//------------------------------// // Chapter 6 // Story: Something Sparkling // by Captain_Cosmos //------------------------------// Autumn did let her tiredness take charge and she fell back into the world of sleep, this time waking up to the room brightly changing its color and the clock reading 8:38am, when Autumn and Sparkler had their meetup scheduled for 9:45. Alright! It’s morning now, and I’ve got plenty of time to get ready! Autumn thought. She looked behind her at the CMCs’ floor bed, which had… no ponies in it. The pillows and blankets were unoccupied and messed up. Looking in the other directions, the three fillies were nowhere to be seen in this bedroom either. I’m not surprised. Autumn thought, silently giggling. They’re fillies; of course they’d be up earlier. Autumn stretched out of bed and walked into her livingroom to check where in her house the CMCs had gone. The living room couch was empty, but to her left, she could hear the sound of silverware clanking with ceramic. Sure enough, the girls were sitting at Autumn’s kitchen table eating cereal. “Good mornin’, Autumn!” Applebloom said, jumping off of her chair. “You ready for today?” “I sure am!” Autumn responded. “And I see you didn’t need to wait for me with breakfast!” “Nope!” Applebloom said. “We’re used to doin’ it ourselves sometimes.” “But anyway, what time are we meetin’ with Sparkler and Braeburn?” “Sparkler said 9:45.” Autumn replied. “So we’ve got time.” Autumn joined the fillies at the table and titled the box of Celesti-Os, placing herself inside a shared breakfast. Having it with other ponies. Something Autumn longed for her entire adulthood, and felt a sense of shining fulfillment as it was given to her today. Finally, she wasn’t pouring her cereal with a sad face on. But right at that moment, suddenly an event from last night came back to her, stalling her meal and shifting her mind away from the lovely situation. …  That dream… I still agree with it! I’d love, love to have Sparkler as a roommate. …  Shoot… when do I tell her about this? Autumn didn’t want her mind to go racing when she had something on schedule, but there was no doubt that it would run at turbo speed today. The turbo speed that she anticipated to remain active until she revealed her feelings to Sparkler. (No, not those kinds of feelings.) We shall see what happens. Sparkler popped out from the dream with a start as she bolted upright in her bed. She puffed out fast, heavy breaths as she looked at what her surroundings were. Am I safe? Am I in the Inn room? Yes. She was in her room at the Inn, the same one from last night. And no time for another nightmare, as the sun was shining through the window, illuminating the room in a daytime glow. Sparkler turned around to see Flappy still sound asleep on his perch. What in tarnation just happened? She asked herself. She recalled Autumn turning her back on her because of her wings, and then pelting her with eggs… then all of a sudden, she was approached by a mare unlike anything she had ever seen before. Princess Luna… Sparkler’s mind raced. She didn’t feel like there was enough proof that what she saw was real, but it definitely felt real, and if it was real… Am I really not the only...Alicorn? Sparkler shook her head, still trying to process what had happened. Including the fact that she seemingly now had a name for what she was. “Alicorn…” Sparkler whispered to herself. It felt so unfamiliar… and yet it felt right. After all, she did have the horn of a unicorn, the wings of a pegasus...and even the strength of an Earth pony. She was all three rolled into one...an alicorn. Sparkler looked at her bedside clock and noticed something very wrong; something to jerk her mind away from the dream, no matter how much meaningful power it held. The clock read 9:30am. Her eyes snapped open and all remaining drowsiness dissolved. Tartar sauce! We’re late! She was supposed to meet Autumn out in the town so she could take two of the CMC fillies for the day. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo… Sparkler thought, back to the Alicorn thing, as she was racing her hooves to the bathroom. An idea forcing its way into her brain during crunch time. Could they know more about this? “So Autumn, where are we goin’ to meet up with Sparkler?” Applebloom asked as she, Autumn, and the other CMCs walked across the tan Appleloosa dirt under the bright-blue morning sunrise. “To be honest, I actually don’t know.” Autumn responded. “We never set up a specific area. I just decided to walk in the direction that leads to where she’s staying, and hope we run into her.” “Oh.” Sweetie Belle said. “Well then, I hope we get lucky!” “Just leaving it up to fate.” Autumn said. She should stick out with her pink coat and blue accessories. ... Sparkler and Flappy exited their current place of residence with running, clomping hooves and beating bird wings. With Sparkler wearing her stetson and poncho; she thankfully didn’t forget about that. They rushed out into the street, and Sparkler spoke up. “Right. Look out for Autumn and the three CMC fillies, Flappy. We should see them around.” She said as they slowed down out in the street. “Squawk! Right. Squawk!” Flappy replied. ... On the north side, not too far away, Autumn’s eye caught a piece of hot pink with blue wrapped around. That must be Sparkler! Nopony else in town has colors like that! Autumn rushed over with the CMCs following her. “Hey Sparkler! We made it!” She beamed. Sparkler heard the high voice and smiled as she saw her ponies of interest rushing to them. “Well I’ll be. Howdy there everypony!” She exclaimed happily with a wave. “Hi Sparkler!” Sweetie Belle said, hugging one of her front legs. “I’m so excited to spend time with you today!” “Same on this end!” Scootaloo said, flapping her cute little wings. “Squawk! We’re excited to hear that! Squawk!” Flappy said, landing on Sparkler’s back. Autumn closed her eyes and smiled. “Have a great time, you four!” “As for us over here, Applebloom and I are gonna go spend the day with Braeburn.” Autumn continued. “Some time with three cousins.” “That should be a heap of fun.” Sparkler commented. “We’re gonna have fun too. Right Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo?” She asked. “Yes!” Sweetie and Scootaloo said in unison. “Squawk! You bet! Hey, Maybe we could have an epic jam session. Squawk!” Flappy suggested. “That sounds delightful!” Sweetie Belle said. “The three of us once went on a stage to perform a song we wrote.” Scootaloo said. “I remember that!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed, looking over at Scootaloo. “One of our best days before getting our cutie marks!” “Yeah! What Sweetie and Scoots are gettin’ at is that we’re musicians too!” Applebloom told Sparkler. “Well now. Ain’t that nice.” Sparkler said. “Now I wonder how y’all sound.” “You’ll find out soon enough!” Scootaloo said. “Let’s head over to Sparkling Harmony Records, shall we?” “Squawk! We shall! Squawk!” Flappy replied. “Squawk! Let’s go! Squawk!” “Then to the Tavern.” Sparkler said. “See Y’all later!” “See you later too!” Autumn said. The two groups waved goodbye to each other and walked off in opposite directions. The cousins Autumn and Applebloom walked through the now-more-active morning Appleloosa. A few ponies recognized and called out to Autumn as they passed by the pair, often asking “Who’s the filly with ya?” Today being Sunday, the Appleloosa residents were not on their way to work. Many of them were heading over to wooden stakes for some good old horseshoe games. Autumn’s eyes caught those as she walked by, only reminding her of what had recently happened. “Ya got your medal with you, Autumn?” Applebloom asked. “Yep. I always carry it around.” Autumn said as she dug her mouth into her orange saddlebag. She figured it was a good time to wear her perfect game medal, when horseshoe games were all around her. Applebloom smiled from below as Autumn slid the shining gold around her neck. “So proud of you, cousin.” “As am I.” a familiar voice called from nowhere. Autumn and Applebloom jumped and shot their eyes all over the place, racing to know if that voice was really that of the pony they’re looking for. “Heh. I see you over there.” Braeburn said, walking up close to them. “Oh! Well then! Howdy, Braeburn!” Autumn said, giggling and snapping out of it. “Howdy, champion.” Braeburn responded. Autumn blushed. She still found herself doing that when ponies reminded her of the accomplishment. “Y’all ready for our cousin day?” Applebloom said. “You bet I am!” Braeburn said. “What should we do?” Autumn looked over behind her to a brown stake that was unoccupied, giving her an inspiration. “Play horseshoes?” “Sure!” Autumn said. The three Apples claim the stake and bring out their bronze, silver, and gold horseshoes. At the second floor of the tavern, after a delightful morning exchange with Grapefruit where he met the other two CMCs for the first time, Sparkler, Flappy on her back, and Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo stood outside the gold-starred door bearing the label “Sparkling Harmony Records”. Sparkler turned the key and unlocked the door. “Now remember girls, I’d right appreciate it if you didn’t touch anything without permission. Don’t want to break anything.” She noted before giving access. The fillies nodded. “Yes ma’am, Sparkler.” Sparkler nodded and opened the door, letting the fillies in. “Then welcome to Sparkling Harmony Records, girls.” She said, flashing her brown-walled studio. “Squawk! Where we record any song you want and even help make it a hit. Squawk!” Flappy added. Sweetie and Scootaloo walked in and took a look around, amazed at the room that beheld them. On the right side of the room, multi-colored instruments, including guitars, drums, cymbals, triangles, cow bells, if you could name it, it lined the wall. Along with mics, amps, and music stands.  On the left side, presumably, was the recording equipment itself. Mixers, equalizers, and other gadgets the CMC didn’t recognize. “Amazing studio, Sparkler!” Sweetie said. “Yeah.” Scootaloo added. “I know it’s not super advanced or pretty. But it works.” Sparkler said. “If it works, it works.” Scootaloo said. “So, what should we do here?” “Well. How would y’all like a tour of how we do things here? Hm? Get an insider’s view of how all these gadgets work?” Sparkler suggested. “That sounds delightful!” Sweetie said. “Sure. I guess I would like to know what’s going on when we’re recording. It sounds like cool info.” Scootaloo said. “Well then, let’s get to it and start with the most important part of the process: how the audio gets picked up.” Sparkler replied, flipping on one of the microphone’s switches. Applebloom tossed a ringer with a golden horseshoe. “Wa-hoo! Nine points!” Yep, the bronze-silver-gold scheme was very much still in effect. It was anticipated to be for a long, long time. “I still get such a sense of deja vu when I watch this game. Especially when they throw a golden ringer.” Autumn said, looking down at the gold medal on her chest. The medal awarded to her for throwing ten of them in a row. “‘Cause that there gold ringer let you take the tournament.” Braeburn said. “Yeah. It really did.” Autumn said, taking herself back to that moment. The moment when she hit that tenth golden ringer, when the crowd screamed, when ponies rushed up to her with that hat and the medal… everything else after that. “I know I just said this, but I really am proud of you, cos.’” Braeburn said. “Ten gold ringers is darn impressive.” “And thought by many ponies during the tournament to be impossible!” Autumn exclaimed. “Remember Shoeshine’s ‘only a robot could do’ comment?” “Sure do.” Braeburn said with a chuckle. “Proved them wrong, didn’t ya.” “I did.” Autumn said, looking at her gold medal again. She decided not to overwhelm herself with deja vu, shaking her head and asking “What else can we talk about?” “Heard there was a new pony in town. A pink unicorn with a blue stetson and a matching poncho. You met them yet?” Braeburn asked. Autumn had a jolt. A new unicorn in town, who is pink and has blue stetson? Had Autumn met that pony? Oh, had she ever! “I’ve, uh, more than met her, it turns out. We’ve already become friends.” Autumn said. “Of course the extreme extravert would become friends with the new gal in town.” Braeburn commented with a chuckle. Autumn didn’t respond that time. It was at this moment was when her mind turned back to the previous night and what had been shown to her in her sleep. That hug after the intimidating high jump, the cold lemonade, the hug, the “Thank you for being my roommate”; Autumn’s desires stemming from those dream scenes were back, and more powerful than when she first woke up from them. Autumn remembered that she just couldn’t get away from this today. She didn’t want to wait. That dream was so big, such a sign for her, that she really, really wanted to spill the beans before tomorrow. But the thought of spilling them out to Sparkler, caused her to sweat and breathe faster. She couldn’t shake away the image of Sparkler thinking she was being too hasty, saying “Wait gal, we haven’t even run the trial yet!” while pumping her forelegs in a “back up” signal. Or, the possibility of it not working out and Autumn’s home life going nowhere except right back to the sadness she knows ever so well. Braeburn noticed Autumn’s change in look. The tell-tale look of a dropped mood. “Something on yer mind cos’?” He asked in concern, knowing well that Autumn didn’t get like this unless it was something really personal of hers being affected. “Something is on my mind. But… I don’t know if I want to say it.” Autumn sighed, tensing her muscles up. “If something’s bothering you, you can tell me. Apples stick together and have each other’s backs.” Braeburn responded with a reassuring smile. Autumn looked into his eyes and took a deep breath. Not too close with Braeburn, Autumn found herself thinking “I wish Applejack was here. I could tell her about this”. But her burning desire to release this info somewhere and Braeburn’s stating of sure-thing Apple family facts, ultimately made her decide to do it. “Okay.” Autumn sighed. “I’ll tell you.” “So, I met the new pony, the hot-pink one with the blue stetson and poncho. Her name is Sparkler.” Autumn started to sweat. “On her first day here, after I played an open-mic night at the Appleloosa Tavern, she came over to my table and asked if the other seat was taken. “It wasn’t, and we started talking one-on-one. On that same night, I spilled out my emotional baggage to her; the stuff about not having a roommate and not having one because of my pickiness. “Why so quick, to a stranger? Well, she just had that charm to me, I guess.” Autumn said with her voice turned up, to avoid making her seem careless.  “Could also be that you had a feeling deep down that this Sparkler gal wasn’t like other ponies.” Braeburn commented. “Maybe. Like, she did behave differently.” Autumn replied. “Random ponies have come up to me before, but only for like, a celebrity picture or to engage in small talk, while standing up. Sparkler’s visit was very personal. “And then, her charm extended to us already seeing a friendship with each other in like, two days.” Autumn had to gulp down and use brute force to speak this next part. “So, I don’t have a roommate, right? Well, that has something to do with the main thing I’ve been dying to talk about.” Here came the moment. Autumn was determined to say this, but she had to make an effort in puffing it out. “Last night, I had a dream in which I was roommates with Sparkler, and we went to that, like, big-pool waterpark over in the Los Pegasus outskirts. You know, the place where all the water attractions are inside one large pool.” Autumn was joyed she had to mention these details, as it gave her a bit of breathing room from the big topic. “The dream showed us having an amazing time, to the point where at the end, I hugged Sparkler with tears of joy as I thanked her for being my roommate.” She bravely admitted. “And she responded with ‘Aww. Thank you for letting me stay with you. And for being my friend.’ “And that dream… like, when I think about it and apply it to my real life, it seems… accurate. Like, I love the idea of being roommates with Sparkler. “The dream made me realize that I really do lik- uh, I mean, care for her, in that way.” Autumn struggled to think of a good term that didn’t make her feelings toward Sparkler sound romantic. “I feel eager to tell her about that dream and my feelings, but, we haven’t even run the trial sleepover yet, and we’ll be busy watching the CMCs this weekend.” Oh shoot, I said “feelings.” I hope Braeburn doesn’t get the wrong idea from that. “Hmmm. Ya know, the way yer talking about her makes me think you might have just the tiniest crush on her.” Braeburn said playfully. Autumn had an invisible cringe. “I seriously doubt it. Though I think I see where you’re coming from; when I was about to say ‘I like her’ and then backtracked. “But anyway, yeah, I don’t feel attracted to her. I’m thinking this whole thing here is more due to the fact that I seem to finally have a strong roommate candidate.” “Sounds like it.” Braeburn commented. “Yeah. As many trial sleepovers as I’ve run… the thing is, most of them were done out of desperation. I would often invite somepony to do it with me very hastily, when I didn’t really have any feelings towards them, at all. When I didn’t know their personality. I would just think ‘Eh, might as well try.’ “But Sparkler… I see something in her. Like, I feel a friendship, and when I imagine her not working out as a roommate, I feel sad. “That’s in contrast to most of the other trials, where after whoever it was didn’t work out, I was just like, ‘Well, probably a low chance anyway.’” “Sounds like this one’s a winner.” Braeburn said with a smile. “It does.” Autumn said. “But the question is… how do I tell her? Or, for that matter, what do I tell her? As I said earlier, we still haven’t run the trial sleepover.” Braeburn took a minute to think about it. He knew of Autumn’s quirks and struggles of finding a housemate. So, she felt like this latest attempt might finally be the one, but isn’t sure how to go about it. Braeburn thought inside. “Take your time.” Autumn assured. Finally, Braeburn spoke. “Well, seeing as how you want this to happen, I would say talk to her as soon as possible, and no hiding anything. Honesty is the best policy.” He said. “You don’t think announcing that you have a strong desire to be roommates before the trial will cause any problems?” Autumn asked. “If ya have a strong feeling it’ll work out, then it’s likely that it will. So I see no reason why she can’t know that. And this would all be in theory. Whether it works in practice is what the trial sleepover would be for.” Braeburn replied. Autumn found herself getting relieved of some mental congestion. Yeah, really, what was wrong with doing a trial based on a potential future result you’re looking for? It was still the same thing; testing it out. It didn’t have to be for potentially bringing up a roommate desire that wasn’t there before. “Thanks, Braeburn. I see where you’re coming from now.” Autumn said. “I feel like I will do it, but… my mind still tells me that Sparkler might get overwhelmed, thinking I’m being too hasty.” “That will be up to her. But if she understands friendship, I think you’ll be alright.” Braeburn smiled. “She does already have a friend, and in fact, she was the one who insisted to me that we were friends, when I was thinking that we hadn’t been together long enough to know that.” “Fast friends.” Braeburn commented with a chuckle. Autumn chucked too. “That’s exactly what Sparkler said.” “Well then she just might actually understand friendship.” Braeburn replied. Autumn looked over around the landscape in a rise of hope. “Yeah. It looks like she does.” “And hey, in a situation like this, I do have to take a risk. If I ask somepony to be my roommate or try it out, there’s never a 100% chance that they’ll say yes.” “Exactly. It’s never a guarantee.” Braeburn said. Right. It never was. But in order for there to be a chance at it happening, Autumn had to check for it. Chickening out of coming out to Sparkler would lead to a 0% chance of them becoming roommates. Not that she absolutely had to do it today, but if she kept delaying it over and over again…  “I would talk to her when you see her next. Tell her about that dream you had, see if she agrees that it could be a sign, and then run the trial as soon as the CMC leave.” Braeburn suggested. By this point in the conversation, Autumn did feel excitement at the idea of telling Sparkler. In particular, she was thinking of doing it at that hilltop location where they camped out last night. During sunset. That sounds perfect. “Thanks a lot, Braeburn.” Autumn says. “I’m going to do it.” “That’s my cos’. Be sure to let me know how it goes.” “I will!” Autumn says, high-hoofing Braeburn. “Alright Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo. Ya ready to lay down some sick beats?” Sparkler asked. “They ain’t called sick beats for nothing!” Scootaloo said, pulling her microphone stand towards her. “Squawk! Time to light this room on fire! Ready Sweetie Belle?” Flappy asked. “Ready!” Sweetie said. “Then let’s get this party started! Hit it Flappy!” Sparkler said. Flappy nodded and gave that record button a hit. The music started beating, bouncing, and Sweetie and Scootaloo let loose. Hey Hey Check it here Unicorn and Pegasus laying down the beat Visiting a cousin of our friend Now we’re in a studio tearing up the beat! Scootaloo’s the speed demon on her scooter Her wings are the tools to make her cool Sweetie Belle rocks whenever she sings Her magic skills are simply off the chain Together with our friend, Applebloom We’re the Cutie Mark crusaders And this rap is done! Boom! Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo burst into laughing fits while Sparkler stopped recording and chuckled along with them. “Shoowee gals! That was rapping if’n I ever saw it! Nice work!” Sparkler said. “Squawk! CMC rappers right here! Squawk!” Flappy commented. “Thanks!” Sweetie giggled. “Yeah.” Scootaloo added. “Now, that was nice and all, but what the two of us are more used to is melodic songs. Can we do one of those next?” “You girls have something in mind?” Sparkler asked. “Hmm…” Sweetie hummed. “A song about making new friends?” “Sure! That works.” Sparkler replied. “Squawk! Let’s do it! Squawk!” Flappy added. Sweetie Belle looked over to the room’s top right corner and saw a great tool for carrying out such a song. But hold on, remember what Sparkler said earlier? “Hey Sparkler, you comfortable with me using that piano?” She asked, pointing to it. “You know how to play?” Sparkler asked. “Yeah. I’ve been practicing, and have managed to play some songs.” Sweetie replied. “Then go right ahead. You thinking of picking up an instrument Scootaloo?” Sparkler asked Scootaloo. “Nah. I’ll just sing for this one.” Scootaloo said. Sweetie Belle walked over and sat down at the large black piano, while Scootaloo stayed in her spot. Sweetie Belle looked around the studio to confirm everyone was ready, but then her face changed looks when she found Sparkler still behind the machine area. “Hey Sparkler, do you wanna join this song?” She said. “I think it would make the most sense for you to sing a song about making new friends.” Sparkler looked at Sweetie with wide eyes. “Y’all want me to join in?” She asked, confused. “Yeah!” Sweetie Belle said. “We know you’re a musician too, and you’re the one experiencing a new friendship right now. I came up with this song idea in reference to you.” “Aww!” Sparkler said, hanging her hoof to her chest. “That’s sweet! Yeah I’ll join in!” Sweetie and Scootaloo’s hearts warmed too. This is going to be awesome. Scootaloo thought. Sparkler exited the control station and immediately summoned her blue guitar with her magic; a guitar that looked familiar to the CMCs. Yeah, that was the guitar they played Out of The Woods and Apples to the Core with! During that camp-out yesterday! Sparkler sat down near her mic, facing towards the fillies, and raised her guitar. “Ready everypony?” She asked. “Ready.” Scootaloo said. “Sweetie Belle?” Sparkler asked. “Ready.” Sweetie said. “Squawk! Then by all means...Hit it! Squawk!” Flappy hit the record button. Performing the song entirely by improvisation, Sparkler and Sweetie Belle hit the first chords at the same time, then out came the guitar melody, joined by the piano. During the song, by virtue of its topic, Sparkler’s mind had wandered back to...possibly the weirdest nightmare she had ever experienced. She tried to push it away so she wouldn’t mess up the song with sloppy guitar and vocals, but boy, was she going to think about it after the song was done. ... The song concluded and everypony filled the room with claps, for another successful performance. “That was good, girls!” Sparkler said quickly, so she could finally enter her thinking session. What started out as her typical nightmare, amped up to 11 thanks to the possibility of losing a friend, had ended with Sparkler learning exactly what she was...maybe. Still unable to wrap her head around it, she found herself with thoughts like “What if Luna wasn’t really there and I was just dreaming about her?” “Something on your mind, Sparkler?” Sweetie Belle asked, noticing the drift-off. Sparkler was brought out of her zone at the call-out. She turned her head to look at the two fillies that were giving her curious looks. “Uh… yes actually. There is…” Sparkler answered, feeling uneasy. Was she really about to reveal her dream to two fillies she’d just met? Eh, okay, so long as I don’t talk about mah wings. “Had the weirdest dream last night. Me and Autumn were roommates.” She began. “Aww! That sounds so adorable!” Sweetie Belle said. “And did you enjoy the dream?” Scootaloo added. “Yeah, I did.” Sparkler replied. “But then the weirdest thing happened. I found myself in a starry landscape not like mah studio, which Autumn and I were in… I was taken out of mah studio and approached by somepony calling themselves Princess Luna.” “Wait, you don’t know who Princess Luna is?” Scootaloo asked. “I’m from the most remote place on the planet. News hardly came our way. And school didn’t teach about a Princess Luna. So you could say I’ve been livin’ under a rock on this one.” Sparkler explained. “Squawk! So who is Princess Luna? Squawk!” Flappy asked. “She’s one of the two rulers of Equestria.” Scootaloo says. “She governs the night, whereas her sister Princess Celestia governs the day. And Luna is known for coming into ponies’ dreams.” “So...what, she just watches ponies’ dreams and...makes sure they aren’t nightmares or something?” Sparkler guessed. “Pretty much.” Scootaloo says. “And if it does become a nightmare, she goes into the dream and comforts the scared pony. It happened to Applebloom once.” “And… wait a minute. Sparkler, you said this was a dream in which you and Autumn were roommates. Why would Luna show up there? How could a dream like that be a nightmare? Don’t you like Autumn?” Sweetie asked. “Wha--what in tarnation are y’all getting on at? Of course I like Autumn. She’s an awesome friend!” Sparkler replied, moving her chair backward along with her body. “Oh. Sorry about that.” Sweetie said, turning away from Sparkler. Sparkler realized that she, contrary to her values, snapped at the two, coming dangerously close to yelling at them in the process. She shook her head. “Uhh...Sorry about that gals...Didn’t mean to be all accusing and that.” She apologized. Sweetie perked up and turned back around. “No harm done, Sparkler.” Scootaloo rewinded the conversation. “You don’t have to tell us this if it’s private, but if you’re comfortable, how did a dream showing you and Autumn as roommates turn into a nightmare?” “Uh, well…” Sparkler paused. She didn’t know what to say! Wings! But wait! Ah, okay, she could explain it this way. “Well...it may have turned into a nightmare of me losing Autumn as a friend…” She admitted. Just don’t mention why and yer good. “...Oh.” Scootaloo said, concerned. “Yeah, I can see why a nightmare like that would happen. Nightmares like to play on our fears, and losing a friend is something so many of us fear.” “Yeah, it wasn’t fun. I suppose I should be glad Luna stopped it.” Sparkler agreed. “Luna is a savior.” Scootaloo said. “And we can help you too. Would you like another hug?” “I think I’m good for hugs at the moment.” Sparkler answered, not re-forgetting what had escaped her last night, much to the relief of Flappy, who was able to settle back onto his perch. “Though if I may prod yer cute little brains fer a moment. What do y’all know about Alicorns?” Sparkler asked. Sweetie and Scootaloo looked at each other; they liked what Sparkler was doing. A chance to talk about some cool things they know! “I know that it was previously thought that natural-born alicorns were impossible, until Princess Cadance’s daughter Flurry Heart was born.” Sweetie said. “Right.” Scootaloo added. “Most Alicorns became that way later in life due to having assumed a Princess title.” “And yes, we know what Alicorns are. They’re ponies who have both wings and a horn.” Sweetie said, finally getting to the root of Sparkler’s question. However unknowingly it was. At that, Flappy’s eyes shot wide open and he involuntarily coughed a squawk at the mention of both wings and horns, all while suspending himself in the air again to avoid falling. What the…there’s a name for it?! “Really now. Interesting.” So Luna wasn’t tellin’ fibs...My condition is called an Alicorn...Huh. “Squawk! So uh. These Alicorns...What else do you know about them? Squawk!” Flappy asked. Finally coming out of his shock for more much-wanted info, which he shook in anticipation of. “Uh...I think that’s it.” Sweetie Belle said. “Oh. Ok then.” Sparkler responded. There’s gotta be a book on this. “Thanks for the question. That was fun to talk about.” Scootaloo said. “Thanks for answerin’. I’m sure that question woulda been nagging me.” Sparkler said. “Squawk! Yeah. Me too. Squawk!” Flappy added. Sweetie Belle raised an eyebrow at Sparkler’s statement. “You’re curious about Alicorns, Sparkler?” “What can I say? The fact that apparently there are ponies with both horns and wings intrigues me.” Sparkler shrugged. And apparently I’ve been calling it the wrong thing all my life. “It definitely is intriguing.” Scootaloo said. “Squawk! Even more so when you consider the fact Sparkler and I are from the one place in the universe that probably never heard of them before. Squawk!’ Flappy said. And now we know we’ve been calling it the wrong thing, apparently! “Well… now you know!” Sweetie said. “Sure do!” Sparkler said. “Yep.” Scootaloo said. “So, what do we want to do now?” “Continue singing songs?” Sparkler asked. “Yes!” Sweetie exclaimed. “Let’s get to it then!” Sparkler replied. Autumn was walking by herself up to the familiar hilltop from last night. She had sent Applebloom over to Sparkler’s studio to let Sparkler know she wanted to meet on the hilltop, and to bring Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo over to Braeburn’s house to be watched over by him, as Sparkler and Autumn engaged in an emotional meeting. Meanwhile, Autumn’s mind swirled from thought to thought as her hooves walked closer and closer to the area of truth. How do I tell Sparkler about this roommate thing? What if she rejects being my roommate? This could hurt our friendship… She tried to remember Braeburn’s words. About Sparkler knowing friendship really well, and how taking the risk was necessary. I must do this. Nothing good comes out of chickening out. Autumn, after picking up speed from the encouragement, finished her journey up the slope and found herself back in the classic location, during the same time of day. This place had already made a legacy for her. Sparkler hadn’t arrived yet, so Autumn opted to sit on a rock while shivering more from what was to come. Sparkler and Flappy made their way to the hilltop they were at last night. They were told that Autumn wanted to meet them there for some reason, with only the three of them, so Sparkler made a trip over to Braeburn’s house to drop Sweetie and Scootaloo off. “I wonder what Autumn wanted to meet us on that there hilltop fer.” Sparkler inquired. “Squawk! No idea, but it better not be because you know what. Squawk!” Flappy said. “Speaking of you know what, I’m apparently an Alicorn...Huh.” Sparkler said. “Squawk! At least we know now! Squawk!” Flappy said. “Squawk! I cannot believe it. Squawk!” He exclaimed. “Yeah, that was a shock. I have to say though that that’s a better name then the horn and wing combo.” Sparkler commented. “Squawk! Definitely. Squawk!” Flappy said. A few minutes later, they reached the hilltop. They turned the corner and saw Autumn sitting on the rock. “Howdy there Autumn. Braeburn’s probably going crazy with those CMC fillies, so how about let’s make this quick.” Sparkler said jokingly. Autumn jolted up from the sudden noise, then Sparkler’s sentence… Autumn didn’t realize it was a joke. “Uh… I don’t think we can make it quick, as it’s something pretty serious.” Autumn said, deflating. “I figured. It was a joke.” Sparkler told her. “Oh, thank you.” Autumn said in relief. “Squawk! So what’s the deal having us come all the way out here? Squawk!” He asked. “Squawk! Hilltop, sunset, the two of you. Are you trying to tell us something? Like say...you’re falling for Sparkler?” He asked playfully. Autumn snapped her eyes wide, but she proceeded to answer calmly. “No, I’m not romantically falling for Sparkler… it’s entirely friendship, but what I am about to say is very much related to our friendship.” “Well than, that’s good.” Sparkler replied. “Then I’m not hurtin’ your feelings by saying I ain’t looking for romance right now.” She said with a chuckle. “Yeah, you’re not doing that. I’m not looking for romance right now either.” Autumn replied. “So why did you want us out here in this romantic setting if it’s not for romance?” Sparkler asked.  “I guess I like to use traditionally romantic settings for platonic relationships as well.” Autumn giggled. “I’ve done it before.” Realizing she was delaying the inevitable, Autumn gulped and tried to get the important words out. But… they got stuck. She tried to speak about the waterpark dream and whatnot, but her mind kept stopping it with “Get some info first.” So, that’s what she did. “Sparkler, would you be okay if…” Autumn trailed off. Sparkler noticed the worried look on Autumn’s face. “Something on yer mind, sugarcube?” She asked. Autumn sighed. “...if I told you something really personal that involves you… this early on?” “Sure.” Sparkler said. “If something’s on yer mind, you can tell me. That’s what friends are for.” Autumn looked into Sparkler’s smiling face as she spoke those reassuring words. At the moment, she felt like there was magic going on in her throat, as the words about the dream got to slip loose. “So, last night I had a dream… in which… you and I were at a waterpark. And… the dream showed us being there… as roommates. With me referring to you as such in the beginning, when we were getting ready to leave the house. “And then…” Autumn still shivered as she breathed heavily, “... we went to our picnic table, and there, we hugged each other and both gave our thanks for being each other’s roommates. “The dream ended with you saying ‘Thank you for being mah friend.’ “Then… when I woke up… I realized that the dream made me happy. And when I reflected on it, replayed it in my head, it came to my attention that having you as a roommate is something that… I do really want. “The thing is, and I don’t think I’ve ever told you about this; most of the trial sleepovers that I’ve run were done with ponies whom I had no established friendship with. I would talk to them at the tavern for like, 30 minutes, and invite them to a trial right then and there. “And then, when the trial showed we weren’t going to work out… I wasn’t sad that I wouldn’t get to have them. I was just sad for not getting a roommate in general. “You, on the other hoof… when I imagine a scene of you packing your bags and walking out my front door saying ‘Sorry gal, it just won’t do’, what comes to my mind next is crying my eyes out on my bed. “Because… in terms of friendship… I really like you.” Autumn stopped there. She was nervously eager to hear Sparkler’s response. Sparkler’s mind, meanwhile, was racing at turbo speed. Autumn said, she literally said, that she wanted her as a roommate, but more importantly, she said she liked her as a friend...the only other creature to ever say that to her was sitting on her back. Flappy. After what seemed like an eternity… she finally spoke. “Y’all...Y’all really mean all that? As in...You want us to be roommates?” She asked, shivering herself too. “...Yeah. I do.” Autumn said. “Whenever I imagine it… we always look so great together. After we already do. “You’re like, the most promising friend I’ve ever had when it comes to a possibility of living with me, and in general developing a really close bond with.” Sparkler’s eyes were watering. She almost couldn’t believe it. For the first time in any real capacity, she felt wanted. Wanted by another pony outside her family! She knew it was time for a beautiful moment with the pony in front of her. “Autumn Apple.” Sparkler finally said. “We may have only known each other for 3 days. But to tartarus with that! You are the best friend I have ever had since Flappy!” She exclaimed happily. “Aww. C’mere.” Autumn said affectionately, holding her front limbs out. Sparkler rushed in and dove into Autumn’s forelegs. Wrapping her own around Autumn’s barrel while Autumn’s went around the neck. Sparkler made a point of ensuring that for obvious reasons. Flappy watched the two mares hug it out and smiled warmly. Autumn, you have no idea how much of a godsend you’re being for Sparkler right now. He was so happy that his buddy was finally making a new friend. “Thanks so much, Sparkler.” Autumn said, shedding tears. “Should be the other way around.” Sparkler said with a giggle. Autumn giggled back. “I’m honored to be your first pony friend.” “Squawk! Thank you for being her friend. Squawk!” Flappy said. “Squawk! I kid you not, nopony liked her in school. I’m pretty sure the only ponies who came close to being her friends were the teachers. Squawk!” “So sorry you had to go through that, Sparkler.” Autumn said. “How does this feel after that experience? Perchance, does it feel like you’ve won a championship?” Sparkler laughed as she and Autumn parted from the hug. “I feel like after so long in a dark tunnel, I can finally see the light.” She said. “I love the image of that.” Autumn replied. “It’s beautiful.” “Agreed.” Sparkler said. “So. With all this in mind, do you still want to run that there trial sleepover of yers, or were you thinking of skipping that this time?” She asked. “I still want to run the trial.” Autumn said. “We don’t know exactly what we’d look like as roommates in practice.” “Alright. So when’s it happenin’? Flappy and I are free at any point.” Sparkler said. “Well, I feel really eager to do it tonight, but we still have to watch over the CMCs for another day. Because of a holiday Monday, they don’t leave until tomorrow evening.” “Squawk! Tomorrow evening works. Squawk!” Flappy commented. “Okay. We’ll do it.” Autumn said. “Awesome!” Sparkler exclaimed. “It’s gonna be so much fun! Mah first sleepover. Heeheehee.” Sparkler giggled like a filly. “It will be so much fun. And… wow, I’m getting to be around for your first sleepover.” Autumn said. “As much I feel bad for you that you haven’t gotten to have any, it is pretty cool to be involved in your introduction. “Squawk! And fortunately, I’ll also be there to make sure she doesn’t do anything she isn’t supposed to do. Hehe. Squawk!” Flappy commented. Autumn didn’t take any worries from that statement; she assumed Flappy was joking around. “Well Sparkler, this is… such a beautiful moment. It’s a bit hard to believe it’s happening.” “Yeah! It really is!” Sparkler said. “And I don’t want to leave it. Nothing against the CMCs, but I wish we could have our sleepover tonight.” “Squawk! Ya know, they could always stay with yer cousin Braeburn. Squawk!” Flappy commented. “I’ll have to ask Braeburn about that. But I don’t feel very confident he can handle all three for a night. Applebloom, sure, but he hardly knows the other two.” Autumn said. “Yer cousin sounds like he can handle anything. Plus Applebloom can always help.” Sparkler responded. “Maybe.” Autumn said. “I guess let’s go over there and ask him.” “Squawk!” You go on ahead. Sparkler and I will catch up. Squawk!” “Roger that!” Autumn said. “See you later, Sparkler! I’ll always remember what just happened!” “If things go well, we’ll have many more moments to remember.” Sparkler replied. “We will!” Autumn said. “And I sincerely, deeply hope that things do go well!” That was the last thing Autumn said before disappearing beneath the horizon. Sparkler and Flappy watched her go. Flappy landed on the ground in front of Sparkler and looked straight at her with a sly smirk. “Squawk! Oh yeah, things will definitely go well. Especially during the sleepover. Just one thing, how exactly do you plan on keeping yer wings hidden? Squawk!” Sparkler was about to answer...before she froze as the reality hit her. “...Crap!” To be continued…