//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: Freddy Fazbear // Story: Friendship Knights vs. Jump Force // by Tidal Wave2 //------------------------------// ANIMATRONICA BASE All the way back in Animatronica; the hidden robot city under Canterlot, Freddy Fazbear was working on a teleportation device that he along with Tony Stark had built. It had been a while since Bambi last contacted him. The metal bear decided to call and see if the young prince needed help. "Bambi, this is Freddy. Please respond, over." "Hi Freddy." The deer replied. "What's wrong?" "I think something happened to Chase." Freddy said. "I can't find him on the radar. The portal is unstable and I don't wanna risk warping to the wrong area. Can you do something?" "S-Sorry Freddy." Bambi apologized. "Something's going on at the Island of Sodor. The Diesel's are acting weird, and the forest animals are attacking farms." "Damn. Okay, I'll have to go find him myself. Over and out." Freddy turned off his communicator and continued working on the portal. "If this machine was working properly, I could get to that pup instantly. Why did Tony have to be out now of all times!?" He complained, not knowing that an unfamiliar being was approaching. "Chase must be beyond the radar. Attempting to warp there would be too dangerous. Or worse, bring something here." "Might be a little late for that, Teddy Ruxpin." Freddy turned to see what appeared to be a teenager in a green jumpsuit, with black hair. "Who are you!?" "My name is; Yusuke." The teen said. "And I need to get back to the Philippines. So if you'll just-" "Security Breach!" Freddy spoke into a microphone. "Portal room. Initiate Immediate lockdown!" The bear turned back to Yusuke. "You're not going anywhere!" "The Hell I am, Smokey!" Yusuke charged at Freddy and raised his fist. Freddy blocked the punch and threw one of his own. The two exchanged blows, until Yusuke kicked Freddy in the chest, sending him back 10 feet. The teenager pointed his finger at him like a gun, and to Freddy's surprise, a beam actually fired from it. The bear managed to teleport away just in time. "Woah! A metal bear who can teleport? Now I've seen everything." "You ain't seen nothing yet!" Freddy rushed toward Yusuke and performed and roundhouse kick before the kid could shoot him. Yusuke began to sit up, but Freddy put all his strength into a stomp on the kids head, knocking him out. "The guard's will take care of you." Freddy knew that he had to make sure Chase was okay, so he decided to check the last known place he was before he disappeared. ADVENTURE BAY Freddy had arrived at the Paw Patrol Lookout Tower. He checked every inch of the area, but he couldn't find a trace of the missing pup. "Hmm, no sign of Chase. Or anyone for that matter." Freddy said to himself as he exited the Lookout. The bear decided to activate his communicator and contact Iron Man. "This is Freddy speaking." "Freddy, I found the kid you were talking about. Who was he?" Tony asked. "His name is Yusuke." Freddy answered. "I'll have to interrogate him later. Something bad has come up." "What's wrong?" "I can't find Chase. Follow my signal and meet me as soon as-" WHOOSH! Freddy was interrupted when a familiar blue hedgehog ran in about 11 feet away. "Sonic!? Just get here as soon as possible." Freddy hung up and turned to the hedgehog. "Sonic, I'm glad you're here. Chase is-" He paused when he noticed Sonic's eyes were glowing red. "Uh, Sonic? What's with your eyes?" "Come at me Scrap Metal!" Sonic yelled in a distorted voice. "Eggface won't win!" Sonic charged a spindash and sped toward the robotic bear. The attack knocked Freddy in the air, and Sonic began to land some midair combos. Freddy quickly took off his hat and smacked Sonic in the face, breaking the combo. When they landed back on the ground, Freddy used his animatronic screech to stun the hyperactive hedgehog. The bear grabbed Sonic, tossed him into the air, then jump-kicked him into a tree. "Sonic! That's enough!" Freddy walked over to the hedgehog and helped him up. "Are you okay?" "Freddy!?" The hedgehog said in surprise before looking around. "What the Hell is going on!?" "Long story, Sonic. What's the last thing you remember?" "I was at Green Hill, about to spread the word that Grogar had been defeated." Sonic answered. "The next thing I know, I'm laying next a tree in Adventure Bay!" "About that," Freddy started. "Your eyes were glowing, and you attacked me. Strangely enough, Chase said that Robyn attacked him too." "Huh. That is weird. Anything else?" Sonic asked. "Actually, a guy in a green jumpsuit broke into our facility." Freddy said. "He said his name was Yusuke." "Strange. Okay, if a new threat could be coming, Twilight needs to know." "You're right. I'll search for her and inform her." Freddy said before walking off. CANTERLOT Freddy entered the balcony of Canterlot Castle. Strangely, Twilight was nowhere to be found. "This is odd, Twilight isn't in the palace." Freddy said to himself. "Hmm, is it possible that she already heard about this?" At that moment, a red flash of light appeared, causing Freddy to cover his eyes. When the bear uncovered his eyes, he saw what appeared to be a teenage boy with green eyes and messy dark green hair. The kid seemed to be wearing a dark green hoodie, with a red belt and boots. "A teenager with green clothes? Another one? Who are you?" "I am Deku." The kid said. "Deku? Why are you here?" Freddy asked. Deku began to stir and hold his head. "C-Confused. Don't understand... The Rage." The kid turned and glared at Freddy with red eyes. "THE RAGE!!!" Deku yelled in fury as he charged the metallic bear. The teen performed a spin kick, sending Freddy into a wall. The robot recovered and watched Deku charge again. The kid tried to punch the bear, but this time Freddy caught the fist. "You should know better young one." Freddy punched Deku in the gut, followed by a hit across the face with his microphone. Deku stumbled and fell to his knees. "Close and personal attacks don't always work." The bear finished with his eyes starting to glow red. "Now to get some answers from you!" Suddenly, an invisible force bashed Freddy away, stopping him from reaching Deku. Freddy turned to see his attacker: a tall and well-built man. He had short, black hair, a strong jaw, bold eyebrows, and light eyes. His attire a visored, ornamented cap, torn at the back and blending with his hair, and a roughly mid-calf-length coat with a standing collar. "Deku! What happened?" The man asked as he ran over to the teen. "My powers aren't as strong as before." "Jotaro?" Deku asked, holding his head "B-Beware... The Rage." "The Rage?" Jotaro asked before turning to see Freddy marching over to him. "I suppose he's talking about you. What did you do with Deku!?" "SAME THING I'M GONNA DO TO YOU!!!" Freddy shouted with a distorted voice and glowing red eyes. The bear leaped at Jotaro, but suddenly stopped in midair. "HUH!? WHAT GIVES!?" Jotaro smirked as the same invisible force from earlier knocked Freddy back. The bear charged back at the man, but every one of his attacks were mysteriously blocked. "WHAT ARE YOU!? WHY CAN'T I HIT YOU!?!?" Jotaro snapped his fingers and Freddy felt a strong force send him into the wall. The bear recovered and finally saw what the invisible force. It appeared to be a purple humanoid Stand, resembling a tall, well-built man of similar proportions to Jotaro, if not more muscular. "Too bad, pal." Jotaro grinned. "Star Platinum is too strong for you." Freddy thought for a moment and smirked, confusing the man. "MAYBE SO. BUT CAN HE SAVE YOU FROM THIS!?!?" Freddy teleported behind Jotaro and performed a Street Fighter Style double uppercut on his chin. Jotaro fell to the ground in pain. Freddy grabbed him by the neck and was about to deliver another blow, but Deku caught his fist and kicked him away. "Thanks kid." Jotaro said. "Whatever that thing is, it was about to kill me." He looked to see that Deku was still in pain. "Whatever happened here has infected us. Don't worry, I'll take you back to the base so Vegeta an Luffy can look at you." Jotaro picked up the kid and jumped off the balcony, leaving the animatronic bear losing a few sparks.