Equestria's Hitman.

by The_Chill_Author

Chapter 3: Sticking To Your Guns.

I walked down the streets of Ponyville, I had just gotten my morning coffee, making me ready and willing to go. Er, I don't know where I was willing to go but it's somewhere. I lazily looked up, it was morning and I saw three silhouettes in the distance. Dear. God. It's them, the Cutiemark Crusaders! They made my head get stuck, you have no idea what a hassle that was getting my head out. I frown, I need to hide but where? There was a forest that was dangerous for anyone to go to, I then see some trees in the distance. I then bolt off towards the trees like a rocket, the CMC then skid to a halt before looking at me as I run away.

"Hit! Come back, we want to apologize!" Scootaloo cried out, Applebloom then perks up, noticing where I was going.

"He's going to the Everfree Forest!" Applebloom said in a panicked expression, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle then adopts that same expression.

"We have to save him, wait this is our chance to be..." Sweetie Belle then looks towards Applebloom and Scootaloo as their eyes began to shine.

"Cutie Mark Crusaders, Hitman Rescuers!" They all declared though I heard their voices even from here. I shook my head at their antics and head inside of the forest, as I ran through the forest I became a Ninja. I jumped from tree to tree like the Ninjas from that one show with the annoying 'Believe It!' kid. As I went deeper inside of the forest I then stopped and gazed back. No one was there, taking a deep, relaxing sigh I sat down.

"Alright, it would seem to be time for some image training," I said getting in a meditating position, I then disconnect myself from my body. As I trained I began to think about what has happened during recent years if you can even call them recent. But my thoughts were interrupted when I heard a branch snap. I open my eyes, I then look to my left and I spot a Zebra.

"Who are you, do you seek refuge?" The Zebra asked me, so she speaks in rhymes, like most Zebra.

"I am Hit, an assassin, though by a series of unfortunate circumstances I'm stuck in Ponyville until I gain 100 friends. But you can say I seek refuge, yes." I shook my head, standing up.

"My name is Zecora, dweller of the Everfree, would you perhaps come over for some tea?" Zecora asked me, I look at her, and gaze into her eyes.

"Hm, it wouldn't be bad to have some tea as of my current situation." I put my hands in my pockets, she just smiled and turned around.

"Come with me if you would like some tea," Zecora walks off to a random location and I follow her, I then look at my surroundings. This was by far the most natural of Equestria, no Pegasi to control nature, no Unicorns out and about, no Earth Ponies loving and taking animals in. It was all so natural.

"So where do you hail from, I am sure you have many things to say from where you come," Zecora said, I gaze at the Zebra again, glowering at her.

"I come from somewhere far, far away from here. That is all I can say." I answered the Zebra, Zecora nods, knowing why I would answer that. "So, I know I didn't say where I come from, but can you tell me where you come from? Or how you got here, because Zebrafrica is a couple of kilometers away."

"I come from a place where I can no longer show my face. I came here to pursue my interest in magic as for why I left it is tragic." Zecora said solemnly, while I may be a Hitman and I was supposed to be emotionless. I felt sympathy for her and I can relate to her, I was forced out of my homeworld and was sent here.

Zecora looked down to the soil of the Everfree Forest and sighed. I hum and I speak up. "Hm, I have another query for you, why do you speak in rhymes?" I inquired, Zecora gazed at me before smiling.

"It keeps my mind on its toes, and makes sure I can conquer any foe." Zecora explained, "It also makes me quick on my feet, for this forest is as dangerous as can be. Even still it is not dangerous enough for me."

"This forest... Is this the last forest that's... Natural? Surely you don't have Pegasi in your home, bending weather at their whim. Like they're some type of... God." I say with some venom in my voice, I hate Ponies. Because they can control the weather, they can choose if it can be stormy or sunny. It makes me feel... Weak, if I was a human here I might've felt worthless! But instead, I'm an ass-kicking assassin.

"I take it you do not like the ponies who control the weather, but you would be correct this forest is the last natural one altogether," Zecora said calmly, I clench my fist and grit my teeth. This is too far, way too far, this is just bullshit.

"From where I come no one controls the weather, it was just the natural order. Seeing beings who control it... It's unnatural and it makes me upset." I said gazing at the clouds above the forest, not seeing any being on top of them.

"We should hurry, you seem stressed and it can be reduced with some tea," Zecora said, looking at me, I gave her a nod.

"Alright, let's hurry," I say as we picked up the pace to a jog. It wasn't too long before we reached her hut. Zecora was somewhat curious about me along the way. Giving me glances and what not when we reached the hut I let her in first like the gentlemanly man that I am.

"You are so polite, you have good manners and that gives me delight," Zecora said as she took a step into her home, I nod and went inside.

We were now in the hut and I got to say, she is definitely from Zebrafrica. The masks, the decorations, the potions, I put it together that she was probably ridiculed for being a witch. Most likely she was banished from her kingdom because of her hobby, that's a bit sad considering she is a nice person. I was currently sitting down on a cushion as opposed to the hard floor, sitting next to me was Zecora with two cups of tea in her hands. She passed on a cup to me, it was hot but I blew on it softly.

"You say you are an assassin, do you perhaps consider it a profession?" I just gaze at the Zebra, closing my eyes I crossed my arms and lean on the wall that was behind me.

"I consider it as a job well done, when I kill a target it's like an athlete winning a gold medal," I said, my eyes still closed, Zecora hummed.

"I require your assistance, for some mercenaries are being a nuisance," Zecora said, looking at me, I open one eye and looked at her. "They're cutting down the trees and disturbing the animals of the Everfree, I try to warn them but they won't listen to me. Should the animals continue to be disturbed the animals would wreak havoc and cause the ponies of Ponyville to be perturbed."

"So you want me to have a chat with them, hm?" I said, my eyes opening fully. I turned my body towards the Zebra.

"Yes indeed, I fear the consequences that will happen because of their greed," Zecora said, I jump to my feet. This is a chance to gain a new friend and get closer to my goal.

"Point me in the direction of the target, I will stop those fiends at light speed."

I approached the area where Zecora said those mercenaries were located. As I approached the location I heard a jackhammer being used, I glanced beside me and I saw a timberwolf snarling. The timberwolf held its ears and bared its teeth, I saw what she meant. With newfound determination to stop them, I hid behind a tree to observe them.

I saw the foundation of a building being built, I then see a couple of Minotaurs with axes cutting down trees. About four of them got it, I glance over to two Unicorns with Military armor. In the middle of the Unicorns is an Earth Pony with a Stetson while in a tan cowboy outfit.

"Move those logs o'er to the pile, ah want this building built by dawn, or Boss will be angry. Ya won't like him when he's angry or me fer that matter." The Earth Pony ordered the Minotaurs gave him a salute.

"Yes, Gunner, Sir!" The Minotaurs then carry the logs over to the pile, I then nod, I think it's time I introduce myself. I point a finger to the logs and fire off a Ki blast from my finger. Exploding the pile of logs into a million shards, some of the shards dug into the Minotaur's eyes and other body parts.

"GRAH MY EYES!!!!" As dust filled the airy from the wood I made my attack. Going through the dust I struck a Minotaur in their gut making them wheeze, I then struck them in their nose. Grabbing the Minotaur by its horns I chucked the Minotaur into another one, sending them out of the dust cloud and into a tree. I wasn't killing them by request, Zecora had said that everyone deserves a second chance, even bastards like these.

The two Minotaurs I hadn't taken out brought out their axes, still blinded, the dust cloud was still there. "Wh-who's there? Do you know who you're dealin' with? I am Copper Horn, winner of the Heavy Weight-" He didn't get to finish his sentence as he was gut punched by me. He dropped his axe and I grabbed him by his horns and slammed my knee into his nose, the force of the attack broke his horns and made him fall down. The last Minotaur was shaking in fear, though he couldn't see me he sensed my murderous intent, he dropped his axe and fell down. He fainted due to my intimidation, Nat 20 I guess.

I walk out of the dust cloud and the two Unicorns took on a stance while the Earth Pony I knew as Gunner took out two guns that resembled an Ak-47. The first ever guns made were made in the Storm Kingdom, the most technologically advanced nation out of all of them. He clenched his guns and grinned.

"You don't wanna be messin' with us, Dick Head." And there it is, the dick joke. I frowned at Gunner and put my hands in my pocket, "Not much of a talker ain'tcha?"

"I have a few questions for you before I turn you into mincemeat. Why are you here? Why would I not be wanting to mess with you? And why the Everfree Forest?" I asked the Earth Pony, Gunner turned to his Unicorn Guards and they shrugged.

"Well, ah'm here to expand the family business. As for why ya won't wanna mess with me, is 'cause mah father is a POWERFUL man, and so am ah. Just because ya beat a few weaklin's don't mean yer shit! Why the Everfree? Look around ya, there are so many freakish monsters here it's bound tah get a high price! Who knows, maybe ah'll catch mahself an Ursa Major!" Gunner then cackles and slaps his knees before swearing, holding his knee with his hands that were currently holding guns.

"So, you're part of the black market, willing to sell these creatures to the highest bitter." I shift my stance, and the Unicorns stiffen up.

"Bingo! Right ya are, want a cookie?" Gunner puts up one of his guns and brings out a see through bag that had a crushed-up cookie. I frown and lunged towards the Earth Pony, immediately the Unicorn Guards ran at me. Their horns lit up and one shot an ice spell at me, I swiftly ducked under it and sent a Ki blast towards them. The guard made a shield and blocked the attack, the other guard snuck behind me and shot a fire spell at me. I jumped in the air and did a flip landing behind the Unicorn. I grabbed him by the mane and chucked him at the other Guard then crash into each other. I then shot towards them before I got shot by what felt like lightning, I was getting electrocuted and I jumped back. I see Gunner with a shit-eating grin on his face.

"These here bullets are designed tah kill monsters of class seven and higher! Meanin' they can kill Ursa Majors, Dragons and still have room tah kill a Hydra!" Gunner then fires off more bullets at me, I raise my forearms and I begin to block them. Surprisingly I was getting pushed back, I was then punched where my kidney would be by a Unicorn Guard, he continued to strike me. The other Guard kicked me in the back of my leg, making me go to one knee I was then shot in the face by an electrical bullet, I growled in pain. I grabbed the Guards by the horns and smashed them together, no more holding back, this is pissing me off. I then do a split kick and kick both of them in their abdomens, making them cough out saliva before I banged their heads together.

"KIKOHO!!!!" I fired off a tri-beam at Gunner and he rolled out of the way, the trees behind him were cut down. Gunner then puts his two guns together and they combined into a cannon.

"YEEEHAAWWW!!!!" Gunner began to shoot the combined power of the bullets at me, and I began to dodge them. "DANCE, DICK HEAD, DANCE!!!!" Gunner cackled, he then charged up a final blast and shot it at me. I kicked the bullet into the air and flew after it, looking down at Gunner I saw his face filled to the brim with horror.

"It's over." I kick the bullet back down and the bullet hits next to him, the electricity transferred over to him and he roared in pain. Getting shocked by lightning, he then went to his knees and to all fours. I then descend and land in front of him.

"What are ya waitin fer? Kill me." Gunner said weakly, I pointed a finger at him and a Ki blast began to charge. He closed his eyes, embracing death, I then fired it off next to him.

"Scum like you don't deserve it, now run along and tell your boss that this forest is under my protection. If he has anything to say about it, he can kiss the bottom of my shoe, because that's where he'll be if he dares to harm this forest. Go." I ordered he then whimpered and ran away like a coward, I cross my arms and look at the foundation of the building they were making. "Hm, I could make use of this and make a Dojo, heh, I could call it; 'Hit's Martial Arts School' no, I need a more kick-ass name."

"So... COOOOL!!!!!" My eyes open wide and I adopted the 'oh shit' face. I turn around and I see the Cutie Mark Crusaders, my eyes were still open wide.

"You were like bam, boom, crash! And they were like 'oh please don't hurt me, I'm too weak and then you were like 'you're not worth my time' SO COOOLLL!!!!!" Scootaloo gushed, putting her hands on her cheeks as stars formed on her eyes. They all jump around me and I just stand there.

"Oh Kami..."

"YOU WHAT!??!?!" Rarity yelled at the Crusaders and me, "How didn't you notice them? They could be in danger while you... while you... Go about and beat ruffians? And you girls are in BIG trouble."

"We told you fellers on multiple occasions not to go in that forest, I know you guys were tryin' to look out for our friend here but that was dangerous." Applejack scolded the young'uns.

"We're sorry sis, we just wanted to make sure Hit was safe," Applebloom said, her ears flopped downwards.

"That was a very nice thing for you to do young Applebloom, saving a friend no matter the danger is a good quality of friendship." Celestia said, I nearly gagged at the word. She then looks at me with a smile, "You did a good deed as well, helping out someone in need and capturing these criminals." I look behind me and there were the Minotaurs and the Unicorns tied up with rope.

"It's nothing, really," I said with a frown, the Princess just continued to smile at me.

"It is something, you possibly saved this whole town all because of your nobility," Celestia said, putting a finger on my chest, my frown deepens. 'Looks like you're really learning the values of friendship.' Celestia said telepathically

'Will you shut up? You dragged me into this, I'm just trying to get enough friends to climb out of this hell hole.' I said telepathically as well. I crossed my arms and Celestia just giggled at this.

'But I will still win, you're still going to have to do acts of kindness. It'll grow on you and then you'll become a softy, maybe quit the Hitman life and live here in Ponyville.' Celestia said, I open my eyes wide, what has she done? She planned this from the start!

'You evil son of a-' I was cut off when Rainbow Dash interjected.

"Why are you two staring at each other like that? Are you two in love or something?" Rainbow Dash asked curiously, Celestia had a blush form on her face and turned away.

"Oooh! They're in looove~" Pinkie Pie said, looking at us.

"I assure you I am not in love with this scheming mastermind." I glared at Celestia, she then puts a fist to her mouth and cleared her throat. A blush still there.

"I-indeed, we are not in love, n-now I must be off. Thank you Hit and remember to send me letters daily, farewell." Celestia turns around and the Guard shoves the prisoners into a chariot while Celestia gets in her own. She waves me goodbye and I give her the bird, she sent me a kiss and I caught it... And put it in a box and threw that shit in the garbage. The chariots went off and the others just stand beside me.

"Yup, definitely in love." Pinkie Pie said with a nod, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack both nod in agreement.

"We are not in love!"