//------------------------------// // Chapter 4 // Story: My little angel // by Hydreigon_Omega //------------------------------// Celestia had put Mael to bed alone, she said she would be back soon after he had fallen to sleep. She told him that she had some late night princess duties, but in reality there was a whole lot more to it than just listening to politics for these late night duties. Celestia had overheard rumors of her adopting a young colt, she couldn’t blame them for making those rumors because Mael kept calling her mom or momma. But after one of the castle staff leaked those rumors to the newspaper, it spread like a wildfire, and there were even a few nobles asking if the rumors were true. It was hard to believe Mael had almost spent an entire year in equestria, but it was only by coincidence that the rumors were leaked right before his 1 year anniversary to when Celestia found him. She feared how her ponies would view their new prince seeing as how he was a completely different than most ponies. As Celestia thought more about her son, memories of him flooded her mind, almost as if somepony broke a dam that held thousands of tons of water. In the massive tidal wave of memories, one particular memory came to her mind, it was a conversation with Mr. Archmage, the only pony who is on par both magically and mentally with Celestia herself even though he only looked like he was in his late 20s. A few months ago Archmage’s office was a little more unkempt than usual, while it still had the perfectionist feel to the room, it appeared as if he was in a rush this morning. He’d always arrive back to his office, right after lunch, so she waited there, and waited there, and waited there. Getting impatient she looked around the room seeing if there was anything Archmage used to pass the time. Her eyes landed upon an open book on his desk, it had iron plated corners and a small lock on the side. Even though Celestia knew not to read anypony’s journals, but she eventually was subdued by the temptation.  Taking a peek inside the journal she saw many equations, most of which she was familiar with. Celestia continued to read through it, as the pen strokes became cleaner and easier to read, the equations became more and more complex to the point where she no longer knew what she was reading. As she turned to the last few pages, they were completely covered with their own individual equation. The first page was titled ‘fairy,’ the second page was titled ‘Giant’, next was ‘Darkness’, the fourth was ‘Pony’, and the final page was titled ‘Light.’  Each equation had varying lengths, the equation titled ‘Pony’ was the shortest and only took up about half the page. The equation titled ‘Light’ was the longest seeing as how there were several times he scratched out parts of the equation. Her eyes glazed over it, seeing if there was anything she could use as a starting point. Once she saw text that was no longer part of an equation, her attention left the equation and focused completely on the short sentence. The text read: ‘I can’t believe you’d stoop this low Ludociel.’ Celestia didn’t even have time to think about what she just read before she heard the door creak open. Snapping back away from the book, back to where she waited there as if she hadn’t even noticed the book. Hoof steps walked through the door as Archmage walked through it and into Celestia’s line of sight, even though Archmage definitely noticed her reading his journal he paid no mind to it. “Sorry to keep you waiting princess.” Archmage said, “how can I help you today?” “Do you remember when you withdrew some of Mael’s magic?” Celestia asked. Archmage’s eyes widened in a combination of fascination and recollection, “Yes, I do,” he said, “His magic is most fascinating,” He walked over and pulled out another heavily protected book, and unlocked it’s locks before turning to a page. “You see, his magic is completely different than a normal pony’s, this only proves my theory of him being from another world.” “How different?” Celestia asked, keeping a focused tone, “How does this separate him from other ponies?” “He lacks natural impurities in his magic, so he’ll have trouble with simple telekinesis in his early life, but he’ll easily pull off more complex spells. Which this condition in itself is only about 1 in 200 ponies for his age, but if he were what you deem ‘normal’, the purity of his magic would’ve killed him before he left in his mother’s womb.” Archmage said, making Celestia turn even more white in fear, “Yet he is probably the most healthy pony I’ve seen for his age. This brings me to the second point about his magic, having an organized and condensed amount of his magic can be just as helpful to others as it is lethal. If he were to use his magic in a gentle manner, he’s capable of healing the most devastating of wounds, deep cuts, severed limbs, and even decapitation if he gets to them fast enough. But at the same time, his magic is capable of killing even the strongest of dragons.” “Are you telling me that I’ve adopted a super weapon?” Celestia asked, clearly frightened at the possible realization. “No, I never said that,” Archmage said, “And he’d probably never be one unless you specifically trained him to be one. What I am saying is that he is other worldly, so much so, that his body’s physical features probably changed greatly to better fit in.” “Four wings, he couldn’t walk when we first met, a male alicorn, his omnivore like teeth,” Celestia said as she recounted the facts to herself, “and now, unique magic, he surely is something special. I wish it wasn’t true, but I can no longer deny the facts in front of me.” “Pony or not, Mael is still your son.” Archmage said, “And as his mother, it is your job to take care of him no matter his form. Whether it’d be as a pony or whatever his original form may be.” “Thank you Archmage, you’re great for when I seek wisdom that's not my own.” Celestia said, “But there is a question I still have, how do you know his Ludociel?” Archmage was clearly startled by the question before his expression became somber and somewhat cold, “I’d rather not answer that.” He turned to leave the room but when Celestia tried to follow him, Archmage had already disappeared. Celestia walked down the hall making sure everything was perfect, but not over the top as to make sure it wouldn’t scare Mael. She made sure there were at least a few banners emblazoned with the cutie mark of the sun. Tomorrow would be the day she’d introduce the world to her son and heir to her throne. A day she looked forward to, but she also feared about scaring her son with all the attention he’d get about being the new prince over Equestria. Celestia knew that keeping her son a secret will not only cause a bad upbringing for Mael, but at the same time she had an irrational fear of her ponies hating Mael because he was different. Celestia opened a small portal to her personal pocket dimension, and pulled out a small present, it wasn’t for her, but rather her son. She had the gift made specifically for him for when she ever had publicly made him a prince. She placed it back into her pocket dimension, maybe some sleep would help rid these irrational fears of her. Walking down a seemingly endless hall, Celestia stopped at her room and entered only to see Mael sleeping peacefully with his plushie in his hooves. Mael was already in such a deep sleep that he didn’t notice Celestia enter the room. Being careful to not wake the sleeping child, Celestia snuck into bed beside him to get some rest as well. Mael stirred in his sleep, frightening Celestia that she accidentally woken him, but luckily for her Mael fell right back to sleep. Celestia finally managed to get in the bed beside him and was able to get some sleep. The Next Morning Celestia awoke, and with her also awoke Mael as they watched the sunrise slowly eat away at the night sky. With the sun’s grace falling upon the land, the day had officially started. Little did young Mael know that today would end up changing his life forever. Today was a day where the entirety of equestria would know his name. “My son, Do you know what day today is?” Celestia asked “Thursday?” Mael guessed “Yes, today is Thursday,” Celestia said as she dead panned, “But do you know what makes this Thursday so special?” “No?” Mael said clearly confused “Today mark exactly 1 year after you arrived in equestria,” Celestia said, “and as tradition, we shall have certain festivities. But there is something else that makes today special.” “Well, what is it?” Mael asked eagerly, “Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!” “Be patient Mael.” Celestia said, with a playful giggle, “You will see soon.” Mael pouted, being the small child he was, he hated when others kept secrets from him, but at least this one would be good for him. He followed Celestia through a seemingly unending hallway to the kitchen, all just to have some breakfast. After partaking in the heavenly tasting pancakes, they resumed their journey throughout the endless hallways. Only to stop when they neared the Canterlot castle balcony, he could hear murmurs of ponies talking in the distance. “Mael, I like you to accompany me while I make an announcement.” Celestia said “Okay.” Mael chirped happily When they stepped onto the balcony, Mael put his hooves on the balcony and saw a massive sea of ponies that seemed to go as far as the eye could see. He never thought the show would have ever shown up the princess’s announcements. Mael would try counting them, but he’d probably have all his feathers fall out before he even managed to count half of them. He could help but stare in awe at the immense number of ponies he saw. “Citizen of Equestria.” Celestia said in a voice that everypony could hear, yet it was quite shouting, “I thank you all for coming here today, you’ve all heard the rumors of me adopting a young colt to take as my own son. His name is Mael, while he may have a few different features than most ponies, he is still my son whom I greatly love, and From his day on, he shall no longer just be Mael, but rather prince Mael: the first prince of the sun and heir to my throne." Celestia turned her attention to her son Mael. “Oh my son, Mael, today I give you a gift.” Celestia said, she summoned a small box from her pocket dimension and opened it. Inside was a small crown with an amethyst jewel in its front. “Go ahead Mael. Put it on, it should be fitting that a prince should have his own crown.” Mael took the crown from Celestia, he looked at it with amazement and wonder before he finally decided to put it on. When Mael finally put the crown on his head, the crowd began to chant “ALL HAIL THE NEW PRINCE! ALL HAIL MAEL!” When Mael put on his new crown it fit him perfectly just as Celestia thought it would. She smiled as the crowd began to chant Mael’s name. Suddenly a bright light surrounded Mael, lifting him into the air. Normally, such an oddity would make Mael start kicking and screaming, there was a feeling that overwhelmed him which made it feel almost like a normal occurrence, almost like a young gekko moulting for the first time. Once the light had subsided, he landed softly back down on the balcony as he felt as if nothing had happened. Celestia had a mixed expression, one of joy and surprise, before she turned back to the large crowd, he hoped what Celestia would say next would inform him about what had just happened. “Oh joyous occasion.” Celestia said, “For today is also the day my son has also obtained his own cutie mark. Truly today is a day for all of equestria to celebrate.” Wait, cutie mark? Mael turned his head to look at his flank, and there he adorned a hyper-realistic image of the sun, which was surrounded by a yellow halo that had 5 wings sprouting out of it all pointed in a clockwise direction. Mael remembered when he asked Celestia about them and she told him that they can mean many different things, ranging from one’s special talent, to one’s destiny, or in some cases even one’s lineage. She even told him that there were a few ponies who had two cutie marks.  Seeing as how he had his own cutie mark now, the day was in fact a day to celebrate. Seeing all the ponies shout and rejoice his name as their new prince filled Mael with pride that he’d never felt before, maybe this was what his brother said was a better life than the one he could provide. Giving silent thanks to his elder brother, Mael and his mother went on their ways with joy in their hearts for the entirety of Equestria now knew their new ruler.