The Story of a Yonderhill Pony: The Battle of Yonderhill

by gmoyes


Allow me to introduce the written diaries of Ms. Easy Green, a survivor of the Yonderhill occupation. It is rare to find such a vivid first hoof account of the occupation, especially one whose author survived and was an important pony who helped the lives of her fellow ponies at the risk of her own life. It has been an honor to work with Ms. Green in the editing and formatting of her words. With her permission, I have also added some addendums to help explain the occupation of Yonderhill within the context of the Great War and to clarify some misconceptions about the war that Ms. Green had due to not having a military background and being subject to Changeling propaganda. 

This is the first of several written works by Ms. Green. This first bit of writing is a bit rough due to her inexperience as a writer, as well as the fact that it is mostly written on the back of a few medical sheets. But because it covers the battle of Yonderhill and the initial reaction to the occupation, it is perhaps the most important journal to share. 

This journal, and the ones that follow, tell stories of fear and brutality, paranoia and secrets, but most of all, the struggle to keep the spark of hope and friendship alive through the darkest of times. We need to remember to carry that spark forward with us. The Great War may be history, but many have yet to heal from the ravages it caused. There are Ponies who want to continue the fight against the Changelings even after their surrender. Others are looking to use the tools we developed as a last resort, the megaspells, to force the rest of the world to bow to Equestria. The future might bring a war of the scale that will bring the Great War to shame. I hope that by sharing the cost of war, I can play a part in preventing that. For peace and Harmony’s sake.

Royal Military Historian 