//------------------------------// // Pizzas and Pastas // Story: The Chef's Life // by vincent789 //------------------------------// It was early in the morning. Twilight woke up after a good night sleep and decided to go to the bathroom to ready up. After a quick wash, she headed downstairs towards the kitchen and quickly made herself a jam sandwich. After she ate her sandwich, she looked at the clock. It was six O'clock in the morning, Twilight was supposed to arrive at her most earliest around 7 O'clock. Before heading outside, Twilight quickly grabbed her list of menu dishes that they were supposed to make once they opened up. And quickly read through it once more, just to make sure. Satisfied, Twilight put the list into her backpack and moved outside to make her way to the place. Once outside she immediately headed towards the restaurant only to bump into Lulu. "Ouch." Twilight said surprised at Lulu. Lulu shook her head and looked at who she bumped into. She gasped as soon as she regained herself. "Oh my Celestia! I am so sorry Twilight!" she said guilty. "It's alright. It sure has been awhile." Twilight said with a small smile. "Yeah. I have been busy with my parents and stuff. So what are you doing today?" Lulu asks curiously. "I am going to work." Twilight simply stated. "At Harissa's place right? She and the rest of our old class are still in contact with each other." Lulu said. "Yep. I am going to help that place out of the state it is currently in." Twilight said smiling, "So what are you doing today?" "I am going to talk to some of my connections. There is currently a flour shortage going on." Lulu explained. "Is that so? Hm." Twilight said as she placed a hoof on her chin. Twilight immediately mentally looked at her connections circle. "Yeah. Apparently one of the biggest flour farms have experienced a massive explosion. Which made them lose a lot of flour and nearly losing a few workers in the process." Lulu explained. "Here take this." Twilight gave Lulu a business card. "That is one of my personal business partners. They trade flour worldwide. Tell them, that I told you, to ask them for their assistance with this problem." Lulu looks at the card and her mouth went agape. It was 'Flour International' also known as 'FLI' the world's biggest food supplier in the world. They trade everything, from flour to bread. To cream and cake. They are Celestium's and Lunarium's biggest competitor. And incredibly famous. "I can't. You are going to have to come with me. I am their competitor." Lulu said, her voice laced with shock and awe. "I understand. This flour problem is also my business. Let's go." Twilight said as she and Lulu head towards the distribution district. Once at the distribution district, Lulu and Twilight immediately spotted FLI in the distance. It was the biggest distribution center in the district. They slowly walk towards it. Lulu felt incredibly anxious, while Twilight had a simple business smile on her face. As soon as they entered. Twilight spotted the boss of the company walking passed them. The boss who only saw a glimpse of Twilight did a double take. And when he realized that Twilight had entered the building, his smile turned tender as he approached the duo. "Twilight Sparkle! It has been a while." The boss said gleefully. "How is the business?" Twilight said. Immediately going to the point. "As you can see. We are almost the biggest. All thanks to you. So how can I help my most favorite client?" The boss asked serious. "There is a flour crisis in Canterlot." Twilight simply said. "The explosion at one of Lunarium's farm, right? I heard about it." The boss said. "Fix the crisis." Twilight practically ordered. "Understood. How much do you want me to pump into the market, while your friend here, recovers the problem?" The boss asked. "Fifty thousand tons." Twilight simply said. "You will over saturate the market!" Lulu practically shouted. "That is not my problem. That is your problem. You allowed this to happen, so show me the power of your family to fix it." Twilight said with a serious business face. Lulu realized that she wasn't talking to Twilight the friend, no, she was talking to a business rival. "At once?" The boss asked surprised. "Yes. Then stop selling flour to Equestria after that." Twilight said. This shocked both Lulu as the boss of the company. "That will anger Celestia." The boss said concerned. "Tell her that supplying flour is Lunarium's business. Not ours. We will grant Equestria an emergency supply of flour, but after this, we will stop our selling of flour temporarily. That way we won't over saturate the market on a long term." Twilight said. Lulu's mouth went once again agape. Twilight's strategic move on the market is to ensure a long term relationship with Equestria, while also not undermining Lunarium regarding the flour supply. She was preventing a worst case scenario while also profiting from it. This will also solidify the rivalry between Lunarium and FLI as proper flour selling rivals. The boss smiled, "Very well. It will be done." he said, "Also Lulu. Please remember that she is your friend and rival." He added before leaving to start ordering ponies around. "There. I made my move." Twilight said while smirking, "What are you going to do about it?" Lulu looks shocked at Twilight before running off to tell her parents the news. "Alright. Back to work, I go." Twilight said as she too, ran off. After some minutes later, Twilight finally arrived at the pasta restaurant. Only to meet an angry looking Pudding. "You are late!" Pudding said annoyed. "I was preventing a flour crisis from hitting Canterlot." Twilight tried to reason. However Pudding didn't seem to accept that. "How did you know that was going to happen?" Pudding asked suspicious. "I ran into Lulu Pepe. Her family runs a flour farm which is the primary supplier of flour to Canterlot. They had an explosion and lost all the flour they had stored up." Twilight explains. "Since when is an explosion possible in a flour factory?" Pudding asked confused. "Since flour is able to explode under the right circumstances." Twilight simply stated. "And when somepony lights a flame near them." Harissa added as she walked up to Pudding. "Is this common knowledge?" Pudding asked worried that he didn't learn the right things. "Nah. Only those that had gone to cooking school or farming school should know about it. The circumstances I told you about can only be made at a farm. Or in rare cases also in a kitchen." Twilight explained. "Let's just say, it takes a lot of flour to create that type of explosion." Harissa added. "I see. Fine. Did you make a new menu?" Pudding asked defeated. "Here it is. They are decently easy to make. It is a start. Once we have more chefs and more people, we can make more complex dishes. This will have to do for now." Twilight said. "Alright. Please prepare to open the kitchen as soon as possible." Pudding said as he ran out of the kitchen. "Understood. Harissa, please prepare the salad bar with all the cut up ingredients. I will go and change into my chef's attire." Twilight requested. "Very well." Harissa said as she ran towards the larder to start to prepare the mise en place. After quickly changing into her chef's attire. She ran towards the larder to start to prepare the focaccia and pasta dough. She also prepared some pizza dough, although she still had a bunch from yesterday. As the mixers started to work their business, a panicked Pudding enters the kitchen. "Twilight! Princess Celestia is here to have a chat with you!" Pudding said with panic clear in his voice. "She seems annoyed." Twilight looks over at Pudding, "Very well. But we are going to be forced to open a little later then." Twilight said. "That is fine. I don't want to lose such an important guest." Pudding said. "Very well." Twilight said as she stops all the mixers from continuing to mix. "Harissa, slow down. It seems we are going to push our openings time even further." Harissa looks at Twilight and nods, before going back to work on her tomatoes. Twilight then casually walks towards Celestia. Celestia doesn't seem to pleased by the fact that Twilight isn't even slightly fazed by her surprise visit. "Celestia." Twilight said as she showed her a business smile, "How may I help you?" "Twilight. Do you know why I am here?" Celestia asked annoyed. "Flour." Twilight simply said without a hint of worry in her voice. Although this seems to piss her off even more. "I am fine with you intervening regarding the flour crisis. But why FLI?" Celestia asked. "That is my card I played. I don't care if you dislike it." Twilight said dismissive. "Twilight." Celestia growled. "The FLI is a business I helped grow to this height. I do not need your approval for such an action. It is a business I helped and invested a lot into. There is no need for such hostility." Twilight said annoyed. "I do not like what you have done. You made us owe that company a lot for the sudden spike in flour supply. And you didn't let Lulu handle it like we wanted." Celestia said annoyed. "Oh I am sorry. Your highness!" Twilight annoyed, "Life isn't fair. You can't always get what you want." "Twilight Sparkle!" Celestia boomed, "Try such an action one more time, and next time we meet. You are in the dungeon." Twilight didn't even flinch, "So, did you tell the rest of Equestria who was behind the disaster at the slums?" she asked. "I did not." Celestia admitted, "That has nothing to do with this." "It does! The FLI is an organization that is build by me, for the slums! They are in charge of ensuring the prosperous future for the slum dwellers. They buy anything that an slum dweller has made for money to prevent them from going to steal stuff. They are also the once in charge of maintaining the activities and services in the slums. They hire guards and trusted merchants to assure a proper future for whoever gains a diploma at one of the schools. The FLI isn't just a massive headache for Lunarium and you. It is also to assist you!" Twilight explains, "Do you think that I don't remember what you did for the slum dwellers, right after the accident? Of course I do! They are to assist you from the background!" Celestia mouth went agape. She had not expected the the FLI is also the organization to assist and prevent another disaster at the slums. She was stunned, no, she wasn't the only one shocked. The Pepe family that was standing outside also heard everything, not to mention the Pizza family. "Besides the being called the "Flour international" company. FLI also stands for "To Fly, Live and Interfere". It is exactly as it says. 'To Fly' means to gain a future. 'Live' means to live not just survive and finally 'Interfere' means to prevent another disaster of such a degree." Twilight explains. "I-" Celestia tries to cut in, but Twilight continues to ramble, her desperation becomes more and more apparent. "Immediately following the disaster, I reached out to an old friend of mine. He was a merchant in the slums and had become homeless, right after the incident. I asked his help, despite myself and told him everything. At first he was angry, but then he realized that I was very much still a child. I told him that I would do anything to prevent another disaster like this one. And he made a proposal to make that organization a reality." Twilight continue to desperately ramble on and on. Finally having enough, Celestia hugs Twilight. This woke Twilight up as she looks saddened at Celestia and those around her. "I am sorry." Twilight ends her rambling with. "Don't be. I should have done my research better." Celestia said still hugging. Twilight tried to free herself from Celestia's hug, but Celestia didn't allow that. Giving up, Twilight looks guiltily at Lulu. Lulu was just standing there in the door frame. Her face had a sad smile on it, but her eyes were filled with fire. Not angry fire, no, a determined fire. 'If she had to go through something as terrible as that and still not give up. Then I shall also not give up.' Lulu thought before leaving Celestia with Twilight. She walked off, while her family looks confused at her. In the shadow of the alleyway stood a well hidden, Princess Luna. She had both a sad smile as well as an proud smile. She decided to enter the spotlight as she approached Twilight and Celestia from behind. "You have just now made a difference of massive magnitude. I have a feeling that your desire for female chefs to be accepted will arrive sooner than you might believe." Luna said proudly. Her sudden voice caused Celestia to jump. This also caused her to open up her hug just enough for Twilight to escape. And escape she does. "Hey! Come back here!" Celestia said with a playful smile at Twilight. "I would love to. But I have to get back to work. Actually, now that you stalled your time here. Please stay seated and Luna do take a seat. You are going to have to eat something as punishment for stalling this place from opening." Twilight practically ordered. "Gladly!" Luna said happily. "Ugh. Fine. I did indeed stall this place. But only if the family Pepe also joins me. They instructed me to talk to you." Celestia said as she glared at the Pepe family. Coffee and Tart simply shrug as they took a seat and the remainder of the family joins them, one by one. Coffee in particular was curious, he wanted to know why Twilight almost always choose restaurants that were nearly closing down due to circumstances, only to prevent that from happening. "Well, that was something." Pudding said as he sees two princesses taking a proper seat and the family Pepe also taking a look around, "So is there anything you would like to drink?" he asked. Meanwhile Twilight quickly resumed making focaccia and pasta dough. She moved extra fast, after acknowledging the sudden spike in guests in the restaurant. "Harissa, please hurry up. We have loads of guests that have taken a seat. They will most likely eat something." Twilight said somewhat rushed. "Understood." Harissa said as she speed chopped all the remainder of the ingredients. "Also please prepare your mild tomato sauce." Twilight quickly added as she herself restarted the mixers. "I am already done with that." Harissa said with a smile. "Very good!" Twilight said proudly. After a few minutes of making the dough, Twilight heard a beep from her counter. She speed walked towards it. And sees two plate of pasta marinara. "Two plates of marinara! Harissa, please prepare the fish and sauce. I will work on the pasta." Twilight instructed. Harissa nodded as she takes out a large bowl to mix some fresh sauce in and the box filled with a random assortment of small fish. She begins by melting some of the fish in a pan filled with hot water and combining a bunch of creams to make some proper fish sauce. Twilight in the mean time, prepared the dough roller into the smallest setting. She then rolled the dough several times through the dough roller to get it nice and thin. After it held the right structure and shape, Twilight used a chef's knife to cut it into fettuccine. She then boiled it into hot water for about six minutes and then let it dry for about a minute. "Sauce and fish is ready!" Harissa shouted. "Prepare the plate!" Twilight shouted. Harissa then proceeded to grab two deep black plates and drizzle a little bit of sauce around the plates. Twilight then added the pasta on it and Harissa puts the fish on the pasta, before pouring the sauce over it. And two plates of marinara is complete. Twilight then grabs both plates and placed it onto the cabinet, she rings the bell and watches as Pudding grabs the plates and move it to the princesses. "That was some quick work. Well done Harissa!" Twilight complemented. "I still got it." Harissa said as she brushes Twilight's complement off. Although Twilight could swear that she saw a small blush on her face. Twilight simply smiles, until she saw a massive order coming in. The order had one pasta carbonara, two mozzarella pizzas and fifteen focaccia. "Okay. Harissa please prepare the sauce for the carbonara and get me some tomato sauce for two pizzas." Twilight instructed as she grabs some fresh dough and rolls it out to make two pizza bases. Twilight also prepares some more fettuccine for the carbonara. "Here is the tomato sauce and I complete the sauce for the carbonara." Harissa shouted. "Here is the pasta. Please make a plate of pasta carbonara." Twilight requested. "Understood." Harissa said happily. This basically meant that Twilight trusted her with making such a dish. Meanwhile Twilight finished putting the sauce onto the pizzas and added the mozzarella to the pizza. Before putting them into the oven. She then made all the focaccia in less than ten minutes and added those to their own oven. As soon as the alarm of the pizza went off, Harissa shouted that she completed the carbonara. Twilight then proceed to plate both pizzas herself. And plate all the focaccia also. She placed the focaccia and pizza onto the cabinet, and Harissa placed the pasta onto the cabinet. Twilight rings the bell and watches as Pudding grabs the plates and move them to the family Pepe. Twilight and Harissa cleaned the kitchen up after that. While Pudding also cleaned up the bar. Meanwhile on the other side of Canterlot. Lulu was walking around with determination on her face. After hearing Twilight's confession, she was more determined than ever to assist Twilight with her female chef problem. She remembered Twilight talk about wanting to have her own restaurant. But also realized that as long as the world sees female chefs as bothersome, Twilight wouldn't be able to get anywhere. She didn't like that. 'Twilight has suffered enough!' Lulu thought. She walked towards an odd looking doorway. It had a fountain in it and and some kind of seal on it. "I magikí pórta ston kósmo ton trofímon pou éfere tin eftychía se aftó to aeropláno!*" Lulu casted on the doorway. The doorway shone brighter than ever. As the fountain stops pouring water and sinks into the ground. And a door get revealed in the place of where the fountain once stood. Lulu opens the door and an odd individual exits the portal. "Lulu, old friend. How can your old sister help you?" ??? Said in an heavenly voice. "Please. Give me an hint on how to allow female chefs to be accepted by the public." Lulu requested. "You are helping Hér? I see. Sent your friend named Twilight to the underground facility named, 'The red friend'. It is a place that can make the difference. But she will have to go to hell and back." ??? Warned. "I understand. I will give Twilight the place name." Lulu said with a small smile. "Farewell. Old friend." ??? Said as it walks through the portal and disappearing the door. Replacing it with the fountain once more. 'The red friend? I heard of that place. It is filled with bounty hunters and information brokers. It is the second most dangerous place in Equestria, besides the chaos point. Why would you recommend that place out of all places?' Lulu thought shocked. 'No matter. I will let Twilight decide on this fact.' Lulu though as she ran back to the Italian restaurant. Meanwhile back at the restaurant, the princesses and the family Pepe finished their food. The waiters had finally arrived, which allowed Pudding to go speak with Twilight for a minute. "Twilight. I got some good news. Tomorrow at seven, we are getting some new chefs. I hired a bunch of trustworthy chefs at a hiring place. They are all well known and should boost this restaurant forward. They have all also signed their ten year contract." Pudding said. "That is wonderful news. How many chefs?" Twilight asked. "Two chefs, four assistant chefs. One head chef, one sous chef and a replacement master chef." Pudding said. "Oh! Who is the master chef?" Twilight asked very curiously. "You will see." Pudding said mysterious. "Well anyways. It seems you want me to get them worked in, before I leave, no?" Twilight asked. "That is correct. I have also decided that Harissa will stay employed as a senior chef in this kitchen." Pudding said. "Very well." Twilight said as she went back to work. It is exactly then that Lulu enters the restaurant. "Can I speak with Twilight for a moment?" Lulu requested. "Twilight! Someone wants to talk to you!" One of the waiters shouted. Twilight looks around the corner and sees Lulu. Twilight smiles and nods at Lulu, beacon her closer. "What is it Lulu?" Twilight asks curiously, while also smiling. "I found a place you could work at, that should make a difference regarding the acceptance of female chefs. It's just," Lulu said as she ends her sentence with a cliffhanger. "It's just?" Twilight asks worried. "It's a really dangerous place. But it should make all the difference." Lulu said somewhat worried. "Well shoot." Twilight said. "The red friend." Lulu said. Twilight looks shocked at Lulu. "According to who?" Twilight asks serious. "According to a very trusted source." Lulu said also serious. "I see." Twilight said as gears were shifting in her brain. "Very well. I trust you. I will see what I can do." Twilight said at last, after a tense ten minutes. "Thank you. Leave the rest of Equestria to us. We are also trying to succeed at your ideal." Lulu said with an smile. "Very well." Twilight said before the duo returned to the restaurant as Twilight and Harissa continued to cook for the remainder of the day. Twilight ended her day by making plenty of dough for all the types of things on the menu to reduce mistakes, once the new chefs arrive at the kitchen tomorrow. And lowers the stress on Twilight herself. Before heading home, Twilight decided to go to the market to inspect the interaction that the FLI was having on the flour market. She entered the market, saw that the results were exactly as expected, and headed home once more. When Twilight was home she ate dinner, washed up and head early to bed. Once she was well slept, she woke up and washed up. Ate a jam sandwich before making her way to the Italian restaurant once more. Only to get a pleasant surprise. The master chef that Pudding hired was, Leaf Seed. Twilight's old classmate at Celestium. "Ah. Hey Twilight! What are you doing here?" Leaf asked confused. "I am the current master chef. Which means you are the one coming after me." Twilight concluded. "Wow. I get to walk in your hoof steps. That is awesome!" Leaf said excited. Twilight simply smiled as she introduced herself to the other chefs that are entering the kitchen as outsiders. "For today. I recommend that you simply watch me and Harissa cook for today. Tomorrow I will let you all take the kitchen. I will watch for a few days to prevent mistakes and allow you all to get worked in." Twilight instructed. Twilight then turns her attention at Harissa, "Harissa, please prepare the tomato sauce, mild please. I will prepare the mise en place." Twilight instructed. "Understood." Harissa said as she got to work. Twilight meanwhile grabbed the ingredients from the larder and cut them up in the recommended pieces. Twilight noticed that she was being watched like a rare exotic animal. They were very focused on the way Twilight prepared everything. Meanwhile Leaf was looking at how Harissa was preparing the tomato sauce and even requested to take a small sip. Leaf immediately understood what type of tomato sauce Twilight wanted. "Take a look at the current menu. This is a menu made to sustain a two chef kitchen. Not a full blown kitchen. I will allow Leaf to create a new menu, after the two days of me watching over you all is over." Twilight explained as she showed them the extremely simplistic menu. "I understand. I will start doing research tomorrow." Leaf said. Twilight simply nodded as she completed her mise en place. She then proceed to explain how each fridge, freezer and cabinet is filled in. Where to find what. And generally how to make dough. As soon as the restaurant opened, both Twilight and Harissa totally ignores the group that is watching them. Every time Twilight prepares an order, every pony was constantly reminded that Twilight isn't an ordinary master chef. She sped through every step and action with absolute precision and speed. Her ability to lead and communicate made her a master chef most would be jealous of. Meanwhile Harissa worked in perfect tandem with Twilight. It showed just how advanced this kitchen is, despite the small menu. And despite it being only two chefs. Her ability to plate things and prepare things made her the perfect assistant to Twilight's chef work. After a full day of work, Twilight ended the day by showing everyone on how to make focaccia dough, pizza dough and pasta dough. Meanwhile Harissa showed how to properly spice your dishes. It was the end of long day. And an end of Twilight's adventure at Harissa's Italian restaurant. Twilight filled the remainder of the days with instructions and quality control. Leaf took over quite quickly, and Harissa worked in the other chefs. Until the day came. "It is time." Twilight said to the kitchen. Leaf and Harissa looks at Twilight. They both have a disappointed smile and a sad one. "I will miss you." Harissa said. "I will miss you too. Perhaps we will meet again one day." Leaf said. "I am sure we will." Twilight extended a hoof bump towards the duo. They both bumped it, as they got back to work. Twilight walks over to Pudding. "Thank you for your help. I send over the money. Please take care. I hope to see you soon, once more." Pudding said as he extended his hoof to shake with. "To a better future." Twilight said while smiling happily. Twilight shook Pudding's hoof as they separated ways. Pudding's future was a bright one. Twilight's was a dark one. Twilight then slowly walked off with a smile on her face, off to the worlds most infamous place 'The red friend'. Off to another adventure she went.