//------------------------------// // Aftermath // Story: A Banished Glimmer // by Starlight Fan //------------------------------// Twilight called a meeting at the castle, the only ones who showed up were Spike, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy. "Thank you for coming girls, we need to get to the bottom of this we all know Starlight's innocent." Twilight said to the three. "I was with Starlight the whole time and she didn't make any cloning spells or flare her horn. I would have known if she did." Spike told everyone. "Starlight's smiles were pretty much always genuine and sweet and I know when somepony fakes a smile." Pinkie Pie said in her own way. "Plus she was always nice to us so this seems so unlike her." Fluttershy admits curiously. "Hey Twilight how come Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity aren't here?" Pinkie Pie asked confused. Twilight sighed before answering "After that little stunt they pulled yesterday they shouldn't be at this meeting we need to collect some evidence that Starlight did not do it and get Celestia." "We could always set a petition around the school so some students who believe she's innocent can help." Spike said happily. "But what about Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Rarity?" Fluttershy asked meekly flying up to Twilight. "Those three will be a problem but we gotta try anyway." Twilight said. The four put their hooves and claw together and shouted "For Starlight." Meanwhile Starlight was in her new cabin sighing, she was beyond the Badlands at Klugetown, it was a scary place and she did not enjoy it one bit, every day she had to scour for food and water avoiding the perverted citizens along the way, her mind drifted to one thing her friends. Some friends Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity were, they turn their backs on me even if the evidence for me is flawless, what a bunch of- Starlight began before shaking her head. No Starlight thought she couldn't think like that The cloning thing does make some sense. But I never casted a spell Spike saw me the whole time and he knows I'm innocent so this is bullcrap. Starlight thought bitterly. She then walked through her new home bumping into a strange cat. "You don't look like you're from around here." the cat said intrigued. "I'm Starlight Glimmer what's it to ya?" Starlight said bitterly. "Ah the princess' old student huh, well Capper's my name charming's my game." Capper introduced. "How flattering I already dealt with enough perverts here why not another?" Starlight asked sarcastically. "Yeah sorry about them I ain't like any of them but seriously this town isn't the nicest place but ever since the Storm King's left it's been better for example we don't sell things for Storm bucks and slavery is illegal."Capper said in a matter of fact tone. "Good to know, well I'll be on my way now." Starlight said angrily going past Capper. "Well how about you stay at my place I've been watching you for a little bit and you don't seem to be quite happy in your living place." Capper offered. Starlight thought for a moment and figured this would be better than sleeping in the crappy cabin. "Fine but try anything dirty with me and you get blasted to Tartarus." Starlight said in a serious tone. "Sure thing." Capper said before leading Starlight to his house.