//------------------------------// // Chapter two // Story: Potential of family // by Darksoul85 //------------------------------// Nightfall since he had done dance and drama with Red Velvet for a couple of weeks with his parents' permission to visit Red Velvet trotted happily and did some flying and when he arrived, her parents opened the door and glared. "Boy, our daughter isn't seeing any colts or stallions."         "Actually I'm here to practice a drama homework assignment with her. I'm Nightfall and she said I could drop by today."            "So be it, come in" Nightfall felt like the father hated his guts, the mother kept a wary eye on him. "So, I'm curious why Red found interest in you? Best I can tell you're like any other boy, just want to have my daughter's body!"           "Not all sir, yes she's cute, but my whole family would kill if I…………if I knocked a mare up before I married her; it's not the way our family does things."             The father didn't say anything but the mother spoke finally, "What are your intentions for my baby? She's got hurt by your type and I'll sure as hell am not gonna let it happen again!" Nightfall felt like he needed to leave because the conversation made him feel uneasy. The parents were being really rude and hateful with him, he began to wonder if Crimson Trace had anything to do with why the parents hated his guts.            At that moment a black and white blur flew at him in rapid canter and lept beside him on the couch. Looking down it was the filly he saw for a couple of solid weeks. From the front hallway he saw Red Velvet coming in with a couple of paper bags. "Hey Red Velvet! I just met your folks and I  was about to leave."           Red Velvet dragged her folks into the kitchen, "I pray to Celestia that you weren't rude to him! He's a nice guy and compared to the others he's been absolutely respectful. He's got Crimson to lay off for now, before you kick him out………..as a test let's see if Cookies N Creme likes him enough to kibble, if she nibbles you have to accept as a prospect. "         "Deal" and as they left the kitchen Cookies N Creme began to talk.          "So Cookies, can I call you CiCi?"          "Well duh of course!"          "Cookies be polite to our guest!" Red scolded, and Nightfall gave Cookies N Creme a book and the latter blushed and Nightfall felt like he stepped beyond a line.            "I didn't know you had a younger sister."           "Well Nightfall" Red Velvet began, and leaned into her mother and her father became stern. "Before I begin, Cookies would you letting the adults talk?"         "Sure!" once alone Red Velvet continued her story, "Back a few years ago, I went to a frat party as a date with Crimson Trace…………..you see, I was young and stupid as heck. I got drunk and like every other pony, but so Crimson offered to take me home. I didn't realize he wasn't drunk enough to be tipsy like I was, next thing I know he was forcing himself on me and I didn't fight back. Then I learned I was pregnant and Crimson quit being friends with me and he started being verbally abusive…………...that's why I work after school a couple of days a week to help pay for my daughter, mom and dad have taken the brunt of my bills. Crimson wouldn't take responsibility or pay child support."         " Who's your daughter?"         " You've seen her already and seen her around already………..it's Cookies N Creme. Crimson you've heard in person the crap he says to my face, every stallion I dated once they learned I have a daughter to leave me with the bill."          In Nightfall's mind he decided that he'd pay the child support and be the father figure. As they talked, Nightfall bolted from the couch and dove through the kitchen doorway and caught Cookies N Creme before she hit the floor. "Easy there CiCi! You could've been hurt, no more climbing cabinets."             During dinner, he felt slight nibbles and he didn't know why CiCi was nibbling on him. Dinner was wrapped up and as Red Velvet and her parents chatted with Nightfall a definite nibble was felt and looking around and lifting up a wing he saw that Cookies N Creme was nibbling his wing. The little eyes opened up and a slight mumble was heard.            "If you like I won't mind if you datey mom, out of all her ex-boyfriends…………you're by far the best colt-friend she has had in a while." then Red Velvet was pulled closer together and Nightfall felt worried being that close with Red Velvet but the parents covered the Trio up in a heavy quilt.              When Morning came, Nightfall felt like his ribs were gonna be shattered as he saw a hundred pound filly jumping on his body. He made his farewell after breakfast and he returned home.            "Where the heck have you been!" DeWalt scolded.         " Red Velvet's place I spent the night there."          "You slept with a mare you're not married to!" Knuckles and the others made an appearance to see why DeWalt was telling.           "It wasn't that bad, there was a filly between us."            "So You're filly-fooler?"           "Ewwww !!!! No!" Nightfall explained the whole story and DeWalt felt better now having heard the full story. Nightfall decided that he would keep an eye on Crimson Trace. He even told his parents his plan to pay the child support and Cookie N Creme's medical bills. The parents approved of his plan and set up an account and gave him about five million bits to make the necessary payments. Cookies N Creme for being about eight years old was doing her best to make her mother and Nightfall spend time together.         Red Velvet's parents still kept a wary eye on him, and as agreed he came over for Visits when either one of them were present but that eventually boiled down to he could visit whenever he wanted once some news was told to them.  Bullied          Red Velvet and Cookies N Creme were walking the school halls when they were intercepted by Crimson and his friends. Crimson was rather verbal and said some really crass things, things you shouldn't say in front of a little filly. Then things got violent and Red Velvet started getting shoved around. Then got beat up, Cookies N Creme being obedient tried to run like she was ordered it was tackled, Cookies screamed after the first hit. Out of nowhere came a blur of motion and through a swollen eye Red saw Nightfall beating the crap out of Crimson while Almandine and Snare protecting Cookies N Creme. Morning Dawn and Arctic Frost Blitz onto the scene and joined the fray. The bullies and Crimson Trace leaned on the walls from the pain they were dealt and the principle had called the cops. DeWalt and Knuckles had been called and so had Red Velvet's parents.       After that incident Nightfall was free to visit whenever he felt like it. Red Velvet's parents met up with DeWalt and Sketch and talked about Nightfall's name being on the birth certificate of Cookies N Creme and both parties thought that it was a good idea to remove Crimson Trace from the picture.