Harmony's Truth

by Twilight_Shimmer

Ponies are Idiot's, or Breaking a Goddess's world annoys her

Harmony's Truth

Somewhere beyond space, time, and reality a white alicorn with a crimson mane sat in a void staring at many computer screens that floated in front of her all the while she looked more than a little ticked off. “Those IDIOTS!” she bellowed re-reading over what her screens were telling her.

“Problem?” A voice asked from behind the mare causing her to turn her head and looked behind her at one of longest time friends.

“Those idiot ponies have literally broken the freaking world!” The mare growled out turning her head looking in a different direction of the void and to an unused gaming console and large TV. “So instead of enjoying a fun game, I have to figure how to fix the freaking world!”

“Your little ponies broke the world? How the heck did they manage that?” her friend asked leaning back where he was now floating in the air and snacking on a bag of cotton candy.

The alicorn sighed and summoned a very large cup of coffee before adding some milk and a lot of sugar to it and took a sip “Basically some farmers decided they needed more rain for their crops and so they asked some unicorn relatives of theirs to see if they can help em, which is surprising given that the three tribes currently loathe each other pretty much. Anyways the unicorns came up with a spell to force the clouds to produce rain, problem is as a side effect of the spell, it broke the REST of nature! Now if ponies what ANY seasonal weather changes and or things like rain, it has to be brought manually!”

“Ouch, yeah that sounds a bit too chaotic, even for me” her friend replied with a wince, but I know you my dear, and this level of anger clearly tells me it did not stop there did it?”

The alicorn shook her head “Indeed, thanks to one dumb-ass unicorn who decided the sun needed to stop rising above his window, decided to make a spell to move the sun away from his home, this had three effects, first it killed him due to it raining every last drop of mana from his body, second, it did indeed move the sun away from his window but in the process broke it, and the moons natural rotation around the planet! And as to the third effect, both celestial orbs are now require being moved by large groups of unicorns! The alicorn took a long drink of her coffee before slamming the cup down. “The worst part is according to these records by this point ponies consider this to be NORMAL! This is far, FAR from normal! And I do not see any way to change it!

Her friend looked over her shoulder and scanned the screens “Eeeyup, the weather and nature is pretty much borked, and even me with my chaotic nature cannot see a way to repair it, but as to the sun and moon, well as things currently stand, at this rate unicorn fatalities will rise as moving the celestial orbs will require a LOT of magic, I would suggest finding some ponies worthy of Ascension but where would we find them? I mean sure we're gods, but there's stuff even we don't know”

The alicorn nodded in agreement “True, and they would also need to be of the right nature so to speak to handle such power, and finding two ponies like that would be like finding a needle in a hay...”

Before she could finish her sentence a flash of light interrupted her and a pair of sleeping foals appeared before them one with a white coat and pink mane with a Sun Cutie mark, and the other blue with a Blue mane and Moon cutie mark, The two appeared to be unicorns but both the Alicorn and her friend who easily sense the pair had potential. “Tell me Dissy, did you bring them here?” The alicorn asked.

Dissy shook his head “Nope, cannot say I did, but what I can tell you is these two may just solve your sun and moon problems and then some! Of course there's still going to be that problem with the windigos and such, but we have known that was gonna happen for a while. I would recommend giving em to that old fart Starwizzer, or whatever his name is to look after em and teach em, who knows, it might be amusing!

The Alicorn laughed “Good points Dissy, and hopefully this takes some work off of our shoulders, I tell you sometimes being a goddess sucks. You spend all this time building a world and its inhabitants only for said inhabitants to not be satisfied and decide to break the world!”

“Hey it could be worse, you could have Ranma Saotome living in your world, now THAT would not end well for anyone probably” Dissy stated with a grin earning a giggle from the Alicorn.

“Been poking your head across dimensions again I see” the alicorn smiled “And yes, I am very, glad that we do not have a Ranma Saotome in this world, or a Tenchi Masaki either for that matter, or Saiyans...”

“Heh, you are such a nerd Faust-Chan” Dissy teased

“And whose fault is that? You're the one who introduced me to anime in the first place and got me hooked on it. Faust replied, sticking out her tongue. “Anyways we better send these two along to Equis, so they can meet up with Starswirl before they wake up”

Dissy snapped a claw making the two foals vanish “Done and done, though I honestly am curious where they came from though I doubt we will ever find out. Anyways do you feel up to playing some Borderlands 3? I hear they added some new stuff into it!

“Eh why not, not like there's much else to do at the moment besides watch mortals be idiots, though that too is sometimes amusing” Faust replied before standing and making her way over to her massive TV and turning it on