//------------------------------// // Princess Luna (Part 2) // Story: Affection Therapy // by Blazewing //------------------------------// You awake the next morning, around 8 o’clock. The memory of the dream you had gone through is still fresh on your mind. You can still see fleeting images of the memories you revisited, as well as the terrifying figure that stood over you, taunting you, beating you down with its words, promising to never give you peace… More vivid than that, however, is the memory of your nocturnal visitor, the one who saved you from that terrifying image and those painful memories: Princess Luna. Princess Cadance had been right after all, when she said she knew someone with experience in dealing with a dark past, although you’d prefer to consider your past more ‘troubled’ than ‘dark’.  Even so, Luna gave you the confidence you needed to speak your mind, and then gave you some wise advice for the future. You still don’t know how you’re going to face your foster father, but you’ve made up your mind to talk to Rose after work today, to tell her everything. After everything she’s done for you, she deserves to know. For now, though, you have to prepare for Princess Luna’s arrival, for her own affection therapy session before your shift starts. You have about two hours ahead of you before she arrives, so you get up to get yourself ready. The imminent arrival of a Princess of Equestria in your own home is not to be taken lightly, after all. Once you’ve showered and had breakfast, you have just enough time to get a new batch of cookies started. You had already made some last night for your clients for the day, and now you intend to have some ready for Luna. You’re unsure if her royal palate will even be accepting of homemade chocolate chip cookies, but it doesn’t hurt to try. Besides, you’ve seen how humble and down-to-earth Twilight and Cadance are. Hopefully Luna will be the same, despite her lofty position. It’s almost 10 AM by the time you have everything as ready as it can be. The sitting room is straightened out, the couch cushions and pillows have been fluffed, and a plate of cooled cookies has been set on the coffee table. The kettle is warming on the stovetop, and you have your assortment of tea bags laid out, hoping any flavor among them will suit Luna’s fancy. The blinds are drawn around the windows, in spite of the bright sunlight outside, to ensure privacy. Everything seems fine on the surface, but the imminent arrival of a princess still has you feeling particularly nervousited. Nervousited. Pinkie Pie really is rubbing off on you. Presently, the clock on the wall begins chiming the hour, giving you a start. Any second now, and she’ll be here. The instant the clock strikes 10, a bright flash of light, as instant as the flash of a camera, illuminates the room. You shield your eyes as spots blink in and out in your line of vision. When it clears, you see none other than Princess Luna herself standing before you, in all her majesty, though bereft of her royal accessories, just like Cadance had been. “G-Good morning, Your Highness,” you say, bowing. “Good morning,” says Luna, smiling. “You look well-rested.” “Thanks to you,” you say. “Tis my duty and my pleasure,” says Luna. “Everypony, and every human, deserves a good night’s rest, and I do what I can to ensure that.” “It’s very noble what you do,” you say, “though it must be pretty exhausting, staying up all night and dealing with ponies’ dreams. You said so yourself last night.” Luna nods. Looking closer at her, you can see dark circles under her eyes, in spite of her friendly smile. “It’s not easy to get started in the morning as a result,” she says. “I don’t truly start feeling myself until the afternoon, and I fear I’m not always in the best of moods until then. Celestia is quick to tell me when I’m being grouchy, but I’m usually too out of it to listen or care.” “Well, I certainly hope I can relieve some of that stress,” you say. “I never imagined I’d be granting a therapy session to two princesses in one week.” “You truly must be the luckiest human who lived,” says Luna, with an amused giggle. At that moment, you hear the whistle of the kettle. Luna perks up her ears. “Oh! I hope you don’t mind, but I got some tea ready. Do you have any preference?” “I don’t mind at all. I tend to prefer soothing flavors such as peppermint or chamomile, but I shall leave it for you to decide.” “All right, then. Please, make yourself comfortable, and help yourself to some cookies.” “Oh, how delightful!” You head to the kitchen, and prepare two cups of peppermint tea. It’s a particularly strong blend from Jasmine Leaf’s tea shop, and the smell alone is appetizing. You return to the living room to find Luna sitting on your couch, on all fours, nibbling daintily at a cookie. “Here we are,” you say, setting her cup down. “I hope it’s to your liking, Your Highness.” Luna swallows and wipes crumbs from her lips with her hoof. “Thank you,” she says. “It smells delicious.” “Once you’re all settled in and cozy, let me know, and we can begin.” You sit down next to her, and from there, Luna alternates between sipping tea and nibbling at cookies. From the dainty way she eats, and the rather stiff way she’s sitting, she’s clearly not completely at ease yet. As a princess, she must be used to a stuffier atmosphere, and has not had much of a chance to loosen her nerves and be herself. Hopefully you can change that. At last, Luna sets her cup down, licks her lips, and sighs in satisfaction. “Ahh...That really hits the spot. I don’t often have the chance to indulge in sweet foods myself. Much as I hate to admit it, I envy the ease with which Celestia consumes cake on a regular basis. The royal kitchens are more than happy to churn them out for her. She always makes sure to leave a slice for me, but it’s not the same.” “Have you ever requested the kitchen ponies make one for you?” “They have offered, but I don’t trust Celestia not to eat up what I don’t finish. Believe me, she’s done it in the past. She complains that I’m bad at eating up leftovers. Well, excuse me, but I’d rather not eat the same thing two days in a row.” “I understand. So, what do you do when you get that craving for sweets?” “There’s a donut shop in Canterlot which provides particularly delectable wares. When the urge hits me, I order half a dozen for myself. Of course, I return the favor my sister gives me by saving her favorite for her.” Between the cake and the donuts, you’re amazed at how the princesses stay so thin. There must be something to alicorn metabolism that leave them looking slender and regal no matter what. On the other hand, there’s Twilight, who’s a little chubbier than her fellow royals, and you know she enjoys sweets as much as anypony. Perhaps it’s just one of those intricacies of being an alicorn that nopony understands. “Well, that’s very sweet of you,” you say, before adding, “no pun intended.” “She gets on my nerves on occasion, especially when I’m still tired from my duties, but that’s normal for siblings. I do love her very much, and she knows I’m only teasing when I tell her all that cake is going to her flanks.” You nearly spit out your tea at this. Luna put that out so bluntly that you hardly know what to say in response. It’s certainly not something the average pony would feel safe bringing up in casual conversation. Then again, this is Celestia’s sister you’re sitting with, and a fellow princess. Your attempt to hold back a spit-take did not go unnoticed, as Luna giggles. “It’s fine,” she says. “As I say, I’m only jesting when I tell her that. I’ve seen her devour nearly a whole cake by herself, and yet she hardly looks like she’s gained a pound. Only the royal bathroom scale knows the truth.” Putting aside the image of Celestia standing on a bathroom scale, and looking either disappointed or angry, this lines up pretty well with what Cadance told you yesterday. You can’t help but wonder if Twilight will eventually become as tall and slim as her fellow princesses when she gets older. You set your cup down as well. Luna gives another contented sigh. “Well, I believe I’m ready to begin now,” she says. She certainly does look more at ease. That’s a good sign. “Excellent!” you say. “So, Princess, how would you like to begin? This is your session, after all. However you want to proceed is up to you.” Luna smiles. “That’s very obliging of you. If it’s all the same to you, I’d like to lie down and rest a bit, and perhaps during that time, I wouldn’t mind an ear scratching.” “Absolutely, Your Highness.” You prepare to get up to give her room to lie, content with sitting on the floor to administer her ear scratches. However, before you can do that, she stretches her forelegs, turns, and lays herself on her stomach across your lap. She’s so tall that her barrel rests across your knees. In spite of your surprise, you still manage to move a pillow for her to rest her head on. “Is that comfortable for you, Your Highness?” you ask. “Indeed,” says Luna, placidly. “And please, call me Luna.” “Of course, Prin- er, Luna.” Still marveling at this, you begin gently scratching behind her left ear. You feel her forehooves curl in, and she lets out a dreamy sigh as her eyes close. “Wonderful,” she murmurs. “I never knew such a sensation could be experienced...And from so simple a gesture…” She’s not the first to think that, nor is it likely she’ll be the last. From one ear, you start scritching the other. Her wings give a little twitch, and her star-speckled tail swishes. This brings to mind something you always wanted to know. “Luna? May I ask you something?” “Of course,” says Luna, sleepily. “I’m sure many ponies have asked this already, but how do your and Celestia’s manes do what they do? Flow freely like that, I mean.” Luna chuckles softly. “You’re certainly not the first to wonder about that,” she says. “It’s simply a side effect of the alicorn powers my sister and I possess. It comes from having the magic necessary to raise the sun and moon.” “Ohh,” you say. “I never even thought of that. Is that why Twilight’s and Cadance’s manes don’t do that, even though they’re alicorns?” “That’s right,” says Luna. “We can’t even feel it when they’re flowing, so it’s no hindrance to us. You may feel mine for yourself, if you like.” “Really?” “Mm-hmm. You have my permission.” Tentatively, you place your hand on Luna’s mane. To your amazement, it doesn’t stop moving at your touch, and yet you can’t feel it moving at all. It feels very smooth and silky as you run your hand along it. Even the translucent edges are solid enough to be touched, and feel just the same.. “Astounding,” you say. “Thank you,” says Luna. With that question answered, you resume scratching Luna’s ear with one hand. With the other, you start scratching under her chin. She tilts her head up, a sleepy smile on her face, already looking more rested than when she first arrived. How many ponies has she soothed in much the same way by protecting them in their dreams? Too many to count, very likely. After a time, with a soft grunt, she turns over onto her back. She’s rather heavier than a normal pony, which isn’t a surprise, given her stature, but she’s not insupportably so. Just like many a pony who has done so before, she curls her hooves up to her chest in a very cute fashion. She opens her eyes and looks drowsily up at you, a small smile on her lips. Grinning, you tap her nose in a boop. Her muzzle crinkles, and she automatically reaches out to tap your nose in return. It never fails. “Would you care for a belly rub now, Luna?” you ask. She nods. So, you place your hand on her flat and slender belly and start gently rubbing back and forth. Her coat has a velvety softness to it, almost as though she’s covered in down instead of fur.  Luna’s eyes close again, and she lays her head back on the pillow. Her back leg twitches, and her tail gives another swish. On a whim, you gently tickle her side, and she wriggles a bit, giggling adorably, and quite unlike the Luna you’ve come to expect. You don’t keep it up for long, though, and soon resume rubbing, and she relaxes again. With your other hand, you cup her chin and give her cheeks a gentle squeeze. Despite her more angular muzzle, they feel soft and squishy as well. She giggles again and nuzzles her chin into your palm, resting her cheek against your fingers. At the same time, her hoof reaches out and clasps your arm gently. She looks utterly at peace. So there you sit: the second-tallest alicorn in Equestria, the princess who controls the Moon and guards over dreams, snuggled across the lap of a human, enjoying a belly rub. It’s unbelievable, to say the least. Seeing this kind of foal-like contentment in a pony like Cadance is one thing, but it’s quite another seeing it in somepony like Luna. She’s behaving very much like a large dog, one that looks intimidating, but is an absolute teddy bear in reality.  Suddenly, you feel a rumble beneath your belly-rubbing hand. Luna must still be a little hungry. Taking your hand away from her belly, you reach over and grab another cookie, holding it before her muzzle. Her nose twitches, sniffing at it, and then she takes a bite of it, without even opening her eyes. You have to suppress a laugh at this, as she snaps up the rest in the same way, licking her lips afterwards. She seems satisfied now, so you resume the interrupted belly rub, as she nuzzles against your palm again. Time passes slowly and silently. You never think to look at the clock and see how long you’ve been at these sessions. Why should you? You’re not trying to limit how long these ponies get to enjoy affection therapy. The hour allotment is one set in stone at the spa, after all. This is Luna’s time. Speaking of Luna, what she does next is most surprising. With a murmur, she stirs, and you stop rubbing, removing your hands from her belly and chin. She sits up, yawns, and then, looking at you with a gentle smile, she leans forward and puts her hooves around you, as well as her wings, and pulls you into a close hug.  You’re so caught off guard that you don’t know how to respond at first. You’re used to receiving hugs, but not so unexpectedly. However, as she settles into the embrace, nuzzling your cheek, your surprise soon ebbs away, and you put your arms around her in turn, returning the hug. You can feel the soft beat of her heart against your own chest, and you detect, for the first time, a scent of something calming and flowery. Is it lavender? “Thank you,” says Luna. “I feel much better now, thanks to you. Your methods truly are wondrous.” “It was my pleasure, Luna,” you say. “After all that you do for ponies in their dreams, you deserve some relaxation yourself.” You feel her hug tighten a little bit, and then she releases you, smiling with that sage soft smile at you. “Will you be all right with what I suggested last night?” she asks, her smile fading a little, and her tone a little more serious. “About your circumstances?” You pause. Then, you say, “I will be. It may take some time, but I will take your advice.” Luna’s smile returns. “I’m glad to hear it. Now, I must be off, but may the ponies you see today become as relaxed and content as you’ve made me feel, and I hope to see you again, in a happier dream.” She leans forward and kisses your forehead, then gives you one more hug for good measure. Then, she spreads her wings. With one flap, she lifts up into the air, hovering over the floor. You watch as her horn starts to glow. “Fare thee well, human of Equestria.” You smile back at her. “Goodbye, Luna.” There’s another bright flash of light, and in the next instant, she’s gone. For a moment or two, you sit there, still staring at the place where she had been. Then, the clock strikes 11, startling you. You’d better hustle and have lunch before heading over to the spa. It’s sure to be another busy day today.