//------------------------------// // Chapter One: Lamia // Story: Ice Cage Hearts // by Lady Spider //------------------------------// ** This may be a weak chapter and I apologize. I've had so much going on that I kind of rushed through the end there. May rewrite this chapter later depending on your comments. But for now...** Chapter One: Lamia The first feeling I felt was warmth. The first thing I felt was pain. I groaned. My head felt heavy and sharp pains pierced through it. I put my hand to my head. “Oh my head....” I sat up slowly and opened my light blue eyes. The first thing I saw was a unicorn. I was welcomed with ten pairs of pony eyes staring intently at me. I could tell my eyes grew wide and I shrank down into the casket slightly. “Um...” The dark unicorn with wings (??) and flowing hair slightly intimidated me as her horn began to glow. The light colored unicorn with wings (??) and crazy hair next to me faced the rest of the assortment of different colored pegasi, unicorns, and ponies in front of me. “I suppose this means it worked then...” I was so lost. “What is going on? What happened?” Goddess, my head killed. I tried to stand up and flopped back down into my preservation chamber. “Who are you? What are you?” The light unicorn with wings spoke, first to the others in the room then to me. “Leave us.” The room cleared almost immediately. “I am Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria with my sister Princess Luna.” She introduced. The dark unicorn with wings stepped forward as she was named. “We are alicorns. Please do not panic my little human. The planet you knew died thousands of years ago for reasons unknown. We hoped you could explain to us more of your kind.” She looked at me kindly. “What is your name?” I stared at the talking alicorn. “Um. I’m Lamia.” Princess Celestia smiled. “Lamia. Welcome to Equestria.” I blinked and my straight black hair fell into my face. Equestria? I thought hard. The last thing I could remember was someone closing the ice chamber door in my face and locking it. Then the cold had taken over and blackness covered my thoughts and feelings. Suddenly I realized the Princess was still talking to me and I should probably be paying attention. “...I am going to have you stay with my faithful student Twilight Sparkle until you are called for by the Canterlot Historians. We must get you a place to stay here of course. Until then I am sure that you will fare well in Ponyville. The train leaves soon so we must get you ready to go!” Almost on cue the doors opened and several dark, bat-winged pegasi in uniforms came into the room. “These are the Lunar Stallions.” Princess Luna stated proudly. “They and a few of my sister’s Night Guards will be escorting you to Ponyville.” “We will be excited to learn more about you, Lamia.” I stood dazed. I’m just dreaming. I’m still in the ice chamber. Yeah. If I just play along maybe I’ll wake up. Several grey unicorns in light uniforms entered the room. This is a weird-ass dream. I was escorted outside the building I was in (which was massive, some sort of castle or palace), and into the darkness outside. A train was waiting and I was boarded onto it. The ride was short but awkward. I mean c’mon. All the Lunar Stallions (I think that’s what she called them) were making faces and tickling the Night Guards to try and make them react. If I didn’t know better I would have thought the Night Guards were stone. Eventually the train came to a stop and the Guards finally moved to the delight of the Lunar Stallions. They led me through the town, guarding me on every side so I couldn’t be seen by anyone around. We stopped in front of a giant tree that had windows and a door. A Night Guard went up to the door and knocked on it. A light flicked on upstairs and clamoring could be heard. Within a few moments a sleepy looking purple unicorn was standing in the open doorway. Her eyes fell on me and she blinked a few times. “Good mother of Celestia!” The Guards shifted a little uncomfortably. “Is that a human?” What happened next amazed me. A little purple dragon that looked like it was sleepwalking came to the door and coughed out a green flame. A letter formed from the flame and floated to the ground. Purple light (magic?) from the unicorn’s horn lifted the letter and unfolded it. “To my faithful student Twilight Sparkle, I am sure you are aware of the ruins discovered a few miles out as Daring Do has a way of telling Rainbow Dash all of the expeditions in progress. This human was discovered in an ice preservation chamber in the ruins. Presently she will be moved back to Canterlot for historical interviews. Until then I thought you would like to have living history in your own home. I trust you will take good care of Lamia. Princess Celestia” Twilight looked back at me this time with excitement instead of tiredness. “This is going to be so much fun! No worries! She’s safe here in Ponyville!” At that the unicorn pulled me into her house with more strength than I thought possible and slammed the door in the Guards faces. Twilight dashed into the kitchen and set a pot of tea onto the stove. “So, Lamia, tell me about what you remember about earth!” I stood awkwardly amidst the walls of books. “Um. Right now?” She smiled widely. “Of course! It doesn’t matter how late it is! This is purely for research purposes!” She noted my tired expression. “Just a quick little summary? Pleeeeease?” Twilight was sitting oh so excitedly at the table with paper and a quill floating in front of her. I sighed tiredly and went over to sit across from her. I was starting to feel kind of sore and tired. “Well...” I sent my brain into the farthest depths of my mind for the memories of the world I knew. “When I was younger, things were always peaceful. There had been wars and stuff before then but somehow the world had reached a time of absolute peace. I was an only child and lived with my parents in the Capital until I was ten. Then I was sent to continue my studies at the school just outside the Capital. It wasn’t a bad life, although I was never one to socialize much with the other children. My life was nothing but schooling until I reached sixteen. The peace had... worn away...” Here my memories started to get fuzzy. “...something happened... and... a dark force rose. It drove the people to fight and kill each other again. It...” My memories stopped. “Um..” Twilight stopped her frantic scribbling and looked at me puzzled. “And? What happened? Why were you in a preservation chamber?” I blinked. Why can’t I remember? That should be my clearest memory... I frowned and my brow furrowed. Twilight put the parchment and quill down. “Well. You’re probably tired. Sorry. That’s most likely why you can’t remember. Here.” The purple unicorn stood and walked upstairs. I stared down at my hands. I felt kind of funny. My hands were scraped and the black jeans and shirt I had on were torn in places. Why couldn’t I remember why? The purple unicorn poked her head down the stairs. “Coming?” I shook my head clear of whatever thoughts were in there and followed her upstairs. She was standing in front of an open doorway. “This is my guest room. You can stay here until you get called back to Canterlot.” She eyed my torn clothes. “Hm. In the morning I’ll have Rarity come over and have her make you new clothes.” Twilight muttered, more to herself than to me. I walked into the darkened purple room and collapsed onto the bed. The last thing I heard was the unicorn speaking to herself, “I’ll have to wait until morning to ask more questions I suppose.”