Harmony and Fate: A King's return

by Velvet-Fresh

3 - Everfree Encounters

Saber's POV. C, 3,205 A.F

As I inspect the sword I retrieved from the display armor back at the castle, we crossed an old decaying bridge. Hm, correction. An old bridge that looked like it's been recently repaired and changed, it still groan and sway under our weight but it never gives way. Sword in hand I follow my new master and her friend as I looked back forlorned at the sight of our ruined home. How many years has it been? Tia, Lulu. I hope you're both doing well.

"Master, how long ago was the founding?" I asked as we enter the old Everfree Forest. Even the forest changed, now wild and untamed, claimed once again by mother nature.
"It has been 3,205 years Saber" She answered, even surprised at her answer I noted her nervousness as she walked besides the other mare.
"San sen ni hyaku zen?!" I asked shocked "it has been that long?" she looks down muttering. "Apologies, its surprising its been over 2,000 years i've been asleep by my estimate." she stepped forward walking ahead as she kept her wits about. "Tell me, are there still timberwolves and manticores living here?"
Her master couldn't answer her as she's currently muttering to herself with an odd crazed look, repeating 'two thousand' to herself with an eye twitch. And did her mane made a springing noise? Her companion replied "Yes, they're still very notorious" she looked ahead as he held master as she guides her forward.
I perked up as I stepped forward them with my hand stretched out to stop their movement. "It's seems they found us" I said as the brush on the western side rustled as three timberwolves lumbered out growling at us. I held the old sword at ready, I was right to bring it with me. Even unused for many years, the blade's not as dull and rusty I would have thought. Before they made their move I made the first move by lunging forward with a diagonal slash, slicing one of the vanguard's paw as it tries to reel back. It howled in pain but I didn't give them a second to retaliate as I went on the offensive.

Twilight's POV

As this 'Saber' as she calls herself fend off the timberwolves. I watched on in awe, I can't seem to look away at how skilled and precise her strikes are, they look like she's wildly swinging her blade. But no, every swing meet their mark as she deliberately aimed for the wolves limbs to drive them to retreat like she know how to fight them. My eyes widen as I see wolf breaking away from the pack to try attack her from behind I shouted as my horn glow "Look out!" i send a magic blast that caught the timberwolf on its side. Which she follow up by cutting upwards slashing it and sending it flying towards a tree with its momentum. I winched as it crashed hard shattering to pieces upon impact.
Saber then raised her sword to block a lunging bite. She didn't even flinch as she held the wolf aloft as it tries to bite through the ancient iron. A magic blast whizzed by me and slammed hard against the wolf, causing it to yipe as it was thrown off from the impact. "Be careful Starlight!" I warned her as I went on the defensive keeping an eye out for more surprises.
With an appreciative nod Saber vaulted overhead the pack and with a scream she slashed the air but i felt wind getting pushed as i could clearly witness the pack was blown back by a gust of wind generated from the force of her strike. It's outstanding what she can do! With a whine and whimper I watch the remaining pack of timberwolves scamper away. We kept tense and look out. With a sigh of relief I still keep an eye out thought "We should hurry back to town before more or something else show up." I heard Starlight suggest, and I nodded in agreement "Let's go" i called out and quickly walk down the pathway still looking about. "We should check on Zecora to see if she's doing ok on the way" i suggested so we head down the path and diverging to the side until we make it to our friend's home within the forest. Nothing seem amiss outwards, which is a burden off my shoulders but I have to make sure.

With trepidation I head over to knock "Zecora? Are you alright?" I called out as I knocked as I peeked in the window to see a light from her cauldron's fire and I heard her voice so thats a relief.
"Ah Twilight my friend, do come inside. Welcome to my home" she calls out so I opened the door and walked in with the others. Zecora was in the middle of preparing another potion. She stop to look at us smiling welcomingly but when her eyes landed on Saber, her motions stopped and I saw her eyes widen. "Such power, such poise." she didn't rhyme this time. This must be serious.

Saber step forward, placing a hand on her chest to give a small bow "Greetings shaman, we hope we're not imposing." she politely said, I blinked as I saw she had slung her sword to her side using vines, she's resourceful atleast.She said nothing else and stood aside. Zecora seem to recover from her haze as she blinked and looked back at us, she quickly stoke the flames and step back from her brew. "Its seem you have quite the tale. Come sit, as the young would say put up your manes" she step towards her kitchen to start pouring us tea. I want to protest but i felt there's more pressing matters, so i accept the tea "Thank you Zecora, we're dropping by because we were jumped by a pack of Timberwolf. We were worried they come here. They seem more active." I explained to her as I took a sip and furthermore I relay the sequence of events from going into the Castle with Starlight, finding the tomb and waking the woman calling herself Saber.

She seem to contemplate what I told her while Starlight added her own details especially talking about the sword in the stone in Canterlot and why we head into the castle in the first place. Out of the corner of my vision I swore I noticed 'Saber' perked up at hearing about that. Is she tied with that legend? So many questions, one foremost is brought to my attention with a quip from Zecora. "Twilight my friend, why do you bare the mark of masters? You are magically intuned with a powerful servant, it is no laughing matter." she said, my eyes widen as I look down at the back of my hand. I completely forgotten about it, the red mark still glowing in my hand as I tried to scan it but it seems to come to nothing or something is interfering with my magic. The mark of masters? I look at Saber, I have many questions. But I know where I can get my answers from.