//------------------------------// // Act’s 2, Oh Yeah?! // Story: Sunset Shimmer Discovers Her Feet // by TheOneAJ //------------------------------// Sunset Shimmer stared hesitantly as she read over the terms of the contract, her tail flicking back and forth nervously trying to read the terms over. However, before she could get to the finer print, a fishbone quill appeared in front of her. Looking around nervously, she realized this was the moment of truth. Should she sign, or swim away? Was this really worth it? Was it worth giving away her life as a mermaid for some silly dream? Sure, Celesita could have been irritating, but not all of their time together had been bad. And if she signed the contract, she would never see her again. There would be no more lessons, no more late night readings, no more sea horse riding... No more Celestia telling Sunset to get her head out of the clouds. No more Celesita forcing Sunset and her other pupils to put on stupid musical recitals that did little more than boost the sea queen’s already massive ego. No more telling her what was, and wasn’t good for her, and what to and what not to do. There certainly wouldn’t be a repeat of their confrontation in her grotto with what this contract had to offer her! As if reading her mind, Adagio taunted the little mermaid on. Saying what a sad, little, unfortunate soul, Sunset was. Which to Sunset Shimmer, came across as being asked; “You afraid, little princess? Rather go running home to your mommy?” ‘Oh yeah?’ Sunset spoke to Adagio with a glare. Much to the sea witche’s delight, having tapped into the mermaid’s ego and pride. ‘I’ll show you. I’ll show you all!” Sunset grabbed for the pen, acting like she was reading it over, when in truth, her mind was already made up. Maybe it was her pride and ego talking, but honestly, she felt like she had nothing to lose. Nothing to gain by staying in this world where she didn’t belong. All it would take, was the first step into a new one. That said, she was only able to sign her soul away by not looking at the contract as she did so. 🖊🖋📝 ✒️✒️ “You don’t think I sounded corny?” Sunset asked Twilight, tucking in her hair after their first reading session. All in all, the rest of their little rehearsal went rather well. The dazzlings were still behaving, Pinkie Pie only caused one explosion, Flash helped Derpy get her head out of a fire bucket, Sunset made a few more criticism with the story (but still loved it) and Rainbow Dash slapped Aria with a fish. “Of course not!” Twilight assured with a smile. “You were amazing. That said; the ‘illogicalness’ going to be an issue.” Sunset rolled her eyes in bemusement. “Hey, it’s a fairytale. It doesn’t always have to be ‘logical.’ Such a story is allowed to be a bit out there at times as long as it has a happy ending.” Sunset bit her lip as she thought about how the story had ended. Being from another world, this was the first time she had heard of the little mermaid’s story. Supposedly the original and movie version had different outcomes that she was keen to see. However, the version she had just read ended up hitting closer to home than she would have liked to admit. Which was something even Twilight could pick up on from Sunset’s change of demeanor. “Hey, don’t let Aria or anyone tell you differently.” Twilight said, believing that was the topic on Sunset’s mind right then. She slowly reached out her out her hand to Sunset’s shoulder. “You’re an amazing person, the past dammed, and one of the greatest friends I could have asked for. Despite being thick-headed at times.” Sunset smirked, figuring it was better than correcting her. Besides, it was nice to hear that coming from the little bookworm. “Thanks, Twi.” Sunset said, patting Twilight’s hand. “And I know you’ll make a great director.” Twilight looked nervously down at her shoes. “I guess.” “Hey, don’t give me that, Sparky!” Sunset assured as she placed a hand on Twi’s chin, forcing the girl to look up. “Remember, it’s just a school play. Not saying we shouldn’t try our best! Just saying so as a reminder not to get overly stressed if things aren’t perfect. Alright?” “Ye… Yeah.” Twilight stammered. A blush forming on her face. “Guess I’m one to talk about you being thick-headed at times.” They both laughed to that, before Twilight said hurriedly, “Well, I got to go. Night, Sunset!” With that, she walked off in the opposite direction Sunset was going. “A dork, but, my cute little dork,” Sunset mused with a yawn. She was eager to get home, but she first needing to stop by her locker to get her math textbook. Upon unlocking and opening her locker, a bright glow emanated from one of books. Pushing her other novels aside, she picked up the all too familiar journal that connected this world to Equestria. Not thinking twice about it, she flipped open the journal to see what Twilight, her human friend’s pony princess counterpart, had to say. ‘Hey, Sunset! I got a letter from Celestia today. Nothing bad, but after your last visit, she notified your parents about your whereabouts. They took awhile to respond, but are now asking if— Sunset didn’t bother with the rest. Opting instead to slam the book shut, throwing it back in and closing the locker loudly. For a moment, she was tempted to see what else her par— What Twilight had to say. And maybe even... Sunset shook her head and forced a smile. It, or her parents, weren't going anywhere. She had far more important things to do. Like... She had to memorize her lines. Yes. She simply couldn’t let the human Twilight Sparkle down. No, she simply had to devote all of her attention to the play right now! With a nod, Sunset walked away from her locker, pulling out her script as she did so. Time was a wasting, after all! 📓 📓 📓 📓 📔