//------------------------------// // The First Wonka Bar Part 3 (Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory) // Story: Cinematic Adventures: The Deleted scenes // by Tim Ribbert //------------------------------// Wonka and Wallace had been hard at work perfecting the most super-duper delicious treat the world has ever seen. A few hours passed yet they were still far from completing this new brand of candy. But nevertheless, they were determined to finish once and for all. During which process, proper measurement of sugar was their major focus. “How much sugar are we looking at here?” Wallace asked. “We will need enough to make these batches of chocolate,” Wonka replied. “Just need enough so the taste is just right.” He proceeded to pour the sugar into an unusual contraption, which made a loud clunky noise as it buffered and steamed out smoke. And it kept going from here on out. “Milk!” Wonka requested. Wallace handed Wonka the canister of milk, and the latter poured it directly into the machine. “If I may ask, where did you get this machine?” Wonka asked. “Just an old invention my great grandpa of mine owned,” Wallace replied. “He was quite the inventor, known him since I was very young. Used to hang out with him all the time till…” A sigh of sadness escaped his lips before he turned toward Wonka. “Till he died… last year.” Wonka gazed upon Wallace with sympathy, understanding how it felt to lose a loved one. “Sorry to hear that,” He spoke. “It’s alright mate, I’ve had this talk with my Dad…” Just then, the machine began to steam out black smoke. The machine began to shake, creating a loud clanking noise. And all at once… the machine completely stopped. “Okay… that’s not a good sign,” Wonka observed, worriedly. “Is there something wrong with it?” “It’s a really old machine, Wonka,” Wallace replied. “It a bit rusty, and we can’t expect it to work right. Its cogs are like flatten tires.” “We should determine what’s going on with it.” Wonka and Wallace approached the machine and Wonka gave a tiny tap along the top. Just then, it began to shake violently almost as if it was about to explode. “Quick Wonka!” Wallace called out. “Before the machine…” *BOOM!* It was too late. The machine began to release dirty, black smoke. The systems began steaming up from the funnel along the top. As the smoke cleared, both Wonka and Wallace were covered in soot. “You weren’t kidding when you said it was rather old,” Wonka sighed. “Yeah… it has problems,” Wallace replied, brushing away the smoke. “Probably engine trouble. Would you mind giving me a hand?” Wonka looked at Wallace nervously. “Are you sure about this? Because I don’t intend to be blown up again… or anything nasty for that matter.” “Nothing will happen,” Wallace reassured, smiling. “I’m an experienced mechanic, with years of engineering work in my belt. Nothing to worry about.” Though a slight hesitant, Wonka released a deep breath and smiled. “Sure,” He replied. They both approached the machine once more. Wallace picked up a toolbox from the lab table and opened a hatch at the side of the machine. He then took out a wrench from his toolbox. “Hey Wonka, mind giving me a few bolt?” He asked. “Sure thing,” Wonka nodded, handing the bolts. “Thanks.” Wallace started by unscrewing the rusty bolts slowly, eventually replacing them with new, clean, shiny bolts. He made sure the bolts were locked in very tightly, to ensure they were in place. He smiled upon his handywork as he turned toward Wonka. “Can I ask you something?” Wallace asked. “Sure, what?” Wonka replied. “When you show dad our products and get his approval, what’s next for you?” “A bit personal, don’t you think?” Wonka asked, surprised. “Its just we’ve been quite close for some time now. I was wondering what you’ll do in the future. I mean there’s loads of stuff I want to do, but what about you?” As a matter of fact, Wonka didn’t know what to say. He knew the future is an unknown void and try as one may can to look deeply no one would ever get a good look. Wonka scratched the back of his head, as he looked toward Wallace. “I… I… I want to be a father,” He finally spoke. “You… a dad?” Wallace asked curiously. “Well, did not see that one coming.” “I know its not for everyone, but… it’s something I hope to experience for myself. My father and I were quite close, we used to do everything together. Playing darts, going fishing, and learning how to care for our teeth.” The last part made Wonka chuckle, especially over the happy memories with his dad. In that moment it felt like going back in time in some blue police box. But then… his happiness turns to sadness in a matter of seconds. Wallace placed his hand upon his shoulder, which Wonka took notice. “It’s not easy losing someone you love, is it?” Wallace asked sympathetically. Wonka didn’t utter a word, merely shook his head gently. “Ever since he died, I always felt a part of me was missing,” Wonka spoke quietly. “Its like missing a jigsaw piece and you can’t really finish the puzzle. I’ve been yearning for that last piece to make myself whole again.” “You can never truly replace a loved one, Wonka,” Wallace pointed out gently. “They can, however, be cherished within our memories. They are always there for you.” “I know… but that just makes me miss him more. Don’t know what to do without his guidance.” “Hmm… my father felt the same when grandpa passed away. He wasn’t sure what to do without him since grandpa’s the one who started up the company. But then, in a matter of years, he realized grandfather wouldn’t want him to go on aimlessly as father had. So he used grandfather’s machines for his business from that moment on.” Wonka smiled, as Wallace story made him feel slightly better. True, he’d always miss his dad, yet he also knew he was still alive in some form. And if he were here, he wouldn’t want Wonka to be sad not when he in turn has a future still ahead of him. “Thanks Wallace,” He said happily. “I needed to hear that.” “You’re welcome,” Wallace replaced. “Now, how’s about fixing up this machine?” Wonka nodded as they continued to work. It was a rather messy job, like wadding through a river of paint and oil. That’s a… weird description. Where’d you get that from?” Let’s say I’ve had weird experiences growing up. Anyhow, the machine continued clunking and making bonking sounds. Clearly, it still wasn’t working the way it was intended to. The two released a sigh of frustration over the fact that the machine wasn’t cooperating with them. It was as if it did not wish to be fixed. “So… what’s next?” Wonka asked, examining the wires. “Tangled wires? Broken pipes? Oil spill?” Upon a closer inspection, Wallace stumbles upon the source of the machine’s problems. “Ahh… I see it!” He exclaimed slightly. “One of the fuses gone out. Should be some spares on the lab table.” “Alright, just make sure the rest of the machine functions properly,” Wonka instructed. Wonka approached the lab table and searched around before finding a large glass cylinder with two metal caps inside. Wonka picked up some thin wire inside and placed it into his pocket as he approached Wallace. “Here you go!” He offered the fuse. “Thanks mate!” Wallace replied. He slowly inserted the fuse as gently as possible, knowing there was always the chance everything could go wrong. Just then, they heard a clicking noise indicating the fusing process was successful. The fuse began to light up like a lightbulb, as the engine roared to life and the machine was up and running again. The boys’ faces lit up with happiness. “WELL DONE, TEAM WALLAKA!” Wallace shouted. He delivered a high-five to Wonka, who raised his left eyebrow. “Team Wallaka?” He asked in confusion. “You know, Wonka and Wallace together as a team,” Wallace explained. “The dynamic duo, the chuckle brothers, super friends!” Wonka just stared at Wallace with a ‘Seriously’ expression. “Yeah… I really need to think of a better team name,” Wallace smiled sheepishly. “Yeah you do,” Wonka nodded. Just then, a blue light lit up along the top of the machine meaning now they needed to add another ingredient. “I’ll grab the cocoa beans!” Wonka called out. He rushed toward a very large sack full of cocoa beans. The sack itself looked very old, like it was used many times. He grabbed the sack from the bottom and lifted it up. It was quite heavy, and the man practically winced a bit trying to keep it up. That is until Wallace gave him a helping hand and together they lifted the sack over their shoulders. They walked slowly toward the machine and opened the sack. “Okay… now we just need to dump the beans into the machine,” Wonka instructed. “Just be very careful.” Wallace nodded as they poured the sack very slowly, as millions of little cocoa beans fell into the funnel of the machine. It almost looked like the cocoa beans were going to another world beyond their wildest dreams. After a while, the lightbulb began blinking as the machine began to hum softly until finally… *DING!* “Sounds like the mixture’s done,” Wonka said grinning. “Sounds about right,” Wallace agreed. He took a large spoon and opened a small lid from the side. He scooped some warm liquid chocolate and blew upon the mixture to cool it down. Wallace then tipped the spoon into his mouth to taste it and surprisingly… it was quite good. “Wow!!!” He exclaimed. “This is actually great! Where did you learn to make good chocolate?” “Well, when you have ‘pure imagination’ you can do anything you put your mind to,” Wonka smiled. He wrapped his arm around his new best friend, feeling a sense of pride over their achievements. “Now… onto the final phase.” Wonka rushed toward the shelf before coming back with a total of ten chocolate baking trays. “We put the mixture into these trays, then we place them in a large fridge. This way they should harden just enough so its texture will be edible. Got it?” “Got it!” Wallace saluted. Wonka gave him half the trays, as he reached for some spoons. He began to pour the chocolate into the trays, a task full of sweat and tears. And yet this was worth it, as Wonka’s dream was about to become a reality. Like how this chapter took so long to write… I HAD WRITER’S BLOCK!!! <> Tip Top Industries Office It was early in the morning as Wonka, his mum, and Wallace gathered at the Tip Top Incorporated office building. Wonka brought his mother along in hopes of impressing her, as he straightened his red coat. His mother bought him that coat, as it made him look smart, and even gave him an orange top hat, a flower themed shirt with a golden bow tie, dirty white pants, and some nice shoes. “Mum, you sure about this outfit?” He asked nervously. “I’m not sure this outfit will work.” “Nonsense Willy,” His mum smiled, ruffling his hair. “You look very professional for your presentation. Besides, orange and purple suits you. I thought of gelling your hair, but I figured that was too much.” She then handed her son a long walking cane she carried in one hand. “A walking cane?” Wonka questioned. “It was your father’s cane,” His mum explained quietly. “Used to take it with him every time he went to work. Said it gave him good luck and happiness. He always wanted me to give this to you on your 20th birthday.” She smiled sadly as she kissed her son upon his forehead. “But right now… I think he’d want you to have it.” His mum then gave him a big hug, to which Wonka hugs her back. “Thanks mum,” He spoke warmly. Just then, the office doors opened as Wallace’s dad stepped out and looked upon Wonka. “Mr. Wonka, I’m ready for you.” The serious tone made Wonka slightly nervous, but he regained his composure following a couple deep breaths. “Okay sir,” Wonka said, before facing the others. “Wish me luck.” With that said, Wonka entered Wallace’s father’s office. The two lads take their seats, as they both turned toward each other. Like a pair of unmoving statues, they maintain constant eye contact and remain very quiet. Wallace’s father lifts a glass cup and pours some champagne into it. He casually took a sip as he glanced toward Wonka. “Do you care to show me what you’ve made, Mr. Wonka?” He spoke. “I expect high quality from you young man. I do not wish to be disappointed.” “Of course not, sir,” Wonka said. Wonka brought up a basket he carried. He placed it upon the desk and began to search for what he needed. It was in that moment, when he found what he searched for, he pulled it out and revealed: A rectangle-shaped chocolate bar, covered in foil and a wrapper on it. The wrapper had a pink edge over a brown rectangle and the words ‘Wonka Bar’ in bold curly letters. “This is your chocolate?” Wallace’s dad asked. “Yes it is,” Wonka replied. “I call this the Wonka Bar. Wallace and I had been thinking really hard on how this product will turn out. It’s been a rough ride, but I think we got this just right.” “Is that so?” “I-I mean we definitely got it right. Just hope you like it sir.” He placed the chocolate onto the desk for a closer inspection. Wallace’s dad looked at the bar with a keen eye. Wonka began to sweat a bit, as he took a few deep breathes. The man then took the chocolate bar from the desk and began to unravel the wrapping. Inside, there was a light brown chocolate bar, in small squares and in chunks. It looked very delicious but looks only covered half of it. The man then snapped off one of the chocolate chunks and placed it into his mouth. Slowly, he chewed on the chocolate till he felt something new, something odd, something… amazing. Then, at the moment he swallowed the chocolate, he smiled. “Well, Mr. Wonka… I think you just hit the jackpot!” He declared pleasantly. Wonka’s face beamed with happiness, having not expected such praise. “Thank you sir!” He smiled. “I am glad you enjoyed the chocolate. Just wait and see all the other sweets Wallace and I…” “But…” Wonka froze, uncertain over how to take the man’s word. The man took another sip of his drink as he pondered. “Something wrong, sir?” Wonka asked. “It’s just… I’m a bit skeptical, that’s all,” He explained. “You see, I’ve met many genius minds in my time. But they all had one problem.” “That being?” “They all just wanted the money, no passion for what they were making. Of course money is important in business, but it doesn’t matter if you don’t care for what you’re making. Frankly, it seems you’ve already failed to impress me. Here you are, coming to me with this presentation and all you got me to say is ‘You hit the jackpot’. Honestly, that isn’t good enough for me… so I am going to tell you once and only once… YOU HAVE FAILED!!!” Wonka stood, in complete shock, truly thinking he had impressed one of the most powerful men in business. Only to realize the man wasn’t even fazed by his delicious chocolate. But Wonka, not the type to give up so easily, straightened his bowtie and looked the man in the eye. “I think everything in the world needs to have love in it,” Wonka began softly. “As cliché as that sounds, when you have something you love taken away from you its… sad. You don’t know how much it means to you until its gone. All I want is for everyone to know that everything Wallace and I make must have love in it. Whether it’s a pair of socks or an ice cream sundae, it is only good if made with love and passion.” The room grew silent almost as if someone just died. Until eventually… a single clap took Wonka by surprise. He turned his head around for the source of the sound, as another clap was heard… and another… and another. By the time he turned his head again, he saw the man clapping his hands with pure delight, as he stood from his seat, approached Wonka, and shook his hand. “Congratulations, my boy!” He spoke cheerfully. “Wait what?!” Wonka spoke confused. “But I thought you weren’t—” “Impressed?” The man chuckled. “I merely wanted to test you my boy. I had to see whether your heart was in the right place or not… and it most certainly is.” Wonka stood up from his seat, happy and amazed over how his luck suddenly changed. Here he stood, before the owner of a major company. Wonka grew a massive smile on his face as his mum came into the office. “So what did he say?” She asked eagerly. Wonka placed his hand upon his mother’s shoulder. “He said yes, mum!” Wonka replied. “He said yes!” Twenty seconds of silence passed, until she squealed with excitement. The two hug each other, though the mother hugged rather tightly. Why do you say that? Experience… “Mum… Gah! Can’t… breathe!” Wonka sputtered. The poor young man struggled to retrieve some air into his lungs. His mum only just realized what she’s doing, and she instantly let go. “Sorry honey,” She blushed slightly. “Your father would’ve been so proud of you… as am I.” The two hug again, as Wallace and his father look on in satisfaction. “Wallace, that young man over there has a bright future,” He declared. “I couldn’t agree more father,” Wallace replied. He wrapped his arm around his father, as they watch a mother and her son enjoy this spontaneous moment. <> Six Years Later… In the tiny streets of England, a sweets shop stood. But it was no ordinary shop, for this belonged to Willy Wonka himself. Inside were loads of people excitedly buying the delicious candy inside. All the employees wore small hats, uniforms with pink shirts and aprons, and dark-black shoes. They were serving out the sweets to all the paying customers as the crowds kept pouring in. Meanwhile, Willy Wonka was doing an interview with a rather lanky man. He had short hair, wore a pair of glasses, a jumper, and a pair of slacks. A pen and note pad were in his hands. “Mister Wonka, can I ask about your plans for the future?” He asked intellectually. “Thanks to your chocolate, the whole world has turned around. Surely it feels weird that before we used to make things so cheaply.” Wonka merely smiled as he rose from his seat. “The future is unknown, no one knows what it holds,” He replied. The man proceeded to escort the reporter out his office and through the candy store. “What I do know is this: If we believe in our goals and enjoy the simple things in life, we can accomplish everything! I’m just happy to give a helping hand and inspire everyone how to make things with love.” The reporter jotted down every word onto his notepad, his eyes never leaving Wonka. As he wrote, his feet were jittery due to walking around all the time. “Now this quite is a page turner,” He said enthusiastically. “So… word on the street is you’ve planned on bringing your chocolate to America. How did that happen?” “When people find your chocolate so delicious and wonderful, many companies want those goods brought to them,” Wonka explained merrily. “But America is only the beginning. China and Japan will soon have a chance to taste our wonderful chocolate. Then we expand our marketing to South America, Egypt, and even Antarctica. I’ve even promised the Prince from India to construct a palace made entirely out of chocolate!” The Reporter howled with laughter, as he placed his hand upon his forehead. Frankly, he found the entire scenario utterly hilarious. “Imagine the days just to eat an entire palace of chocolate!!” “Oh yes, quite right!” Wonka agreed, chuckling. Just then, the ringing of the phone caught Wonka’s attention. He turned toward the reporter. “Excuse me sir, would you mind waiting a bit?” He asked politely. “I have an important call to answer.” The reported smiled and shook Wonka’s hand. “No problem sir,” He said cheerfully. Wonka soon returned to his office and approached the phone on a small wooden table. Picking it up with one hand, he placed it near his ear. “Hello?” “Hello sweetheart,” An old female voice spoke. “How is work?” “Oh, it’s been great mum! Just been talking to a very nice reporter. He’s preparing a story about me for the papers and an Indian Prince asked me to personally construct a palace entirely made of chocolate.” “That’s wonderful honey…” There was a hint of sadness in her voice, which Wonka noticed immediately. He clutched the phone tightly, as his expression turned to worry. “Mum, is something wrong?” He asked softly. “I… just came back from the doctors… they have the results and…” She paused mid-speech for a moment, as if she didn’t know what else to say. “Why don’t we discuss this later honey? Right after you finish your work.” Wonka felt as if his heart could smash into a million pieces, as if his worst fears were coming true. “Okay, um… see you soon,” Wonka said. “… I love you…” He placed the phone down and for the first time in a while he didn’t know what to do. He had always been worried about his mother, more than anything he ever thought in his life. She always told him that she was fine when she wasn’t feeling well… but he began to feel there was more than what she said. He took a seat in his office chair, pondering over their conversation. “Come on mum…” He thought to himself. “We can beat this together… we promised…” “Excuse me, Mr. Wonka?” An elderly voice drew Wonka’s attention. Before his eyes stood a man somewhere between his forties and fifties, with a moustache and gray hair. He seemed very lanky compared to Wonka, who stood from his chair and offered a warm smile. “Joe Bucket, my wonderful employee,” He greeted cheerfully. “How can I help you today?” Anyone could see Wonka was trying to hide his sadness with a cheery tone. But only because he didn’t want to upset his top employee. “We need more Wonka Bars,” He said urgently. “And we are out of Chocolate Birds.” “Birds?” Wonka grinned. “Birds… well then, we must make some more!” He then picked up a tiny egg and placed it inside Joe’s mouth, as the old man closed his mouth. “Okay then… now open.” Joe Bucket does as he’s told, opening his mouth and revealing a small baby chocolate bird having just hatched. As if that wasn’t incredible enough, the bird tweeted. Wonka smiled upon such a wonderful sight. “Welcome to the world, little one…” Wonka smiled warmly. <> “And that’s how I became the most famous chocolatier in the world!” Willy Wonka finished. The ponies and all the others around him sat entranced, having enjoyed the tales of his trials and how all that hard work paid off. Like a house at the very end of a grueling renovation project. By now, Pinkie Pie couldn’t contain her excitement any further. “THAT WAS SO EXCITING!!!” She squealed excitedly. “SHH!!! Pinkie!!!” Twilight shushed harshly. But Wonka merely smiled, not in the least bit annoyed over Pinkie Pie’s sudden burst of excitement. “No, no. It’s quite alright Miss Sparkle,” Wonka replied cheerfully. “It always pleases me when everyone finds my stories entertaining. It is my job to make people happy after all.” “Would’ve been better if it was on T.V.,” Mike Teavee spoke, in a bored tone. Rainbow Dash was about to answer back but decided to keep it to herself. Applejack wrapped an arm around her knowing just how her friend felt. Charlie raised his hand drawing Wonka’s attention. “Yes young man,” Wonka spoke. “What is it?” “It’s about Wallace sir,” Charlie spoke politely. “You see him often?” “Oh yes I do. We share coffee together, talk about business, and joke around now and then. Basically what friends do…” Just then, the telephone rang again alerting Wonka that someone wished to speak to him immediately. “Please excuse me for a moment.” Wonka stood up and turned around the corner, checking to see no one watching him. He then took off his hat, pulled out a phone inside, and answered it. “Hello?” He spoke. “Hello Wonka,” A posh voice spoke. “It’s Wallace.” “Ah, Wallace! Tell me… something happened again?” ”Just letting you know the burst pipe is fixed and Augustus Gloop is very… ‘thin’ at the moment.” Willy Wonka gave a sigh of relief knowing the tour can continue. To be honest, he knew Augustus Gloop would be the first to fail his test considering how gluttonous the boy truly was. And in fact ‘greed’ got the better of him. Wonka looked at the guests for a moment then turned back to the phone. “Do they know your ‘real’ identity?” He asked quietly. “No they don’t good friend,” Wallace chuckled. “Rest assure that no one will ever figure out my name is not ‘Wallace Wilkinson’ for nothing…” “Very good old friend. I must ask you to be Slugworth for a while, just till the very end of the tour. I’ll be waiting for you in my office.” “Same to you. See you later.” With that settled, he hung up the phone and put it back into his hat. Wonka sighed a bit, as he reached into his pocket and grabbed an old photo of his family. He looked at the one piece of his history that almost no one tends to see of him. “Mum… Dad…” He spoke softly and sadly. “I wish you both can see this… actually, I’ve wished you were still with me for the longest time…” A single tear fell from his eye, as it run down his cheek and dropped to the ground like a single rain drop. “Mister Wonka?” Wonka noticed Charlie, Pinkie Pie, and Cheese Sandwich standing before him. “Is something wrong?” Pinkie Pie asked. Wonka immediately brushed the tear away, not wanting anyone to see how upset he was. “No, no. Nothing’s wrong,” He said cheerfully. “We can continue with the tour now. Come… let’s join the others.” He proceeded to walk back toward the group, as the trio stared at each other. “Gee… I never saw him like this before,” Cheese spoke, scratching his head. “Neither have I,” Charlie spoke. The boy looked toward Wonka, wondering to himself as to why he seemed sad for a moment. Eventually, the trio made way to join the others and the tour could continue. <> “And that’s how it happened,” Pinkie Pie said. She just finished her tale for the twins, who clapped their hooves over such an amazing tale. Diamond Tiara began to smile knowing she met the most famous chocolate maker in the world. Well, the most famous in the human world. Who do you think is a famous chocolate maker in the pony world? Um… I don’t know… “It all makes sense now,” Twilight spoke, standing from her chair. “Wonka asked Wallace to be ‘Slugworth’ to inspect the winners and get a good idea what they were like. He’d then made that offer to tempt us in accepting if only to see if we did the right thing.” “Guess that makes sense to ask an old friend to be a spy,” Spike added. “It’s quite odd he never mentioned his first name to us,” Fluttershy spoke, puzzled. “Probably a private thing, sugar cube,” Applejack replied, sipping her smoothly. “Still, I’m happy he helped him become the man he is today!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed happily. She proceeded to give her friends a group hug, which took them by surprise. But nevertheless, it was a lovely kind of surprise all the same. “And I’m so happy to be here with you girls!” “We’re happy too for yourself and your family darling,” Rarity said. Rarity and the rest return a hug to Pinkie Pie. Diamond Tiara pokes Pinkie along one leg, gaining her attention as she turned towards the filly. “What is it Diamond Tiara?” Pinkie asked. Diamond Tiara held up a piece of paper with her hoof, showing a drawing of Diamond Tiara herself holding hands with the younger Willy Wonka. “When you publish the story, can you add the drawing I did?” She asked sweetly. Pinkie Pie smiled, as she hugged the newest family member to her heart. “Of course,” She replied. “Anything for the newest member of the Pie family.” Just then, Cheese Sandwich’s face lit up as if an idea came to mind. “I think I found our title for this new story,” He said. “OOOH!!! TELL ME! TELL ME! TELL ME! TELL ME!” She screamed excitedly. “What is it?” “How about we call it…?” <> Inside the Candyman’s Sweet shop, Willy Wonka, Charlie Bucket, and Grandpa Joe were all enjoying some lemonade to pass the time. Wonka held a picture of his mother and father, gazing upon it for a moment. Charlie looked upon the old photograph curiously, as he took another sip of his lemonade. He then gently held Wonka’s free hand, drawing his attention. “Is that your mum and dad?” He asked kindly. Wonka merely nodded his head in response. “How I wish you could’ve met them,” He said sadly. “My father was the greatest dentist in the world. He’d help all kinds of folk with their teeth problems. Kings and queens, dogs and cats… and he always had a smile on his face. And my mother… she was the kindest person you could’ve ever met. If she ever saw me sad, she’d always cheer me up and would never leave my side. She was always happy… even when she went to the hospital.” Grandpa Joe put his drink down, placing a hand on Wonka’s shoulder. “You know in our family, we have a saying,” He spoke wisely. “Even if a family member isn’t around anymore, that doesn’t mean they are truly gone in our hearts.” “Grandpa’s right,” Charlie nodded. “He taught me the same thing… after I lost my father.” Charlie was sad at the mention of his father, until he felt arms wrap around him in an embrace. He looked up as Wonka gave him a hug, which Charlie returned. “I’m just glad I can be part of your family Charlie,” Wonka spoke warmly. And so there was reason for them to be happy. For Wonka now found a new family in his life, one of which he can care about. And for Charlie, it felt like an honor to be the son Wonka never had in his life. “I’m glad too Mr. Wonka,” Charlie smiled. Eventually the two broke off from their hug, as Wonka checked his watch. Seeing the time, he picked up his cane and got off his seat. “Right, we should head back to the glass elevator. Mustn’t be late for the Space Hotel U.S.A.” Grandpa Joe and Charlie’s eyes went wide with amazement. “There’s a Space Hotel?” Grandpa Joe asked in bewilderment. “Oh yes, sure is!” Wonka replied. “A 5-star hotel on the moon, full of amazing dishes, great activities, and a wonderful view of the Earth.” “What are we waiting for?” Charlie asked excitedly, putting on his cap. “Let’s go to the stars!” Grandpa Joe declared. The trio laughed with joy as they leave the candy store together… Just as they left, another customer came into the candy store. A teenage boy wearing black pants, gray shoes, and a blue waterproof coat. His hood covered his entire head, so as no one can see his face. He takes a seat on a chair by the counter, as the candy man came near him while wiping a glass cup with a napkin. “What can I do for you sir?” He asked. The teenager merely put the money on the counter, as he eyed the candy man. “1 large cola… and a Wonka Bar… please…” He spoke quietly. The candy man counted the money, making sure it was enough. Seeing that he did, he smiled toward the teenagers. “Right away.” He took a large glass cup and dropped a few ice cubes inside. Then he proceeded to fill the cup with the cola, while reaching for a Wonka Bar. He then placed the items on the counter near the teenager. “Enjoy my boy!” He said cheerfully. “Thank you…” The boy spoke. As the candy man resumed cleaning his glasses, the teenager took one sip of his cola. As he slowly opened his Wonka Bar, anyone can see he was not like any teenager in town. Most of them were loud, they’d talk about school, perhaps about boyfriends or girlfriends, parties, anything… but not him. He sat quietly, preferring a silent place like the park rather than some place noisy. He took one single bite of the Wonka, chewing it very slowly. “Who am I?” He thought to himself. As he lifted his hidden face, a glowing pair of demonic Blue eyes loom from beneath the hood.