was new to him, but in reality, it made perfect sense to him. He may be an inkling, but he was still a kid, so it's not like his parents would let him do nothing but spend time in Turf War.

Ember shrugged, "Yeah, it's lame we have to back go to school, but since we're going to Barry Cuda Junior High, there'll be lessons about more than just the basics, and I heard they're talking about adding classes for teaching more advanced tactics for Ink Battles."

Spike smiled lightly, he would be learning more about the strange world he found himself in, as well as having a chance to pick up some tips from the teachers for future Ink Battles. "Sounds cool. Well, I'm out, I'll see you tomorrow in school I guess." before the four friends started heading back home.

Twilight Velvet smiled at her son when he came through the door and said, "Just in time for dinner Spike, I made some shrimp cocktail!"

Spike smiled, finally, something he would normally eat, and sat down at the dinner table. After dinner, he went to bed after Twilight helped him gather all the things he would need for school the next day.

The next morning...

Spike had woken up and made himself a bowl of Clammy-O's and munched down as he watch the morning news with Pearl and Marina. He crossed his fingers, "Come on Team Treat!"

As they tallied up the results, Twilight came downstairs to watch with her brother, "You were on Team Treat too? Too bad we didn't get to battle side by side."

Spike chuckled, "Maybe next time we're on the same team."

Twilight smiled, "I'm holding you to that."

Marina cheered as the Splatfest results said Team Treat had won, "Yay! You may be right about tricks being sweet, but treats are even sweeter! And there's no treat sweeter than victory!"

Pearl mumbled, but got up from her bean bag chair, "Last thing before we go for now. School's started back up, and any students found skipping class to go have a battle at Deca Tower will be returned to school by the security, and if it keeps happening, you might be temporarily banned from Deca Tower. If you really want to do an Ink Battle, just wait until your lunch break, Crusty Sean is offering a special discount for students who show their Ink Battle License."

Marina smiled and said, "Remember kids, brain beats brawn every time, so stay in school!"

As the two of them finished the news, they did their signature, "Don't get cooked! Star off the hook!" and Spike got his bag and headed out to meet his friends walking by his place and joined them, following them to Barry Cuda Junior High, his new school.