Inner Demons

by Azure Sandora

Chapter 31

This chapter is brought to you by The Writing Writer by Coheed and Cambria.

Chapter 31: We WON'T Give Up on You!

When the Cutie Mark Crusaders arrived in Tartarus, they were surprised by what they saw. It was devastatingly beautiful. They stopped for a second to take in their surroundings.

"My god..." Scootaloo said as she stopped the bike to take in her surroundings.

"I've heard stories, but I never thought I would actually see it..." Sweetie Belle said getting out of the chariot with Apple Bloom. Now that they were finally here, it finally hit Apple Bloom. This was the end. The final fight was right around the corner.

As they looked around, they noticed three different fights happening around them. First was Celestia slashing a Grendal with her swords. Second was Luna using her glaive to slash at an army of demon ponies. Finally was Lezard using time magic and Arcane Spells to shoot bats out of the sky. All three of them were losing their respective fights.

"We gotta help 'em," Apple Bloom said with a sense of urgency, "Cutie Mark Crusaders, split up!"

The three of them split up in different directions to help a different pony.

Twilight instantly fired a black beam to the ceiling, which broke up into multiple beams that rained down onto the Elements of Harmony, who all ran into different directions. Rainbow Dash darted to Twilight and began fighting her close quarter with her hooves engulfed in electricity.

"Twilight, remember last year? You introduced me to Daring Do!" Rainbow Dash said, obviously drawing straws but had to try something "Thanks to you I've read tons of books, and I understand ponies a lot more now!"

Twilight gave an enraged growl and then pushed Rainbow Dash away. Black claws appeared and slashed at Rainbow Dash, who flew out of the way of the assaults. At the same time, Fluttershy used her wind to pick up a few vases in the room and throw them at Twilight to catch her attention.

"Last year I was ready to give up when we needed to send water up to Cloudsdale!" Fluttershy called out, but screamed as Twilight turned her assaults on her, "You were the one who pushed me to fly and help, even though I was ready to give up! You always push me to do my best even if I don't believe in myself!"

"SHUT UP!" Twilight screamed, a dark wave pushing Fluttershy into a wall, "I see what you're trying to do, but it won't work!" Twilight shouted to them, "If nothing else, all I see is you all using me! None of you care about me unless I'm helping you!"

She then slammed her front hooves on the ground and sent spears out of the ground at the Elements of Harmony. Spike picked up Fluttershy and he and Rainbow Dash flew around the room, while Pinkie Pie and Applejack ran around the room.

Spike pointed his spear at Twilight summoning his spirit partner, who ran around the room freezing the spears and making them shatter. Spike set Fluttershy down and then charged at Twilight with his spear. His spear verses her horn, Spike and Twilight fought for a good few minutes before Twilight pushed Spike aside and stomped her feet, making two giant horse feet slam down onto Spike. He rolled to the side right before they hit, but Twilight saw Pinkie Pie and began charging at her, leading with her horn.

Pinkie Pie ported around the room to dodge, and while that was going on Applejack ran over to her and did a spin kick hitting Twilight with a fiery back hoof. She fell back, but when she got up, Applejack was standing right in front of her.

"Please Twilight, try ta remember who ya are!" Applejack urged, "Remember bringin all of us tagether!"

"No... No! NO!" Twilight screamed shooting Applejack away from her, "I'm done with all of that! I hate ALL of you!"

"No you DON'T!" Pinkie Pie screamed, actually in tears, "The voices in your head just have you confused! I know how it feels, Twilight! They tell me horrible things about you guys, and how I'm better off alone, and sometimes even I get confused, but you can't listen to them! You know the truth Twilight, you just need to shut them out!"

Twilight screamed loudly and charged at Pinkie Pie, who broke up into two Pinkie Pies and ran in opposite directions.

Spike spun his spear around and slashed upward, summoning his spirit partner. The white unicorn galloped over to Twilight and they began to fight, Spike actually leading the spirit with his spear as if he and the spirit were one.

"We're sorry we gave up on you Twilight!" Spike said as he stabbed with his spear, "We shouldn't have doen't that, but we're here now! We understand how alone you feel!"

"NO!" Twilight screamed, stabbing the spirit with her horn. The spirit fell and dispersed, but Spike screamed in pain and fell to one knee, "I fell for it once before, but I won't fall for it again!" she backed away shaking, but there were tears in her eyes, "Y-you're all just trying to trick me into going with you so you'll b-be able t-to lock me up again! I w-won't let you!"

"She's crackin," Applejack said to Fluttershy, "We just gotta keep goin a little while longer."

Fluttershy nodded and she and Applejack charged at Twilight. Applejack punched and kicked with her hooves engulfed in fire, and Fluttershy used the wind behind Applejack to amplify the power of her flames. Twilight elegantly ducked and weaved out of the way of the attacks, moving with the fire, and then buck kicked Applejack into Fluttershy.

Pinkie Pie jumped on top of Twilight with two clones of herself trying to hold her down, and Rainbow Dash ran in front of Twilight and stomped her foot preparing to charge.

"You're the whole reason we're friends!" Rainbow Dash shouted, "We came together to stop Night Mare Moon, that was when we found out that we were the Elements of Harmony!"

"Oh, you're so special!" Twilight screamed sarcastically throwing the Pinkie Pies off of her back, "Just look at Spike now wielding the Element of Generosity! Those powers could have gone to anypony with the traits necessary to use them! Trixie herself could have easily become the Element of Magic! The ponies who wield the Elements of Harmony aren't special, you were all just at the right place at the right time!"

"I don't believe that!" Fluttershy exclaimed, "We were united by Rainbow Dash's Sonic Rainboom, and we were at the time just a group of random ponies! The fact that we became the Elements of Harmony was no accident!"

"Remember the Element of Magic, an' whut it means!" Applejack shouted, "Come on Twilight, the answer's right there in yer heart!"

"My heart... all that's there is DARKNESS!" Twilight screamed firing a black beam at Rainbow Dash, who jumped to the side and then turned into a bolt of lightning and tackled her, stopping the attack. Twilight instantly kicked her off of her, and then ran over to the window and flew out. Spike ran to the window and looked up.

"I think she's flying to the roof!" Spike shouted.

"Can we get up there?" Applejack asked.

"I found a staircase over there," Fluttershy said pointing to a hallway in the throne room.

"Then you, me, and Spike will fly after her," Rainbow Dash said, "Pinkie Pie, Applejack, you two take that staircase and meet up with us."

"Got it," Applejack nodded.

"Be careful Dashie," Pinkie Pie said. Rainbow Dash smiled and ran over to the window with Fluttershy and Spike, and the three of them flew to the top of the tower. As they flew after Twilight, she fired black fireballs down at them. After flying to the side, Fluttershy took hold of the wind and guided three fireballs back at Twilight. She flew out of the way of that attack, and then fired another beam out of her horn at Fluttershy. Spike flew in front of her and spun his spear in front of him to defend her.

Twilight flew all the way to the top of the tower, Rainbow Dash hard on her tail. When they reached the top they began dashing past each other slashing with their wings. Spike and Fluttershy landed on the roof of the tower and watched them.

"Can't we help her?" Fluttershy asked.

"I can! Rarity just told me how!" Spike said, confusing Fluttershy.

"Wait, Rarity? How?"

"I told you, she's with us!" Spike began swinging his spear, "And she's fighting just as hard as the rest of us!" Spike thrust his spear forward, and the white unicorn he always summoned stood over him, this time pointing it's horn at Twilight, firing icicles at her. Watching the unicorn, Fluttershy began to understand what Spike meant. It made sense. Rarity wouldn't wake up, Spike had so much conviction, sometimes he even sounded like he was speaking to Rarity.

Rarity was with Spike the entire time.

Twilight was knocked out of the sky, but at the last second she caught herself in the air and flew over to Spike and Fluttershy. Spike tried to get in her way, but Twilight pushed him aside and pointed her horn right at Fluttershy's forehead.

"No!" Rainbow Dash screamed flying over to her as fast as she could, but it was too late. Her horn was glowing a dark blue, and all of a sudden Fluttershy had a look of sheer horror. Whatever she did to Applejack at Canterlot Castle that one time, Twilight just did to Fluttershy.

Fluttershy's scream filled the entire tower, and it made Pinkie Pie and Applejack stop.

"That was Fluttershy!" Applejack exclaimed.

"Either we're close to the top, or Fluttershy was screaming loud!" Pinkie Pie said in her usually oblivious voice, "I always knew she would be good for the opera."

"Pinkie Pie, stay wit me," Applejack urged, bringing Pinkie Pie back to reality. They continued to run up the stairs, but about halfway up they ran into a group of Twilight's soldiers, "Of course she doesn't make it easy..."

Pinkie Pie and Applejack proceeded to fight the soldiers, mostly knocking them down the stairs so they could proceed forward up the stairs.

Outside, Celestia and Scootaloo were able to push the Grendal back. By combining Celestia's sword slashes with Scootaloo's flame thrower, they managed to push the Grendal off a cliff.

"I guess that's one way to handle a big guy," Scootaloo said looking down the cliff.

"We need to help the others," Celestia said, "Come on."

They ran over to Luna and Sweetie Belle, who were surrounded by demon soldiers. Luna was doing most of the attacking, while Sweetie Belle was singing defensive and healing songs, occasionally throwing in a note for attacking. Celestia dashed past an entire group of soldiers killing them, and Scootaloo fired her flame thrower at the rest.

"Sister, about time," Luna said.

"Sorry I took so-" Celestia fell to one knee and grunted in pain. Luna and Sweetie Belle ran over to her.

"Princess!" Sweetie Belle cried out.

"I told you not to push yourself," Luna scolded.

"When have I ever done what you told me?" Celestia asked. Luna shook her head.

"Sweetie Belle, we need to help Apple Bloom," Scootaloo said, "Let's go."

Sweetie Belle nodded and they ran over to where Apple Bloom and Lezard were. Celestia forced herself up and readied her swords.

"No, Tia, you are NOT fighting again," Luna said.

"A knight never gives up as long as they can stand, and it looks like I'm standing," Celestia stated, "I'm fighting Lulu."

Luna sighed, "I thought I said... NOT to call me that in public!" she shouted running with Celestia to help Apple Bloom and Lezard.

Any of the bats that were stupid enough to fly down were slashed down by Apple Bloom's sword (she was moving much faster thanks to Lezard's time spell) and Lezard fired Arcane Bolts at them, also knocking them down. The two of them stayed close to each other.

"Apple Bloom!" Sweetie Belle called out. Apple Bloom smiled watching her friends run to her aid.

"So, you reached them," Lezard said, referring to Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle.

"Yep, the Cutie Mark Crusaders are back!" Apple Bloom proclaimed proudly.

"And better than ever!" Scootaloo said stomping her foot, making her helmet come together on her head, "If we work off our strengths we can take them out!"

"We should begin making our way to the tower," Luna said as she and Celestia galloped over to them.

"Yes, I'm worried about the Elements of Harmony," Celestia said.

"Lezard, can you slow them down with your magic?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Demons from Tartarus exist outside of time," Lezard explained, "All I can do is speed us up."

"I can clear a path for us," Scootaloo said looking at Celestia, "Wanna help with that?"

Celestia nodded and they stood next to each other facing the tower. They then fired beams of fire out at the tower, making a path.

"Go! Go! Go!" Apple Bloom shouted leading her team down the opening. Celestia and Luna flew at opposite sides of them keeping the bats away from them with their magic, but there were still demons on the ground to worry about.

This was going to be a long fight.

Fluttershy was backed up against the wall, whimpering in fear. Rainbow Dash ran over to her while Spike fought Twilight.

"Fluttershy, what's wrong?" Rainbow Dash asked frantically.

"It's... dark..." Fluttershy sobbed, "Demons... they're everywhere... they'll get me..."

"There aren't any demons up here," Rainbow Dash said.

"You didn't forget about me, did you?" Twilight asked. Rainbow Dash saw Twilight throw Spike onto the floor and then send a black claw at them. Rainbow Dash pushed Fluttershy away and moved to the side. Thankfully no one was hurt, but now she was separated from Fluttershy, who looked poised to fly away any second.

"Spike, get Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash shouted before she charged at Twilight. Spike ran over to Fluttershy and jumped on top of her before she flew off.

"Come on Fluttershy, you're stronger than this!" Spike said trying to get a tight grip on the terrified pegasus, "Look past the illusion! There's nothing here but Twilight!

Wake up...

"R-R-Rar...ity..." Fluttershy said softly, starting to calm down. Spike was confused, but he accepted what happened.

"It's okay, Fluttershy," Spike continued softly, "You're not going to get hurt. Rainbow Dash and I are here."

Fluttershy's breathing eased a bit, and she stopped trying to get free of Spike's hold.

"I'm okay..." Fluttershy said, still shaking a bit.

"Are you sure?" Spike asked.

"Yes. We need..." she stopped and took a deep breath, "We need to help Rainbow Dash."

Spike nodded and they ran over to assist Rainbow Dash, who was starting to look outmatched against the powerful Alicorn. Spike slashed with his spear, and then thrust forward summoning his spirit partner, who tackled Twilight with her horn. Twilight got up and flew up, and then sent black fireball down on them from her wings. Spike spun his spear in front of him, and his spirit partner appeared over him creating a shield made of ice. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy ran over to stand next to him.

"Can you fire lightning at her?" Fluttershy asked Rainbow Dash.

"Unfortunately no," Rainbow Dash said, "I can only channel it through my body. I'd need a unicorn horn to fire anything out."

"Damn it! If this keeps up I'll..." Spike groaned. He was losing energy fast, and even his spirit partner looked tired. Twilight laughed evilly.

"You've lost!" she proclaimed, "Let this be a lesson to ALL ponies who dare try to oppose me! This is the true "magic" of friendship!"

"SOLAR RAY!" a powerful voice shouted, followed by a large golden beam that hit Twilight point blank and knocked her onto the tower. Everyone looked up and saw Princess Celestia descend onto the tower. Twilight looked up at her and actually looked enraged but fearful.

"You... YOU!" she screamed.

"It appears that this darkness is much to powerful for even the Elements of Harmony," Celestia said walking over to Twilight, "I had hoped we would never have to do this, my student."

Twilight backed away from Celestia, "Why are you here?" she asked fearfully.

"You called for me," Celestia said, "When your friend died, your scream reached out to me."

"So now you care about me?" Twilight asked, "You didn't seem to care all that much when you were hiding the truth from me!"

"I only hid the truth because I wanted to protect you. I see now that I was wrong."

"So, you realize that you needed to kill me?"

"No," Celestia looked down, "I realize that I should have told you the truth from the beginning. I felt that I could lead you away from your darkness, but that darkness was always a part of you. By leading you away, I only made it stronger. What happened here is my doing, and I am terribly sorry. You loved and trusted me, and I was lying to you from the start."

"Well, glad you're owning up," Twilight said harshly, "Too bad it's too late!"

"No Twilight Sparkle, I don't believe it is. I will never give up on you Twilight, even if you give up on yourself."

Twilight laughed insanely, "You can't beat me, you know," she said through her laughter, "I petrified you easily, without even trying. And I see it in your eyes, Celestia. You can't kill me. You don't have it in you. You're weak."

Celestia closed her eyes and took a deep breath, "My beloved student, the darkness has such a strong hold on you," she shed one tear, "You are right though. No matter what you do, I will never kill you. I love you too much. That is why I will fight you!" she opened her eyes and readied her swords.

"You shouldn't have come here Princess!" Twilight shouted summoning two black swords herself, "I'll kill you, then I'll go back to finish off the Elements of Harmony!"

"We shall see," Celestia said seriously. For a long time they just glared at each other. Pinkie Pie and Applejack ran up to the roof as well, and they were silenced by the sight they never thought they would see.

Twilight Sparkle verses Princess Celestia...

In an instant, the two alicorns charged at each other and clashed swords wildly. At the same time, they punched and kicked and clashed horns. If Celestia wasn't trying to kill Twilight with this fight, everyone shuddered to think what it would be like if she did want to kill Twilight.

Twilight knocked Celestia to the floor, but she immediately stood up and flew to the sky. Twilight ran after her, but stopped, readying herself as Celestia charged down at her. Twilight used her horn to hold Celestia back, and then threw her to the side again. This time, Celestia caught herself, landing on her feet. She then began stomping her feet ready to charge again. Twilight made a similar gesture, but when they charged each other, Twilight stopped short and fired a black beam out of her horn. Celestia was caught off guard, but she held up her swords to block the attack.

Twilight smiled confidently, but stopped when she saw Celestia's horn glowing. Celestia fired a pure white beam at Twilight, knocking her into a wall. Before she could get up, Celestia fired another white beam at Twilight, this one engulfing her. Twilight screamed loudly, but everyone noticed that she was crying as she screamed.

"Whut is she doin to her?" Applejack asked.

"I don't know," Fluttershy said slowly. She was still shocked from watching the the fight.

"My sister is forcing her light into Twilight Sparkle," Luna said landing next to the Elements of Harmony, "That is why she was the first target. My sister's light is the strongest light in all of Equestria."

"Because she can control the sun?" Rainbow Dash asked, but Luna surprisingly shook her head.

"Celestia is the opposite of Queen Midnight. Where she was born in Tartarus, Celestia was born in Elysium. I was actually born here in Equestria, a year after her descent."

"So Princess Celestia..." Spike asked slowly.

"Is a holy mare, also known as an angel," Luna explained, "The evil in Twilight knew this, that's why she was taken out so quickly."

"Mah god..." Applejack said as she and everyone looked at Celestia fire at Twilight. She wouldn't stop, no matter how much Twilight screamed and cried.

"Stop!" Twilight cried after a while, "It's too bright! It hurts!"

"No Twilight, the darkness is the only thing that's in pain," Celestia said, "Separate your mind from it."

"P-Princess..." Twilight sobbed, her voice sounding singular.

"Let the light guide you Twilight," Celestia said, "Walk towards the light."

Twilight began to slowly get up and walk toward Celestia, but a dark aura suddenly appeared around Twilight, "NO!" she shouted, her voice now sounding deep and demonic. She pushed past Celestia and stood in the middle of the area, "You can't destroy me, Celestia! I am the ultimate darkness!"

"Elements of Harmony, now!" Celestia shouted, "Use your power! Exorcise this demon!"

The Elements of Harmony stood in a large circle around Twilight.

"Element of Kindness!" Fluttershy shouted, the butterfly on her armor glowing brightly.

"Element of Loyalty!" Rainbow Dash shouted, the lightning bolt on her armor glowing.

"Element of Laughter!" Pinkie Pie shouted, the balloon on her armor glowing.

"Element of Generosity!" Spike shouted, the diamond on his armor glowing as his spirit partner whinnied loudly behind him.

"Element of Honesty!" Applejack shouted, the golden apple on her armor glowing.

All five of them fired beams of light at Twilight, who was engulfed in a rainbow. She screamed loudly inside the rainbow, the demonic voice slowly vanishing.

"Twilight, please!" Spike urged, "Come back to us!"

"We love you so much Twilight!" Fluttershy shouted, "We want you back!"

"Please Twilight!" Pinkie Pie cried, "Please!"

"We'll never give up on you either!" Rainbow Dash shouted, "We're right here, just like the Princess!"

"Twilight! Come home!" Applejack cried out.

Inside the rainbow, Twilight felt a light unlike anything she had ever felt. She heard her friends outside, and felt their feelings. Their... love...

They're lying! They don't care about us!

Applejack never lied though. She hated lying. No matter what she said, Twilight knew she could trust what she said.

They're all so selfish! They only care about themselves!

But Rarity was so giving. She gave up her own tail for someone once, and she didn't even want anything in return.

NO! All they think about are their own needs!

That's not right. Pinkie Pie is always thinking about making other ponies happy. She wasn't happy herself unless she was making somepony smile.

They'll abandon us! They always abandon us!

Not Rainbow Dash. She would cut off her wings before she would turn her back or betray anypony. She may have been arrogant, but she would never abandon anyone.

Those two faced ponies hate us! One minute they're our friends, next minute they're trying to kill us!

Fluttershy wasn't two faced. She may have a lot of secrets, but what you see is what you get with her. She's the most genuine pony Twilight ever saw.

Don't be fooled! They're nothing to us! Family, friends, all of it is just a means to weaken us!

But Spike, he said it himself that they were like brother and sister. Twilight always thought that, and she loved Spike.

Princess Celestia was like an aunt or even an older sister to Twilight, always thinking about her well being.

Shining Armor thought about her all the time, sending letter to her even though he was married.

And Trixie... she defended her, and loved her, truly loved her even though two years ago she made a fool of Trixie.

They were the most important ponies in her life.

Not just them...



Pinkie Pie...

Rainbow Dash...



They weren't just her friends...

They were her family...

She felt something in her heart. It was stronger than just a spark, it was more like a bolt. She felt empowered. It was like when she realized that she had friends, but stronger.

"Everyone..." Twilight said, silently crying, "Help me..."


"I don't... want to listen to you... anymore..."


"I want... to be... with... my... FAMILY!"

You're making a big mistake! Stop this! Don't turn away from me! DON'T!

The darkness faded, and Twilight saw a bright light. She also felt empowered. Like the true magic in her heart became stronger.

When the rainbow faded away, they were all surprised by what they saw. Twilight was lying on the ground, still an alicorn, but she was wearing a platinum colored gown with a long silk train with golden stars lining the bottom, and on her back legs she was wearing white high heels, and on her head was a platinum crown much like Princess Celestia's crown. She was wearing purple eye shadow and red lipstick, which made her look more like a princess. On the chest of the dress was a purple explosion of magic surrounded by five stars.

"Twilight?" Pinkie Pie asked slowly. As she stirred awake, Lezard and the Cutie Mark Crusaders ran to the top of the tower.

"Girls..." Twilight said softly with an exhausted smile, "Thank you..."

"TWILIGHT!" her friends cried out running over to her. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna both smiled, and everyone looked relieved, except Lezard, who was eying Twilight suspiciously.

"Strange," he said.

"What's strange," Sweetie Belle asked.

"The Element of Magic evolved, but they're supposed to evolve in response to Equestria's Darkest Hour," Lezard explained as Celestia, Luna, and Apple Bloom slowly lost their smiles.

"What does that mean?" Scootaloo asked.

"It means, this is not over," Luna said seriously. Apple Bloom looked up and gasped loudly.

"Everypony, look!" she shouted. At first Applejack turned in shock (just realizing that Apple Bloom was there) but then looked up with everypony else.

They saw a black spiral cloud forming, and a golden upside down tower slowly descended from the cloud.

You think that this is the end...

But I will not be forsaken...

That deep voice was heard all through Tartarus. It was scarier than anything they ever heard. Twilight actually began trembling.

"You're the thing that took control of Twilight!" Spike shouted.

"What are you? Why do you want Twilight?" Fluttershy asked.

I am... all darkness...

Twilight Sparkle's... darkness...

She and I... are one...

"You're not laying a HOOF on Twilight!" Rainbow Dash shouted.

"Yeah! So why don't you go home you big meanie!" Pinkie Pie added, sticking out her tongue at the entity (she assumed was in the sky).

I will be one with her...

You cannot stop me...

But first...

I must destroy all light...

Starting with Elysium...

"Ya can't destroy all the light in Equestria!" Applejack stated.

I can... and I will...

And as for Twilight Sparkle...

I will claim her as mine...

Twilight looked around fearfully, but then backed away from them trembling.

"No! Stay back!" she screamed.

"Twilight, what's wrong?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"It's trying to take me! Don't let it take me!" as soon as she screamed that, a black field came over Twilight. Applejack and Rainbow Dash attacked the field, trying to free her, but there was nothing they could do. It was like hitting a wall.

"Twilight! We'll save ya! Ah promise!"

Twilight nodded fearfully as the field darkened. It then turned into an orb and flew into the tower.

"Now what do we do?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"This!" Rainbow Dash said flexing her wings, "Fluttershy, Scootaloo, follow me!"

They both nodded and flew up to the tower. About half way though, they hit a barrier that prevented them from proceeding onward.

"No!" Fluttershy cried.

"I'm not giving up!" Scootaloo shouted firing her flame thrower at the barrier, to no avail.

They landed back on the tower, looking up at where Twilight was taken.

"Is there no way to get up there?" Luna asked.

"That tower is the gateway to Elysium," Celestia explained, "No mortal pony can fly through the barrier, and not even I can go through it. I imagine the Elements of Harmony can open up a pathway."

"They can," Lezard said, "But at such a distance, they'll only be able to send up one pony before the gate closes."

"Well, we all know who that pony's gotta be," Apple Bloom said seriously walking forward. Applejack ran over to her and stood in front of her.

"Apple Bloom, no! Ah'll do it! Ah'll go up there!"

"Applejack, Ah made mah decision," Apple Bloom said seriously.

"Ya ain't gotta do this, Apple Bloom!" Applejack said, "Ya ain't gotta be no hero!"

"Ah know that Applejack!" Apple Bloom said glaring at Applejack, "Ah ain't doin this cause Ah gotta! Ah'm doin this... cause Ah wanna!"

Applejack looked genuinely surprised, "Apple Bloom..."

(Play Ventus' Theme/Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep soundtrack)

Apple Bloom looked down and closed her eyes, "Ah finally understand whut it means ta really be an adult, an' why Rarity did whut she did fer me, and fer Sweetie Belle. She put herself in harms way, and sacrificed herself cause she wanted me an' everypony safe.

"Applejack, yer right. Ah've seen a lot. Ponies fightin, ponies... diein, an' all of it left an impact on me. Ah reckon Ah'll never be the same again. That's why Ah feel like Ah gotta do this. No, that's why Ah wanna do this. Ah want everything ta go back ta the way it was before all of this, an' Ah know that nothin will ever be the same again, but if Ah can at least stop this monster from destroyin all the light in Equestria, then Ah'm gonna do it, even if mah life has ta end in the process. Applejack, ya promised that if Ah wanted ta fight, ya wouldn't stand in mah way. Well, Ah'm fightin, an' Ah expect ya ta keep yer promise."

Applejack looked down seriously, hating the feeling that was in her heart. Lezard walked over to Apple Bloom.

"So there's no changing your mind?" Lezard asked. Apple Bloom shook her head, "Well then, I must say Apple Bloom, you're an amazing young mare. After everything that you've been though, you're so willing to fight, knowing what you'll have to do."

"Ah love Equestria too much not ta fight, an' that's not all," Apple Bloom looked into Lezard's eyes, "Ah love you as well, Lezard."

"Apple Bloom," Lezard leaned into Apple Bloom and slowly kissed her. Applejack was taken aback looking at this, but she had to admit, she looked like a grown mare right now, "I love you too," Lezard said, "Good luck."

He walked away, and Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie walked over to Apple Bloom next, "It just doesn't seem right leaving this to you," Rainbow Dash said, "Especially knowing what happens in the end."

"Ah... ain't gonna worry about that," Apple Bloom said, "Ah just want Equestria safe."

Pinkie Pie hugged Apple Bloom, "Good luck, Apple Bloom. I'll miss you."

They walked off, and then Fluttershy and Spike walked over to her.

"Oh Apple Bloom," Fluttershy said softly, looking really sad.

"When Rarity wakes up, tell her that Ah love her," Apple Bloom said, "She wus like a mother ta me, an' if it weren't fer her Ah reckon Ah'd 've given up a long time ago."

"I... I will..." Fluttershy said, unable to hold back the tears now. Apple Bloom then turned to Spike.

"Ya better take care of Rarity! Ah'm expectin ya ta marry that mare one day!" Apple Bloom ordered. Spike closed his eyes and turned away from Apple Bloom, and nodded.

"I'll make her the happiest mare in Equestria. I promise," his voice was shaking, and he quickly hugged her before he walked off with Fluttershy. When they left, Princess Luna and Princess Celestia walked over to her.

"So you're absolutely sure you want to do this?" Celestia asked.

"Positive," Apple Bloom said nodding. Celestia sighed, as if she blamed herself, "None of this is yer fault, Princess. 'Sides, Ah decided ta do this cause Ah wanted ta do this, not cause Ah'm the Master of Harmony," she looked at Luna when she said that. Luna nodded with a knowing expression on her face.

"Good luck Apple Bloom," Luna said, "I will try to help your friends."

"Thanks Luna," Apple Bloom said. She and Luna nuzzled each other before they walked off, making way for Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle.

"I wish you didn't have to do this," Sweetie Belle said sadly, "We just got back together."

"Ah know," Apple Bloom said, "But this is the only way ta end it. Ah don't regret anything though. Ah made wonderful friends, Ah have a great family, hell, Ah even managed ta git mah Cutie Mark. Funny thing is, when Ah think about it, ya'll did help me git it, like ya said ya would."

"Even though at the time we were acting like real jerks," Scootaloo said looking away. Apple Bloom hugged both of them.

"Ya'll 're the bestest friends in the whole world," Apple Bloom said shedding tears of both sadness and joy, "Ah'm so happy Ah got ta meet ya'll."

"We're happy we got to meet you," Sweetie Belle said, also crying, "We're going to miss you."

"Ah know..." Apple Bloom said. They parted ways but Scootaloo locked eyes with her for a long time.

"Kick it's ass, alright?" was all she could say. Apple Bloom nodded slowly, no further words needed to be said between them. Scootaloo hugged Apple Bloom one last time, and then ran off. Sweetie Belle turned to follow her.

"Think ya'll can make friends with Silver Spoon?" Apple Bloom asked.

"At this point," Sweetie Belle said, "I'll even be friends with Diamond Tiara if you want." They smiled at each other for a few seconds, and then Sweetie Belle walked off. Apple Bloom turned around, but Applejack got right into her face.

"Ah ain't sayin no mushy good-bye, ya hear," she said intensely.


"Cause yer gonna come back alive," she looked dead serious, but her eyes were watering, "Yer mah little sistur, an' Ah love you. Ah lost ma and pa, but Ah damn sure ain't gonna lose you. So... come back ta us."

Apple Bloom said nothing. She looked down for a second, and then walked off to the center of the area. Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Spike all stood in a circle, focusing on the power of the Elements of Harmony.

"You're going to have the power of the Elements of Honesty, Loyalty, Kindness, Generosity, and Laughter with you," Lezard said, "but you'll need to get the Element of Magic from Twilight."

"So first Ah gotta find Twilight," Apple Bloom said to herself.

"Master of Harmony, the fate of Equestria rests in your hooves," Celestia said, "We wish you the best of luck."

Apple Bloom nodded to Celestia, and then looked up at the tower in the sky. The Elements of Harmony created a light pathway through the barrier, and a second later, Apple Bloom began to rise up to the tower. She looked down at everyone for a second, but then she looked up at the tower with a determined look on her face, and flew higher up into the tower, vanishing from their sight.

"She can do it," Rainbow Dash said, "I know it."

"Even if she does though," Fluttershy said sadly, "Won't she-"

"NO!" Applejack screamed, catching everyone's attention, "She's gonna come back."

"Applejack..." Lezard said walking over to her.

"Ah don't care if she's the Master of Harmony, she's mah little sistur Apple Bloom first," Applejack started trembling as she held in the tears, "She will live."

Everyone gathered together and looked up at the tower. All they could do was watch and wait. The fate of all of Equestria was at stake, and the only one who could save them, was a young filly forced to become a grown mare.

Good luck Apple Bloom...