Luna's Pokémon Journey

by Norwegian boy

The Preliminaries

The day was here, the day for the preliminaries and to see if Luna has what it takes to compete in the Hoenn league, and her sister Celestia wasn’t going to miss it. She ignored her sister for three years and there was no way she was going to let her sister down again.

“Come on Applejack, I don’t want to be late.” Said Celestia while sitting on her bed trying to put on her boots, she still having trouble with her human body, it was just weird for her.

“I know already Celestia, you have said it four times and I heard you the first time.” Applejack answered from the bathroom who just had gotten out from the shower. “And besides, it’s still three hours to her match, you have time.”

Celestia managed to put on her boots. “I don’t care that I have three hours, I’m not going to miss it, I’m not going to let my sister down again.”

There was a moment of silence before Applejack answered. “I hear yay.”

Then there was a knock on the door, Celestia got up and walk to the door, when she open it she saw James on the other side, and he had a worried look on him. “James, what’s wrong?” She asked him.

“It’s Luna, the nerves has finally caught up to her. She is currently sitting in bathroom in our room shaking with fear, she is also mumbling that she isn’t ready for the tournament. I was hoping you could try and talk to her, I have tried but to no success.”

Somehow Celestia knew this would come but she didn’t know when. “Sure, I’ll go and talk to her, why don’t you get the girls and meet us at the café so we can eat breakfast.”

James nodded. “That I can do, if Luna doesn’t show up she will forfeit the match and that’s mean she can enter the tournament. I have made sure that you can just walk right inn.”

Celestia gave him a smile. “Don’t worry, I will get her there.” And she left.

It didn’t take long before Celestia was standing outside Luna’s room and just as James told her, she could walk straight inn. Once inside she look around for her sister. “Luna?” There was no answer, she then walk to the bathroom door. “Luna, are you inn there?” She asked but no answer, she then placed her ear to the door, and she could hear a voice, it was Luna, she open the door and walk inn.

What Celestia saw shock her, sitting in the shower was Luna, her legs was tuck into her body and she had her arms wrapped around them. She was mumbling something that she wasn’t ready for and she didn’t know what she was doing.” Luna.” He sister didn’t hear her.

“Luna, snap out oof it.” Said Celestia as she walk over to her, she bent down and saw that Luna freaking out, literally. Celestia then grabbed her sister head and turn it towards her. “Luna, what wrong?”

Luna had to blink a few times before realizing that her sister was in front of her. “I can’t do it Tia, I can’t compete in the tournament.”

“What do you mean? You have been preparing for this all week, you can’t just quit.” Celestia tried to explain to her sister, it didn’t help.

“You have no idea the pressure of getting her and when I finally realized that the tournament is today, I realized that I’m to prepared at all. I can’t do this.”

Celestia didn’t know what to say, she had no idea what Luna was going through. There was one thing she knew by watching Luna this week and that she loved being at Pokémon trainer, there was a long time since Celestia had seen joy in her sister eyes.

She had to try something to talk her sister out of this. “Luna, why did you go out on this journey?”

Luna didn’t expect that question. “I did to get out of your shadow,” She look down at the floor. “in this world nobody knew who I was, and I like it, they didn’t run away in fear.” Celestia felt bad for her, a part of her knew but she didn’t want to admit it. “I also did it because I wanted to challenge myself, to find out who I was.” She then gave a small smile.

Then Celestia asked. “Did you find out who you are?”

Luna shook her head. “No, not yet.”

“I think you have.” Luna look up at sister in confusion. “Luna, I still don’t know how this world works or how Pokémon can do the things they do, I don’t even think you do.” Celestia had a point there. “But what I know is that you are Luna a Pokémon trainer, I have watch you these six days and I have never seen your happier, you smile when you trainer with James, you smile when you play with your Pokémon, a smile I haven’t seen before you know what happened, a smile of joy.” That made Luna smile. “Yes, a smile like that. Also, hearing that you aren’t prepared is just stupid, you have trained your butt of for the entire week, I think your more than ready.”

Luna wasn’t entire convinced. “Do you really mean that?”

Celestia nodded. “That I do, you may not believe in yourself, but I do.”

That was all Luna need to hear. “Then let’s go,” She stood up and so did her sister. “I have a tournament to win.” Celestia was glad that Luna got her spirit back.

While the sisters was walking towards the café, Luna decided to ask her sister something. “How did you do it?”

Celestia just gave her sister confusing look. “How did I what?”

“To get our brother to ruler for us while you’re gone.” Celestia was now surprised. “Don’t give me that look, it was easy to understand that he was the only one you could ask, I just forgot to ask you before.”

Celestia nodded. “I just ask him to cover for me while I went to this world to bring you home, Mortem didn’t want to do it at first,” Luna couldn’t help but giggle when she heard that. “but I managed to convince him, he wasn’t happy about it.”

Luna just kept on giggling. “Yeah, I can imagen, he never like to be king.” Celestia couldn’t help but laugh herself.

When they arrived at the café they say Twilight and her friends sitting by a table eating, they must have talk considering they haven’t been the best of friends the last few days. Then Luna saw Ace, Lumi and Shadow sitting by another table, she didn’t see James, he was nowhere to be seen.

Lumi was the first one to see the sisters walking towards them. “Hey Luna, I guess you’re not felling nervous anymore.”

“Yes, my sister talk some sense into me.” Lumi just nodded. “Where is James? I thought he would be here.” She asked while looking around.

“We meet him on the way here and he asked us to show you were your battle will be, he said he had something important to do.” That explain that.

Luna and Celestia eat breakfast and then all eleven of them headed to battle area. While they were walking, Lumi explained how the preliminaries work of Celestia and the other, they didn’t know. There were 512 trainers who was competing in preliminaries and only 256 trainers could continue, which means if they lost they were out, they could only use one Pokémon. The girls and Celestia was surprised that they only had one change.

When they finally arrived where Luna and the others was battling, they saw that the stadiums was in water and was connected by a bridge. Lumi and the boys said goodbye as they headed to where they were battling, Luna and the other headed to where she was battling.

There was a few other trainers who was battling before Luna, so she had to wait. She was hoping that James was there to see her battle, who knows what he was doing at the moment. Then it was her turn.

Celestia and the girls was sitting in the grandstand watching some of the other battles.

“Are your sister nervous?” Rarity asked Celestia.

“She was but I managed to calm her so she should be fine, I hope she is, I really don’t want her to lose in her first match.” The girls actually agreed with her on that one.

When they saw Luna walking out on the battle field they couldn’t help but cheer for her, even Fluttershy was joining them, and she think that all this battling is barbaric.

Luna’s opponent was a boy named Streak and he was from a town called Castelia city in Unove, he was a boy with light blue hair with some yellow in it, all his clothes was of the colour blue. He’s choice when it came to Pokémon was a Pokémon that was walking on four legs, it was purple with some yellow, it had some purple around its eyes.

Rarity couldn’t help but marvel at the Pokémon, she asked Celestia if she knew which Pokémon it was, but she had forgotten her book. Rarity wasn’t mad, she decided to ask Luna later. Luna’s choice was her Mightyena. Celestia and the girls didn’t know I that was a good choice or not.

Luna took out her dex to see the data.

Liepard the cruel Pokémon. Their beautiful form comes from the muscles they have developed. They run silently in the night.

She saw that Liepard was a dark type, and she knew that choosing her Mightyena was a od choice but luckily for her he knew more than dark type moves. Then the battle began.

Streak was up first. “Liepard, use shadow claw.” A shadow claw appeared on the cruel Pokémon right paw as he approached Mightyena, but he didn’t move.

Luna waited as Liepard was about to attack. “Use fire fang.” Flames appeared in Mightyena’s mouth and then he bite on Liepard’s paw really hard which caused the cruel Pokémon to howl out in pain, then all of sudden he was in rapt in flames.

Liepard managed to free he’s paw and jump back but fire fang’s effect had kick in, flames sounded the cruel Pokémon. “Don’t give up Liepard, use shadow ball.” Liepard send away a black ball.

“Dodge it and use iron tail.” Mightyena managed to avoided the attack and then his tail became metal, he then managed to hit Liepard so hard that the cruel Pokémon was knock out.

“Liepard is unable to battle, the victory goes to Mightyena and Luna.” Said the judge.

Luna had done it, she was ready for the tournament. After all the others preliminaries as done, all the trainers was gathered on a battle field near a giant torch. Luna could see that Ace, Lumi, and Shadow had managed to qualified to the tournament. Unfortunately, so had Sunset, she had a smug look on her face that said that I was going to win it all, Luna wanted to make sure that doesn’t happened.

Then everyone at the stadium was told to look at the entranced and when they did they saw James jogging in with a stick with a flame on it, he then jogged up some starts, he then used the flames to lit the torch to signal that the tournament was now on.