//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: The Queen of My Life // by HAKDurbin //------------------------------// Sonata and Feather Bangs crossed the road behind Adagio and Aria just as Cherry Berry opened the front door of the bus. Adagio and Aria took a couple of steps inside the bus before they stopped with their mouths agape. There was a couch with enough seats for twelve people standing on the left side of the bus with a marble coffee table in front of it. On the other side was a flat 70-inch TV installed on the wall with a large stereo set. At the back of the bus were a refrigerator and a spiral staircase leading to the second floor. Sonata and Feather Bangs came in after them, and the youngest Dazzling gasped at the sight with a look of awe that made Feather Bangs smile. "There are phone chargers on both ends of the couch and some cider and snacks in the fridge. Help yourself," he said.  Adagio and Aria raced to the refrigerator without saying a word to their gracious host. Cherry Berry sighed and shook her head before she sat down on the driver's seat and turned on the bus. With his driver and Sonata's sisters occupied, Feather Bangs put his arm around Sonata, and she squeaked before turning to him with her cheeks heating up again. "Do you like it?" Feather Bangs asked. "I love it," Sonata answered. "I told Adagio and Aria that you're a big star." Feather Bangs gave the youngest Dazzling a look of intrigue and asked, "You listen to my music?" "Hello? How could I not?" Sonata answered proudly. "' Hey, There,' 'I'll Always Catch You,' 'Do You Remember Me,' 'Will I Find You Anywhere?' I only listen to your music, like, every day." "My, my, my. Not just an angelic face, but a devout fan? I feel blessed," Feather Bangs said. He took her by the hand and led her to the couch, where they both sat down. "Please, tell me more about yourself." "Oh, uh, I don't think there's anything else you might find interesting," Sonata said shyly. "Try me," Feather Bangs said. Sonata hesitated and looked away from Feather Bangs, playing with her fingers as she said, "Well, the three of us are in a band like I said. We just finished performing at the Starswirled Music Festival. "I wish I was there. I bet everyone adored hearing you sing," Feather Bangs said. Sonata grew uneasy as it came to her that Feather Bangs didn't know that the Dazzlings process their voices. She fought the urge to show it to him and said, "I don't think so. People really like seeing Adagio and Aria perform more than me." "Now, that's silly. I wouldn't be surprised if your singing is as lovely as you are," Feather Bangs said. "Would you do me the honor of singing a song for me?" Sonata's uneasiness grew, and Adagio and Aria stopped stuffing themselves on chips and cider. The Dazzlings looked at each other, afraid of what Feather Bands would do if he learned the truth; Sonata fearing he won't like her anymore, and her siblings fearing he'll kick them out of the bus. Feather Bangs began to wonder what was wrong until Adagio cleared her throat to grab Feather Bangs' and stepped in. "We would love to sing one of our songs for you, but our vocal cords are tired after performing at the festival," she said. "Oh, that's totally understandable. I'm no stranger to experiencing that after a concert," Feather Bangs said before turning back to Sonata. "Please forgive me for being so inconsiderate." "Oh, don't worry about it. Really," Sonata said, thankful that he bought the fib. Adagio and Aria mentally sighed in relief and went back to eating. "Anyway, that's the gist of what there is to know about me." "Oh, I seriously doubt that," Feather Bangs said. He took both of Sonata's hands and held them up while staring deep into her eyes. "In fact, there's one thing that I've been meaning to ask you." "Y-yes?" Sonata asked, blushing once more. "You might find this a silly thing for me to ask, but there's something that I've been dying to know from the moment I laid eyes on you," Feather Bangs said. Sonata grew nervous again, thinking her favorite pop star might ask something that was a dealbreaker. Adagio and Aria looked at the two of them as they drank bottles of cider, curious of what the boy was going to ask. Feather Bangs continued to build up the suspense until he flipped his hair and said the last thing the girls expected him to ask. "Sonata, do you like tacos?"  The older Dazzlings looked at the pop star, befuddled while Sonata's face lit up like a spotlight.  "Yes!" She squealed. "Yes, I love tacos! Tacos are my absolute favorite thing! I can't get enough of them! Do you like tacos?" Feather Bangs let out a hearty chuckle and stood up while still holding Sonata's hands, saying, "Come with me. I want to show you something."  Sonata became excited with what her favorite artist was going to show her, like a child wondering what kind of presents she would get for Christmas. Feather Bangs led Sonata up the spiral staircase, and Adagio and Aria followed behind, curious. On the second floor of the bus were a dining table, kitchen cabinets, another TV hanging on the wall, and a single-sized bed and a closet at the far end. However, what caught the Dazzlings' attention was a rectangle table at the center covered by a black lid attached to the ceiling. Next to it was a small refrigerator against the wall and a microwave on top of it. Sonata gave Feather Bangs a puzzled look, and he smirked as he flipped a switch. The lid rose up to reveal a plate of tortillas and taco shells, metal bowls full of ground beef, pork, and diced chicken with a hiss. There were heating lights under the lid, keeping the food warm. Sonata's mouth hung open, and her eyes widened as she turned to Feather Bangs. "T-t-tacos," she stuttered. "So many tacos that can be made." Feather Bangs chuckled at her reaction and said, "It just so happens that I was about to have my favorite food for dinner. There's lettuce, sour cream, and shredded cheese in the refrigerator." "Do you eat tacos every day?" Sonata asked. Feather Bangs smirked and nodded. "But what about when it's Taco Tuesday?" "Girl, in my world, every day is Taco Tuesday," Feather Bangs answered. "Wanna chow down with me?" "Do I ever!" Sonata exclaimed. Feather Bangs took a bow and gestured at the food, saying, "Ladies first." Sonata let out incoherent, high-pitched words as she raced to grab a plate and began filling up a tortilla and taco shell with meat. Feather Bangs smiled at the blueish-white girl, finding her enthusiasm adorable as he grabbed a plate himself. Adagio and Aria stared at their sister and the pop star as though they had turned into little children running wild.  "Oh, this is just great. As if one taco addict wasn't enough, now there are two of them," Adagio complained. "How annoying." "Wanna go back downstairs?" Aria asked.  "Better than watching these two," Adagio answered.  The two oldest Dazzlings went back downstairs to grab more snacks and watch TV. Meanwhile, Sonata finished putting sour cream and cheese on her tacos and putting them in the microwave. Feather Bangs began putting toppings on his tacos when he noticed Sonata heating her food and grinned. "Heating them up to make the cheese melt?" He asked.  "I sure am," Sonata said proudly. "It's still delicious when it's not melted, but melted cheese is much tastier." "I know what you mean. I always melt my cheese, too," Feather Bangs said.  Sonata let out a long gasp and asked, "For realsies?" "For realizies," Feather Bangs answered. "I do it every chance I get." "Me too," Sonata said. "I've tried to melt the cheese with our toaster since we didn't have a microwave in our van." Feather Bangs let out a cheerful laugh, almost dropping his plate in the process. Sonata's smile disappeared, and she lowered her head, struggling not to tear up until Feather Bangs lifted up her chin to face him. "Please don't cry, Sonata," Feather Bangs said in a soothing voice. "I was not making fun of you. I was admiring your determination." "Really? So, you don't think I'm really dumb for doing that?" Sonata asked. "It may be unorthodox, I admit, but as a lover of tacos, your dedication is just one more thing to like about you," Feather Bangs answered. "You mean that?" Sonata asked.  "Cross my heart and hope to die in your sweet arms." Feather Bangs backed up his claim by kissing Sonata's hand again. Sonata's cheeks turned pink again, and she smiled cutely just as the microwave beeped, and she took out her plate. She sat down at the dining table, waiting for her favorite pop star to finish heating up his own food. When he was finished, he put his plate in front of the seat next to Sonata and then took out two bottles of apple cider. Feather Bangs sat down and opened a bottle before handing it to Sonata. Her smile grew as she took the cider, and then Feather Bangs opened his own and held it up to her.  "Cheers to us," he said. "May this be the first of many days where I shall be blessed spending time with the girl of my dreams, Sonata Dusk." Sonata's face turned maroon, and she sputtered out, "Wha- what do you mean, the girl of your dreams?" "Exactly what I said," Feather Bangs said. "But, but how can you say that? I'm not that special," Sonata said. "I'm not pretty and smart like Adagio and Aria. They're much more worthy of being called that by anybody, much less an awesome guy like you."  "If that's so, then why did you catch my attention the moment I saw you?"  Feather Bangs challenged. "I could care less about other girls like your sisters. I may have many fans who adore me, and I've met famous pop stars like Countess Coloratura and Sapphire Shores. They may be special in their own way, but I could never want to move heaven and Earth for them the way I would do that for you."  Sonata stared at Feather Bangs by the way he spoke passionately and without hesitation. All her life, the only adoration she ever knew was through the magic she had through her powers as a siren, and yet this boy may as well had declared his love for her even though she was nothing but a mere human like him. After a while, her shock turned into a sweet smile as her heart melted.  "That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me," Sonata said.  "Is that so? Then it's a good thing I was just telling you the basics of how I feel," Feather Banks said. "Until then, let's chow down on some tacos while they are still hot."  Sonata beamed and nodded before the two of them clinked their drinks. After they swung their cider, Sonata ate her taco and burrito vigorously while Feather Bangs ate at a regular pace. When Feather Bangs finished his first taco, Sonata was already filling up her plate with her second helping. For the next twenty minutes, the pop star and the Dazzling feasted until they had their fill. Sonata leaned on her chair and patted her belly before drinking the rest of her cider.  "That was heavenly," she said with a blissful sigh. "I've never had so many tacos in my life."  Feather Bangs chuckled lightly and said, "I actually eat tacos almost every day." "For realsies? You're so lucky!" Sonata exclaimed.  "Yeah, it's my favorite part of being a famous pop star," Feather Banks said. "Speaking of which, how long have you and your sisters been interested in singing?"  Sonata hesitated, resisting the urge to tell him that she was a siren from another world. She played with her hair and said with a nervous chuckle, "Well, you could say we have been performing all of our lives. We just really want people to adore us.  "Is that so? Do you have any fans?" Feather Bangs asked. "Oh, yes. Lots of people loved us when we sang at the music festival," Sonata said. "Too bad we were only able to perform tonight." "Really?" Why only tonight?" Feather Bangs asked.  "That's just how they scheduled us, I guess," Sonata answered with a shrug. "We're hoping we can perform more shows at Baltimare." "I think you will," Feather Bangs said. Sonata gave him an appreciative look until she realized the conversation might lead to him asking if she could sing for him. Eager to change the subject, she cleared her throat and asked, "So, uh, do you enjoy being a pop star?"  "Absolutely," Feather Bangs said. "My music is important to me, and it warms my heart to see so many people like you love my work." "I'll bet," Sonata said. "I've read your interview on Canterlot Beat talking about how you have been writing songs since you were like, ten."  "I sure have," Feather Bangs said proudly. "Of course, the real challenge is coming up with new songs to stay fresh. You know?" "That does sound difficult," Sonata said. "Are you working on any songs now?"  Feather Banks grinned and said, "I was hoping you'd ask. Matter of fact, I was wondering if you could do me a big favor."  Sonata's eyes widened, and she leaned her head to Feather Bangs, immediately invested. "There's a special song that I've been working on for a few months, and I need a second opinion on it. Would it be all right if I performed the song for you?" Sonata gasped again and nodded vigorously. "Oh, my gosh! Yes! Yes, I would love to!" Feather Bangs' smile grew, and he rushed over to take his laptop from his bed. He ran back to the table, turned on his laptop, and opened an audio track.  "Now, this is work-in-progress music for this song, so don't expect anything fantastic," Feather Bangs said. Sonata smiled and nodded again cutely. Feather Bangs smiled back before he pressed play, and a soft melody began to play, starting with a piano followed by a guitar, drums, cellos, and violins. Sonata felt goosebumps as it hit her more that her favorite musician was performing right in front of her. Feather Bangs cleared his throat and began to sing. His eyes fixed on Sonata. I'm still awake, alone Lying on my bed again  I go outside with idea of where I should go Feather Bangs got down on one knee in front of Sonata as the tempo built up, exciting the blueish-white Dazzling even more. But when you appeared before me My heart stopped beating.  I was in standing in awe Didn't know if I was breathing I rushed got down on my knees And with my hands held high, I said The music clashed into a thrilling crescendo as Feather Bangs sang the chorus. If your smile can brighten the darkest night And your voice makes me want to fly And if you let me be your loyal shining knight Then I'll make you the Queen of My Life Sonata let out a squeal of delight, making her charming host grin. The music went back to a soft and slow beat before Feather Bangs continued.  I wanna know who you are And where you've been all of my life Cause time with you is as precious as your eyes When you appeared before me My heart stopped beating.  I was in standing in awe Didn't know if I was breathing I rushed got down on my knees And with my hands held high, I said If your smile can brighten the darkest night And your voice makes me want to fly And if you let me be your loyal shining knight Then I'll make you the Queen of My Life The end of the chorus was followed by a guitar solo screaming. At this point, Sonata was electrified, which pleased the musician all the more. Suddenly, Feather Bangs took Sonata by the hand and pulled her up, bringing her so close that her nose almost touched his. Her blueish white skin turned crimson, and she stuttered, "F-f-Feather Bangs, what are you doing?" "Dance with me," he simply replied.  Sonata sputtered out words of protest, but the celebrity already had one hand on her hip and another holding her hand. Before she knew it, the two of them were dancing to the rhythm of the music around the table, with Sonata struggling to follow Feather Bangs's lead. Eventually, Sonata managed to figure out the moves, and her partner gave her a toothy grin before he finished singing. If your smile can brighten the darkest night And your voice makes me want to fly And if you let me be your loyal shining knight Then I'll make you the Queen of My Life I'll worship the Queen of My Life Will you please be the Queen of My Life? Feather Bangs dipped Sonata with the last notes, and with a yelp, she wrapped her arms around his neck on instinct. Feather Bangs chuckled while the music ended, and he leaned his head close to Sonata, his harlequin eyes staring intensely into her raspberry ones once more.  "You don't need to be afraid, Sonata," Feather Bangs said in a soothing voice. "I'll always catch you when you fall." Sonata's heart skipped a beat, and she responded with a heartfelt smile, her face still beet red. After a few more seconds, Feather Bangs lifted Sonata back to her feet. She looked away and played with the side of her hair again. The gold-colored boy waited a moment for Sonata to collect herself before he asked, "So, what did you think?" "I loved it," Sonata answered. "I can tell you put a lot of heart into it." "I'm glad," Feather Bangs said. "It means a lot to me that you feel that way." "It does?" Sonata asked, looking back at him with a puzzled expression.  "Of course," Feather Bangs answered. "In fact, it brings me to a question that I want to ask you." Sonata's puzzlement grew as her idol took a step closer to her. Feather Bangs paused for effect and flipped the front of his hair before he said, "Sonata, I realize that we've known each other for only a short time, but I feel very sure about how I feel about you. I realize this may be a tough decision to follow through with your sisters, but I don't want that to get in the way. Will you please join me on my tour and stay with me always? It would be my honor if you did. Heck, you and your sisters could be an opening act for my concerts if that is your wish." Once again, Sonata's eyes widened, and she let out a long, loud gasp. Her mouth opened to say yes, but then she stopped herself, realizing part of what he asked. Feather Bangs's confidence faltered as the girl of his dreams debated with herself. Her guilt grew until she couldn't take it anymore, and she faced Feather Banks with an apologetic look.  "Feather Bangs, I would like to do that a lot. For realsies," she said, "But I don't think it would be right if my sisters and I went with you." "I don't understand," Feather Bangs said.  Sonata paused to muster up the courage to say, "You see, Adagio, Aria, and I can't really sing. We used to sing very well, but now we have a...condition that ruined our singing voices. Ever since then, we've been masking that with vocal processing. That's the real reason people enjoyed our performance at the Starswirled Music Festival tonight, and that is what we hope will lead us to form at the Baltimare Music Festival. The top floor of the tour bus became silent. Feather bangs stared at Sonata, speechless, which frightened her. She knew that Aria and Adagio were going to be furious when they found out that she told the truth, but that fear was nothing compared to the fear of what Feather Banks was going to do after doing so much for her. Eventually, he looked away from her and scratched the back of his head.  "Thank you for telling me," he said.  Sonata grimaced and said, "I'm so sorry. After everything you've done, I just couldn't lie to you anymore. You deserve someone honest, unlike me." Feather Bangs said nothing in response, which made Sonata's hearts heavier. After a while, he turned back to face her with a small smile, "Well, you did eventually tell me the truth, and I can tell it took a lot of courage." "I guess so," Sonata said with guilt still filling up her voice. "So... You're not mad?  "No, but I am disappointed," Feather Banks answered. "Are you really capable of singing without vocal processing?"  Sonata bit her lip.  "I mean, I guess we're not as terrible as before, but we can be a little off tune." "Can you show me?" Feather Bangs asked. "Why?" Sonata asked.  "Well, if you want to be honest with me now, then you might as well go this far,'' Feather Banks answered.  Sonata hesitated, not wanting to show the guy she liked how bad her singing was until she decided she owed Feather Bangs that much. She cleared her throat and sang the best she could, but she couldn't make it past the first four notes before Feather Bangs winced. His reaction made her look away, ashamed, and he quickly rushed to her side.  "Sorry. I wasn't prepared. It's not that bad. Really." Sonata scoffed and said, "Now who's the liar?" Feather Bangs took a moment before he let out a chuckle. Sonata chuckled too for a few seconds before the area was filled with silence once more. The two of them looked away from each other, feeling awkward until Feather Bangs cleared his throat.  "Well, if that's the case, perhaps I can help you improve on your singing." "Really? You would do that?" Sonata asked with hope in her eyes.  "I don't see why not," Feather Bangs said. "I've had vocal coaches train me before I even started recording my first album, so I could pass their teachings to you." He took Sonata's hand once again and gave her an encouraging look. "I can't promise flawlessness, but if we work hard, I bet we can get you in the right direction toward what your singing used to be." Sonata paused for a moment and gave a warm smile, and said in a sweet voice, "I'd like that a lot."