Friendship Knights Season 1

by Tidal Wave2

Sugarcube Corner Training Video

Hello my friend. If you're watching this film, then let me be the first to say: congratulations! You've recently been hired at Sugarcube Corner, and this is where you'll learn how to do your job.

"Can I deliver quality hospitality now?" Pinkie asked.

Sorry, but no. There's lots to learn before you're ready to deliver quality hospitality. Now, as you can see by this graph...

Ahem. Not 'giraffe'. 'Graph'! Idiot...

You are now employed by one of the most successful bakery's in Equestria. But it didn't get that way over night, because the shop closes at 8.

Now, the story of Sugarcube Corner is the story of one lovely couple's hard work, perseverance, vision, determination and love. But most importantly, their love.


You may think that Mr. & Ms. Carrot & Cup Cake, owners and founders of Sugarcube Corner, have always been the expert bakers they are today. Well, you're actually wrong.

When Ms. Cake was a filly, her name was 'Chiffon Swirl'. Back then, she had no idea what her talent was, until Pear Butter, mother of national hero: Applejack, brought her some ingredients and told her to 'just be creative'. It was then that Chiffon found out that her purpose was in the kitchen and she got her cutie mark. Eventually, Chiffon met Carrot Cake and they shared their love for baking. After Pear Butter passed away, Chiffon stayed secluded in a deep depression that seemed endless. But then her luck changed when she and Carrot acquired a bankrupt goods shop and with a few minor alterations, Sugarcube Corner was born! (Cricket chirping)

Sounds like a lot of-


Uh, sounds like a-


S-Sounds like-

"Hoopla! Hoopla!" (Coconut is thrown at the colt head, knocking him out.)

Sounds like a lot of Hoopla to make over a few sugar filled treats, right? Hahahaha, WRONG!!!


To keep up with today's demanding customers, no expense has been spared to acquire all the latest achievements in pastry-making technology. Let's see what Ms. Cake has to show us.

"This is a yogurt quantity measurer."

"This is our advanced money handling system. It got easier when people from Earth came."

"This is our quality freezer. Imported from Fillydelphia."

"This is a simple liquid transfer machine, invented in 1899."

"And these are condiment dispenser units."

All of this modernization seems a little overwhelming, doesn't it? Well luckily for you, Mr. & Ms. Cake's organization skills keep the balance of technology in check. But if modernization is the heart of Sugarcube Corner, then employees are surely the liver and lungs. Let's see if you got what it takes. Hmmm, poised, confident, and a smile that says, 'Hello world! Would you like a treat?' You've got the makings of a good employee, Ms. Pie. But for every good employee, there is one who is not so good. Let's see, inattentive, impatient, very rude attitude. Look carefully at the 'I Really Wish I Weren't Here Right Now!' tag. There's a name for employees like this, but for now, we'll call him Gallus.

"I'm getting paid overtime for this, right Ms. Cake?" Gallus asked.

"Maybe, if you can get a better attitude."


"Wait, does this mean I can deliver quality hospitality now?" Pinkie asked.

No, you can't deliver quality hospitality without first understanding the phrase: 'POOT'.


Once you understand POOT, you'll know your place in Sugarcube Corner. But what does POOT mean?

"No idea."

It's actually a carefully organized code. Watch closely. 'Ponies Obtain Our Treats'.

"Oh, POOT!"

Looks like Ms. Pie understands POOT. Here's a customer in the form of a cockapoo pup. I wonder what she wants. Well, if we just remember POOT, we can figure it out.

"Hey Gallus. I was hoping I could have a-" Skye began.

Do you think she's gonna order-
A. A Pizza
B. A Massage
C. A Sample Cup

"-sample cup please." Skye finished.

Oh, POOT! You never let us down! Now that you understand POOT, I bet you think you're ready to deliver quality hospitality.

"HOSPITALITY!" (Pinkie runs toward the treats, only to be mashed by a mallet)

Haha, Not so fast, Rebecca Black. We haven't even talked about:

Personal Hygiene

Every employee at Sugarcube Corner must comply with a strict set of personal hygiene guidelines. Okay, Ms. Pie, are you ready to prepare for your shift? Good employee's always washes themselves thoroughly. Be sure to get under, behind and in front of those hooves. Okay, let's see them. (Pinkie shows her hooves) Now that's thorough! After making sure your hooves are polished, and your mane is neat and tidy, you are ready to start the day. Now let's see how Gallus prepares for his shift.

One of the bathroom stall doors opens to show Gallus sitting on the toilet with his dance magazine on his lap. He then notices that people are looking at him. He laughs nervously and shuts the stall door shut.

Remember, no employee wants to be a Gallus! Now that you're clean and hygienic, I bet you think you're ready to deliver that quality hospitality.

"Yes! I'm ready!" [splits into two Pinkie's] "I'm ready!" [splits into more Pinkie's] "I'm ready!" [splits herself into more Pinkie's until hammers splat all of them on the floor]

Whoa there. We still have a few more topics to cover first.

Your Work Station

It's very important to keep your area neat and free of crumbs. But a clean workstation is only a fraction of the job. To make the vision in your head a reality, you'll need supplies, and good employees always keep their supplies well-organized.

(Pinkie checks the supplies and pulls out a chocolate chip.)

Very nice Ms. Pie, not a chocolate out of place. Now, let's see how Gallus keeps HIS work station.

(Gallus is asleep at the register)

Don't worry, Gallus, Ms. Pie can cover for you. Now that your workstation is up and running, perhaps you think you're ready to deliver our quality hospitality.

*Bark! Bark!* Pinkie starts acting like a dog

Heh heh, Calm down. There's plenty of time left. We have to make sure you're ready for the psychological aspect of the job:

Interfacing With Your Boss

"Ms. Cake, can I have a raise?" Pinkie asked.

"Well, you have been working harder lately. Ok, just wait until I finish this paper work."

Good work Ms. Pie.

"Can I deliver quality hospitality no-"

Now we go from behind the scenes to the front lines, where we'll examine the most important aspect of the industry, the customer.

"Who said that?" Snails asked in fright. "Are you a ghost?"

Like precious precious blood in an animal, customers are what keeps Sugarcube Corner Strong and alive.

"G-Gallus! Your ceiling is talking to me!" Snails said.

"Are you gonna get a treat or goof off?" Gallus asked.

"Uhh... I'll have an uhh... uhh... uhh... ah... [falls asleep and snores until Gallus snaps at him causing him to wake up] Huh? What's that?"

"Snails, go somewhere else to be a dork!"

Ah-ah-ah, Gallus. Remember what Ms. Cake says:

"The customer's always right." A quotation appeared.

"The ceiling is right, Gallus. You're a lousy worker."

"Fine! Can I please take your order?"

"I'll have uhh... uhhhh..." Snails droned again

Um... We'll check in on these guys later. Right now, it's important we discuss an-


Like the gold of Asgard, many consider our quality hospitality to be a treasure. And as with every treasure, there's a thief ready to steal it. So it's up to you to be the watchful eyes of... oh no! A group of squirrels are stealing the Nutty Butter Bars! What're you going to do Ms. Pie?

"Hey! Get back here!" Pinkie says as she chases the rodents. Eventually, she manages to corner them. "Don't take things that don't belong to you."

And so another incident is avoided, thanks to Ms. Pie. Oh dear, looks like Gallus needs some help. Psst, Gallus.


Just remember POOT

"Snails. If I could make a suggestion, why don't you just get a chocolate chip cookie?" Gallus asked.

"Great idea Gallus! One chocolate chip cookie please!"

(sighs) "Would you like a drink with that?" (Gallus quickly closed his mouth, but Snails starts droning again. Gallus bangs his head on the counter)

Um, ok. Just hang in there Gallus, it's all in a days work. Now that you've learned the basics of your training, it's time for the moment you've been waiting for! Da-da-da-da-da-da-daa, Da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-daa, Da-da-da-da-da-da-daa Da-da-da-la-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-daa, Da-da-da-da-da-da-da-daa, tssshh Da-da-da-da-da-da-da-daa-da-da-da-da-daa, Ti-ta-ti-ti-ta-ti-ti-ta-ta-ta-la-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-da-la-ba-ba-ba-ba-da-la-ba-ba-baa, Ti-ta-ti-li-ta-ti-li-ti-taa, Ti-ta-ti-li [gasps, then resumes] Ti-ta-ti-li-ta-ti-li-ta-ti-li-ta-ti-li-ta-ti-li-ti-ta-ti-ti-ta-ti-ti-taaaaa! Preparing Quality Hospitality!

At the center of every great dynasty is the crown jewel, which keeps it alive and thriving! For Sugarcube Corner, this is Quality Hospitality. And now you, the humble employee of the industry, the all too necessary pony resource that keeps this business afloat will earn the sacred and dark secrets of how to prepare with your very own hooves; the sumptuous, the lip moistening, spine tingling, heart stopping pleasure center that is Quality Hospitality! Are you ready?

"Yes I am!" Pinkie said.

Are you sure?


Okay! The secret formula is-