Friendship Knights vs. Jump Force

by Tidal Wave2

Chapter 1: Chase


The town of Adventure Bay was quiet and peaceful. After Grogar's defeat, Chase was looking after the Paw Patrol Lookout while Ryder and the other pups were cleaning the town. The young 7-year German Shepherd sat at the front of the Lookout, watching the scenery. Suddenly, his ear twitched as he heard something nearby. He lifted his head and backflipped to dodge a charging fawn; Bambi.

Bambi was the young prince of an entire forest, across the sea from Adventure Bay. The young deer didn't expect Chase to dodge his attack and ended up crashing into Marshall's Pup-mobile. Luckily, he was okay.

"Wow, nice moves, Chase." Bambi complimented.

"Actually, it was your move." Chase said as he walked over to the fawn. "I heard you coming. Being a pup has its uses."

"I guess I shouldn't underestimate the skill of a pup. Even if I've taken on an army of fully grown hunting dogs."

"I'm surprised you're back so shortly after Grogar's defeat." Chase said. "What's the deal?"

"I just got word from Twilight that most of the Canterlot Guard disappeared without a trace." Bambi answered. "Same thing with most of Freddy's friends."

"Oh God. Who do you think is responsible?"

"Grogar was defeated, so it can't be him." Bambi said. "There's still some other villains who could be suspects: Ronno, Mayor Humdinger, Dr. Doom, Shao Kahn, etc."

"Yeah, but we can't exactly engage until we know who it is." Chase pointed out. "Okay, I'll search for some of our allies. You contact Freddy and ask him of some knowledge." Bambi nodded as the two young heroes split up.


Chase had made his way to the park of the town of Foggy Bottom. The pup quickly noticed something was off; it was snowing, and it was Summer. Chase looked around in confusion.

"Snow!? How is this possible!?" He asked himself. "Hmmm, I better tell Bambi." The pup activated his communicator on his pup-tag. "Bambi, it's me. Have you talked to Freddy Fazbear?"

"Yes. It looks like he was on Springtrap's trail for the past few weeks."

"What a surprise." Chase said in sarcasm. "Something's up with Foggy Bottom. It's snowing!"

"Snowing!? In Summer!?" Bambi asked. "How can that be?"

"No idea, but maybe Twilight can figure this out when we come together." Chase said. Then, the pup smelled something familiar. He looked ahead to see a white wolf sitting by a tree in the distance.

"I'll have to call you back Bambi." Chase turned off his collar and approached the wolf. When he was 8 feet away, he instantly recognized her. It was Robyn; a 12-year old British Wolfwalker. A person with the ability to transform into a wolf. Robyn in particular, was a white wolf. "Robyn! I'm so glad to see you!" The Wolfwalker slowly turned to face the pup, and something was wrong; Robyn's eyes were supposed to be blue, but they were glowing red. "Um... Robyn?" Suddenly, Robyn jumped at Chase with a growl, the pup dodging just in time.

"You'll make an excellent meal!" The Wolfwalker said, with her voice slighty deeper with an echo.

"ROBYN!! WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH YOU!?" Chase asked in shock and fear. The wolf responded by charging the pup and attempting to take a bite out of him. Chase quickly side-stepped and delivered a roundhouse kick to Robyn's side, knocking her back a few feet. "I'm your friend! Stop this!"

"Spare me your lies, mate!" Robyn swung one of her paws and managed to slightly scratch Chase's side, causing the pup to wince in pain. Chase opened his eyes with anger and lightning in them.

"THAT DOES IT!!!" Chase quickly darted around the area in blitzing speed, landing a blow on Robyn every second, overwhelming her. When Robyn stood back up, she was very dizzy, and that's when Chase did his last move. The pup ran up to the wolf and performed his Hypersonic Bark, sending the flying into a tree. "Sorry Robyn." Chase walked over to Robyn and nudged her. "Are you okay?" Robyn opened her eyes, which were back to their normal blue color.

"Chase?" The wolf asked in confusion. "What happened? What's going on?" Chase realized that Robyn had no idea what she did.

"Something caused you to go crazy and attack me." Chase answered. "I had to fight back. It looked like you were possessed."

"What? Oh no, I was just looking for my father and Mehb. I didn't expect this."

"Your pack is missing too?" Chase asked. "Me and Bambi are searching for missing guards and animatronics. Looks like we have a common enemy to find. We should go find more-" Chase stopped and sniffed the air.

"What is it?" Robyn asked.

"GET DOWN!!!" Chase tackled her to the ground, just in time to avoid a fireball.

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL WAS THAT???" Robyn asked in surprise.

"That was Hellfire." Chase answered. "It was a surprise attack, and that's not really your thing... Scorpion." As if to answer the pup, a yellow ninja jumped out of a tree.

"Young Shepherd," He began. "you've certainly improved on your senses."

"Seriously, Hanzo. I could smell you from a mile away." Chase said. "Now, what was with that attack?"

"I simply wish to test your might!" Scorpion stated. "To see how much you've improved since our last match."

"Alright." Chase said before turning to Robyn. "You go ahead and find our other friends, while I face Scorpion's challenge." Robyn nodded and ran off. "Okay Hasashi, bring it!"

"Indeed." Scorpion replied. "Face me in Mortal Kombat! FIGHT!" The ninja disappeared in a puddle of lava, leaving Chase's sight. The pup looked around for Scorpion. The ninja quickly appeared behind the pup, and grabbed Chase before he could react. Scorpion tossed him in the air and began to perform an 8-hit combo with flaming punches and kicks. The 8th attack sent Chase flying through the air, as Scorpion pulled out a spear on a rope and threw it. "GET OVER HERE!!!" Before the spear could reach the pup, Chase saw it and grabbed the weapon in his teeth. When Scorpion pulled it back, Chase landed scratch attack that cut through the ninja's armor and hit the chest.

"Yup, I thought off a way to counter that attack." Chase said with a smirk. "But, that's not the only thing I gained since our last battle. *Bark!* Revolver!" Chase's pup-pack opened up, revealing a small pistol. "Get a 'load' of this!" The gun began to fire, Scorpion reacted quickly by flipping and teleporting. The Shirai Ryu warrior hid behind a nearby rock, and began to charge another Hellfire attack. Scorpion launched the attack, blitzing through the bullets and hitting the gun, destroying it.

"Modern day weapons are worse than the ones in my home." The ninja said. Chase responded by activating his Tennis Ball Launcher, and firing 7 balls. Scorpion quickly pulled out his Ninjato Blade and sliced through each one. "I believe I've proved my point." Scorpion charged at Chase who grinned.

"Maybe, but I bet you weren't expecting this!" Chase's paws started to glow, and he slammed them into the ground. Lightning erupted from the ground beneath Scorpion, zapping him and causing him to yell out in pain. Chase pawed at the ground, dashed toward the ninja, jumped and delivered a kick to Scorpion's face, knocking him out. "Sorry Hasashi, but your Hapkido style is no match for Pup-Fu!" Scorpion groaned as his eyes began to glow red. He stood up and looked at his opponent.

"I'm not finished yet!" Scorpion yelled with a deeper voice as his body started glowing with red energy. The two charged at each other, when a sudden flash of red light appeared. Chase landed on his side and groaned in pain. The pup stood up, looked around and noticed Scorpion was nowhere in sight.

"Wha... Scorpion?" Chase asked in surprise, wondering where the ninja went. It was then that Chase heard a low groan and turned to see who it came from. To his surprise, it was a teenager with yellow spiky hair, an orange and blue jacket with a white collar. The teen looked around as the red energy from earlier dissolved from him.

"What happened? I feel so strange." Chase took a close look at the newcomer.

"I've seen this before." Chase said, causing the teenager to turn around.

"A dog?" He asked. "Who are you and what is this place?"

"I'm not falling for your tricks again, Shang Tsung! You know who I am!"

"Who's that?" The newcomer asked. "My name is Naruto Uzumaki."

"Save it shapeshifter!" Chase yelled before charging at Naruto. The teen quickly dodged the attack and threw a ninja dart towards the pup. Naruto turned to see if he hit his target. Strangely, the pup seemed to have vanished.

"Woah! Did he turn invisible!?"

"Nope." Chase ran out of a bush in lightning speed and began to continuously bash into the teen. Chase then bit Naruto in the leg very hard, but somehow, the teenager disappeared, leaving just a log. "What the He-" Chase was interrupted when he felt a sharp pain on his back. The pup turned to see Naruto holding a glowing Shuriken. "Well, that's interesting." The newcomer began throwing his weapons at Chase, who dodged them and rushed at him.

"You think I'm a shapeshifter huh? I'll show you shapeshifting!" Naruto pressed his fist into his hand and a cloud of smoke appeared around him, causing Chase to stop. The pup waited to see what this guy was up to. The smoke cleared, revealing a woman with blonde pigtails, in a swimsuit. Chase's eyes widened as his jaw dropped and blood pored from his nose. "HOLY-" The pup was interrupted when the girl tripped him. Naruto quickly changed back into his normal form.

"Ha! Didn't really think it'd work on a little mutt." Chase opened his eyes in anger and jumped on Naruto.

"IT WON'T WORK TWICE, SORCERER!!!" Chase performed his Hypersonic Bark and knocked Naruto into the sidewalk, out cold. "Damn, that was weird." Chase approached the unconscious teen and took a close look. "That's odd. If this was Shang Tsung, he would've changed back after defeat." The pup took a few sniffs of Naruto. "This guy's scent is nothing like his. Maybe I should take him to Adventure Bay. Ryder might be able to figure out his origin." Chase grabbed Naruto's arm with his teeth an began to drag him off.


Chase had brought the knocked out warrior to the Lookout. He began to look around for his team, who didn't seem to be back yet.

"Ryder? Pups?" It was strange. They should've been back by now. "Where are they? Why aren't they back?"

"Because they're no longer in this pathetic town." Chase quickly turned to the source of the voice: a man in a metal suit of armor, and a green cape.

"Dr. Doom!" Chase shouted. "What did you do to them, you big bastard!?"

"They are now permanent guests at my dungeon." Doom answered. "And soon, you'll join them!" The doctor fired a ball of energy at the pup, which Chase barely avoided.

"*Bark!* Net!" Chase's pup-pack activated and launched a net at Doom, who dodged and flew into the before flying back down with his feet ahead.

"Foot Dive!" The villain stomped on the young pup, causing him to yelp in pain. "Exactly as I thought. You canine are pathetic creatures!" Chase smirked.

"At least we're more than you'll ever be, Victor!" Chase used his Hypersonic bark to launch Doom into the air. The Doctor activated the rockets on his shoes and began to fly. Doom began to charge an electric attack and shot a beam at Chase. The pup quickly rubbed his paws together, generating his own electricity, and began to block the beam, but he struggled to stay up.

"You might as well surrender, Shepherd!" Dr. Doom shouted. "You're not capable of overpowering me." Chase shook his head.

"I can try!" He yelled. "All I need-" Chase's paws absorbed the electricity. "-IS A STRONG WILL!!!" He launched the attack back at Doom, knocking him back. The villain recovered quickly and created several balls of energy.

"Fool! There is no try! You either do or don't!" Doom launched his energy towards Chase. The pup glared at the Doctor, and lifted his front paws before slamming them together.

"THUNDERCLAAAAAAAP!!!!!!" Chase's attack deflected all of the energy balls and sent Doom flying into space, screaming curses. "*Pant pant* Hmm, what a shame." Chase turned on his pup-tag. "Chase here."

"This is Twilight." A voice replied. "I contacted Freddy and he hasn't found Springtrap. Anything to report?"

"Robyn has lost her pack, the rest of the Paw Patrol are missing too." Chase answered. "But I think we're facing something different. I fought some teenager dressed like a ninja. At first I thought it was Shang Tsung, but I was wrong. He's not like any warrior we've faced before."

"Be careful Chase." Twilight said. "You may be the top pup in the Paw Patrol, but you're not invincible." Chase began to examine Naruto. At first, he seemed fine, but suddenly, the red energy from earlier began to surround the pup.

"W-What the!?" His eyes began to glow red as Chase began to feel pain in his head. The German Shepherd yelled in agony before disappearing in a red flash.