//------------------------------// // chapter 2 // Story: My little angel // by Hydreigon_Omega //------------------------------// Late the next day Celestia sat on her throne in the late hours of the day, she asked for day court to be closed early today to catch up on some paperwork. She looked out the window and saw that it was time for the sun to be setting, sighing, she put her quill back in its inkwell. Lowering the sun was a rather repetitive task, but it wasn’t what had been plaguing her mind. She had asked Mael to find a way to occupy himself in the royal gardens while she got some work done.  The small boy Mael was the one clouding her thoughts, she couldn’t help but worry over somepony so young being removed from his own home. Celestia knew about the possibility of foalnappers visiting the castle, and because of this, she had given the task of watching over him to a young guard. The guard’s name was Big shield, a unicorn with a pristine white coat and solid dark blue mane, along with an unpainted iron shield covered in battle scars. While his strength was incredible as he was somepony who made it into the guard on his 18th birthday, but he was also quite gentle with others and really fond of kids making him the perfect candidate for the job. With it being night time, most of the ponies there should be heading back home now. The garden had a tranquil atmosphere, it was one of beauty and serenity. The quiet evening breeze blew past the rustling leaves, it was a very familiar sound that Celestia had become acquainted with over the hundreds of years here. She took a brief look at the moon with a heavy thought in mind, ‘Am I ready for this whole new responsibility? Ruling a country is one thing but this is completely different.’ Celestia turned her head back towards the garden as she continued to do what she came for.  In the not-so-far-off distance, she saw Big Shield giggling and attempting to make flower crowns for Mael. They didn’t seem to notice her but that was alright with her, she enjoyed seeing Mael smile. As the princess approached, she did not watch where she was going as she stepped on a fallen branch making a snapping sound which alerted them of her presence. Seeing who made the sounds, Shield felt his stomach drop as he hastily scrambled for his helmet, missed, and saluted causing him to smack himself right above the eye as he winced in pain. “Momma ‘tia!” a familiar voice, it was her beloved son, or rather soon to be son, ran up to her and hugged her.  “It is good to see you again little one.” Celestia said in a motherly tone, “I’m sorry I could spend more time with you this morning,” “Its okay momma,” Mael said, “We always have tomorrow,” “A day that never comes.” “Huh?” “You’ll understand it when you’re older.” She turned to Big shield, “Rookie big shield, I had only asked you to take care of Mael, I didn’t ask you to play with him.” Shield’s face became one of fear, “Only two weeks being a royal guard and you have already impressed me.” The fear on Big Shield's face was replaced with confusion. “P-pardon?” he asked, “Could you please explain?” “I had asked you to take care of Mael,” Celestia said, “You followed through with what I had asked you to, that is what is impressive.” “I still don’t follow what you're saying, your majesty.” Big shield said making sure to add on the ‘your majesty’ “How's a good way to explain this,” Celestia thought out loud as her face began to drift up to the moon, “...Politicians and nobles follow the letter of the law, but rarely the spirit. The same is true with almost all the royal guards. They follow what I say almost perfectly, but they do not understand what I mean by it.” She turned her head back down, “I once asked a guard to deliver a letter for me because we had a change of plans, I told him that the pony he need to look for should be around the mess hall, the guard looked around it but he never went in, the pony who I needed to see ended up being an hour late. I’ve made this known a few times already but even 5 and 6 year guards still make this mistake when I give the orders.” “I think I understand now, your majesty,” Big Shield said, “You asked for me to watch over him, but what you meant was you wanted me to foalsit him. The reason you didn’t say that is because you didn’t want to embarrass me in front of my peers.” He realized how benevolent Celestia had been. “Thank you so much Princess Celestia.” He couldn’t help but bow to her. “You’re welcome, you can also most certainly expect a bonus in your paycheck.” Celestia said, “You’ve also done a splendid job Big Shield, I’m also considering adding this as an extension to your guard duties, so be on the lookout for an offer.” Celestia headed back to her room, she looked down to Mael and saw that he was an interesting colt, on both physical and emotional levels. While most ponies would only look at his physical abnormality of having an extra set of wings, they’d all never really knew him. No pony would’ve ever thought that somepony so timid would end up being so chipper and warm to be around when he warms up to you. Mael was like a miniature sun, providing warmth and comfort wherever he went, unlike her own which caused others to sweat and fall over weak as they worked. Celestia unlocked the door to her room as Mael practically flew in front her and began racing across the room. At least Mael appeared to be healthy and active for his age, that thought put a smile on Celestia's face as she sat down at her desk. She had one more thing she needed to sign before she could call it a day, and the final enjoy her sister’s night with a peaceful sleep. She picked up her quill and dipped it in an inkwell, removing it she took a deep breath as she placed it on the paper. Then time stopped, her own warmth seemingly disappeared as she tried to move the pen only to find out that she couldn’t move. There was nothing restraining her but her own magic, so why? She had gotten this far, why stop now, this is just another law that needed to be approved. Right? Was she really hesitating over something as insignificant as a piece of paper? “Momma?” Mael asked, “Are you okay?” “Yes, my child,” She said as she found that it was now infinitely easier for her to sign the paper. “Everything is alright, now let us go to bed.” Celestia had managed to sign her name on the paper which caused her turmoil, a small puddle of ink left behind where she started to write. What she signed wasn’t just another law, because this could end up changing equestria forever. Now the young colt had now become a prince and possible heir to Celestia’s throne.  With her conscience clear of one more of its many turmoils, she decided it would be best to go ahead and sleep through the night. The reason why she had hesitated, even if it was for a few moments, was because she didn’t know if she was ready to take responsibility. Responsibility as Mael’s new mother, and responsibility for burdening his future with the possibility of ruling a nation. Her heart raced as she thought about the idea of truly being his mom. Hours later, Early the next morning. Celestia woke up with the small colt still sleeping in her forelegs, it was time for her to raise the sun. She nudged the tiny colt in her legs awake as Mael eyes fluttered open as he let out a mix of a tired groan and a small squeak. Celestia felt her son’s wing twitch against her chest. He still is a small child, but it wouldn’t be good to let her new son sleep in too late, especially since she promised a rather busy individual a visit with both her and her son. “Good morning Mael.” Celestia said, “It’s time for us to wake up.” “Nuuuu, I don’t wanna wake up.” Mael said as he squirmed in the bed. “Come now my son.” Celestia said, “I have something to show you.” The new mother walked over to the balcony of her room with her son groggily following behind her. She looked over the night sky one last time as she looked down to see her son resting his front hooves on the balcony rail, his eyes foggy from the tiredness which slowly began to clear. Once he had fully awakened, Mael’s eyes sparkled as he viewed the final moments of the night sky.  “Wow” Mael gasped in awe, “So beautiful.” His eyes continued to sparkle as he continued to look over the night sky, Celestia illuminated her horn as she began to raise the sun. The slowly turned from a deep purple into orange, the night and its stars fled as the morning began to take over. It was almost poetic, the sun outshone the moon making it leave, it was like a direct parallel between what had happened with both her and her sister. “Woah,” Mael said being the easily impressed filly he is, “This is amazing” “I am glad you think that.” Celestia said, “Let's get going my child, for today I have something planned for us.” “Is it fun?” Mael asked, “Please say it something fun.” “Maybe afterwards, but this is rather important for both of us.” Celestia said, as Mael stomach growled, “I think we should go get some snacks first, it is too early for breakfast.” They had left to go to the kitchen to see if there were any snacks they could eat. Mael and Celestia were in the halls at just the right time to see the night-schedule guards and day-schedule guards switch places guarding the halls.  As they continued to walk to the Royal kitchen, they encountered a certain yellow colored unicorn. He had a yellow coat of fur and his mane was a rusty gold, and was one of the few ponies who could properly pull off a beard, his cutie mark was a silver 12-sided star with 2 clock hands positioned on it. “Good morning Princess Celestia,” he said, “You have asked for some of my time have you not?” “Yes I have ask for a moment of expertise, Mr. Archmage” Celestia said, “But Mael is a bit hungry right now, so we were heading to the kitchen to find something to eat before we got to you.” “Mael? I heard that name before.” Archmage said, as he saw the small colt hiding behind Celestia's legs, He put on his best thinking face for a moment, “I’m sorry, I became lost in my own thoughts, but I may have an apple in my office,” The trio of ponies turned the corner Archmage came from, and went in the second door down the hall. Inside the room was a well kept room, a small mattress on the floor in the corner of the room. A large bookshelf lined an entire wall with and a long desk was pressed up against the wall which had a window on it.  A potted sapling rested on the window, he brought a hoof to one of its leaves and illuminated his horn, an apple began to grow off it and he plucked it off and gave it to Mael. He happily began eating the apple, as Archmage began to clean off the table what little there was off the table. Once Mael was done eating, Archmage surrounded him with his magic, making an “eep” escape his mouth. Mael was levitated onto the table before the magic grasp began to adjust the height of the table so that he was barely above eye level to Archmage. “M-momma, what's going on?” Mael asked “Just a normal check up, sweetie,” Celestia said, “You don’t need to worry about anything, just be calm and do what he says.” “O-okay.”  “Would you mind opening up your wings?” Mael did so giving him a full view of all four wings. “Four wings?... If I start to hurt you let me know.” “Okay,” Archmage surrounded one of Mael’s wings with his magic and gently began tugging until Mael squeaked out an “ow.” “You're doing good so far,” Archmage said in a congratulatory tone, “Next I need to open your mouth.” Mael did so and Mr. Archmage took a look inside of his mouth, unlike other ponies he had seen, Mael had a set of canine teeth, while it was mildly disturbing it didn’t bother him much. Noting the oddity, Archmage deduced that Mael was an omnivore, because he lacked the fangs or razor sharp teeth of a carnivore “Great job, you can go ahead and close it. We should have one last thing before you're ready to leave.” Archmage said, he illuminated his horn and opened a drawer on the desk and pulled out a little wooden block and placed it on a side of the desk away from Mael. “Using your magic, I want you to try and move this to you.” “I think I can do that.” Mael said as he turned to face the wooden block, he closed his eyes as he took a deep breath.  Magic began to channel through his horn, what was odd was that it was pure white, most ponies usually had some sort of tint to theirs. Mael opened his eyes quickly making his magic surround the wooden in his magic. The magic wasn’t formless like telekinesis but rather took the shape of a sphere. He began moving his front hooves, as if he was pulling a rope, and the sphere of his magic began rolling towards him like metal to a magnet. “This isn’t necessarily what I had in mind, but you did a great job.” Archmage said, “I just need to speak with your mom about something.” “Okay.” Mael said as Archmage turned around to speak with Celestia “You know I’m not really his mom.” “Yes but I know how much you love him as if he were your own.” Archmage said, “So first things first, He is very healthy and nothing is wrong, but he is also quite the anomaly, I could’ve brushed the four wings off as a harmless mutation, but now I see he is a completely different species of pony, even if he is one.” “Would you care to elaborate on your last remark?” Celestia asked  “I’ve already mentioned the wings. Next is his teeth, judging by its shape and the few number of canines he has, he is an omnivore, but I doubt leaving him on a pony diet would be harmful.” Archmage said, “Finally there is his magic, you saw its color, white. The only other pony to have white magic in equestrian history is Starswirl, but his coloration was caused by his immense age. And you may not have felt it but, I don’t think that he has harmony magic inside of him.” As they looked over at Mael, he held the orb in his hooves before it began to illuminate, only for it to fade and its contents to fall to the ground as ash. “Uh…” Mael said a little dazed at what happened, “Oops?” “Don’t worry about it, they are cheap and I have plenty more.” Archmage said, “See what I mean, I have a theory that he isn’t from equis but rather a different world. But I don’t have-” “Could you please just tell me what you're trying to get at?” Celestia asked “I ask for permission to extract some of his raw magic for testing purposes.” Archmage said before he looked at Celestia's eyes, “Nevermind, It was rude of me to ask that of you.” “If you honestly think there is a way for his magic might be beneficial to equestria.” Celestia said, “But please make sure you don’t hurt him, he’s very young.” “Thank you,” Archmage said, “One last thing, Mael then you're completely free to go.” “Yes?” Mael asked as Archmage used his magic to obtain two items, a syringe with a long needle, and white dog plushie black pieces of fur. “I am going to need to collect a sample of your magic, and I do that by sticking this needle in your head.” Archmage said, “So before I do that I’m going to give you this to make you feel better.” “Is it going to hurt?” “As long as you do your best not to move, you should only feel a little sting or some pressure on your head.” Archmage said as he gave Mael the plushie to hold, “I will be ready whenever you are.” After a few moments, Mael made up his mind. “I’m ready.” “I’m glad to hear that.” Archmage said, “I suggest you close your eyes.” Mael closed his eyes as he held the plushie close to him. He felt the needle pass through the sink at the base of his horn. And then it was over as quick as it started, it was surprisingly quick and painless. “All done you're free to go.” Archmage said, as Mael offered the plushie back to him, “No you keep it, you deserve it.” “Mommy! Mommy!” Mael said as he ran up to Celestia, “Look what I got!” “I see that.” Celestia smiled at Mael, “So, what are you going to name it?” Mael gave her his best thinking face. “E-es-st.” Mael said as he tried sounding out a name, “esta-ro--sa... Estarossa!” “Maybe we should go take Estarossa for a walk through the park?” Celestia asked, “Does that sound fun to you?” “Yay!”